Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

207. The New Norm… Again

Tried to rush this out yesterday, but work wasn't having it. I'm just glad it's done, and the next chapter will be coming out soon as well! Please enjoy! AND HAPPY EARTH DAY!!



"Geez... That's some bad weather"

It was long past midnight, stretching into morning in Iwagakure's1Hidden Stone Village "Rengoku no Kyōkoku2Purgatory's Canyon", the first day of the second exam had passed... only nine days remained

After forging a small cave for shelter, Rei created a small fire to keep himself warm during the unrelenting storm. Even past four o'clock in the morning, the bad weather persisted, with no trace of sunlight in sight... but no matter what, he refrained from falling asleep

Still a battleground, sneak attacks while the sun was down were expected, as he already laced the area with traps

{This reminds me of pulling all-nighters at work...}

Though it was logical decision, a part of him felt regret at separating from his team. Wondering if the decision to send Tai and Suzu away was made in haste. After all, having allies keep watch while one rests remained fundamental for this survival-focused exam

"Hmm...this cave isn't half decent. While Doton3Earth Styleis my least favorite, I can't deny it's usefulness in this type of environment. Not to mention..."


Rei closed his eyes and held his arm out. Making a fist, he examined the circulation of energy within his Chakra Network

"Everything's flowing so much smoother now, I really am a complete alien, albeit mutated a bit. Achieving a change in chakra form and nature is so much easier. With my Ōtsutsuki cells now serving as the sole base for my affinities, the result is far more potent compared to being at least... partly human"

Rei now possessed the inherent trait all Ōtsutsuki, their natural, absolute flawless control of physical and spiritual energy

Unlike humans, he'd never have to bother with training his control and manipulation of Chakra ever again. As such, he managed to raise the affinity of his Earth element in the short span of two months prior to coming here

An inconceivable feat that would only be accomplished by either a shinobi capable of training with the time-saving, Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu, or a Rinnegan4Saṃsāra Eyewielder


{I hate the fact Notitia got one over me. I know it was for saving Suzu, but if I hadn't used my In'yōton5Yin-Yang/Shadow & Light Style, my Ōtsutsuki cells wouldn't have been stimulated and consume the rest of my human DNA. In the end, it's "other" side managed to get what it wanted, only God knows what'll happen to me next}

While satisfied with the boost in power, said growth was exactly what Notitia desired. He didn't know the details, but the voiceless entity had some kind of "plan" for him

Ever since the betrayal from one of his closest and oldest friends, Raymond Parker abided cynicism, never believing in a "free meal". It was blatantly obvious Notitia aided him for a specific purpose

And considering whoever brought him here, was ruthless enough to remove the soul of a three-year old child, just to grant him body... whatever it had in store definitely wasn't ideal...

{I'll have to rethink by plans for the future. Since it thinks I should find the Ryūchidō6Dragon Ground Cave, perhaps a hint lies there} "Regardless, I'll just have to accept the fact it won the first battle, but the war isn't over yet. There are still things I can--"


{My trip wires...!} "Tch!"

He immediately put out the fire in front of him.

Along with the traps he placed, Rei had set up a makeshift "network" of small wires throughout the area. All the lines traced back inside the cave, tied into the ring-like pommel on the ends of several Kunai

All set up to alert him whenever someone ventured into his "area"

{Judging from the vibration of the wires...I'd say two--no, three people. I can't sense them, which means...} "With all this rain from the thunder storm, relying on hearing and smell won't do me much good... gotta get creative for this"

Eyeing the cave's entrance for a moment, Rei threw away the idea of leaving that way. Instead, he moved in the opposite direction, reaching out towards the cave wall


"They probably think someone is here and doing the same as them, suppressing their chakra... I'll use that to my advantage"




Rei's hands began forming seals...




Just outside the cave

Three Genin hailing from Kirigakure7Hidden Mist Village stared down at the entrance to Rei's cave within the trench. Even in the rain, the laid on their bellies, situated atop the mountain opposite the one he chose to build his little "hideout"

None of them taking their eyes off of it for even a second

"Kussaku, can you sense anything?"

"Mmm... sorry Unmo, but no. However, there's no mistaking the light we saw earlier, it was definitely a camp fire. Plus, there was only one shadow" (Kussaku)

"Your the best sensor-nin I know of back home, the person inside must be hiding their chakra, but that also means they can't use Ninjutsu while doing so. There's no way out except the entrance, we can wait it out" (Unmo)

The one called "Unmo" smiled at what he perceived to be a fortuitous circumstance. Finding a ninja alone in this canyon was a rare opportunity too great to ignore

"How are we gonna approach this?" (Kussaku)

"Like the usual. I'll go in first, while you and Kiri back me up. If we're lucky, this person will have the piece we need" (Unmo)

"Are you sure? I just finished treating the injury that kid from Konohagakure8Hidden Leaf Villagegave you" (Kiri)

As if he ate something foul, Unmo's face instantly turned sour as the team's medic voiced his concerns

"Cheh! It's just a scratch. As if someone from that trash village is gonna do me in! He just caught me off guard!" (Unmo)

{He's letting his distaste for that village cloud his judgement. We had a real chance earlier with that squad from Sunagakure9Hidden Sand Village, but just one sight of a Konoha-nin, and he loses it} (Kussaku)

"If you say so..." (Kiri)

"Whatever. It's not a subject I like discussing..." (Unmo)


"Are you sure? I'd like to hear about this supposed, leaf ninja"

"?!" (Unmo, Kiri, Kussaku)

Without warning, Rei appeared behind the Kirigakure team, casually revealing his presence without a care in the world

The team turned around in haste, weapons already drawn. His jump-scare abruptly raised their tension, as they wondered how he got the drop on them so easily

When Unmo finally turned his eyes away from Rei face, he discovered his feet and ankles were somehow phased into the ground

"That's... Doton?" (Unmo)

"Here another one for you" {Doton: Sazareishi10Earth Style: Gravel!} (Rei)


The ground converged, upturning around the trio before condensing and trapping them. Practically taking the shape of an oddly large anthill

"Ugh! Damn!" (Kussaku)

"Now I get it, you used the Dochū Eigyo no Jutsu11Underground Projection Fish Technique, didn't you?!" (Kiri)

"Eh? It has a name? I was just experimenting. Since you were staring at my cave so much, I figured it'd be wise to quietly sneak past you from beneath the surface. Thanks for the info" (Rei)

The Earth style technique Rei used in the past to travel under the surface was the standard, "Moguragakure no Jutsu12Hiding Like a Mole Technique". Though it allowed the user to turn the ground into to find sand and dig around like a mole, it was noisy and produced small tremors an enemy could pick up on

Rei decided to take the concept further via a new change in Chakra form, unintentionally using an entirely different Ninjutsu in the process

{The way it allows me to phase through the ground, it's perfect for stealth. Though this one only works on Earth, it's kind of like Zetsu's ability, moving through any type of surface. As nee-san put it, originality. I can probably take the concept even further with the nature transformations I ACTUALLY favor. I've already got some ideas for Katon13Fire Style...} (Rei)

As he grew more excited about new possibilities... the immobilized Kirigakure ninja were at a loss, particularly the sensor of the squad, Kussaku

"I thought you were staying alert for chakra signatures in the area?!" (Unmo)

"I-I was...! I don't understand how he could use that Jutsu and keep his chakra hidden! Even now, while he's standing in front of us, I can't feel his chakra, almost like a ghost!" (Kussaku)

"!" {Ghost...} (Kiri)

"That doesn't make any sense, how could a Genin--?!" (Unmo)

"The 2nd Tsuchikage14Earth Shadow" (Kiri)

"?!" (Unmo & Kussaku)

"Known as the Mujin15Null-Man, he was so skilled at controlling his chakra, he could utilize his camouflaging ninjutsu while suppressing his chakra at the same time..." (Kiri)

"Wait wait wait, Kiri! Are you implying this kid can achieve feats similar to a Kage?! That's...!" (Unmo)

Not only feats similar to a Kage, his mutated body was far above that. Rei knew a sensor-nin was looking for him, hence he took advantage of the situation by concealing his chakra signature, knowing they'd never expect he could still use ninjutsu while doing so

And like mouse to a mousetrap, they didn't take their eyes off the cave entrance, making it even easier to get the drop on them

Upon picking up their whispering with his enhanced hearing, he couldn't help but smile

{Camouflage eh? Even more food for thought. Pfft! All these new options make me feel like a kid at a candy store!} (Rei)

"Unbelievable..." (Kussaku)

"Tsk!" {Just have to...get my hands a little loose, without him noticing. Then I can...!} (Unmo)


"Hm? Oh! Would you look at that, the weather is clearing up. The sun should be rising soon, and since I've more important things to do, it's time to put an end to this" (Rei)


"?!" (Unmo, Kussaku, Kiri)

Rei slowly approached the team, withdrawing a kunai blade from his holster. Knowing this location was compromised, he no longer held any desire to stay, but not before unveiling the "piece" this team possessed

Only with a complete compass could he make it to the mysterious, "Primary Objective". His curiosity was also piqued at the mention of a Leaf ninja

"I've got some questions for you three, but before that, surrender your exam item" (Rei)

"Hmph! This is the only thing I'm giving you...!" (Unmo)


"!" (Kussaku)

"H-Hey! Unmo, don't use that so close to us--!!" (Kiri)

"Raiton: Raigeki16Lightning Style: Lightning Strike!" (Unmo)


Electricity gathered and converged around Unmo's fist as he punched his way out of the rock constriction. Freeing his team in the process before aiming his attack at Rei, the latter whom swiftly dashed away, widening the distance between them

"Raiton beats Doton, hehehe!" (Unmo)

"He's from Kumogakure, you really think he doesn't know that? Ugh... my fingers are tingling from that attack Unmo! I keep telling you not to do that so close to us!" (Kussaku)

"At least we're free now" (Kiri)


"Haaa...I haven't really fought anyone in the past months due to training"


Rei put his kunai away before snapping his knuckles. As hand-to-hand combat was his specialty, he decided to end this with his fists




"Try not to make this too easy for me..." (Rei)


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