Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

202. Hannya [1]

The feedback was great! Took me a sec to make readjustments, here's a new chapter, in a new style! Please Enjoy!

For Iwagakure's1Hidden Stone Village, Rengoku no Kyōkoku2"Purgatory's Canyon", claiming its landscape as wide would be a gross understatement

The moment Team Tango rushed out from their gate, each member couldn't help becoming distracted at the sheer magnitude, the scale of the site they'd just entered...

{Now I get why we were given ten days, this place is like the Grand Canyon. I can't even begin to guess the amount of kilometers this place covers} (Rei)

The scene was composed of arid terrain at various elevated heights, with countless boulders, plateaus, and mountains. Completed with occasional greenery, a multitude of dunes, and bodies of water and rocky formations

After trailing for some time, the group found a formation of rocks to take cover in, for it wasn't just the enemy teams they had to worry about...


{What in the hell-?!} (Tai)

{That's...pretty big. Even more so, it's suppressing its chakra?!} (Rei)


After lingering for a moment, a bobcat the size of a building had passed them by! Incredibly large, its legs shook the very ground with each step taken!

The denizens within this place spared no effort in making their presence known. Gargantuan fauna could easily be found anywhere one ventured, all with the clear intent of attacking whatever came across them

With a new perspective after this recent encounter, the team decided not to proceed any further until they discussed next steps

"So much for getting this done quick. I can't believe that thing knew how to suppress its chakra!" (Tai)

"We should assume everything can from this point forwards" (Suzu)

"In other words, it's no longer a viable option to rely solely on my chakra sensing...just perfect" (Rei)

"Hey Rei, can't you summon your weird dragon to handle the wildlife? Or better yet, let's ride on it. Sure as hell beats walking" (Tai) 

It had been a several hours since the exam began. Coupled with the harsh terrain and blistering heat from the sun, it became easy to grow weary. Tai's stamina, while exceptional, trailed behind his two peers

As one would expect from the squad's medical ninja

"This is only the second exam, I don't want to show that card yet. Besides, riding on a massive serpent, out in the open is practically begging for someone to attack us"

"We could hide in its mouth..." (Tai)

"You mean the mouth that breathes fire AND has poisonous fangs?" (Suzu)

"...Fair enough" (Tai)

"We'd be safe inside it's mouth Suzu, but to be honest, I'd like for us to stick with the standard V-formation...with me at the tip" (Rei)

Rei went on about his desire to keep their abilities a secret

There was still one more exam after this one, and secrecy pertaining to their abilities was paramount. He opted to handle most of the fighting with his exceptional physical abilities, while the others remained on support

"I'm not asking you to refrain from helping in a fight, but only rely on your specialties when push comes to shove" (Rei)

"So I'm not to use my poison?" (Tai)

"If we can manage it, I'd prefer you don't even reveal you're a medical-nin" (Rei)

"That's why you wish to be at the front, as Taijutsu isn't anything too out of the norm, right?" (Suzu)

"Yup. You should do the same while protecting Tai. Your nature transformation prowess is incredible, but I haven't forgotten how skilled you are in hand-to-hand combat" (Rei)

"Got it. What about progressing further? The sun will be down in about two hours, we need to find the...piece as soon as possible. Despite having ten days, the more time we waste, the odds grow less and less in our favor" (Suzu)

Suzu almost stumbled on her words when mentioning the two items necessary to reach their objective

The item they received from the sub-proctor at the gate entrance, was revealed to be the white compass, hence the item they required was the black needle

Tai suggested they never state aloud which piece they possessed, along with who carried it, in the event of someone else spying on them

{Looks like I'll be using my basic five senses for this one...what a pain} "You guys ready to move?" (Rei)

"Yes, I've rested enough, and staying here won't do us any good" (Suzu)

"E-Eh? Are you sure? Isn't that...feline still out there?" (Tai)

"We can avoid it by moving in the opposite direction. Let's go" (Suzu)

Though reluctant, Tai followed the others outside, matching his pace with them as they bolted towards the nearest location, a small batch of trees next to a hilltop, a nice-looking grove to catch some shade

Upon arriving...

"Phew! Safe!" (Tai)

"Alright, let's get to higher ground and-?! Ngh!" (Rei)

"W-What?!" (Suzu)

"I-I-I can't...move!!" (Tai)

...the team was immobilized just a few feet away from the grove

{Genjutsu?! No...nor is it a Paralysis Jutsu either} "P-Poison?" (Rei)

"No, that's not it!" (Tai)

"You're right. We've fallen into a Kekkai Hōjin3Barrier Method Formationa sort of trap ninjutsu. It uses--ugh...special tags, which I assume were placed around this spot. A certain ninjutsu was activated when we stepped in it" (Suzu)

"What sort of of Ninjutsu?" (Tai)

"Any kind. The barrier merely itself acts as the activation upon detection, but the properties within can be whatever the user designates. It could be set to trigger paper bombs, alert someone, or in this case..." (Suzu)

"A Fūinjutsu4Sealing Technique...they used the Kekkai Hōjin to activate this seal that's holding us now" {A seal within a barrier, layered Ninjutsu...not bad} (Rei)

"Just started, and we're already captured...not a great start guys" (Tai)


"?!" (Team Tango)

"Surrender the piece...give...present it...surrender...surrender...surrender...give...give...give...piece..."

Ominous voices reverberated around them, inhuman voices. Rei used his senses in attempt to locate the source, and while it failed, he was able to confirm it wasn't an illusion

"This has to be the Utsusemi no Jutsu5Empty Cicada Shell Technique, whoever set this trap is hiding their voices with a type of, long-range ventriloquism" (Tai)

{Doesn't matter where they are if we can't move} (Rei)


"Ugh! So annoying! How the hell are we supposed to surrender if we can't move, you idiots!" (Tai)

"They can't step in, otherwise they'll wind up trapped as well. They'll wait until we tire before moving in" {Might be time to use that...but I have to wait for the right time} (Suzu)

{They're not attacking from a distance due to the uncertainty of an ace up our sleeves, or the possibility another team might be lying in wait to strike the moment they reveal themselves}

Suzu and Rei signaled each other with their eyes before the latter abruptly yelled

"Screw this...ugh! I'll just...force their...HAND!" (Rei)

"?!" (Suzu & Tai)

Rei pushed his strength to the limit, fighting the effects of the sealing barrier. Despite feeling like he suddenly weighed several tons, he managed to take a step

As he moved forward, his actions forced whoever created this trap to act...


Three figures revealed themselves from the hilltop, jumping down, but remaining outside the barrier's range as they stood at a higher position

{Who the hell are these guys...I don't recognize their attire at all} (Rei)

{Those masks, could they be from...?} (Suzu)

These new enemies were dressed in cloaks from neck-to-toe, completed with Hannya6Envious Demon-style masks. Two were large, burly individuals who seemed to follow the third, a long-haired woman

Their leader stepped forward and spoke

"Surrender your piece, and we'll let you go"

"You expect us to believe that?" (Rei)

"We could just kill you from here"

"If you could, you would've done so already"

"We just didn't want to ruin our precious trap in the event you had the wrong one. But since you insist on remaining defiant..."


With the rapid forming of hand seals, the three masked ninja slammed their hands on the ground, and shouted simultaneously!

"Doton: Ganseki Kuzushi7Earth Style: Rock Collapse!"


"SUZU! 11 o'clock, seven meters from us!" (Rei)


Suzu managed to roll back her left sleeve, revealing a paper tag with a jutsu formula printed on it. Slapping it with her right arm, she shouted from the depths of her lungs!

"Fūinjutsu: Kai8Sealing Technique: Release!" (Suzu)


The armband glowed, and with this momentary light, it erased the effects of the trap on Suzu. The girl then threw a shuriken at the direction Rei specified, destroying one of the special tags maintaining the trap

With the effects weakened, she rushed to grab her teammates, barely hauling them out of the trap, and into the group of trees nearby. Just in time to avoid the falling boulders!

The masked female stomped her feet in anger

{No! That boy wasn't trying to escape, he was just moving forward in attempts to locating one the barrier tags for the girl! And he tricked us into revealing ourselves too...!} "Damn it!" 

Now free, and irritated, Rei hurled several kunai from the pouch tied behind his waist. Each one equipped with paper bombs, he aimed for the foothold beneath the enemies

"Shit! Everybody mov-!"


With the resulting explosion, the masked team was blasted straight off the hill! Violently plummeting towards the ground, landing right in front of Team Tango

"Argh! Y-You little...!"




"Time for some payback, assholes..." (Rei)


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