Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

38. First Mission [2]

Before they could contemplate their situation any further, the ship stopped

"That place has many forms of protection, so we can't go any further. You'll have to take the mini boat to get on the island" (Funsui)

"That's fine, a small boat makes it easier to get in undetected. Let's go guys" (Tango)

"Good luck!" (Funsui)

Getting on the small boat attached to the ship, the team left

Funsui lit a cigar as he watched the departing party before one of his crew members approached him

"And there they go"

"Yup" (Funsui)

"And we're just supposed to wait for them here?"

"Is that a problem?" (Funsui)

"Don't tell me you forgot about that guard dog"

"With a boat that small I doubt it'll notice them" (Funsui)

"Oh I'm not worried about them, I'm worried about us"

"Reinforcements have already been called. They're just going to secure the perimeter until backup arrives. We'll be fine" (Funsui)

"Who'd the village send?"

"The 'Guardian' of all people" (Funsui)

"For real?! They sent him?!"

"This place is very important to Kumo, that's why you shouldn't be worried about us. The only ones facing any real danger are Tango and his team..." (Funsui)

"Okay...still...I can't believe Raikage-sama approved"

"Didn't have much of choice these times, not even Raikage-sama is allowed to play 'favorites' with ninja" (Funsui)



Making their way to a small beach, Tango took out his map to get a grasp of the groups current location

"According to this, we're about fourteen clicks1Kilometers from the site. Bear in mind that while I gave you instructions on engaging, I'd prefer we do this as quickly and quietly as possible" (Tango)

The three Genin nodded their heads

"To maintain our communication, I'll be using Chakra Transmission to relay instructions..." (Tango)

Forming a hand seal

...from this point onward⌋ (Tango)

⌈Hmm...that's a funny feeling⌋ (Rei)

⌈I know, like electricity on the back of my neck⌋ (Tai)

⌈Heh, no worries. You'll get used to it soon enough. Now, let's move!⌋ (Tango)

⌈Right!⌋ (All of them)


The team did their best to remain silent by any means possible

{Not bad, for a new team they're performing quite well} (Tango)

⌈Nothing but giant animals around here...⌋ (Tai)

⌈This island is host to many potential animals that can enter a contract for Summoning. It's also the equivalent of Konoha's "Forest of Death"⌋ (Tango)

⌈Is that why this place is so important? To provide Kumo ninja a supply of summoned creatures?⌋ (Suzu)

⌈ There are far easier ways to get a contract with an animal than coming to this dangerous place. Letting these animals stay here was originally just a means to add another layer of protection⌋ (Tango)


{Huh? The sound of water?} (Rei)

⌈Hm? You see something Rei?⌋ (Tango)

⌈More like hear something...flowing water⌋ (Rei)

⌈Those are some sharp senses you got there, but if you're hearing water that means were getting close. Let's pick up the pace!⌋ (Tango)

Heading through the forest, they arrived at a waterfall. A small pond underneath it with a grassy platform in the middle

⌈This is...⌋ (Tai)

⌈Our target for protection⌋ (Tango)

⌈So this is the sacred site⌋ (Suzu)

Tango gestured the other three to wait while he scouted ahead. After checking the area, he returned

⌈I've confirmed there's no one else around. We need to make and hold a perimeter around this area until reinforcements arrive, so let's set up choke points and traps. Tai, since you're a Suiton2Water Style user, you'll be positioned near me by the waterfall. I also want you set traps around the area, but absolutely NO explosives. We're supposed to protect this site, not destroy it⌋ (Tango)

⌈How about some steel wire traps? I also have some anesthetic smoke bombs⌋ (Tai)

⌈Those will do just fine. Suzu, I need you to use your Doton3Earth Style to dig trenches. From what I've read you're quite skilled with elemental jutsu, so I trust that shouldn't be a problem⌋ (Tango)

⌈It's no problem at all, I'll get it done⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Rei...I know you're skilled with Taijutsu, but I've heard you possess Inton4Yin/Shadow Style as well. Have you learned any Genjutsu?⌋ (Tango)

⌈I have a "Kanashibari no Genjutsu"5Temporary Paralysis Genjutsu under my belt but that's pretty much it for now⌋ (Rei)

{I've spent more time in the lab and training my physical capabilities than study any jutsu lately. I really need to find a better way to balance my time}

⌈That, along with your Taijutsu, will be enough. You're on the outer layer of defense⌋ (Tango)

⌈Just me?⌋ (Rei)

⌈I'll be moving back and forth between all of you for support. For now, you're on look out while we set up our ambush⌋ (Tango)

⌈Okay⌋ (Rei)

{I have to admit, it's pretty impressive he's be able to maintain this "Chakra Transmission" for so long without any signs of getting tired}

⌈Time is of the essence people! I want this done quickly!⌋ (Tango)

The team immediately went to work, Tai and Tango laying traps while Suzu turned the territory towards our advantage




Remaining on watch, Rei began whispering

"Nothing so far, kind of anti-climatic" (Rei)

[You know you just jinxed yourself right?]

"We're EXPECTING to get attacked, so it's not really a jinx Notitia" (Rei)

[Whatever you say.'s it feel being on your first REAL mission with a team]

"Nothing of note" (Rei)


"Yeah, I worked with Tai before during our graduation" (Rei)

[Ehhh, for like a minute before you took off and had Suzu beat the ever living shit out of those poor morons]

"Still counts. Besides, I had plenty of experience when it came to working with a team back in my world" (Rei)

[..."Working with"...right...sure...whatever you say]

"What?" (Rei)


{Just what is this thing implying now?} (Rei)

Tired of talking, Rei continued his watch


"..." (Rei)


"..." (Rei)

[...This is like the "The calm before the storm" without the storm. Sigh, boring]

"..." (Rei)

[I'd ask for a smoke, but then again, I can't smoke]

"..." (Rei)

[Can you hear the "Jaws" theme in the background yet?]

"..." (Rei)


"..." (Rei)

[...Bet that knee is starting to hurt]

"WILL YOU SHUT..!" (Rei)

Before he could retort, a rustling sound could be heard

⌈Sensei! Contact! Ten o'clock!⌋ (Rei)

⌈?!⌋ (Tai & Suzu)

⌈How many?!⌋ (Tango)

⌈Hard to say, at least over a dozen of them!⌋ (Rei)

⌈How far are they from us?⌋ (Tango)

⌈Hmmm...about, nineteen meters away⌋ (Rei)

⌈Okay! Tai! Suzu! That's pretty much the best we can do for our ambush set up. Take your positions. From this point forward, keep the chatter to a minimum!⌋ (Tango)

Everyone took their defensive positions, as the rustling sounds around them grew louder

WHOOSH!! A massive figure emerged. It was grey, furry, and had three vertical scars on it's forehead

⌈What the?! Is that...?!⌋ (Tai)

⌈A giant koala?⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Not just any koala, that's Don! A frequent troublemaker on this island!⌋ (Tango)

Several other koalas appeared behind it, their sizes were towering compared to fully grown humans

{Those are koalas?! They're at least fourteen feet tall!} (Rei)

⌈Left unchecked, they'll definitely destroy the site if we let them in!⌋ (Tango)

⌈Um...Sensei?⌋ (Rei)

⌈What is it?⌋ (Tango)

⌈Since we can't let them in...can you tell us exactly what the rules of engagement are in this case?⌋ (Rei)

⌈...I know what you're thinking NO killing! Our job is prevent anyone or anything from damaging the site WITHOUT disturbing the environment⌋ (Tango)

⌈Just wanted some clarification...! Here they come!⌋ (Rei)


Don pointed at the team with his paw, the other giant koala's charged at them as if he was ordering them to attack

Forming hand seals "Well, since I'm the first line of defense! 'Magen: Kusari Shibari!'6Demonic Illusion: Chain Binding "(Rei)

Under the effects of his Genjutsu, some of the koala's began to hallucinate the image of metal chains restricting them. Stopped in their tracks, they struggled to move their bodies

Others however, seemed to be unaffected and continued charging

{Hmm. So this technique doesn't work so well with a large group...good to know} (Rei)

Using his speed, Rei knocked the ones that were under the effects of his illusion before proceeding to attack the others

But due to sheer number of them, some managed to get past him

"Humph! 'Fūton: Reppūshō!'7Wind Style: Gale Palm " (Suzu)

"Time for a nap you wannabe bears!" (Tai)

Suzu engaged the ones the got pass Rei while Tai become knock-out gas bombs

After finishing the stragglers, Rei engaged Don

{Hm. Not bad. They're definitely skilled for their age...but their still lacking in one key area} (Tango)

"RAAAHHHH!!" (Don)

POW!!! Seemingly angry his followers were taken down, Don began to fight more fiercely

"Ngh! Ow! That hurt like hell you damn trash panda!" (Rei)

⌈Careful Rei! All the animals on this island have an abnormal amount of strength!⌋ (Tango)

{Oh screw this, enough playing around!} (Rei)

"Shunshin no Jutsu!"8Body Flicker Jutsu


"AAAHHH!!" (Don)

With inhuman movement, Rei punched Don in chest like a bullet train! Knocking him out cold

"Phew..." (Rei)

⌈Nice Rei!⌋ (Tai)

⌈Mhm...⌋ (Rei)

⌈Tai! If you have any food pills, it's best if start handing them out now. Reinforcements still aren't here and who knows when the attack will come⌋ (Tango)

⌈Of course⌋ (Tai) He tossed some to Suzu and Rei

⌈Take this time to recover after all that fighting. All of that noise we made will surely...!⌋ (Tango)


{Oh goddamnit} (Rei)

[Yup, he definitely jinxed it. Does no one in this world understand the concept of "Flags" at all?]

Before they could relax, the ground shook violently as the next wave of attackers came

⌈No rest for the wicked it would seem! Get ready!⌋ (Tango)

⌈Oh man...why's the ground shaking so much?!⌋

⌈...⌋ (Tango)

⌈Tch!⌋ (Suzu)

Being the farthest away from them, Rei was the first to get a glimpse at the attackers

{...Hm...Eh? Oh...oh you have got to be shitting me!} (Rei)

⌈Rei! Can you see what it is?!⌋ (Tai)

⌈Oh...I can see it alright! BRACE YOURSELVES!!!⌋ (Rei)

⌈?!⌋ (Tai, Suzu, & Tango)

Making their way towards the team...

{Oh God...I'm pretty sure I didn't sign up for this!} (Tai)





...was a stampede of giant hippos

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