Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

36. Team

A light chapter for April Fool's Day



" it morning already?" (Rei) Yawning, Rei got out of his bed and left his room


"Well something smells good. You're going all out this morning nee-san" (Rei)

"Well today's the day you join your first squad, naturally I want to make sure you're prepared" (Mabui)

After failing to recreate Isshiki's "Black Cube" device yesterday, Rei decided to call it quits and head back home only to find out Mabui received notice that his team is ready

"Thanks, I appreciate it" (Rei)

"No problem" (Mabui)

Sitting at the table, he wasted no time going to work on the food in front of him

"I still can't believe you're a shinobi now..." (Mabui)

"Technically, I've been an official shinobi in the many months after I graduated from the academy" (Rei)

"Yeah I that you're joining a squad with a Jonin captain it feels really official now. Hehe" (Mabui)

"...Speaking of the Jonin captain" (Rei)

"What is it?" (Mabui)

"What can you tell me about Tango-sensei?" (Rei)

After receiving the squad notice yesterday, the pair found that it provided little to no information on his Jonin teacher other than his name

"Hmmm. All I know is that he was among the many young Chunin to be promoted to Jonin during the war. Any other data on him is classified. Jonin are the elite after all" (Mabui)

"I see" (Rei)

"Sorry I can't be of much help" (Mabui)

"No...something is always better than nothing. Thanks nee-san" (Rei)

Finishing his breakfast, Rei returned to his room and put on his shinobi attire before heading to the front door

"Eh?! You're leaving already?!" (Mabui)

Opening the door "Of course! I don't want to be late on my first day!" (Rei)  

"At least let me pack some lunch for you! Rei! Aaaannd, he's gone. Typical" (Mabui)

{He should be fine, but I worry about having such a young captain}




Moving with haste, Rei stopped at a wide elevated platform in the upper areas of the village

"Hm. No one else here, guess I'm the first to arrive" (Rei)

[I would think after your "half-success" at the lab yesterday you'd be in lower spirits]

"Just because I didn't succeed at making the cubes now doesn't mean I will in the future. That failure just proves I have much more to learn about ninja and chakra. Something a Jonin captain can definitely help me with" (Rei)

[How very "glass half full" of you]

"Hey! At least I succeeded in recreating the receivers yesterday. Not bad for a seven year old wouldn't you say?" (Rei) 

[ least you're more enthusiastic than when you first started in this world. Can't believe it's already been four years]

Frowning "Yes. Four years since you dropped me into the body of a three year old. Yay" (Rei)

[Now there's sourpuss I love to mess with!]

"Eat me" (Rei)

[Hehe! You're a wonderful source of entertainment. I can't wait to see what you'll...SHIT!]

"You can't wait to...huh? The hell did you just say?" (Rei)

[Ah! NO! I mean...look!]

"Look where Notitia? It's not like disembodied voices have hands" (Rei)

[Ugh. You're Eight o'clock!]

"What? What's the big...oh shit" (Rei)

Walking towards him were two familiar figures. One was nervous and shaking, his face carrying the most tense expression it was capable of showing. The other was as calm as the time before the storm

"H-h-hey Rei...looks were gonna be on the same team" (???)

"Right...uh....yeah. And can I assume the same for you?" (Rei)

"..." (???)

"I'll take that as a yes" (Rei)

[ still feeling enthusiastic Rei?]

{Looks like things are gonna get hectic now} (Rei)

The quiet student sat down a distance from Rei and the other student began to whisper

"Hey! Rei!" (???)

"What is it?" (Rei)

"Did you know that person was going to be on our team?!" (???)

"How the hell would I know who would be on our team?" (Rei)

"You didn't try to find out all those times you were getting D-rank missions at the assignment office? I'm pretty sure at this point everyone in the village knows how mission-crazy you've been in the past few months" (???)

{Was I really gathering that much attention during this little "break" of mine?}

"Would anyone tell me if they knew? I'm pretty sure that stuff is supposed to be 'tight-lipped' so I didn't bother trying to ask" (Rei)

"Well I did, and many of them aren't as 'tight-lipped' as you might think" (???)

"Oh? And what did you hear?" (Rei)

"Originally, we were supposed to have Nemui for a third member" (???)

"What?! How did we lose such a top-tier member?!" (Rei)

{Shit! Nemui may be a minor part of it, but he's still supposed to keep Itachi on the right path in the story. I had hoped he'd be on my team so I could make sure it'd happen correctly}

"Ugh. I don't know much, but apparently some 'changes' are going on with management" (???)

"..." (Rei)

{I wonder...she seemed normal this morning but nee-san was acting very strange yesterday}

"What's wrong?" (???)

"Nothing...damn. Sucks we lost out on Nemui. But you know..." (Rei)

"?" (???)

"It's not like his replacement is lacking in ability" (Rei)

"If that was all we had to worry about, I wouldn't be freaking out right now!" (???)

TUP! A fourth shinobi landed in front of them. He was older than the rest of them

"Good, you're all here. Please come closer." (???)

The three Genin lined up in front of him

"Would it be safe to assume that you're..." (???)

"Yes. My name is Tango. Bearing the letter 'T', I'll be your Jonin captain. Nice to meet you all." (Tango)

{Huh, he's younger than what nee-san had implied}

He had slight slanted eyes and a flat nose. Light skin with black hair concealed underneath his headband that he wore like a bandanna

"Starting from my left, could you all introduce yourselves please?" (Tango)

"Ah! R-right! My name is Tai! Nice to meet you sensei!" (Tai)

"I'm Rei, a pleasure" (Rei)

{...And finally...}


"..." (Tai)

"..." (Rei)

[Well...the wild bronco is here. I thought only I was supposed to give you headaches?]





{Haaah. Things are gonna get annoying now.....................shit}


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