Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

214. The Fourth Memory

OKAY! If you've been keeping up with my Ko-Fi page, you'll know I had some serious house drama which slowed me down. The construction on my place has finally been done. Just goes to show you should always check for leaks, because mine would've done some SERIOUS damage had I not caught it. Anyway, here's the next chapter, it's an EXTRA long one just for you. And the next one is almost done too! As always, thanks for all your support, and please enjoy the chapter!


Another Time

The area within a small, quiet neighborhood became livened with stars. The bright full moon shined like a diamond in the night sky. In this isolated cul-de-sac, two young men sat on the porch outside their house as they stared at the clear sky hosting a blanket of stars which spread endlessly

The younger one listened acutely to the elder as he identified each and every constellation they could find, taking down notes with his small, paper notepad. Every now and then, the older one would quiz the younger to see if he payed attention...

"So Chris, can you tell me how many constellations are apart of the Western Zodiac?"

"Heh, easy. There are twelve! Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio,, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces!"

In response to the young man's answer, the older one shook his head in disproval with a smug look on his face

"Eh?! No way! You specifically said there are twelve earlier! And...Zodiac! Twelve is often associated with that word, Ray!" (Chris)

"It's actually thirteen, astrologers simply use the twelve to make predictions. The last one is Ophiuchus, but it wasn't listed when these constellations were marked due to the difference in position of stars from centuries ago, as opposed to our present" (Raymond)

"Tsk! Dang it!"

"Remember... the sun, moon and planets generally move along a set path through the sky. If you wanna pass your written test on Monday, you have to include this crucial detail. Each constellation dwells in different locations throughout this path and--hm... Do you even remember the name?"

"The...uhh, Ecliptic!"

"See, you have been paying attention. Good to know!"

"It would've been easier if not for all your trick questions! Be honest, you get off on messing with people, you sadist!" 

"Only when you make it so easy Chris" Raymond shrugged his shoulders

Chris pouted at being made fun of by his older cousin, but Raymond continued teasing him for a little longer before the two resumed their study of the stars in preparation for an upcoming astrology test

"Seriously though, my middle school never even had an astrology class. Isn't that the kind of stuff you worry about when you go to college?"

"It's a private school but, this is a new generation. In other words... you're old now! Hahaha!"

"I'm still in my twenties!"

"Twenty-nine doesn't really count"

"S-So what?! Being in your thirties doesn't count as old!"

"Whatever you say... gramps. O-Ooof!"

Raymond placed Chris' head in an armlock before grinding his knuckles on the boy's head in retaliation for his smart remarks regarding his age. The pair continued to play around for quite some time before the door behind them was opened from the inside

"Aren't you supposed to be teaching him Ray?"

"Hm? Oh, hey Sarah. I am teaching him... respect, that is!"

"U-Urgh! R-Respect... for my elders?"


Chris' older sister, and now legal guardian, Sarah had come to invite the boys inside for dinner. After popping his younger cousin on the head for latest smug comment, the trio reentered the house and sat together at their dinner table. Sarah had prepared a big feast in celebration of Raymond's visit. Something which hadn't occurred much is recent days due to the nature of his work

Eyeing the dinner's contents, Raymond couldn't help but tilt his head in confusion at Sarah's peculiar choice for tonight's cuisine. Recognizing his perplexity, she answered the question he'd yet to ask

"It's Greek"

"It's a lot" (Raymond)

"One of Chris' other classes is currently covering the topic of Greece and it's people, comparing then and now. Fun fact, in Greek Sunday tradition, there's no such thing as...too much, when it comes to the amount of food served" (Sarah)

"We're not Greek, and it's Friday" (Raymond)

"Doesn't mean we can't celebrate their traditions. Besides, didn't you live in Greece for a period of time during your childhood travels?" (Chris)

"Only for a little bit. My parents and I spent most of our time in eastern Asia than Africa, despite the latter being my father's home continent" (Raymond)

"Eh? Why's that? From what I've heard, you guys traveled all over the place" (Chris)

"We did, but dear old dad required top-of-the line facilities to conduct his energy research. And mom was a genetic virologist from Asia, she had plenty of connections to aid him in his endeavors. Heh, it's actually how they met and got married in the first place" (Raymond)

"Oh? Given the nature of aunt Amelia's work, it stands to reason you were born in a lab. Oh! What if you're some kind of science experiment grown in a vat! Straight out of a horror movie!" (Chris)

"Okay, first of all, virologists study infectious diseases. Second, if that were true, my first victim would definitely be a certain smart-mouthed brat! Third, I'm no more abnormal than your sister. Just look at all of her ex's. It's no coincidence they all fled town after they broke up" (Raymond)

"W-Wha-?!" (Sarah)

"Oh yeah... forgot about that" (Chris)


Sarah frowned at the two gossiping boys in annoyance before holding up her kitchen knife in a threatening manner. Ending their banter in an instant, the young woman ordered them to start eating as she did not want the well-prepared food to get cold

Digging into the meal, none of them seemed to notice how quickly time had passed, as the family had too much fun enjoying each other's company. Only when their bellies were filled with warm food did they finally slow down and relax

"But seriously, with all the stuff you've been doing as of late, it's amazing no one's put you in a looney bin yet" (Chris)

"Looney bin? Please... have you seen my resume? It's basically a well written essay detailing that I'm, as you kids say, alpha as fu-" (Raymond)

"Ray! Language! And of course there are those who've considered putting him away Chris. I can vouch for that" (Sarah)

"Hmph!" (Raymond)

Raymond went on about brilliance often being associated with madness. Going over several famous scientists in history and how they received derogative nicknames like crackpot, lunatic, & mad. All the while reiterating that history always celebrates them for their achievements

This was his current goal, to be next out-of-the-norm pioneer who sends society into a new status quo, forwarding scientific progress with his new-age ambient energy research

That is, until a certain goal of his is taken care of first. Or rather, a certain "grudge"...

"In fact, since we're eating Greek food, how could I not mention Democritus?" (Raymond)

"Him again?" (Sarah)

"D-Demo--what now?" (Chris)

"Democritus, an ancient Greek philosopher famous for his work on atomic theory. He elaborated on particles and atoms, and their place in our universe" (Sarah)

Smiling with pride at Sarah's explanation, Raymond was pleased by how she proved his point of scientists being remembered in history

"He was also referred to as the Laughing philosopher, due do to his chuckling wherever and whenever he was, even when it wasn't appropriate. A completely bizarre weirdo, just like your cousin here" (Sarah)

"And just like that, the magic is gone. Don't listen your sister Chris, she has no sense humor, that's why she's still single" (Raymond)

"Keep bringing that up, and I'll cut it off..." (Sarah)

Raymond cleared his throat before continuing

"Moving on, he laughed all the time because he emphasized being cheerful, no matter what life sent your way. He wasn't crazy, merely, misunderstood. Some food for thought whenever your class covers more of ancient Greece, just saying" (Raymond)

"Speaking of that, it's about time you went off to bed Chris. I want you ready and alert for what comes on Monday" (Sarah)

"Oh come on sis, it's only Friday. I've got the entire weekend to prepare for exams next week" (Chris)

"Which is exactly why you need rest. How can you expect to retain anything learned with a groggy mind? Now go on, I'll exempt you from cleaning the dishes just for today" (Sarah)

"Sigh... at least there's a silver lining. Fine! Good night you two!" (Chris)


"Good night!" (Raymond & Sarah)




After Sarah sent away her brother, she immediately went to cleaning the table. Raymond volunteered to help, standing next to her in front of the sink

He washed the dishes, and she dried them

"Hehe! When was the last time you and I did dish duty together?" (Sarah)

" At least over a decade ago. Just goes to show I really need to swing by more often" (Raymond)

"So you DO understand, that's nice. I was worried I'd have to keep dropping hints all night before you caught on. When it comes to the little things, you can be real dense, like one of those comic book characters Chris is always reading about"

"Again, for the millionth time, they're called MANGA! That's what makes them Japanese!"

"Geez, you and him are so touchy whenever I get that wrong. I thought it was Manhua?"

"That's Chinese. Good grief, the fact you can't appreciate a man's passion is exactly why you can't get a boyfri-"


Sarah reached for another kitchen knife nearby

"No matter how many of them you put away, there's always one whenever I need it" (Sarah)

"...Fair enough" {How can she smile, yet not smile at the same time? Guess that's what happens when you're single for as long as-}


"Are you thinking about something rude?" (Sarah)

{Psychic?!} (Raymond)

"Haaaa... you're real easy to read. On a serious note, how long can you stay with us this time?"

"A-Ahem! I have to be on a plane tomorrow evening, and the airport is over 85 miles away from here... it's best I take off just after noon. Fortunately, traffic won't be heading in the same direction"

"That's a shame, Chris was having so much fun with you. Plus, there's much you can teach him, far more than I"


Sarah put down the last of the dishes before tossing Raymond a towel to help her wipe off the large dining table just outside the kitchen

"Don't sell yourself short, I've always said it's waste you don't work with me. I could use someone of your talents to launch the new Limelight Labs" (Raymond)

"Wasn't it you who recommended I get my degree in psychology, instead of an engineering one?" (Sarah)

"I only said that at the time because I was broke and neck-deep in student debt, a job in H.R. management is good money. But now, I actually have money, I'm still offering to pay off the mortgage on this house"

"I'd rather debate you in Quantitative vs Qualitative Methodologies in Business Application before letting you pay off my house. Worry about your own property before concerning yourself with mine"

"See, the fact you even CAN debate me in such a subject is exactly why you should work for my company. You'd be be a huge asset to the team" Raymond egged her on with enthusiasm

Upon hearing his last sentence, however, Sarah frowned and placed her towel away. Now done with cleaning, she invited him to sit down in the dining room before moving the topic into more... serious territory

"When you say team, does that mean you've finally started hiring people?" (Sarah)

"That's...! Ugh..." (Raymond)

"Yeah, I thought not... Ray, you can't have a company like the one you're planning with no employees. Shutting yourself out to everyone, trust is necessary to maintaining such a complex machine"

"That's why I'm asking you, someone I can trust to help"

"I'm not the only one, what about Patricia Myers? She's Hector's little sister, God rest his soul. I've seen her record, she's an accomplished woman who'd be more than a welcomed asset for your company"

"I've considered it but..."

"But what? Are you saying she can't be trusted? Or is it that her presence reminds you of what happened?"


"Tell me, are you still looking for Alec?"


At her remark, the room went dead silent

Raymond's eyes nearly burst out of their sockets as he never expected Sarah to state something so bold. She of all people knew how much of a sensitive subject it was to him, completely catching him off guard

"Oh my God, you are! After all the talks we had, you getting back on your feet, rebuilding your company from scratch... haven't you learned to let it go?" (Sarah)

"Let go? Are you serious right now?" (Raymond)

"Ray, I want to see that son of bitch's head on a pike just as much as you do. What I'd give to be alone with him in a room, even if it's just for a minute, when I recall what he put you through... I think about it to an unhealthy degree. But you managed to overcome it, and now, you're one of the most respected scientists in the country, soon the world! After putting the 'Vitalis Foundation' company he sold it to completely out of business, you got your father's stolen research back. You won"

"I won? As long as he's still out there, I-!"


Raymond stood from the couch and held his forehead, thinking about what bothered him more than anything concerning the current topic

"The research he stole is more than just data, it's my legacy. All of this, the ambient energy project, it didn't start with me" (Raymond)

"I know, it started with you and Hector-" (Sarah)

"It started with my parents! Everything, all the travel, struggle, heartbreak, and fighting we went through from even before I was born had started this. This thing, it's A PART of me, it's not a stretch to say it's the reason I was born! My parents died because of this! And that man--no, that animal tried to take it from me... just for money?! He tried to ERASE me... I'll never forgive him...!"

"I'd never ask you to, never! I simply wish you wouldn't obsess over it, this isn't good for your mental health, I--we worry about you. I had to use Chris' education and him missing you as an excuse just to make you visit us for the first time in months"


"So, I shouldn't have to guilt-trip you into visiting your family! This kind of behavior is no different than what aunt Amelia went through with your uncle Grant, can't you see you're turning into your father?!"



Realizing they both went too far, the pair sat back down on the couch without muttering a word a brief period of time. Stuttered awkwardly at one another, trying to rectify the situation

Eventually, Sarah couldn't take it anymore and broke the silence...

"You weren't around when my Mom and Dad began to split apart. They lost track of their true priorities, just like what you're doing now, and it TORE them apart. I refuse to let that happen again to someone I care about" (Sarah)

"Sarah..." (Raymond)

"Haaa... but I know, asking you stop is also unfair. If I were in your shoes, it's not improbable to believe I wouldn't devote my time into hunting that bastard down"

"Except if it were you, he'd already be shish kebab by now..."

"Hehehe! Yeah, that's true!"


The phone in Raymond's pocket began to vibrate

"Work again?" (Sarah)

"...Something like that" (Raymond)

"I see..."

Noticing her look of disappointment when he took it out, he placed the phone away before speaking once more

"Sigh... I'm sorry. You're right, I can't keep putting work before what matters. It's just, the reason why I'm acting like this is because... it has to MEAN something. The research, if it's gone, then what was it all for? Everything I've--we've endured. Me, Hector, this family... we're all connected to it in some way. That's why I can't let-" (Raymond)

"You've got to stop trying to solve everything on your own" (Sarah)

"I know. Believe me, I know" (Raymond)

"That's what my Dad tried to do after mom left, and it broke him. I can't watch that again, Chris and I can't--we just can't go through it again"

"...Have you talked to him lately?"

"I call when I get the chance, however, he's still having some episodes in the center"

Raymond apologetically lowered his head to Sarah, feeling guilty for his consistent absence from his cousin's lives due to his own personal endeavors

"It's fine, Chris is gonna graduate high school in less than a year, he's already on track to receiving a scholarship from Berkley. He told me he wants to be a full-stack developer, just like you when you first started college" (Sarah)

"Haven't you told him how boring programming can be? He's definitely gonna hold a grudge once he finds out the hard way" (Raymond)

"You're the one who influenced him, not me"



The pair began laughing together, as if the gloomy mood earlier had never manifested at all

"But he's a smart kid, must get it from you" (Raymond)

"Don't pretend like you haven't influenced him in a positive way" (Sarah)

"Glad to know I did something right. Seriously though, despite everything, I'm really glad I came here today"

"That's what family's for, I'm just getting tired of reminding you... ya big dummy"

After clearing the air between them, Raymond rose up from the couch and returned to the kitchen. Taking the lid off the trashcan

"What are you doing?" (Sarah)

"I just thought, remote work isn't as bad as on-site, and I've got my laptop with me. A video call with the person I'm scheduled to converse with tomorrow is just as good" (Raymond)

"Wait, are you saying...?!"

"Plus, I'm REALLY worried about Chris' exams. He knows the basic western zodiac constellations, but the fancy schmancy private school you placed him in is making the poor boy memorize all 88 constellations for his test. Figured it's best I stick around for the weekend so he doesn't fail his exam"

"You were just saying he was smart like us no less than a minute ago"

"That's the past, what's important is the present. Come on, I'm doing my best to come with an excuse to show you guys how much I value our time together. Now, while I take out the trash, why don't you take out a tub of Rocky Road and we binge-watch some stuff for the rest of the night"

"...How do you know I have Rocky Road?"

"Oh please, like YOU wouldn't. Be right back"

"Hahaha! I'll get the bowls! But you're cleaning them when we're done!"


"Wow, you're such a tyrant! And Chris calls ME the sadist!"





After putting the trash in the can situated on the side of the house, Raymond glanced around to make sure no one nearby was watching. Confirming the coast was clear, he pulled out his cell phone and redialed the caller who tried contacting him during his conversation with Sarah


"Ah, finally you called back. I was getting tired of waiting!"

"That's my line Desmond. I've payed you quite a sum, and your results have been, for better or lack of words, shitty. You better have something if you went to the trouble of contacting me on an un-encrypted phone after I specifically told you not to f**king do that" (Raymond)

"W-W-Whoa...easy buddy! Must've called at the wrong time, but it's worth it. I finally got a lead, a REAL one" (Desmond)

"And? Don't keep me in suspense. Have you found them?" 

"Hector Myers' lying ex-wife, she wasn't hard to find. But the other one... he changed his last name, which only made it all the more difficult to track him down. Even more so considering he's been chilling out across the pond"


Raymond gripped in his phone, nearly bending it out of shape at Desmond's last comment. He'd been waiting a long time to receive this information

"He's in Britain?"

"Yes sir. After bouncing around all over the place, he's finally settled down. Living under the last name Corbyn. He's got a nice pad in Birmingham, been there for a while"

"Wait, pad? You mean to tell me he's lived on the grid for a period of time? Not off?"

"That's typically implied when one has a address"

"And it still took you that long to find him, with me keeping you on a payroll?"

"...I mean... it wasn't THAT long"

"Oh, for f**k's sake. Be it you, or my family, I can't rely on anyone but myself! Whatever, I'm heading to those locations. If they're not there, or if you tell anyone about this, the next person I visit is you..."

"M-My lips are sealed. I-I can assure you this latest intel checks out. You won't regre-"


Raymond ended the call before Desmond could even finish his sentence



"Get in here! This Ice cream gonna melt! The trash can't be that heavy!"

With the shouting of his cousin, he fixed his face, returning his expression into one of calm

"Don't start without me!" (Raymond)

"Then you better hurry, cause it's sooooo tempting!" (Sarah)

"Hang on, I'm coming!"

Raymond maintained his façade for the rest of night, and weekend. All the while keeping his dark ambitions to himself




{I'm coming for you...Alec!}


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