Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

49. State Of Affairs [1]

Back in Kumogakure

An assembly of over fifty people was taking place in a large room. At it's head was the Raikage, the Lightning Daimyō, and his assistant standing next to him. The rest were comprised of Elders and Jonin

The assistant was addressing the current state of affairs with Kumogakure

"Most of our small businesses have resumed function, but civil unrest at our borders remains"

"We're STILL lacking enough manpower to deal with the smaller nations?"

"That damn unruly bunch, honestly...we've should've crushed them during the war and absorbed their land into our own!"

"That's exactly why we got roped into this war in the first place. While the Leaf, Sand, and Stone were hashing it out, we moved to increase our strength before Kirigakure1Hidden Mist Village did"

"I thought we would've tackled the issue already"

"The Third Shinobi War's after effects are truly resilient..."

"Even before the war, the national power of the Five Great Shinobi Nations was clearly diminishing. The conflicts with the smaller nations broke out until it developed into an all-out war. Causing all nations to gain a shortage of war potential, to point even young Genin were forced to fight, losing their young lives during the war"


"And now, we're worse than how we started off"

"Fortunately, our country can boast having the strongest economy out of all the other villages. By focusing our resources on restoration, we'll recover sooner than most

"You mean as long as the disturbances remain and the current minimum...right?"

"...Yes. Our estimated projections foresee a total recovery in five to eight years"

"Considering the damage we took, those numbers aren't that bad"

"What of the peace treaties?"

"Because Sunagakure2Hidden Sand Village and Iwagakure3Hidden Stone Village were the farthest nations away from us, we've had very little engagements with them. So our peace negotiations have gone along swimmingly"

"Well, at least there's some good news"

"It'd be awfully strange if they wanted to pick a fight with us now"

"What of Kirigakure?"

"Now THAT is what's strange"


"What do you mean? Are they not complying with the treaties?"

"No. It's...the exact opposite. Out of all the villages, they're the ones being the most cooperative. They've complied with all of our demands and have even given us boons to boot"

"What?! Why?"

"Are they trying to form an alliance or something?"

"That introverted nation? No way! Kirigakure is famous for having little to no diplomatic relations whatsoever. Clearly they're up to something!"

"That's what we thought, so we conducted an investigation. But everything turned out legit. In fact, some of Kiri's own ninja are questioning the 4th Mizukage's4Water Shadow decision"

"...That is very strange"

"The policies of that village made a complete 180° every since the 3rd Mizukage died"


"Well let's not look a gift horse in the mouth. They agreed with our deal, without making a fuss, which only serves to benefit us"

"As long as we maintain our vigilance, it should be safe to continue coordinating with them"

"After all the fighting, I don't see the benefit of making an unnecessary enemy"

"Very well, are there any who disagree?"

No one voiced an objection

"Alright then, moving on, we have the issue with the Leaf..."

 " that's a complicated issue"

"Yes. Because we entered this war believing it to be an opportunity to weaken the other villages, Konohagakure in particular, negotiations with them are running slow. And our attempt to steal the Nine-tails is something they surely haven't forgotten"

"Humph! They've got their nerve! It's not like we're the only ones who attacked someone else! Every village agreed to peace treaties! Who are they to-!"

"To the peace treaties, yes. To individual"


"There's no debating this" (???)

"Uh! Daimyō-sama..."

"We're in no condition to be pushing for additional demands and the fact of the matter is...we didn't have to enter that war." (Daimyō)

The room went silent as the Lightning Daimyō spoke, his assistant who was standing by his side handed him a paper

"It was ego like that which got us roped into this war in the first place. While the Leaf, Sand, and Stone were hashing it out, many of you here decided to move against my advice not to engage. Pressuring the late 3rd Raikage to enter that war. Now that I'm here I want you to get it through your heads, we're opting for peace not conflict" (Daimyō)  


"If I may interject Daimyō-sama! Not all of us can go along with those orders!" (???)

A Jonin with his headband over his right eye, wearing an old-styled Kumo flak jacket stood up

"Oh?" (Daimyō)

The assistant glared at the one who rudely spoke to the Daimyō

"I don't care who you are, but such disrespect towards the Daimyō-sama will not be!-"

"It's fine Tekkan, let him speak" (Daimyō)

"...Yes sir" (Tekkan)

"And what does our dear Head Ninja have to say?" (Daimyō)

With a slightly mocking tone, the head ninja made his case

"We participated in the war to maintain our status as one of the Great Nations. When it comes to weakness, the other villages will always take the chance to exploit it" (Head Ninja)

"I won't deny that" (Daimyō)

"It was not ego that forced our hand, but rather necessity as not only our village, but even our potential clients were at risk of being stolen or killed. I'm sure you of all people should understand how important they are to Kumogakure and what they contribute..." (Head Ninja)

"..." (Daimyō)

{This smug bastard...even a child knows that. He's obviously doing this on purpose to undermine Daimyō-sama's authority in front of the top brass here!} (Tekkan)

Tekkan clenched his fist, clearly angry at the Head Ninja's condescending performance

"While it's true we agreed to the conditions of modest demilitarization, but do you honestly believe the other villages will keep their word?" (Head Ninja)

"Are you suggesting we only keep up the appearance of honoring the peace treaty while secretly amassing power?" (Daimyō)

"It is a risk, sir. But one of high reward. Besides, if it's not going to be us, it's going to be someone else. And I prefer it be us" (Head Ninja)

The Daimyo sat back in his chair without muttering a word. The Head Ninja smiled confidently as he believed he had properly conveyed his case to everyone here

After pondering for a bit, the Daimyō broke the silence

"Heh. Hehe. Hehehehehe" (Daimyō)

"Sir?" (Tekkan)

"Sorry Tekkan, it's nothing. Ahem! Tell me sir...are you a gambling man?" (Daimyō)

The smile on the Head Ninja's face froze 

"...I beg your pardon?" (Head Ninja)

"Are you a gambling man?" (Daimyō)

"No...I do not partake in such foolish activities" (Head Ninja)

"Because 'one can't beat the house' right?" (Daimyō)

"Of course" (Head Ninja)

"Ah! Good! So you do understand!" (Daimyō)

"Understand what sir?" (Head Ninja)

"How much of a 'sucker's bet' the plan you're suggesting is" (Daimyō)

The whole room went quiet with an awkward silence as the Head Ninja frowned. Tekkan was smirking

The Raikage was sitting quietly, his eyes closed as he listened 

"You see...the future is a 'what if', a 'possibility', a 'maybe', a 'contingency'. And betting on it is always a horrible idea, something you would understand if you were a gambling man" (Daimyō)

"..." (Head Ninja)

"Your 'plan' hinges on the VERY slim chance of no one finding out we broke the treaty. The consequences of which could be catastrophic. It could cost us all of our clients, turn the public against us, maybe even cause ALL the other Great Nations to ally and fight us. Now THAT, would spell the end of Kumogakure" (Daimyō)

"...I" (Head Ninja)

The Daimyō got up from his chair, walked towards a window, and opened it

"Do you hear that?" (Daimyō)

"Hear what sir?-" (Head Ninja)

"Nuh-uh! Don't talk! Just listen" (Daimyō)

As the room remained quiet. It took a moment for some to realize the Daimyō was specifying the sound of the populace...the people of Kumogakure

"That...that down there is the 'present'. The very same 'present' you're carelessly betting on. It is the only thing that matters, or rather, the only thing that SHOULD matter to everyone is this room. Not the past, and definitely not the uncertain future" (Daimyō)

No one muttered a word. Most were nervous, if not outright fearful as even a child could tell the Daimyō was angry

"Daimyō...sama..." (Head Ninja)

"...Humph!" (Daimyō)

Not interested in his hollow respect, the Daimyō closed the window, sat down, and took off his glasses

Making a face that could only be described as a 'Death stare', he spoke with a hoarse, boiling tone








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