Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

41. The Third Memory

Springtime, in a college dorm, were three students socializing 


Slurp, Slurp

"Phew! Ok, WOW. You found quite the prize"

"Mhm. Didn't think I'd find beer this good around the area. But, why are we drinking in this small room, and not celebrating in an actual bar?"


"...Skepticism? For what?"

"My mind is still trying to accept the fact you managed to tame that viper! A part of me still thinks I'm dreaming right now"

"Hahaha! What Hector?! What's with all the doubt?!"

"Cause after meeting her myself, calling her 'cold-blooded' wouldn't be doing her justice. I still can't believe you were able to talk that vice president into giving us the lab Alec" (Hector)

"Hehe, what do you mean?! You know how I got that swag! (Alec)

"Hah! You sure got something, but I don't think it's swag LOL" (Hector)

"Uh-huh. The newly divorcee over here is gonna lecture me on romance" (Alec)

"Ugh, I'm still dealing with the settlement costs" (Hector)

"Well, remember to get prenup next time hehe" (Alec)

"At least I can get some! The rate your going, you should put 'eternal bachelor' on your business card! " (Hector)

"Oh come on! Hey! Ray! You gonna let this guy talk to your best buddie like that?!" (Alec)

Alec called out to the third student in the room

"..." (Ray)

"Raaaaayyyyyymmmooooonnnd" (Hector)

"..." (Ray)

"Ummmmm. Paging Dr. Parker?" (Hector)

"Ah! Is it that time already?" (Alec)

"What do you mean?" (Hector)

"They live in different time zones, so this is his only opportunity to call them" (Alec)

"Oh yeah I forgot. Or rather...damn...this is some good beer. I'm dizzy already" (Hector)

"Told ya" (Alec)

"Raaaaaaayyyyyyyyy..." (Hector)

"Haaa. Don't know as well as I do when it comes to priorities, they're always going to be number one to him" (Alec)


The third student was in the corner on his phone

"Yeah. Yeah. We, or rather Alec, managed to get the lab. We're finally going start our project!" (Ray)

"You've already started a project haven't you?"

"Details, details Sarah. We're going to have an actual BUDGET now. Big difference" (Ray)

"I can't believe you and Alec have come this far. It feels like it was only yesterday when I watched him whoop your ass on the court" (Sarah)

"Hey! I wasn't THAT bad at basketball!" (Ray)

"Right. Sure. Whatever you say. Chris is rolling his eyes by the way" (Sarah)

"Bull! I know it's late where you're at! There's no way he's not asleep now!" (Ray)

"Well, he would've done it if he was awake. But to him, when it comes to your projects..." (Sarah)

"?" (Ray)

"You know Chris doesn't really understand, or care, about budgets. All he's concerned about is when you're going to visit us again" (Sarah)

"Speaking of my favorite cousin..." (Ray)

"You're favorite huh? What am I? Chopped liver!" (Sarah)

"Ok. He's my favorite boy cousin, and you're my favorite girl cousin" (Ray)

"Meh. That barely passes as a save, but I'll cut you some slack since I like you" (Sarah)

"I'm grateful, anyway, how is he adapting to the new school? I, for one, know just how difficult the change can be when you're suddenly forced to move" (Ray)

"The move wasn't hard. But I think he just wanted to keep the peace by not complaining because...well..." (Sarah)

" Brian and Aunt Marie are still..." (Ray)

"Mom and dad aren't as bad as they used to be...but...there's still some room for improvement" (Sarah)

"...Not just Chris, but how are you doing?" (Ray)

"I'm fine. Really, this is nothing compared to High school" (Sarah)

"Yeah...I pity the naïve fool who decides to ask you out" (Ray)

"Oh, you dick! And here I thought you were being sincere" (Sarah)

"I your victims. Man, that's a LONG list when you think about it" (Ray)

"You wanna be on that list?" (Sarah)

"In the interest of self-preservation, I'll leave it at that for today. How is Chris handling the move?" (Ray)

"He was depressed at first, but Chris has managed to open himself up to some of the students at school" (Sarah)

"Really?" (Ray)

"Yeah. He's even invited them to the house. They spend most of their time playing video games or reading those weird Japanese comics" (Sarah)

"Yeah. Those 'Manga' have really started to blow up recently. Lemme guess, he favorite is that new one with the ninja right? What's it called again? Nato, or something?" (Ray)

"It's 'Naruto' I think. That one has all the kids going crazy. I'm afraid he's gonna end up wearing those weird clothes or start running with his hands behind his back" (Sarah)

"Hahahaha! I can see that!" (Ray)

"Good grief, if my little brother keeps asking for this stuff, I'LL end up broke" (Sarah)

"If that happens, I'll take care of you both" (Ray)

"Awwww, and that's why I haven't buried you in our backyard after all these years" (Sarah)

"I thought it was because you ran out of space" (Ray)

"Scratch that, it's why I haven't buried you YET" (Sarah)

"Aaaannd, that's my cue to leave. I'll let you get some sleep. It has to be pretty late, considering where you are now. I still haven't adjusted to this new time zone despite how long I've been here" (Ray)

Yawning "Right, I'll let you get back to saving the world. Try not to blow yourself up" (Sarah)

"I'll try not to" (Ray)

"Although if you did, I would get your there's a thought..." (Sarah)

"I love you too Sarah" (Ray)

Hanging up his phone, Raymond turned to see his other roommates passed out

"...You know, if a doctor told you guys to 'watch your drinking'...I bet you would just find a bar with a mirror..." (Ray)




Sixteen Months Later...

Afternoon on the campus

Raymond and Hector were making their way towards their lab

"Well, spit it out!" (Ray)

"It's too soon! And even if it wasn't, we still need to exercise caution!" (Hector)

"Please stop beating around the bush and just tell me, did we get the Dean's approval or not?" (Ray)

"Yes. But-" (Hector)

"Then there's nothing to worry about. The experiment will proceed as scheduled" (Ray)

"There's plenty to worry about! This will be our first demonstration!" (Hector)

"It was bound to happen at some point Hector, you're just having some jitters" (Ray)

"We've already burnt through most of our funding" (Hector)

"Which is why we're having this demonstration to get more. Once these people understand what we're trying to accomplish they'll back us" (Ray)

"I'm afraid not many of them share your noble intentions" (Hector)

"When see what our 'Battery' can do, they'll do whatever hell we tell them" (Ray)

"We're not getting any money if Alec doesn't come through..." (Hector)

"He'll come through. I trust him, he's never let me down" (Ray)

Hector had a dubious look on his face

"Right. Trust huh..." (Hector)

"What's with that response?" (Ray)

"I looked over Alec's choice for a backer" (Hector)

"And?" (Ray)

"They're a major player. So major, the fact that an average grad student like him managed to get the attention of their board members is anything but normal" (Hector)

"Now you're just being cynical. Just like you've always been" (Ray)

"What you call being 'cynical', I call being attentive" (Hector)


"Hm? Hey Alec!" (Ray)

"If you're here, does that mean..." (Hector)

"How'd it go?!" (Ray)

With a big grin on his face

"Like a charm! I just got off the phone with one of the executives. They'll be here in five weeks!" (Alec)

"For real?" (Hector)

"YES!!" (Ray)

"HAHA! I bet you guys were freaking out!" (Alec)

Arriving outside a door, the trio entered a lab

"The budget?" (Ray)

"Their pockets are deep, supporting us shouldn't be a problem!" (Alec)

"I already knew that, what I'm concerned with is their reputation" (Hector)

"Why? Their reputation isn't bad at all" (Alec)

"To the public, but the 'Vitalis Foundation' has a history of swallowing up entire companies. Keeping the best staff, while discarding the rest without hesitation" (Hector)

"All the more reason not worry" (Alec)

"What?" (Hector) 

"Those companies were composed of hundreds, if not thousands of people. It's not unorthodox to thin the herd, but I doubt we'll have to worry about it since our 'Limelight inc.' only has three members" (Alec)

"That may be so but..." (Hector)

"Hehehehe" (Ray)

"?" (Hector & Alec)

With a bright smile on his face, Ray put his arms around their shoulders and pulled them close

"Oooff!" (Hector)

"H-hey!" (Alec)

"It only goes up from here guys! Just watch! We're gonna change the whole damn world! Thanks guys, I never would've made it to this point without either of you!" (Ray)

"Well, that is true" (Alec)

"...Ray" (Hector)

"I know you two usually can't handle it, but I'll make an exception this time " (Ray)

"I guess I'll have a little" (Alec)

"Haaa. Fine" (Hector)

"That's the spirit" (Ray)

Letting go of them, Ray took out a bottle of champagne and three wine glasses

Filling the glasses and handing them to the pair, Rei proposed a toast

"...To our future" (Hector)

"To our gain" (Alec)

"To...our friends" (Ray)


"CHEERS!!!" (All)




Three Weeks Later

A young man was running down a hall


Slipping on the floor he tripped and fell, before getting back up and running again

Making it to his destination, he kicked open a door to a lab. Running to one of the computers inside, he typed with haste

"Come on, come on, come No. NO!"


He slammed the computer monitor off the desk in anger before reaching into his pocket for his phone to make a call


A tired, withered voice answered



"'s really over"

"The hell it is!! We can fight this we can...!"

"No...I...I can't"

"So you're just giving up then?! After everything we've been through?!"

"I've got nothing left. This...this was my last Lifeline and he stole it from me"

"Don't...don't say that! We can still!"

"No. Unlike you, I can't go any further. I'm...I'm just done. I'm sorry"

"Wait! Don't-"

"Goodbye Raymond"

CLICK! Brrrrrrrr


Raymond ran out of the building to his car, driving out of the parking lot like a mad man

"He'll be fine with some time, just needs to sleep it off is all. Right now I can't afford to let them get away!"

Speeding along the highway, Ray made his way to an apron1The place where airplanes park to board passengers and refuel

"According to what I found in the room, he should be heading towards a company-owned private hangar...THERE!"

Ray spotted his target behind a gate. Driving to gate, a security guard question him

"Hold it! What's your business here?"

"There's someone in that hangar I need to see!"

"Do you have proof of permission to enter?"


"Well, unless you've been approved, you're not getting in"

"...Well, could you just phone in and tell them Dr. Raymond Parker is here?"

The security guard suddenly smirked, as if he realized something from hearing the name "Raymond Parker"

"Yeah, I could. Doesn't mean I'm going to though"

{This guy...}

"Haaaaa...f*ck this..."

Ray, who was already fuming with rage, lost any shred of patience he had left and hit the gas petal


Driving towards a hangar where a private jet was getting ready to take off, he stopped his car right in front of it. Blocking it from leaving

Getting out of his car, he walked towards the jet screaming


The jet powered down and the airstair2 opened. Standing on top of the stair was young man in a brand new suit that Raymond knew all too well

Clapping his hands

"Hahaha! Damn Raymond! I didn't think you'd take it so personally!"


"In the now, very-well-taken-care-of, flesh"

He walked down the stairs and stopped in front of Ray


"Why what?"

"You know what! Stealing the data, sabotaging our device, colluding with 'Vitalis', cutting us out, take your pick! Why did you do this?!"

"Well you see, the real question is...why not sooner?"


"Oh come on Raymond, don't tell me you actually believed the company shared your interests? Selling renewable energy at a cheap price for the 'people'? Are you stupid, or do you just think I am?!"


"If we had done it your way, all of us would've eventually ended up in a low paying position while the company reaped the awards! But! Their top table does have room for one more seat. And let's face it, I wasn't gonna hand that spot over to a pathetic loser like Hector, who paid child support to his ex-wife for eighteen years only to find out the baby wasn't even his! Hilarious by the way. The only reason I decided to keep the dullard around was because he constantly did his best to ensure his last hope in life, this project, wouldn't fail."

"How dare!-"

"Or you, the nauseating idealist with a heart of gold, always preaching about helping your fellow man and doing what's best for the world. God you're such a pill, every second I had to listen to your bullshit I had the urge to vomit"

"If being with me was such torture, why bother to stick around?!"

"Simple, your father"

"What does he have to do with any of this?!"

Alec chuckled to himself

"Everything. Grant Parker was a well renowned scientist. So renowned, that even when I was in middle school, I would follow his work. So imagine my surprise to find out after his death, his orphaned son would move to my neighborhood. Oh! The opportunity!"

"For what?"

"To move up in the world. I knew with your heritage and intelligence, you would follow his work on ambient energy. So I got close, became your best friend, and waited"


"There were some hiccups along the way, times where I was worried you might give up. But with the right amount of encouragement, friendship, and assistance, you were able to surpass your father!"


"This was the moment I was waiting for! The moment where you could actually be useful to someone, and not a burden like you were to your family!"

"You shut your-!"

"We both know it's true. You're aunt and uncle are separated because of you. Their already poor family could barely take care of the two kids they already had, and then you come along, pushing them to the breaking point. You're nothing but a parasite"

"Shut up..."

"But hey, if things get too difficult for Sarah, you can always trust me to take really GOOD care of her. HAHAHA!"



Losing all self-control, Ray came at Alec with a vengeance! Knocking him to the ground, punching him again and again


But Alec didn't fight back, he just chuckled


"Oh yes...yes it is because..."

Alec pointed in a different direction. Trying to see what he was pointing at, Raymond noticed that there were several security guards around him

But what really caught his attention was the camera one of them was holding



{Shit! This whole time he was baiting me! He wanted me to hit him!}

"And with that, you've pretty much blown any and all chances of settling this in court"

"You think just because I hit you a few times people won't-!"

"See right through me? No, they won't. Wake up you naïve idiot! This is America, the most superficial country on the planet!"


"When people see that video, they won't see Dr. Raymond Parker confronting a traitor who stole from him, they'll just see an angry black man who illegally charged through a security gate to beat someone up"

"You bastard..."

Losing his will to fight, Raymond backed away from Alec

"Good choice. Had you continued, I would've had them kill you"

"This isn't over. You only have the data, but you're not smart enough to finish it. We'll just start up again and put 'Vitalis' out of business!"

"From scratch? Kinda hard with no support, no money, no data, and soon, no lab. But even if you do, do I look like I give a shit?"


"Whether the company can continue your work or not, whether you can put them out of business or not is irrelevant. I've already been paid, I'm only sticking with them because while they're still in business, I get more money"

"Money...all this for greedy, arrogant-"

"Human? That defines the human race perfectly. We may try to butter ourselves up with pretty words like love and peace, but such things are hollow in a world that is Finite. Let this lesson be my final gift to you"


"So you see, there is no beating me because I've already won"

Alec went back up the stairs to the jet, as the security guards left

Turning around, he spoke to Raymond one last time

"But look at it this way! If I had stuck around and worked with you guys, you would've just ended up as my Bitch! So my 'Best Buddy'! Have a nice life!"

Getting back inside, the jet started to move out of the hangar. Navigating around Ray's car before taking off in the sky

Ray simply watched the plane fly away and didn't take his eyes off it until he couldn't see it anymore

"...F* could I not..."

Mentally exhausted, Ray got back in his car left, intent on visiting Hector to inform him of the situation

"I can't...I can't let it end like this...I HAVEN'T WORKED SO HARD JUST TO RECEIVE THIS KIND OF SHITTY ENDING!!!!"

Arriving at his apartment, Ray knocked on the door

"Hector! You there?! Hold on..."

Taking his phone out, he tried calling him to no avail. Knocking on the door again, he realized it was unlocked

"What the? Why is it...ugh, whatever! HECTOR!! You in here?!"

There was no response

"Hector! That bastard Alec played us. But I'm not done yet! One way or another we're gonna make him pay I swear-"

Thunk! Ray dropped his phone


Entering the room, Ray was met with a scene that would haunt him for the rest of his life






Inside was Hector, strung up by the neck and a note on his bed...


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