Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

75. Foul Machinations

Greetings my fellow Shinobi! Sorry for not updating last Saturday. The blue tooth in my wireless keyboard has utterly crapped out on me. Makes sense I guess, it's almost a decade old and was a used. Until I get a new one, I'll be writing chapters with my phone (Not easy or convenient BTW), so updates might be a tad slower. But if you'd like to help, you can check out my Ko-fi page. In the mean time, enjoy the chapter and as always...stay safe and happy!


The same day Team Tango headed out to check on Yugito's team

Several cloaked figures held a meeting in a secret facility within Kumogakure. The last member just entered the room

"Apologies for the delay"

"No problem, we were the ones who asked for your help"

"Am I the last the one?"

"Yes. Now that we're all here..."



"...our 'Company' meeting can begin"

Every figure inside sat down around the wide circular table in the room, nothing but a lit candle on it's center

" did it go?"

"The Head Ninja has just left the village"

"Ugh...about time"

"What the hell took that nitwit so long?"

"Since he came to be in charge with the Raikage and Daimyō gone, he probably took his time enjoying some real authority for the first time in his pathetic life. Really...what a simpleton"

"Who cares...did he provide the information we needed?"

"A list of candidates and current members of his private security detail. The identities of his personally selected Anbu Black Ops"

"That should help narrow down who we can bring to our side...and who we need to eliminate"

"Good work"

"Thank you. The operation with the Jinchūriki is also underway"

"Oh! At last, phase one of our 'renovation' has begun"

"Um...there might be a small complication"


"What? What happened?"

"While it's true that man followed our orders to prevent any rescue squad for the 'spare' Jinchūriki from being sent. However..."

"What? Did that fool do something against our orders?"

"...He sent a small three-man cell of Genin with one Jonin to verify their status"


"Why?! Why would he do that?!"

"Apparently, his nephew has some grievance with some of the Genin members in this squad. Also, one member in particular is related to some of the Jinchūriki's team mates"


"So he sent this squad, against our get payback for his nephew? That's just!-"


"We should've gotten rid of him, and put someone else in his position"


" there anything else we should know?"

"The group is led by a thirteen year old Jonin Captain named Tango, hence the name 'Team Tango'. He's also a letter bearer, holding 'T'"

"A Jonin letter bearer of thirteen years..."

"I think I've heard of him, the intelligence division gained a lot of attention during the last war with the appearance of several new, young promising members"

"What of the Genin?"

"The Genin are extremely talented. Top of their class and members of Kumogakure's 'Gifted Generation', their skills are very advanced"

"The preselected students for the academy during the last years of the war"

"They were also the ones responsible for bringing down the 'Oni Garrison' nearly two years ago"

"That was them? I thought Toroi handled the garrison?"

"Toroi showed up at the last minute as their backup, but the ones who did all the heavy lifting was indeed Team Tango"


"That also explains the Jonin Captain's young age. Giving him skilled students to compensate for his lack of experience"

" think they'll be a problem?"

"Probably not"

"On what grounds do you base this on?"

"The Head Ninja only gave them permission to leave because several ninja close with Yugito Nii protested his decision of not sending any back up. He proposed a counter offer of sending a small team of students that wouldn't upset other villages during the peace negotiations to verify the Jinchūriki's status"

The whole room went silent as the members thought about the mercenary group they hired. Their level of skill and odd, obsessive eagerness to take the job of capturing a Jinchūriki

Wondering if they should pull the plug and delay their plans as chances of the Raikage discovering their handy work in this matter were not nonexistent. This was not like with the "Oni Garrison" raid, the people they hired this time DID have damning intel about the Company



"I say we continue"


"Are you sure?"

"They were sent to verify, not rescue. And even if they do find the Jinchūriki and call for help, it'll be too late. Besides..."


"I think we're all sick of waiting, it's time for action"


"Onwards with phase one then?"

"Of course"

One by one, the figures around the table removed the hoods covering their heads only to reveal masks on their faces with different Kanji. The displayed symbols: Scorpion, Blade, Mountain, Balance, Time, Red, Three, Flow, Arc, & Sage

The one bearing the "Mountain" mask was the first to speak

"I'm so glad you feel the same as I do brother Sage" (Mountain)

"We all do brother Mountain. Especially now that our newest member has done so well. Good work, brother Flow" (Sage)

"I am simply doing my part. Now, moving on to our next topic...sister Red" (Flow)

"I don't think much needs to be said on that front after we've confirmed the Raikage has left, but the work of brother Scorpion and sister Blade on that island near 'Takigakure'1Village Hidden in the Waterfall has gone completely unnoticed" (Red)

"So the ground work for phase two has already been laid out?" (Time)

"Yes sister Time...but it still depends on the end results of that rogue-nin our 'partner' in Konoha sent us" (Red)

"He'd better come through after said partner asked us to provide sanctuary for that rogue snake. If he doesn't, I'll personally send him back to Konoha and correct the 3rd Hokage's mistake of not killing him" (Mountain)

"A snake he may be, but you can't deny his intelligence. More importantly, his breakthroughs in genetic alteration" (Red)

"Of course you'd be interested in that sister Red. The only type of person who can admire the work of a mad another mad scientist" (Mountain)

"Humph!" (Red)


Ending the childish bickering, Sage moved the conversation along

"What say you brother Three? You're the one who oversees all of our outside partnerships, including the one with that man" (Sage)

The one who was the most quiet, bearing the Kanji "Three", spoke with a quiet shriveled voice. He was obviously the oldest amongst the group

"That man is cunning fox whose only interest is the benefit of Konoha. I have no doubt if it serves him, he'll stab us in the back without a hint of hesitation. But that's precisely why he'll be easy to manipulate" (Three)

"The root does indeed dwell in the dark" (Blade)

" Arc, brother two have quiet this whole time. Do you have anything add?" (Sage)

The two at the edge of the table sitting next to each other spoke for the first time

"Not really...I've been ready and waiting. As long as others do their part, I'll do mine" (Arc)

"Brother Arc and I have already seen to arrangements within Hozuki Castle2Demon Lantern Castle" (Balance)

"Ugh...the Blood Prison...don't remind me of such a depressing place" (Mountain)

"Indeed...just looking at the place from the outside makes me uncomfortable to my stomach" (Time)

The one bearing the mask marked "Sage" stood up

"In that case, there's nothing more we can do but wait for results. Excluding brother Mountain and Three, no activity or contact between members until our next summit, no matter the results the mercenary group we hired gives us" (Sage)

"I still feel uneasy trusting people who possess those special 'eyes', but no use complaining at this point" (Blade)

"This is a long term investment anyway. Regardless of results, we and Kumo will benefit in the long run" (Balance)


The rest of the group got off their seats

"May the light of our 'Company' forever illuminate the village" (Sage)

"And may the people of the Cloud prosper under its brilliance" (The rest of them)

The lit candle in the room suddenly went out...and everyone in the room vanished




The western gate of Kumogakure

Team Tango had gathered, Tekkan was also present

"Do you have everything?" (Tango)

"At this point this, I'm ready to go to war" (Tai)

"I hope it doesn't come to that but...I'm the same" (Rei)

"..." (Suzu)

Tekkan handed several paper slips to Tango

"These are..." (Tango)

"Passes to get through several checkpoints along you're route. The other villages shouldn't give you any trouble as long as you've got these. I had to call in quite a few favors to get them this quickly, so don't lose them!" (Tekkan)

"Much appreciated Tekkan-dono" (Tango)

"Mm. Good luck to you" (Tekkan)

Tango turned his attention towards his students

"Alright, our first stop is The Land of Frost. We'll see if we can pick up Yugito-sama's trail there!" (Tango)

"Got it" (Rei)

"Ugh...I hate going there. That place is freezing cold" (Tai)

"Work now, complain later" (Rei)

Tekkan saw the team off as they walked outside the gate before dashing away.

"That team should be fine but...this timing just doesn't sit right with me" (Tekkan)


"?" (Tekkan)

Looking for the owner of the voice that called out to him, when came into sight was young shinobi around Tango's age

"Ah...Tenga. If you're here does that mean...?" (Tekkan)

"Yes...the bureau is ready and waiting for you" (Tenga)

"Good. Take me there now" (Tekkan)

"Of course" (Tenga)

As the pair left, Tenga glanced at the gate Team Tango just went through








{I'll be sure to do my part to support stay alive you guys!}


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