Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

204. Deadlock


The site within the massive rundown factory became riddled with flashy explosions! The destructive, self-proclaimed "artist" flying on his creation beamed with pride. Eager to get a better look at his work, his clay bird flew in lower, only for him to discover a small number of the conflicting ninja were down

"Cheh! What a failure! But that's on me...I wasn't passionate enough with this latest work"

As the dust settled, the survivors rose the rubble, many of them turning their attention towards the little bomber above. One of which was Team Tango, who were blasted out from the upper floors, landing straight in the middle of the fight

Suzu helped the boys up before Tai went to work checking for injuries. Rei glared upwards...

{Deidara...again. I swear, one more time...and damn the Ripples! I'm gonna tear that f**king Michael B*y fan's head off!} "Sigh! Tai, status?" (Rei)

"No major injuries, just a few scrapes, we're good but..." (Tai)

"Yeah...things just got more complicated" (Suzu)


The masked squads of ninja from Hayashi no Kuni1Land of Woods who teamed up, the team from Sunagakure2Hidden Sand Village, and the mysterious white-haired teenager of unknown origins...all of them were know aware of Team Tango's presence

The Suna-nin whispered to themselves...

"Hey Yūra, what should we do? Things went out of hand when that weird guy showed up, and now another team..."

"Take it as a boon. We were already in trouble when those Hayashi-nin ambushed us. We're still breathing because that guy showed up and disrupted things. But you're right, this is getting too complicated. Mukade, Tsubasa, on my signal...we retreat" (Yūra)

"Gotcha... Tsubasa, we'll need your sight to plot a course" (Mukade)

"I'm ready whenever" (Tsubasa)

Though they weren't talking, the Hayashi ninja were somehow able to communicate with one another. A feat Rei noticed upon spotting their sudden body language

{The chakra from the wood ninja isn't impressive, but Deidara's gonna be a problem. He'll remain out of our range and strike from above. The Suna-nin...I'm not sure, but what concerns me is that guy...his chakra isn't anything to scoff at} (Rei)

"He's on the move!" (Suzu)


As if responding to Rei's fears, the white-haired young man zipped in front of a Hayashi ninja, directing his fist towards his head, and when they made contact


"?!" (Everyone)

"Hehe...there are so many bugs everywhere, and I didn't bring my swatter"

In bad taste, the mysterious ninja mocked everyone after killing Hayashi ninja with a single blow! Everyone paused in trepidation at seeing the masked man's detached head tumble on the ground

{Are you serious?! One punch was all it took to do that?! I'm not even sure if Rei can do that! This is bad...who the hell is this guy?!} (Tai)

{Uh-oh...he just lit the fuse!} (Rei)

After a moment, shock turned to anger, and the dead man's comrades charged at the man in rage! Taking advantage of this, the Sunagakure ninja fled the scene. Team Tango desperately wished to do the same, but their path was blocked by the battle

Three of the Hayashi ninja didn't forget about them and directed their blades towards the Kumo genin

"Rei!" (Suzu)

"I know, stay back!" {Shunshin no Jutsu3Body Flicker Technique!} (Rei)



Without holding back, he appeared behind the attacking trio, kicking the left one on the head, thereby throwing him into the other two. The wood ninja were sent tumbling away to side, but Rei didn't let up, delivering a series of merciless punches on the downed ninja until they fell unconscious

Tai and Suzu were somewhat startled at how brutal he was this time, but understood the need for his actions, as the true danger was still to come

"'re not too shabby"

"..." {Great, now WE'VE got his attention} (Rei)

In the short span of time it took Rei to neutralize that small group, the white haired ninja managed to massacre the rest of the Hayashi ninja, turning the scene into one of horror, with blood and body parts scattered everywhere

Tai had to fight from hurling at the man's brutality, who was now casually hoisting the last one by the neck with one arm

"If I'm not mistaken, you guys are from--um, Kumogakure right? Looks like that village has some talent, maybe you can make this interesting"


Bored with the fodder before him, he snapped the neck of the man in his arm before tossing him aside like a rag doll. Now waltzing towards Team Tango in anticipation for his next challenge

"Guys, remember what I said about holding back?" (Rei)

"Y-Yeah?" (Tai)

"Forget it. If you don't wanna die, get ready to go all out" (Rei)


The floor broke under his feet as the eager ninja prepped to charge at the team when...


"?!" (Team Tango)

"What the...?"

More white clay figures rained down! Deidara had finished constructing his next batch of animated explosives, dropping numerous ones in the shape of small birds at the group

"FEEL MY ART!!!!" (Deidara)

"Not again...!" (Rei)

"What a pest!"

"KATSU!!" (Deidara)






Several weeks ago

"Whattya want old man?"

"That's Tsuchikage-sama4Earth Shadow to you, Bakuton5Explosion Style brat" (Ōnoki)

After a meeting with his council concerning the Chunin exams, the 3rd Tsuchikage called in the youngest candidate for Iwagakure's6Hidden Stone Village"Demolition Unit" to his office

"I'm having you participate in the upcoming exams" (Ōnoki)

"Eh?! I refuse to do something so troublesome!" (Deidara)

"Troublesome? Considering all the attention it gets, I'd think an artist like yourself would desire to participate more than anything?" (Ōnoki)

"Yeah, you would think that" (Deidara)

Veins began to pop on Ōnoki's temple in response to this young man's flippant attitude towards his superior

{This little shit...if I didn't need you for this...} "Please...clarify" (Ōnoki)

"I'm a growing, aspiring artist who's yet to reach his prime. My creations aren't ready for the public eye, I've yet to complete my work. What kind of artist shows off incomplete art?!" (Deidara)

"I...see..." (Ōnoki)

"So with that, you'll excuse me. My time is precious...there's so much I've to discover with these hands!" (Deidara)

"Speaking of that Kinjutsu7Forbidden Jutsu you stole, we're willing to grant you leniency for your transgression, IF you take part in the exams. Or, you can refuse and face the consequences. Your call" (Ōnoki)

"K-Kuh!" {Shit...he's mad!} (Deidara)

In Iwagakure, or any shinobi nation, stealing Kinjutsu warranted the highest of punishments. Deidara knew this, and already held a fear for Ōnoki's wrath. Despite his appearance of a small old man, Deidara has long since witnessed first-hand of what this Tsuchikage was capable of

He held no desire to lose this Kinjutsu, the power to infuse chakra within objects, via forming small mouths on the was indispensable for his Ninjutsu overall

Caving into the pressure, he reluctantly agreed to Ōnoki's request

"...Fine. I just have to win?" (Deidara)

"Nope. You don't have to make it to the third round" (Ōnoki)

"What? Then what do you want me to do?" (Deidara)

"Thin out the competition. The second exam is the perfect opportunity to help our own. And it's in that canyon, a perfect location for someone of your, particular set of skills. You can cover great distances with ease, and attack from above" (Ōnoki)

"..." (Deidara)

"Once the second exam ends, you're free to go, and you can keep the Kinjutsu as well. Be advised, you're not to target any Iwagakure ninja...and stray away from Ishigakure8Hidden Rock Villageninja as well. Our new allies are helping us, so don't harm them" (Ōnoki)

"..." (Deidara)

"Huh?" (Ōnoki)

Deidara stayed silent with his head down, his shoulders seemed to be trembling

"What wrong? Don't tell me you're having complaints at this incredibly generous offer I'm throwing your way. I had to convince the top brass we could still use you. I'll be disappointed if you prove my efforts were for nothi-!?" (Ōnoki)

"ALRIGHT!!!" (Deidara)

"?!" (Ōnoki)

"What you're saying is, I can use a bunch a people I've never even met or care about in the least to test my art?!" (Deidara)

"That's--um, not what I said. And there's something very wrong with the way you put it" (Ōnoki)

"Okay! You got yourself a deal Ōnoki-ossan9Honorific for one of elder years! I'm off!" (Deidara)

Deidara celebrated like kid at a candy store, his face holding a smile brighter than the sun, the young man was muttering some very twisted words with a childlike innocence

Hearing everything he deemed necessary, the young ninja bolted out of the office, without even waiting for Ōnoki's consent


"E-Eh?! Wait just a--remember not to harm our own! Deidaraaaa--and he's gone. Sigh. He's gonna be a real pain in the ass when he's older"




Present time

Deidara upped the detonation power with his latest attack. The bombing created a chain a reaction, resulting in the structures collapsing one after the other, no different than a stack of dominos

His explosives completely decimated the factory, leaving nothing but ruined metal in his wake

"Yes. Art truly is an explosion, hm. With that out of the way, I ought to move on to the next area. There were a lot of Konohagakure10Hidden Leaf Village ninja who passed the first exam, I'll make them my next target, hm" {Plus I'm running low on chakra...} (Deidara)

Finally satisfied with his work, Deidara began his departure from the area. Even for him, fighting any longer with his depleted reserves would spell trouble

And his latest act had already showed signs of attracting attention from others...


"Cough! Cough! Ugh! Rei, Tai, can you hear me?! Where are you?!" (Suzu)

Blasting out of the debris with her Wind Style, Suzu yelled aloud out of concern for her teammates. Hastily glancing around for any sign of their survival


"?!" (Suzu)

As the dust settled, the environment became more clear for her, and a figure's silhouette could be spotted in the distance. None other than Tai, pinned down by what remains of a shattered wall

"O-Over here!" (Tai)

"Hang on, I'll get you out!" {Doton: Golem no Jutsu11Earth Style: Golem Technique!} (Suzu)


In need of some extra "muscle", Suzu spat out rocks from her mouth, which formed into an eight-foot, humanoid automaton of stone. With it's strength, lifting the rubble off of Tai was simple

The young lady swiftly moved to pull him away and help him on his feet

"Thanks for the help, thought I was a goner" (Tai)

"Same...we should've been more aware of that bomber. Though, it doesn't really matter anymore, now that's he's fled the area" (Suzu)

"Yeah. Hey...his attacks were awfully familiar. Was he the same one who...?" (Tai)

"Most likely..." (Suzu)

They both held the same thought, recalling their terrible time on "Summoning Island", it was hard to forget the maniacal bomber who destroyed the location's protective barrier

Not to mention hounding the island overseer, Kintarō, the young man had remained as infuriating as ever

"To think even that guy is here, the Chunin exams continues not to disappoint in the crazy factor. Rei's definitely gonna have some words for--OH! REI! He's the one who pushed me out of the way when--!" (Tai)


"?!" (Suzu & Tai)

Suzu immediately turned towards the source of the noise, identifying a massive pile of metal pipes and wreckage. With no hesitation, she ran towards it and screamed in distress

"Rei! Is that you?!" (Suzu)


No response...

"Rei!" (Suzu)

"Come on man...this isn't funny! Answer us!" (Tai)


"?!" (Suzu & Tai)

"Uhack! You really think...haaa...haaa...I'd mess with you right now Tai?"

"Ohhh!" (Tai)

"...Thank heavens" (Suzu)

Though faint, the sound of their team mate emerged from underneath the destroyed area. While attempting to move his teammates out of harm's way, Rei ended up buried alive by the remains of the factory

However, he managed to avoid getting impaled and crushed by positioning his body in the appropriate position and spot. Quick thinking and speed allowed him to cheat death once again...

"I wouldn't put it past you buddy. Hang on, we'll get you out of this. Suzu" (Tai)

"Mm" (Suzu)

"No! Don't!" (Rei)

Suzu resumed control of her golem, bringing it over to help when Rei abruptly shouted in protest

"What's wrong?!" (Tai)

"This debris here is unstable, if it collapses, I'm dead. I'll have to get out on my own" (Rei)

"How exactly are you gonna do that?" (Suzu)

"There's a crawlspace I can see that may lead me out. If I'm careful and lucky, I should be able to make it out of here"

"Should? That does NOT inspire confidence, there must be something we can do to help. If you're worrying about us, don't, that guy with the insane strength left. We're all alone here" (Tai)

{It's not like I'm concerned about that...if you two characters die, I can't pass the exam. Still...} (Rei)

Rei closed his eyes, trying to confirm with his senses if what Tai claimed was actually true

{This is...!} "Guys...don't panic and listen to me very carefully" (Rei)

"...How many?" (Suzu)

"A LOT. Heading this way, all the noise attracted some unwarranted attention. That white-haired guy is already outside fighting. It won't be long before this place turns into a battlefield...again" {That settles it...I'm definitely gonna kill Deidara!} (Rei)

"Then we need to hurry and get you out!" (Suzu)

"Yeah!" (Tai)

As if they knew exactly what plan Rei was going to suggest next, Tai and Suzu attempted to act before he could say anymore, but it was too late...



"No. You need to leave me behind" (Rei)


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