Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

31. Final Exam [3]

A moment ago...

Rei and Tai were defending their base, but with Rei's skill and Tai's traps there wasn't much need to put in the effort. Most of the students deemed their zone too difficult to capture and ignored them

The only matter that bothered them was the "show" Sekiei and his cohorts were putting on

"..." (Tai)

"...Tai" (Rei)

"?" (Tai)

"I know what you're thinking and the answer is no. You can't leave the zone" (Rei)

"U-understood" (Tai)

"When we started school, was it not you who told me she was a handful and recruiting her would be detrimental?" (Rei)

"Yeah...I did" (Tai)

{My opinion hasn't changed...but...just watching that really makes me...!} (Tai)

"We need to stay focused, on point. She's not the only one who needs to pass remember?" (Rei)

"I shouldn't let emotion cloud my judgement. I know...I don't even like her that much anyway. It's just...their reasoning for attacking her is...!" (Tai) 

"Is what?" (Rei)

"...I just really don't like those guys" (Tai)

{Is he that bothered by what those guys said? Although we're partners, other than his abilities and hobbies, I don't know much about Tai's background} (Rei)

Seeing the expression on his face, he knew it was impossible to convince Tai to do the rational thing. Rei sighed

"...Hah...fine" (Rei)

"Fine?" (Tai)

"I'll go" (Rei)

"Hey! It's not like I really care if...!" (Tai)

"I know, I don't care if she or other students fail, and neither do I. But...I can tell. For whatever the reason're bothered by what those three nimrods said" (Rei)

"Rei, I'm..." (Tai)

"Relax. I'm not gonna pry. As long as you stay here and guard the zone with your life, I'm don't mind teaching them a lesson" (Rei)

Forming a unique hand seal...

"Kage Bushin no Jutsu!1Shadow Clone Jutsu" (Rei)

Rei made a single shadow clone

"Oh?! You can make 'Shadow Clones'?! At your age?!" (Tai)

"I underwent a lot of 'changes' during my break..." (Rei)

{Now that my chakra has increased thanks to the "ten-tails", it's possible to use this forbidden technique. Though I can only maintain one clone now} (Rei)

"Alright...One 'me' stays here and the other leaves to do the dirty work" (Rei)

"Rei...thanks" (Tai)

A sinister grin appeared on Rei's face

"No need to thank me. I'm gonna enjoy mean...educating them" (Rei)

"Wait. Did you just say?" (Tai)

"Never mind" (Rei)

{Is it just my imagination, or was Rei about to say the word "torture"?} (Tai)

"Uh...Rei? You're making a really scary face right now...and it's making me nervous!" (Tai)

"Okay then! I'd better get moving!" (Rei)

"Ummm, on second thought, maybe you should stay. Wait! REI!" (Tai)

Rei started running

"You know what, you were right! Maybe this isn't the best idea! We should just focus on our zone!" (Tai)

"Relax! I'll make sure they're still breathing when I'm done with them" (Rei)


"No need to concern yourself with the minor details! I'll be right back!" (Rei)

"REI!!" (Tai)

Rei disappeared from his sight

{Oooooh, me and my stupid mouth. It's not like me to make things this personal when I'm not at 'home'.'s hoping he doesn't kill any of them} (Tai)




As Rei sprinted towards the rocky area, he was suddenly interrupted

[Hey buddy! Looks like you're having fun!]

"Kinda busy at the moment! What do you want Notitia?" (Rei)

[Many things actually...but this isn't a social call. I'm here to warn you]

"About what?" (Rei)

[About a potential "Ripple" being formed]

"Ripple?" (Rei)

[Mhm! Remember when this "Project" began and I talked about the consequences of "Cause & Effect"]

"You mean how my actions or very presence in this world can change things? I remember" (Rei)

[Well, after you used your first "Lifeline", I guess you could say I got an "Upgrade"]

"Warning me about potential changes to the story is your new feature?" (Rei)

[Yeah. When you use a Lifeline and I go into "Support Mode", I gain access to all of this world's information. A temporary form of "Ni-Omniscience", I receive information about the events you or I normally can't anticipate. Basically, the "Non-Canon" stuff]

{Right. My biggest advantage here is my knowledge of this story's events. The only thing that could possibly hinder me is the off-script material. Like this exam...I wouldn't know the outcome unless I used a Lifeline} (Rei)

"So all material that doesn't appear in the comic, databooks, and anime right?" (Rei)

[Yup! I can't see all the "Ripples" that form though. Oh! And don't forget the novels! In fact, that's what I'm here to warn you about]

"Hm?" (Rei)

[You see there's a character here who was featured in the novels. Look to your right, by the small pond]

Turning his head, he noticed a familiar figure

"Are you talking about Nemui? How could that sluggish kid be so important?" (Rei)

[He's "sluggish" for a reason. Look! He's about to get attacked!]

"You want me to join in?" (Rei)

[No...just watch! You're about to understand why Tai was so wary of him!]

Observing the situation, Rei saw five students attack Nemui as he guarded his zone

His eyes closed, he looked as if he fell asleep while standing

"Alright! This zone is as good as ou-!"




"How can this...!"

Despite his eyes being closed, Nemui was easily beating the attackers

"Fighting with his eyes closed?!" (Rei)

[I know right? That's some Madara-level ridiculousness right there bruh]

He gestured hand signs before electrifying the water around him




The five attackers fell unconscious, Rei was at a loss for words

"..." (Rei)


"...Okay. WHAT...THE...F*CK?!" (Rei)

[Hahahaha! Aren't you glad you listened to Tai? That kid is really smart!]

{How in the hell did he...?!} (Rei)

[To prevent this "Ripple", you must NOT engage Nemui. He has to pass this exam and become a Genin]

"I don't think that's gonna be a problem" (Rei)

[He'd have a much harder time passing if you had fought him. That's why I'm warning you not to]

"You still haven't told me how he could cause a 'Ripple' in the story" (Rei)

[Two words. Itachi Uchiha]

{?!} (Rei)

Shocked by the name Notitia just uttered, Rei replied with haste

"What does Itachi have to do with this?!" (Rei)

[A lot actually. Nemui is meant to be Itachi's last opponent when he takes his "Chunin Exams". Though Itachi wins, Nemui's ability to fight with his eyes closed proves to be a strong defense against the Sharingan]

{That does sound like the perfect counter measure to those crazy eyes} (Rei)

"...Why can't Itachi just have another opponent?" (Rei)

[It's because of his unique fighting style that he's able to give Itachi a tough time during their fight. But it also grants Itachi the opportunity to get serious and properly demonstrate his skills so he can be promoted to Chunin Level. When he becomes a Chunin, it will set him on the course that lays the foundation to many of this story's subplots]

{Right...his family's massacre, his little brother Sasuke, and even Naruto's path} (Rei)

"That's the 'Ripple' huh?" (Rei)

[Yup, you could fight Nemui if he ends up standing in your way from passing and he doesn't have to fight Itachi but...there's no guarantee Itachi will become a Chunin with a different opponent. Which is very likely to happen because many are reluctant to give him that ninja rank due to his young age. And if the story doesn't stay on the proper course, it'll make your life that much harder because...]

"I can't predict what comes from 'Off-story' script..." (Rei)

{And it'll be a while before I'm strong enough to ignore changes to the story...} (Rei)

[Only "Lifelines" are absolute. And after using your first one-]

"I only have four left. I get it! I'll do by best to steer clear of him" (Rei)

[Don't just "steer clear of him", you have to make sure he passes too man! Those douchebags you wanna pwn are planning to attack him once there done with Suzu]

"?! Well shit Notitia! Lead with that next time!" (Rei)

[That's what this new warning "feature" is about. From now on, whenever I tell you about a "Ripple", just take it with earnest and save your questions for later. Good luck bruh!]

{I really f*cking hate this thing. Whatever, most of the students have been taken care of so I doubt Nemui will run into trouble} (Rei)

"For now, I'll just focus on the 'three stooges', then I can breathe easy" (Rei)

Approaching Suzu's fight with Sekiei and his allies, Rei took out a smoke bomb and a stop watch





" that's how much time is left. Alright! I can work with that! Time to put these idiots in their place!" 


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