Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

70. Assessment

After finishing their sparring, Tango decided to take the team for some lunch at a nearby Yakiniku1A Japanese term referring to grilled meat cuisinerestaurant

"Itadakimasu!" (All of them)

"Eat as much as you like guys, it's my treat this time" (Tango)

"Letting Rei eat as much as he wants? My condolences to your wallet sensei" (Tai)

"Bite me Tai" (Rei)

"Besides, after THAT training session, I have no intentions of restraining myself" (Tai)

"Ditto" (Suzu)

"What a...'lovable' trio of brats you are" (Tango)

Not wasting any time, the group went to work on the food before them.

"Mm...while not as good as Akina''s not half bad" (Rei)

"Since the "Sake and Yaki" diner is closed today, this is the next best thing" (Tango)

"It's a shame, I was looking forward to having Akina's food" (Rei)

"I wanted to see Akina too, but for different, more important reasons" (Tai)

"Huh? What's that mean?" (Tango)

"It means-" (Tai)

"It means nothing. Tai is just being an idiot as usual" (Suzu)

"Mm. He is good at that. Could it be early puberty?" (Rei)

"Who knows? Just ignore him" (Suzu)

"Jerks! How dare you trample over a young man's romance!" (Tai)

"..." (Tango)


After some playful banter and satisfying his appetite, Tango addressed the team

"'s safe to say you three have improved immensely. Tai, your Taijutsu is so much better I hardly recognized you. For a brief moment I assumed Suzu might've transformed into you in some type of strategy to catch me off guard" (Tango)

"That kind of tactic is far too convoluted for me" (Tai)

"Regardless, anyone can tell you haven't slacked off with your training, good work" (Tango)

"Yes! Uh! I mean...thanks Sensei" (Tai)

"Suzu, you properly demonstrated more control over your chakra. You no longer use Jutsu with excess power" (Tango)

"Had to end that bad habit some time right?" (Suzu)

"At this rate, you'll end up surpassing me in no time. Proficient as ever" (Tango)

"I still have a long way to go before I reach the Jonin level, but thank you for the vote of confidence Sensei" (Suzu)

"Heh! Above all, the two of you together exhibited excellent teamwork...well done" (Tango)

Tai and Suzu were very pleased to hear Tango's praise. It was nice to hear their hard work over the years was not in vain

"As for you Rei..." (Tango)

"Hmrgh?" (Rei)

His mouth stuffed with food, Rei couldn't properly respond

"Good grief..." (Tai)

"You're growth is astounding. Being able to use Genjutsu with only a finger requires skill on the level of an elite Jonin, not mention your progress with Suiton" (Tango)

With much pride, Tai interjected

"That's because he had a genius like me helping him!" (Tai)

"Yeah, you wish" (Rei)

"Hehe, I did happen to notice your Katon was lacking just a little in strength" (Tango)

"Yeah. There are some...'issues' with that" (Rei)

"Hey, I'm not saying it was bad. On the contrary, it was quite potent. It just seemed a little lackluster compared to your Suiton. You might wanna spend more time investing in another element if your compatibility with fire turns out to be not so great" (Tango)

Swallowing his food "I'm already looking into it Sensei."

{Notitia should be contacting me soon...hopefully with answers this time from the "other"} (Rei)

Tango nodded, pleased at Rei's response

"I'd also like to learn about 'Genjutsu Reflection' whenever you have a chance to show me" (Rei)

"Oh?" (Tango)

{With an Ōtsutsuki body, I'm far more sensitive to chakra than normal humans. I should always be able to know when I'm under an illusion yet, Tango caught me completely off guard} (Rei)

"Ah! Wondering how I got the drop on you? It's quite simple really. Reflection works by decrypting the Genjutsu cast on you and immediately sending the same illusion back at the attacker" (Tango)

"But didn't you turn around when Rei put you under his Genjutsu?" (Tai)

"That's right. He had to point at you to cast his illusion which means eye contact was a must for the Genjutsu. So how did you send the 'same' one back at him?" (Suzu)

"Remember, Genjutsu is about putting people under your control by connecting your chakra with theirs via the five senses. Rei's chakra and my own were connected when he placed me under his illusion" (Tango)

Hearing that statement, Rei came to understand how Tango got the better of him during their fight

"So in the instant after the Genjutsu was broken, you immediately sent the same Genjutsu back to me while our chakra's were still connected?" (Rei)

"Precisely. It's very difficult to do, but it CAN turn the tide during a fight" (Tango)

"And because your chakra's are connected, you don't even have to look at the attacker in order to use it" (Suzu)

"Bonus, since the 'Genjutsu Reflection' is placed so fast, it's practically impossible to notice" (Tai)

{No wonder I couldn't tell. Haaa...I need to increase this body's sensitivity to chakra even more. I'd better visit the Ten-tails again soon, my chakra reserves have felt unsatisfactory lately.  It's about time for another one our "Meetings"} (Rei)

"Even Dōujutsu2Eye Techniqueusers can be caught off guard with this technique" (Tango)

"For real?" (Tai)

"I'd like to learn the exact mechanics of it as soon as possible" (Rei)

"I'll make some time for you when I can" (Tango)

"Much appreciated Sensei" (Rei)

Tai and Suzu finished their plates, leaving Rei as the only one still eating

"In that case, there's nothing more for me add. We'll continue with our consecutive training sessions and closely monitor your progress" (Tango)

"Yes sir" (Suzu & Tai)

"Esh...shir" (Rei)

"..." (Tango)

Looking at Rei "Remember to swallow buddy" (Tai)

"Uh...Ahem! I think I'll stop here this time, wouldn't want you to go broke Sensei" (Rei)

"Thank you for your consideration. That should be all there is for you lot today" (Tango)

Suzu, who was her usual quiet self, decided to speak

"We don't have a mission Sensei?" (Suzu)

"..." (Tango)

"Yeah, I was wondering about that. Why are you so short on time today?" (Tai)

"..." (Rei)

Thinking about the question he just received, Tango hesitated for a moment before answering

"Well it'" (Tango)

"Finalizing the peace treaties right?" (Rei)

"Ah!" (Tango)

"H-Hey! Rei! We're supposed to keep that under wraps" (Tai)

"No, it's alright Tai. Rei is correct, finalizing the peace treaties has everyone on edge. Raikage-sama has ordered all non-essential missions to be put on hold and it'll most likely remain that way until the process has been completed" (Tango)

"Konoha and Kumogakure are the last ones..." (Tai)

"If this actually works, all the great nations will be at peace. We'll finally be able to focus our eyes less on them, and more on those who seek to take advantage of our post-war weakened militaristic state" (Tango)

"You mean all the hostile mercenaries, rogue-nin, corrupt officials, and the many ravagers who dwell in all sorts of places" (Suzu)

"Like the 'Oni Garrison' we fought a while back. Those guys were trouble" (Tai)

"The only thing I find 'troubling' is that ridiculous name. A bunch of idiots in masks is all they were" (Rei)

"And one fire-sword branding lunatic" (Tai)

"Mhm. But people like them are in heavy numbers, causing problems everywhere. In response, the higher-ups have ordered all of us to keep a tight lid on the situation. To not give someone any ideas" (Tango)

"Years later and we're still feeling the effects of the stupid" (Rei)

"Yup, the Third World War only started because the upper brass of each nation couldn't properly maintain national power" (Suzu)

"Causing skirmishes with smaller nations, leading to an all-out war. Politics...ugh...that's a subject I really can't stand. No wonder the Raikage-sama and Daimyō-sama have been so stressed" (Tai)

"It's a amazing how anyone can stand being around so many 'two-faced' individuals...that's why I'm a ninja and not an official or Daimyō" (Tango)

"Two-faced..." (Rei)

Rei's mood turned sour

"Rei? Something wrong?" (Suzu)

"'s nothing. If we have nothing else, I'll be heading home. Thanks for food Sensei" (Rei)

Getting up from his seat, Rei left the group to themselves

"...What's with him?" (Tai)

"Maybe our talk of the last war upset him? His father's death was a result of it after all" (Tango)

"..." (Suzu)

Suzu hadn't taken her eyes off Rei's departing figure

"Suzu?" (Tango)

"...I don't think that's the reason" (Suzu)

"..." (Tango & Tai)




Returning home, Rei went to his room and fell on his bed with a frustrated look

"Haaa...what the hell is wrong with me? It's not like me to lose my composure..." 

Seemingly lacking any motivation, Rei didn't do anything except lay on his bed and ponder for the next hour


"Right on time"

[We did have an appointment]

Calling out to him was Notitia. In the past time since Rei opened the first lock on the "Black Scroll", the two have been working together more frequently

"Please tell me you to managed to get through this time. My Katon still has issues whenever I use it to the fullest extent"

[Rei's "Affinity" for it is still messing with you?]

"I don't get horrid panic attacks or weird flashing images in my brain anymore, but there's still some problems"

[I see...]

"So, DID you get an answer?"

[Albeit with a shit ton of effort, yeah. I finally got a response from the "other"]

With unexpected shock "Finally! So? What do I have to do?!"

After discovering the soul of the original "Rei" was not entirely gone nearly two years ago, Rei had been on edge. Dreading the thought he could be expelled from his current body at any moment. Ergo, losing his chance of returning to his former world

Besides training and missions, he spent most of his time requesting constant reports on Notitia's progress at getting access to the "Lifeline voice" which held all the answers

[There is a of]

"You know I hate when you get vague. Just tell me"

[ order to deal with this "problem of the soul" me...]









[You need to find the "Ryūchi Cave3Dragon Ground Cave"



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