Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

235. Fledged

Okay! So I got my new work schedule from my boss. Looks like Mondays through Wednesdays are gonna be my only window of opportunity to release chapters. Right now, I'm just doing my best to make sure get at least ONE release out each week. Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding. Please enjoy the chapter!


Okay...What the hell is going on?


"Ah! Crap, not again..."

"Keep this up, and we'll run out of chopsticks"

"It's not like I'm doing it on purpose, nee-san" {There's a brief window for adjusting to my new strength before the finals...though the task itself is easier said than done...} (Rei)

Seriously. Ever since I met Rei, I've been forced to consistently reorganize my common sense every single moment I'm with him. You'd think I'd be used to it by now

"Could someone pass the salt?"

"Is the meat not seasoned enough? Sorry bout that Suzu, here you go"

But everyone else has beaten me to the punch

Only minutes after his abrupt appearance in the hotel courtyard, and just like that, we're all back inside. Sitting around a table, eating a dinner Funsui-senpai cooked for us 

Am I really the only one who finds this situation odd?!

"You okay Tai?" (Rei)

"I-I'm fine. Just tryin' to make sense of some things" (Tai)

"Like what?" (Rei)

"..." (Tai)

Seriously?! Are you really trying to play coy here?! Why is everyone going along with it too?!

Barely a month of seeing this kid, and he comes back taller, with longer hair, and a toned body! Is this puberty or some shit?! Suzu and I have two years on him, and he's this close to matching our height!

"Rei, here's another shirt. Unfortunately, I didn't bring any spare flak jackets to replace the one you lost..." (Mabui)

"It's fine, I can manage with just a shirt" (Rei)

"That's not what I'm concerned with..." (Mabui)

"Huh? Then what are you-?" (Rei)


"Ah! I was saving that last bit of teriyaki!" (Rei)

"Ya snooze, ya lose punk" (A)

Food. Or rather, taking food from him

Rei Sano's first of many pet peeves ladies and gentlemen...

"R-Relax Rei...there's still plenty left" (Funsui)

"Mmm...this teriyaki is delicious" (A)

"N-Ngh! I'll remember that..." (Rei)

Even Raikage-sama is going along with the flow. Please don't antagonize him sir, otherwise... he'll retaliate

Speaking of which, that has to be his third bowl refill. It looks as if he's eating for a whole family alone. Raikage-sama's stomach's capacity to act as a black hole ALMOST rivals Rei's

"She's talking about presentation" (A)

"Ah?" (Rei)

"As in, you representing Kumogakure in two days time. Our flak jackets signify one's allegiance to the Land of Lightning and its people" (Raikage)

"That's rich coming from the guy who always wears nothing but white haori1Traditional thigh-length jacket with no shirt. We get it meathead, you're ripped" (Rei)

"..." (A)

"Sigh..." (Tai)

And here we go...these two have always been like oil and water

Rei Sano's second pet peeve...the 4th Raikage

"Still the same cocky little shit. Here for two seconds, and I already wanna smack you" (A)

"Don't frown too much. You'll end up looking even more old and raggedy than usual. Wouldn't want to scare away the potential patronage when they arrive for the finals" (Rei)

"Hmph! That depends on whether or not you don't blow it for your teammates" (A)


Are you guys have an eating contest?!

"If I blow it, it'll be due to your ugly mug distracting me and-!" (Rei)


"...Ow" (Rei)

"You had it coming" (Mabui)

"...Maybe. But he did too, why'd you only hit me?" (Rei)

"You don't sign her paycheck, keke!" (A)

"Cheh!" (Rei)

I swear, I can see Raikage-sama's nose growing pointy as he smiled triumphantly. Almost as much as I can hear Rei's blood pressure rising from frustration

Hehe, it's kinda satisfying watching my closet sadist of a teammate get taken down a peg


Mabui glanced at our village leader after settling the room down, suggesting we move on to more pressing matters

"Moving on, there ARE some things we need to discuss. Tango, if you would" (Mabui)


Putting his plate down, Tango and Funsui cleared the circular table before the latter placed what appeared to be a map of Iwagakure2Hidden Stone Village on top of it

"This is a revision, as things have changed with the recent influx spectators and merchants. Certain exits have been sealed off, though new openings have been discovered" (Funsui)

"Due to the arrival of top delegates and politicians, other parties have become less inclined to try something. This location has become too populated for most saboteurs, but... we should still maintain our cautionary protocols for the safety of you three" Ronri warned as he stared at my team and I

"The biggest idiots tend to be the most bold" (Darui)

You guys are supposed to make us feel comfortable, not nervous. We're already under enough pressure as it is...

"Next up... Tango" (A)

"Sir. With the intel from my students, and rumors from the populace, we have a fairly decent idea of what to expect from the competition. Kirigakure3Hidden Mist Village sent very few shinobi, but they're all exceptional Genin who've trained under a different member of the infamous, Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū4Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist" (Tango)

{Like those twin jerks I fought in the canyon...Zabuza's dogs} (Rei)

"Swordsman... your team will have to rely on you, Tai" (A)

"E-Eh?! Um...yes sir!"

"You'll do fine, our training made sure of it" (Funsui)

"R-Right..." (Tai)

Great... this just gets better and better

"Ishigakure5Hidden Rock Village is dead set on targeting us due to our confrontational history with them. Though, their main reason for being here is to support Iwagakure" (Tango)

"I don't care what they're here to do, the fact those three terrorists managed to escape the Blood Prison because of the breakout still pisses me off" {Not to mention, their work helped the "Company" with the Siege} (Rei)

"I have no intention of showing them any mercy, whatsoever" (Suzu)

A pair of bloodthirsty hounds right here...though that isn't to say I'm of like mind

Members of my family died during the Siege... and "Ishi Terrorists" role in it wasn't small. And now they're here to mess with us again. Just thinking about the gall they have makes me...

"Konohagakure6Hidden Leaf Village has some contenders, but none we have to worry about except..." (Tango)

"Except what?" (A)

"There's a prodigy they've sent...of the famous Uchiha Clan" (Tango)

"Those guys... make me nervous" (Darui)

"The one who scored almost as high as Rei-kun on the first exam?" (C)

"Correct. Rei's scored the highest, his results only matched by the late 4th Hokage's7Fire Shadow" (Tango)


Awww, would you look at that

Mabui's patting her little cousin on the back for doing so well on the written need to be all bashful Rei


"Ow! What the heck?!" (Tai)

"I heard that. I'm not embarrassed" (Rei)

Is he psychic?!

"Tai and I had a nasty run-in with him. His strength isn't to be underestimated, and he barely revealed any of his cards during our entanglement" (Suzu)

"So no clue as to his fighting style?" (Darui)

"Besides great visual prowess and Genjutsu skills... there's not much else we know about him" (Suzu)

"Damn..." (Darui)

{Itachi... Dealing with him is gonna be the hardest part of this whole thing} (Rei)

Nasty is putting it mildly. I don't ever want to fight that guy again, he moves like a Jonin teacher! Even Suzu had a tricky time with him, those eyes of his...they're WAY scarier than Kyō's...

Hmmm... I wonder how Rei would fair against--oh?

Looks like everyone else was thinking the same thing. Nearly all eyes in the room are glued on him

"And?" (Rei)

"A-Ahem! The Stone makes up the bulk of the competition, but most of them aren't even worth mentioning. However, Sunagakure8Hidden Sand Village has been the most difficult to investigate, so not much on that end" (Tango)

"You couldn't find anything?" (A)

"All we have to go on is what my students experienced in Rengoku no Kyōkoku9Purgatory's Canyon" (Tango)

"That puppet master we fought, and the team lurking around when we first saw that ridiculous light-haired kid" (Tai)

"That guy... His physical strength was astounding..." (Suzu)

{Near rivaling my own...} (Rei)


Tango removed a document from the folder he had in hand before placing it on the table

"Our favorite spy Karai managed to come through and get something for us" (Tango)

"A picture, and info! Where'd he get--no, never mind. I don't even want to know" (Rei)

"On that, we agree Rei. The teenager you met, we've yet to get a name, but his clothing was reminiscent of an old shinobi clan originating just west of Yugakure10Hidden Steam Village" (Tango)

"Should that concern us?" (Funsui)

"Given the rumors swirling around about that area...absolutely" (Tango)

Huh? Why did the adults get all secretive all of sudden? What do they know that we don't. I glanced at Suzu, but she just shook her head, just as clueless as me

But when I turned to Rei...

"?!" (Tai)

"Can't be...West of the...isn't that territory set on becoming-?!" (Rei)

I saw concern...


Before I could even ask what bothered him, Raikage-sama stood up from his seat

"Unless you have any more details on their actual abilities, discussing this any further is pointless" (A)

"Well, I've already gone over what we know with everyone here on that front" (Tango)

"Then it's fair to say at this point, these three deserve to fail if they're not wary of their opponents by now" (A)

"W-When you put it that way..." (Tango)

Fair point

That's what I like about him, he always cuts through the useless stuff and gets straight to the point. Just like Rei... Oh crap. I must never tell him that, or he'll kick the crap out of me

"Tai, I have this sudden urge to hit you. Are thinking about something absurd?" (Rei)

"N-No!" (Tai)

"You sure?" (Rei)

How sharp are is instincts?!

"The next two days are ones of rest for you lot. Team Tango is to avoid any serious training whatsoever. No excuses, no exemptions" (A)

"Oh, come on!" (Rei)

"Wouldn't want us getting hurt that badly?" (Suzu)

"We need you in tip top shape. Light sparring will be permitted, but we prefer if you focus solely on strategy" (Darui)

"None the less, take it easy. All of you need to be both physically AND mentally refreshed for the finals" (Tango)

"I'll be monitoring your states and dictating your diets to ensure nothing goes wrong. And my first order is that you kids turn in and get some sleep" (C)

Without even giving us a chance to even respond, the adults left the room one by one, our opinions were completely mute

Despite everything accomplished in this past month, there was still much I felt we could do

And while I'm not sure about Rei, I know Suzu probably feels the same





With the shutting of the sliding door, we were left to ourselves. Surprisingly, it was Suzu who broke the silence

"How are you feeling?" (Suzu)

"I'm fine, don't worry. C did a full checkup on me, remember?" (Rei)

"What exactly did you do for training anyway?" (Tai)

"The easiest way to describe it is...rebuilding my foundation. When it comes to basics, I went back even further. Took a hard look at myself, thought about what to change, what needed to stay the same... perfecting my body" (Rei)

Are you talking about your new, toned physique?

I remember you mentioning a small stature being your greatest weakness. Granted, being fast isn't enough when your a child, punches from child-like arms lack weight to deal a definitive blow

Guess now that he's finally begun to turn into an adult, that weakness is starting to disappear. Puberty is a very weird thing

"But you're still not used to it..." (Suzu)

"W-Well, it took a bit longer than anticipated. Hell, I'm still not sure of what I'm fully capable of..." (Rei)

"I'll help you out tomorrow, if you need it" (Suzu)

"Thanks...but there's something else I want to do" (Rei)

"...What?" (Tai)


Rei's making that sinister grin, there's definitely something bad being concocted in that twisted brain of his!

"Why are you whispering?" (Suzu)

"So they don't hear us" (Rei)

"Why don't you want them to hear us? And what exactly are you planning?" (Tai)

"Seriously Tai? I'd think you of all people would understand, given your reaction upon our initial arrival in this village" (Rei)

"H-Huh?" (Tai)


Rei got up and pointed out of the sole window in our room. What exactly is he getting at?

"You heard what the adults said. This place has become the biggest convention of entertainment on the continent. Can't you hear all that noise? It's pretty much a party going on 24/7. And we're just gonna sit here and wait in this crappy hotel?" (Rei)

"...N-No. Rei, don't you say it... NO!" (Tai)

"Ohhhhh, yeah! They want us to get some R&R? Great. Let's get some... out there" (Rei)

"..." (Suzu)

"Tomorrow evening... We're gonna sneak out" (Rei)




This guy... he's definitely trying to give me a heart attack...


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