Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

200. Sticking It Out

April Fools! You thought you weren't getting a chapter today huh? Well too bad, here's another one! Number 200! Damn, hard to believe it's been a whole year since I started this. Let's go for another one! Next chapter is coming soon!


After an unpleasant encounter with old enemies, the Kumogakure team departed the facility hosting the first exam, finding their teacher waiting patiently for them outside

"Sensei!! You won't believe what just-!"

"Keep your voice down Tai, I know"


Tango placed his right index finger on his lips, gesturing them to remain silent. The Jonin wanted to avoid making a scene, as the group currently occupied a very public area

Saying no more, the reunited team left the area, making a beeline for their hotel

It was only after they arrived that Tai resumed his yelling

"There's got to be something we can do, for those criminals to roam around free after what they did, what they were apart of is just-!" Tai stomped his feet in protest as Tango took a seat

"Sit down Tai. Whether or not you can accept it is irrelevant. You three, along with the village, can't do anything about this...complicated situation"

"I take it from your words, do you happen to know something?" Rei hinted

Tai wasn't the only one annoyed, as seeing these enemies again only reminded Rei of the problems he faced. In the original timeline, Ishigakure1Hidden Rock Villagenever evolved from the rowdy land of mercs and rouges, into an organized, shinobi nation

In fact, he never even considered the possibility, due to the location being nothing more than a barren wasteland filled with rare Kekkei Genkai2Bloodline Limit and Hijutsu3Hidden Jutsu users. Yet, someone had managed to put the place under their thumb...clearly indicating another troublesome "Ripple" had been formed

This new factor would undoubtedly cause a whole new slew of problems for him to solve in the future...

{Considering their unaware part in its plan, could the "Company" be responsible for this? Maybe Ishigakure is where they're based...I should ask Notitia when it wakes up} 

Tango sighed before walking to the door, double-checking to ensure the conversation remained private. Once he verified the hallway floor was clear, he shut the sliding doors and sat back down

"While you were at the exam, I received new intel from one of Karai's informants. After the prison break, those brats from Ishigakure returned to their native land"

"So that's where they've been, no wonder we didn't spot them during the Siege. However, that doesn't explain how they can be here, walking about without a care in the world" Rei's desire for information outgrew everyone's

"'s the troublesome part. During the attack on Summoning Island, they worked as mercenaries hired by an unknown client, presumably the Company. Now that they've returned home as official shinobi, Ishigakure has claimed it be nothing but a simple skirmish between nations"

"That's bullshit!" Tai yelled again, but his complaints were put to rest with Suzu's following words

"Not necessarily. While Kumo maintains the location, the island itself is officially owned by Takigakure4Hidden Waterfall Village, Kumogakure was never attacked by them"

"!" Tai knew what this meant

Skirmishes between shinobi who randomly meet occur all the time, and Ishigakure could spin the story as such

Even if Kumogakure had enough time to convince Takigakure to issue a warrant for their arrest, there's no way the Daimyōs and other leaders would accept it during the Chunin Exams. They might even accuse Kumogakure of attempting to fix the competition in its favor

Such an act now could easily be considered..."overreach"

Tango went on with his new intel "The reason I know this, is due to a newly discovered relationship between Ishigakure, and Iwagakure5Hidden Stone Village"

"How does the village we're staying in now fit into this?" Tai grumbled in annoyance

The others held their heads in frustration. With every detail muttered, the situation only seemed to look more grim


Tango patted his hands together, eager to move the conversation along

"Okay students, pop quiz on geography. The great lands of Fire, Wind, and Earth maintain a three-way deadlock on the western side of the continent. The smaller villages of Ishigakure, Amegakure6Hidden Rain Village, and Kusagakure7Hidden Grass Village are sandwiched in the middle. Though the smaller villages remain neighbors, each one also sits between two of these three great nations. Can you tell me which ones?"

"That's easy sensei. Grass sits between Earth and Fire, but it's closer the latter. Rain is next to Wind and Fire, though a part of it stretched north to Earth after gaining more territory in the last war. And Rocks...ah shit! Ishigakure dwells on the borders of Wind and Earth" Tai cursed at his realization

"Exactly. That fence sitter Ōnoki has been cozying up to Ishigakure, receiving their services at an affordable price, aiding Iwagakure's economic recovery. The Tsuchikage most likely hired ninja from Ishigakure to help weed out the competition, targeting anyone who isn't from his village"

"Which means not only the Ishi Terrorists, we'll have to worry about other professionals from their native homeland. Amazing..." Rei was exasperated

"They'd give up first place in this event for a mere job?"

"I don't think it's that simple Tai" Rei turned to Tango, suggesting he clarify

"Yes. The reason Ishigakure managed to become a full fledged nation was in no small part to the Tsuchikage. This is how they formed their close relationship"

It didn't take long for the Genin to understand

In exchange for building them up into a real nation, Ishigakure agreed to help Iwagakure win at all costs. Even if they get second place, it's still second place in the biggest Chunin exams in history. No matter what, they'd benefit

"AGH! Again, this is bullshit!" Tai yelled

"Not how I'd put it, but Iwagakure has clearly abused their status as hosts for the exams" Suzu added

{Ditto. I'll have to readjust my plans. Tetsuo's gonna have to work double time if he's to complete that for me...} Rei reevaluated his own schemes for the Chunin Exams

"Sensei, is there really nothing we can do besides, sticking it out?"

Much to their dismay, Tango shut down any and all complaints for this situation. Kumogakure's hands were tied, and even if they weren't, it's already too late

The disadvantages only seemed to pile up the longer they were here

"This is a new complication. And with Genin from four of the five great nations as their likely targets, there's a high chance you'll be the first they seek out. Though, I believe we made it clear to you three from the start this wouldn't be easy"


"Do you have any good news?"

Tango rummaged through his belongings, revealing a grocery bag filled with food he picked up during the first exam. Presenting it to his students as he awkwardly scratched his head "...I got grilled teriyaki for you? I wanted to celebrate you guys passing the first exam" 

"Oh, for f*cks sake!!" Tai fell on his back in defeat, covering his face with his hands

"Bad timing Tango-sensei" Suzu sighed

"Yeah...can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm in no mood for food" Rei slumped against a wall


The air remained awkward sometime after that, but eventually they decided to eat

Discussing their strategy for the Second Exam awaiting them tomorrow. Fully aware this one, as opposed to the first exam, would test their bodies far more than their minds. Things were about to get physical



Before long, evening had come, and the trio went to bed...but found difficulty in finding sleep





"You drive a hard bargain"

"As I recall, we've yet to begin the actual bargaining. My stance hasn't changed"

Within the confines of an obscure office inside Iwagakure's main governmental building, two individuals of prominent statuses sat across from one another on opposite couches

"Daimyō-dono, surely you understand there's nothing to gain from dissolving the agreement between our countries?"

"My constituents in the Land of Flowers are of different mind"

It was none other than the same feudal lord Team Tango secretly traveled together with at Karai's behest. The diplomat initially planned on attending the Chunin exams at a later date, but correspondence from Iwagakure forced him to depart before the event's third and final round even began

This young, portly, aspiring man was the current assistant to the Earth Daimyō. Known to his fellow peers as Danjō, he held a reputation for greedily acquiring whatever he desired, no matter how much he dirtied his hands, along with holding a low opinion of shinobi overall

"The Lands of Flowers and Stone respectively, have always worked well together in the past. We've protected your nation for generations, and in turn, you've supplied us with produce"

"Yes Danjō-dono, that's how its always been"

"Then with all due respect, why have we've heard reports that your nation is planning on opting out of this agreement?"


The Flower Daimyō remained silent at the subtle accusation, but his actions and calm demeanor clearly affirmed the validity of said rumors


Now having confirmed the truth, Danjō's polite attitude had all but vanished. Veins appeared on his temple, eyes turned red, and he slammed his fist on the table separating them

Danjō attempted to intimidate him, taking advantage of the fact there were no guards present in the this meeting was not to be on record

"Even in the most difficult of times, have we not defended your nation?! What sort of behavior warrants this kind of betrayal?!" His voice went hoarse with furry, particularly at the Daimyō remaining unfazed 

"Betrayal? Funny... isn't that a word better suiting you lot? After all, if there's one thing the 3rd Shinobi World War proved, it's that the Land of Earth doesn't keep its promises"

"How dare you!" Danjō clenched his fists, doing his best to refrain from jumping at the Daimyō

"Starting with the larger five nations attempting to impose their will on the smaller ones, all-war broke out. Arrogance, like the type you're demonstrating now is the reason behind such poor governance"


"Your nation promised to protect us, but when Konoha's Yellow Flash eliminated over a thousand Iwa-nin alone, you retreated. Abandoning us, who dwelled near the Land of Fire's border"

After the destruction of Kannabi Bridge in the last war, Konohagakure8Hidden Leaf Village successfully managed to cut off Iwagakure's supply chain, effectively crippling them. This act by the 4th Hokage's9Fire Shadow squad effectively led to the end of the war

But not before the Land of Flowers was invaded by the shinobi of the Leaf. Danjō knew this, but quietly hoped the Flower Daimyō wouldn't bring it up

"I thank heavens every day for Konoha's mercy, for they had treated us without prejudice, despite our then status as an ally of their enemy. Even giving us back control of our village with little to no reparations once the war ceased"

"Our then status..."

"That's right, then. Now, we see no benefit to aid one who's likely to betray us again whenever strife knocks on their door. This meeting is over" The Daimyo stood up and proceeded to exit the room

Danjō finally cooled his head and pleaded with the influential man from the Land of Flowers

"What can we do to make amends?"

"Makes amends eh?"

"You wouldn't have met me if there wasn't something we could offer your country"

Iwagakure would undoubtedly suffer a heavy loss if their partnership with the Land of Flowers ended. For a poorly fertile land such as theirs, any food gained was invaluable, and the Flower country was famous for its abundant fields

Sensing his desperation, the Daimyō let go of the door knob and faced Danjō one last time

"Heh. You know, I've heard about you, and your beliefs. How Daimyō's and diplomats shouldn't answer to shinobi, and that they should be allowed to wage war whenever they want"

"These lands were ours, and remain ours! It is by our grace the shinobi have been allowed to form villages at all"

"Wrong. The only reason they don't kill us all and take our wealth, lands, and property is because managing entire countries is too difficult...the task alone would dangerously stretch their military. They didn't need our permission to make villages, but simply asked as a matter of formality. Each day, their numbers grow, along with their walls in turn, hence the reason many fools like yourself get happy whenever they wage war with one another"

"Which is why we must keep them in check if we're to-!"

"You're under the impression that the power which comes with being a Daimyō is theirs, but it's belongs to the people. Remember, Kages are rare, but Daimyōs are expendable. Any half-assed idiot can be a politician"


"So...if you want to please us, it looks like you'll need to rely on those shinobi you believe are, beneath you"


The Daimyō chuckled upon gazing at Danjō's stupefied expression

"I didn't just come here to sightsee, my country is looking for next village to hire for protection"

"Wait... you mean--?!"

"You want us back? Then it's the Chunin exams"

After muttering the absolute last thing Danjō wanted to hear, the Flower Daimyō departed the room, leaving the assistant to his own thoughts

Danjō anxiously paced back and forth, trying to come up with a solution. Though this meeting wasn't on record, the Earth Daimyō had tasked him with getting in the Flower country's good graces

A task that has just become infinitely more difficult...

"Shit, there's no other choice!!" 

Running towards his desk, he pulled out a map of the village, along with several other documents. After minutes of studying them, he had a sudden epiphany

"If I recall, Kitsuchi is hosting the second exam...there. Heh...hehehe...yes, YES! That'll do just fine! Even if we have to won't matter if we don't get caught. Yeah...hahaha! a sinister grin bloomed on his plump face

Organizing his thoughts, he faced the window, glancing at the sight of the stone village




"It's time to rig the game..."


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