Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

91. Rules & Laws

Some of y'all gave me four and/or five stars on this novel today. Thank you! I've said it before but, it's because of you guys, the readers that I'm able to write this story. You guys bring out the best in me! I promise to do my best to improve and deliver an even BETTER story! Enjoy the chapter!


[Were you not listening to what I just told you?]

"I heard you. But you're misunderstanding something" (Rei)


"When I say experiment, I don't necessarily mean on myself. Well...besides practicing the Black Scroll's method's for body strengthening and improvement" (Rei)

If there was one thing Rei and Notitia did agree on, now was indeed not the time to alter his body any further. Rei had enough conflicting elements inside him as it is, there was no need to add fuel to the fire

"Most advanced weaponry I manufacture will be external rather than internal" (Rei)

[So you'll still be making ninja tech...but no microscopic ninja tech? Seems like a waste if you ask me]

"Nanorobotic implantation sounds good on the surface, but looking at it practically, there are just as many cons as there are pros" (Rei)

[Really? They produce immediate results, and come with a bunch of crazy functions. Being the engineer you are, I expected you to be working on something like that. I know Isshiki was crazy about it]

"According to what you told me about the sequel series, Isshiki only implanted those machines into his would be vessel Kawaki in order to have a host that could adapt to any form and properly accept his massive power. Kawaki's machines primary purpose wasn't combat, it was adaptation" (Rei)

[True, his ability did look a lot like Sage Transformation. And you're already set on finding Ryūchi Cave1Dragon Ground Cave, implanting machines would be a bit redundant]

Years ago, Rei asked Notitia for information on the book he never read, the sequel series to this world's story. Focused on Naruto's son, there were many aspects that garnered his attention. The creation of so-called "Scientific Ninja Tools", or "Ninja Tech", in particular

Having an engineer's mind, he couldn't help but inquire the specifics. But after Notitia revealed the details, Rei came to the realization these tools were only meant to emulate Ōtsutsuki powers. Regeneration, Space-time Ninjutsu, Chakra Absorption, Flight, and a myriad of other abilities

Since he already possessed real Ōtsutsuki DNA, these powers would eventually come to him. There was no need to risk compromising his body with more experimentation. Instead, he focused more on handheld weapons that would give him an edge

The smoke-flash bomb he previously used on his last mission was one such example

[What exactly are you so concerned with? Like Orochimaru, you'll gain access to Tensei Jutsu when you find Ryūchi Cave. Then Rei's soul can be dealt with permanently. You're producing new tech and money with Tetsuo, and your chakra is getting more and more powerful thanks to the Ten-tails. Overall, Part One hasn't even started yet]

"Tetsuo and I have only just started working together, and the best I could come up with was that grenade, I'm still piss poor broke. And on the subject of my chakra...Notitia...I haven't forgotten" (Rei)

[Forgotten what?]

"The Ten-tails. Even if I drain it completely dry, I'll never have the same amount of power" (Rei)

When Notitia instructed Rei to take the Ten-tails chakra for the first time, it reminded Rei using this method to increase the amount of chakra his body can hold will never give him the same level of chakra as the Ten-tails

[I remember that, but if you take it should come close right?]

"Not even. I'm not an idiot, I can do differential equations" (Rei)

[I think not being able to solve differential equations doesn't mean you're an idiot but...continue]

"For example, lets hypothetically state as a unit of measure, when it comes to chakra levels I'm...1. The Ten-tails can be...well...10" (Rei)


"Now, say I take half it's power to hold in my body and expand my chakra network. In other words, I take 5" (Rei)

[There's no way your body can handle that as it is now. But this is hypothetical so...would that mean your value goes up to 6?]

"Nope...on my best day I'd probably be at 3, and that's only IF I'm extremely lucky. The problem is the majority of chakra I take is used up to widen my physical and spiritual centers. This dangerous process requires a ridiculous amount of energy" (Rei)

Over the years, Rei continued to absorb the chakra of the Ten-tails. But as he continued, displeasure emerged when he realized the exact amount energy used to increase his vessel was far more than he preferred

The Ten-tails didn't possess infinite chakra, and unlike humans, it couldn't recover the chakra after a good day's rest. It, like other Ōtsutsuki, could only regain power by draining planets of life. Rei, being a Neo-Ōtsutsuki, was the only exception due to his remaining human DNA

If this continued, the beast would be drained dry and the only method of recovery is destroying this planet. Ignoring the moral implications, it was also impractical as an Ōtsutsuki must be fed to the beast before it can drain a planet

[That is a pickle isn't it]

"I hypothesized this beast isn't as powerful as Kaguya's. You said Sasuke referred to it as a 'Juvenile' beast right? According to my calculations, even if I were to drain the beast completely dry, I'd only be slightly better than the Raikage" (Rei)

[That's not so bad. The 4th Raikage is famous for chakra comparable to a Tailed Beast]

"So was the Akatsuki member Kisame, but let's not pretend they were ACTUALLY at the level of a Tailed Beast. This talk of chakra influence also brings be to the other problem" (Rei)

[Ugh! What is it now?!]

"The Rules & Laws of this world" (Rei)

[You mean...physics? Okay dude, if you're complaining about chakra's influence on science, you're a little late to the party]

"I'm not complaining, just making an observation. This world's rules are not the same as mine. Things that are possible shouldn't be possible, and vice versa. Things that should be here aren't and etc." (Rei)

When Rei first came to this world, he immediately visited the library to get a grasp on the new life he'd be living. Much to his surprise, things were far more different than he anticipated

Certain species of animals which shouldn't exist do, and others he was familiar with didn't. It was a bundle of contradictions that only made his life harder

"Notitia, when you left to verify my soul 'issues', I went to work on building equipment. I even made...guns" (Rei)

[You did?! Then why the hell didn't you use them?!]

"Because they didn't work. I manufactured a carbine rifle, and when I pulled the exploded in my face" (Rei)

[Hahahaha! I wish I was there to see it!]

"Glad you find it so funny. But before you crack another one of your stupid jokes, the problem wasn't my crafting skills" (Rei)


"I replicated the specs of the gun to the tiniest fraction. Every position, part, even the chemical elements perfectly matched those of my original world. And yet, it didn't work, no matter how many tests and trials I performed. Almost like..." (Rei)

[Someone was deliberately preventing you from making one]

"It was then I had a theory. The author decided there would be no guns in his story, and considering this place is based off his implies the rules he set affect the natural laws and order of the world" (Rei)

[So the tech you've been trying to make...and why you've failed at replicating Isshiki's floating Black cubes is...]

Rei has made countless attempts to perfectly replicate Ōtsutsuki technology to the letter, with little success. He couldn't understand how one with intelligence such as his, could fail at such a simple task

Especially considering the Kara scientist Amado, a resident of this less developed world, was able to create so many cyborgs with insane abilities after Isshiki shared his clan's knowledge with him

"I've been thinking like a scientist from Earth, when I should've been thinking like a scientist from Naruto. My advanced knowledge won't give me as much of an edge as I thought. Ōtsutsuki technology is based on the principles of Chakra-based energy sources and not...electricity or fossil fuels" (Rei)

[The only thing that fits the criteria for fossil fuels would be the power grids for shinobi villages...]

"Chakra is the dominant force of this world. The more you have, the more potential you possess...and it influences almost everything. Take Mokuton2Wood Style for example, in the hands of anyone else it's not bad, but in the hands of someone with chakra comparable to the Nine-tails like the First's pretty f*cking overpowered" (Rei)

[Did you consider acquiring it? As I said, adding new aspects to your body now isn't recommended no matter how enticing they seem]

"I told you I'm not going to. Even if I did, I'd probably never be able to use it like Hashirama. Hell, even the big villain Madara couldn't use it on the exact same level as Hashirama. Because like I've been saying, it's one's chakra that determines the potency of their powers" (Rei)

[Makes sense. The only thing greater than Wood Style is Yin-Yang Style, and it already appears to manifesting within you. Okay I get it, you got ninety-nine what are the solutions?]

{Fortunately, it's getting late so no one should notice me} (Rei)

Rei got up from his hospital bed and grabbed his clothes before leaving a shadow clone in his place

"Some things I can afford to put on hold for now. Chakra levels, there's more than one way to increase them. The Black Scroll secret methods help stabilize my body. And even if Ryūchi Cave was right in front of me now, I know one must possess powerful chakra to use Senjutsu3Sage Jutsu, so going there is a waste of time" (Rei)

[Not to mention your life]

"Oh? I know it's not like the toad land, Mount Myōboku4Exquisite Tree Mountain. But Naruto's sage training was still pretty dangerous, how is Ryūchi Cave different?" (Rei)

[COMPLETELY different. For starters, you don't get infinite attempts at trying to acquire Sage Mode in the cave, as opposed to the frog mountain. According to legend, the White Snake Sage will bite and inject natural energy into you. If you can't adapt, the energy will turn you into a snake and the sage will devour you on the spot]

"?!" (Rei)

[Ryūchi Cave don't play]

"Only one chance...shit. Is there no way I can negotiate for the cave's Tensei Jutsu? Instead of undergoing such a dangerous trial?" (Rei)

Despite his past actions, Rei hated risking his life. Definitely when success didn't guarantee the results he desires. There was no way to know for sure the techniques at Ryūchi Cave would even be able to fix his soul problems

Going to the cave was simply the only option Notitia could come up with

[Nope. The Snake Sage won't budge under any circumstances. And it's the only one who can teach you, so don't even think about threatening it. Not that you'd stand a chance against it. The only way you get that knowledge, is by becoming a sage]

{That's why Orochimaru created his so-called "Power of the White Snake", an inferior copy of Ryūchi Cave techniques. Since his body couldn't even handle the atmosphere of the cave, there's no way he'd survive the Snake Sage's trial}

"Sigh. Well, I can't do it now I'll burn that bridge when I get to it" (Rei)

[You got a plan?]

"Yup. First, I'm gonna head to the lab and open the second lock on the Black Scroll. I'm ready for it now" (Rei)

[Finally, can't wait to see how it strengthens your body this time. And Second?]

"I need access to all data on Ōtsutsuki technology, for better tools and weapons. But since you can't give it to me as you are..." (Rei)

[Oh. You're gonna!-]

Leaving his room, he proceeded to sneak out of the hospital









"It's time for another Lifeline" (Rei)


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