Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

33. Graduation


As the message from the intercom resounded, the once chaotic battlefield ceased

"OH YEAH! I made it!!!"

"Ah damn it! I was almost...!"

"No no no no no this is not happening!"

"Shit!!! If I just had a little more time!"

"Whew!!! That was too close!"

Words of relief and regret echoed throughout the field




"Whew...this was quite the interesting day..." (Tai)

"Yup...I'm glad I listened to your advice about Nemui. Fighting him would've been a pain" (Rei)

"THAT's what you find interesting?" (Tai)

"Well...what else is there?" (Rei)

{This guy is just...} (Tai)

"Oh, I don't know? Maybe you and Suzu, mostly Suzu, completely destroying Sekiei and his friends! Just look at them!" (Tai)

"?" (Rei)

Turning his head, Rei saw Sekiei in a daze. Blood oozing from his mouth and nose, his jaw in an awkward position, with tears coming out of his eyes. 

"A complete mess" is the best way to describe his appearance. But what made things even worse was...

"ARGH! Wah! Wyyy! Dis-shudn't av appened!! AGGGHHHH!!!!" (Sekiei)

...Sekiei's loud wailing on his knees

"" (Rei)

{Geez. I know they're all kids but that is just awful to look at}

"Now you get it. You went way too far" (Tai)

"Me?!" (Rei)

"Yes! YOU!" (Tai)

"All I did was taunt and hit them a little to shut them up. Like YOU wanted by the way since you were so offended by their words. Suzu was the one that came at them like a wild animal!" (Rei)

{I don't know what they are but that girl...has issues}

[HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! NICE!!! And here I thought today was gonna be boring! That girl straight up pwned those noobs!]

"True. She did most dirty work. But I think you were enjoying it..." (Tai)

"..." (Rei)

Tai looked at me with suspicion

"...You weren't enjoying it?" (Rei)

{This sadistic mother...!} (Tai)

"You're unbelievable! When you first took off I thought you were just gonna distract them or something. You know, anything that could shut them up. Not something so ruthless! Hell, are Mikage and Hiroshi even still alive?! They're not moving at all!" (Tai)

"They're alive, chill" (Rei)

"From now on, I'm just gonna grin and bear it whenever I get offended by someone" (Tai)

"..." (Rei)

"What? Why are looking at me like that?" (Tai)

"Tai..." (Rei)

"What? What is it?!" (Tai)

"Like you said...Suzu did all the dirty work. So with that in mind..." (Rei)

"Hm?" (Tai)

"Are you complaining at me because you're too scared to voice your complaints at Suzu?" (Rei)

"..." (Tai)

"..." (Rei)


An awkward silence


"...Just keep it in moderation next time" (Tai)

"I'll consider it...maybe" (Rei)




Genin and staff appeared on the field escorting passing and failing students to different locations

"Hic...hic...ugh!" (Sekiei)

"With that jaw, you can't even form words now huh? Come on, it's time to go. You failed the final exam"

"Hey! These students were knocked out over here. Gimme a hand!"

"Alright I'm coming! Wait here kid, I'll be right back"

{Why? WHY?! How could this have happened?! Did I underestimate her that much?} (Sekiei)

"Damn, his hair has been completely burned off"

"That's what happens when get careless with paper bombs"

{We had them outnumbered and yet still...! Wait...them?}

The students proceeded to leave the training field and faculty staff's behest

{No...that's not it. Not them...him. Everything was going fine until HE showed up} (Sekiei)

The figure of a particular departing student's back caught his eye as he stood up


"Wha?! Hey!"

"Damn it! There's one like this every year!"

His eyes were red with rage.  A kunai in his hand, he charged towards Rei

"I'm onna ill you Rei-AARRGGGGGH!!!!" (Sekiei)

Before he could he do anything, A genin knocked him out. He laid unconscious on the ground, his mouth foaming

"Whew! Nice job C!"

"I could tell this kid was going to try something stupid just from the look on his face" (C)

"Right. Sorry about that"

"Geez man! Be more careful!"

"Let's just make sure it doesn't happen again. Come on, let's hurry up and clear the field" (C)


"Not bad huh? He's got a good head on his shoulders"

"You said it. Now I'm starting to see why such a young kid was chosen to inherit a 'Letter'. Makes me embarrassed when I think about how I used to complain about not getting one"




Inside a small room were the students who managed to successful maintain their hold on a zone until the end of the test. The failures were sent home

"...How much longer are they gonna make us wait?"

"Yeah. I thought I'd get my headband by now"

"And the shinobi uniform too"

"Oh yeah that's right. I almost forgot we're the only village that gives shinobi uniforms to ninja who've reached the rank of Genin and not just Chunin or above"

Almost twenty minutes had passed since they arrived and not a single teacher has entered the room

"You guys are forgetting something" (???)


"Forgetting what?"

"Who said that?"

"I think it was Tai"

Tired of their idle chatter, Tai gathered the attention in the room

"We may have passed this part of the exam, but your performance is still factored into your overall score" (Tai)

"?!" (Most of the students)

"So even if you held a zone, if your performance was lackluster, you're probably not graduating" (Tai)

"But that's...!"

"Ah crap!"

"At the beginning of the first school year every teacher told their students 'Your shinobi headband is earned'. It's why we get uniforms despite not being Chunin" (Tai)

"Not to mention our overall scores during our time at this school"

"Aw man...I think I slacked off too much during my second year!"

"Shit! No! I refuse to fail after coming so far!"

The students began clamoring to themselves. Many who previously thought their promotion was assured were now beginning to panic

Before anymore talk could be heard, a teacher entered the room. Just as some were about to ask questions, the teacher raised her hand

"Save your questions, because I'm not answering them. I'm only gonna say this once so listen. Every few minutes or so I will enter this room and call upon one of you to follow me. First up, Nemui!"

"M-m-me?" (Nemui)

"Let's go!"

"Y-yes ma'am!" (Nemui)

The pair left the room

"...Now that's the weirdest thing I've seen all day..." (Rei)

"I the hell can someone who fights like THAT be so timid" (Tai)

"Everyone's got their quirks I guess" (Rei)

[You're one to talk]

"I could say the same about you" (Rei)

"Me?!" (Tai)

"No. I wasn't talking to y-...well...I guess you do have some weird quirks yourself" (Rei)

"The intuitive kind? Or the utterly destroying your opponents kind?" (Tai)

"You're still on about that?" (Rei)

Before they could continue their banter, the teacher returned to the room and called for Tai

"Well...wish me luck" (Tai)

"Huh? Oh...sure. Good luck I guess" (Rei)

"What's with that half-assed sendoff! Come on man! Put some feeling into it, so I don't fail!" (Tai)

"Okay then. Don't choke ya dork" (Rei)

"That's not better!" (Tai)

"It certainly sounded better" (Rei)

"Come on! I ain't got all day!"

"Y-yes sensei!" (Tai)

The process continued until finally, Rei was called

"Follow me"

"Yes" (Rei)

Making their way through the school, they entered a large room where three men sitting at a desk were waiting. Rei was surprised to find that not only was Osoi there, but the 4th Raikage was as well

However, what really caught his attention was the third man. He was a dark-skinned man with glasses, wearing a loose kimono. Interestingly enough, the Raikage was being respectful towards him

"Good to see you Rei. Please step forward" (Osoi)

"Hey sensei. Did I pass or not?" (Rei)

"Humph!" (4th Raikage)

"Quick to the point...I like this kid" (???)

"As blunt as usual. Before we get to that, I'd like to begin with some introductions. To my left is one you should already know, the 4th Raikage, A" (Osoi)

"Mabui speaks quite highly of you boy" (A)

"And to his left is our esteemed guest, the Land of Lightning's Daimyō-sama1Feudal Lord"

"A pleasure to meet you Rei" (Daimyō)

"I'm surprised that not only the Raikage, but even our Daimyō would be here today. You guys got nothing better to do?" (Rei)

"Ah! Rei!" (Osoi)

"Hahahaha! I wish!" (Daimyō)

"Mabui wasn't's like talking with an adult" (A)

"The Daimyō's appearance has always been a tradition when it comes to graduation. But the reason for Raikage-dono2An honorific that denotes high status on the part of the person being addressed being here is to fill in for the Village Head Ninja" (Daimyō) 

"The Head Ninja couldn't make it?" (Rei)

"He could...but he has family that participated in this year's exam" (Daimyō)

"Raikage-sama replacing him is simply to prevent any biased opinion and complaints" (Osoi)

"Well, we wouldn't want that now would we" (Rei)

"Alright enough, let's get to the issue at hand. Osoi!" (A)

"Yes sir! After reviewing your scores and performance over the years and this exam, it can be said that you've demonstrated the proper qualifications to be promoted to Genin rank" (Osoi)

"But..." (Rei)

"But we have one more question to ask before we can promote you" (Daimyō)

"This question will determine whether you pass or fa-" (Osoi)

"Ask it" (Rei)

"?!" (Osoi & Daimyō)

"..." (A)

"What? I didn't come this far just to back out now. Plus, there's some grilled teriyaki waiting for me at home so I'm in a rush. Hurry up and ask your question" (Rei)

Every adult, even the Raikage, was somewhat flabbergasted at the response of this six-year old

"Okay then" (A)

"?" (Osoi & Daimyō)

"I think we've seen all we need to see. He's clearly shown no hesitation" (A)

"Hehe. True. It's safe to say he's passed your little 'test' just now Raikage-dono. Plus, there are still many students to call up and I'm a pretty busy man" (Daimyō)

"So we're in agreement then?" (Osoi)

"..." (Rei)


The three men stood and approached Rei

"Rei Sano! You have demonstrated all the qualities of a proper Kumogakure Ninja. Strength, Intelligence, Tenacity, and Resolve! These are the traits that define a shinobi, and these are traits that define you!" (Osoi)

"As you embark on your path, remember like the lightning, you are the spark that illuminates the village. You, like the rest of your colleagues, now carry the 'Will of Lightning' within you" (Daimyō)

The Raikage handed Rei a see-through bag. Inside was the standard Kumo Ninja attire. A Kumo headband was on top of it

"When you wear this outfit, when you wear this headband, you no longer represent just you. You represent the entirety of the village. The choices you make when you're in uniform will potentially decide the fate of all the lives that dwell in this village. You must strive to ALWAYS acknowledge it's true weight!" (A)

The three men bowed to Rei, so Rei responded in kind before leaving the room




"Go ahead and call the next student" (Osoi)


The teacher that brought Rei left the room

"Well, that was just as I expected" (A)

"Oh? You knew he would pass your little 'scare' test?" (Daimyō)

"Getting students to hesitate by threating them with failure if they can't correctly answer an unknown question that doesn't even exist...quite mean of you Raikage-sama" (Osoi)

"We're not like those weak-willed ninja in other villages that just hand out headbands left and right. Hell, aren't you always going on about how we 'earn our status' here Osoi?" (A)

"True. But you seemed to know that he would pass easily..." (Osoi)

"Yes, I was also curious about that" (Daimyō)

"Mabui told me all about him and I trust her judgement" (A)

"Such a young girl has gained your trust huh? She must be quite talented. A shame she isn't working for me..." (Daimyō)

"Don't even think about poaching her. I'm still irritated you took Tekkan from me" (A)

Chuckling "You gotta let that go Raikage-dono. So Osoi-sensei, whose next?" (Daimyō)

"Next? That would be...oh. You guys oughta prepare yourselves for this one" (Osoi)

Showing them a document

"...Ah...this one is from..." (Daimyō)

"That family huh..." (A)




Rei left the school only to find Mabui waiting at the gate. Walking up to her with his uniform in hand, she spoke

"So..." (Mabui)

"So..." (Rei)

"...Grilled Teriyaki?" (Mabui)

"Grilled Teriyaki" (Rei)






The pair went home

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