Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

93. Self Study

Early afternoon


"Agh!" (Tai)

"You're still moving too slow Tai!" (Tango)

"Only compared to you and Rei!" (Tai)

Team Tango was training at a grassy field, undergoing a standard sparring session. It's been two months since their last mission, Yugito's rescue. Rei had long past adjusted to his new strength

Since then, he and his team have spent most of their time improving


"?!" (Tango)

"Hah!" (Rei)

Using his incredible speed, Rei appeared out of thin air and attacked from behind. Tango ducked and countered with a kick to his shin

"Nope!" (Tango)

"Uh?!" (Rei)

"Too obvious Rei!" (Tango)

"Keh! Suzu!" (Rei)

"I know!" (Suzu)


The pair formed several hand seals

{Fūton: Shinkūgyoku1Wind Style: Vacuum Spheres!} (Suzu)

{Katon: Endan2Fire Style: Flame Bullet!} (Rei)


The several blasts of wind Suzu fired ignited when coming into contact with the fire blast Rei shot 

"That might be a problem...Kuchiyose no Jutsu3Summoning Jutsu!" (Tango)


"?!" (Rei & Suzu)

Slamming his hand on the ground, Tango summoned a wide metal shield to defend against the attack. One by one, the barrage of flame attacks were blocked

"So close..." (Rei)

"Didn't see that coming" (Tai)

"Tch!" (Suzu)

[Someone actually using the summoning jutsu in a smart way...why is it so refreshing when I see it?]

"Phew! That was close you two!" {Tiny high-pressurized shots of air followed by a flame blast, the two elements compliment each other quite nicely...} (Tango)


"!" (Tango)

Spotting an opening, Tai rushed at Tango from the side with a kick

"Hah! I got you-!" (Tai)


Just as his flying kick was about to connect, Tai's entire body phased through Tango

"-now?" (Tai)

"Clone!" (Rei)


"Ooof!" (Tai)

Tai fell on the ground

"Can you sense him?!" (Suzu)

"...Five o'clock!" (Rei)

"Got it!"  {Fūton: Shinkūha4Wind Style: Vacuum Wave!} (Suzu)

Suzu took a deep breath and span around, exhaling compressed air into blades of wind, covering the area around Tango. Her wide sharpened attack was strong enough to slice through multiple trees

The attack's range prevented Tango from escaping


"Ugh!" (Tango)

"Nice shot!" (Tai)

"..." (Rei)

Tango was blasted away by the attack, his tattered body tumbled on the ground. With his signature black staff in hand, Rei charged in to deliver the final blow but...


"?!" (Rei, Suzu, & Tai)

...Tango's seemingly injured body transformed into a log

"Substitution!" (Suzu)

"Where'd he-!" (Tai)

"...Heh!" (Rei)


Rei struck towards the ground behind him as Tango emerged from below, intent on getting the best of him. Fortunately, Rei managed to catch on just in the nick of time to block his Kunai


"You saw right through me...not bad Rei" (Tango)

"I can still do more!" (Rei)

Not giving him a chance to rest, Rei continued to attack with numerous blows

{Damn! He's not just fast anymore...his blows carry far more weight than they used to. How'd he increase his strength so quickly?} (Tango)

"Let's take him down!" (Rei)

{Suiton: Mizurappa5Water Style: Raging Waves!} (Tai)


"Hmph!" (Suzu)


Rei jumped away, letting Tango get hit by Tai's water attack. Suzu threw several shuriken

{Fūton: Reppūshō6Wind Style: Gale Palm!} (Suzu)


Using her wind, Suzu increased the shuriken's speed and force

{Too fast. And with Tai's water, I can't dodge, have to defend! Gotta time it just right and-!} (Tango)


"Ah!" (Tango)

The impact from the wind-amped shuriken shattered the kunai daggers in his hands. Rei didn't waste this opportunity


{Alright! His back is wide open. Just have to land this blow and then we-!} (Rei)


"Ah!" (Suzu)

"Crap!" (Tai)

"Rrrr" (Rei)

An alarm bell placed on a nearby stump starting ringing aloud 

"Out of time guys...sorry" (Tango)

"Ahhhh! We were so close this time!" (Tai)

"Were we? It seems to me like sensei was just toying with us" (Suzu)

"No, no, no. Don't sell yourselves short, that last attack was very well executed. And I clearly see improvement. Rei, your speed and strength have improved immensely, not to mention your Katon" (Tango)

"Thanks" {Glad to see I didn't go through all that crap two months ago for nothing} (Rei)

"Suzu, you've widened your arsenal of elemental ninjutsu. And your chakra control has gotten even better, you took my previous advice to heart" (Tango)

Nodding her head "Mm" (Suzu) 

"Tai, you've finally started using more Taijutsu, and your Suiton usage is beginning to expand" (Tango)

"Well, that's what you wanted me to do" (Tai)

"Yes...all of you have improved...but there's still room for further development" (Tango)

Tango folded his arms and paused for a brief moment

[Que the stuff you don't want to hear]

"Rei, while you used more elemental ninjutsu, you didn't use your Suiton or Genjutsu. I understand if you wanted to try a different strategy, but you mustn't neglect your other skills" (Tango)

{I was in such a rush to win, I'd forgotten} (Rei)

[I was wondering why you didn't use shadow clones]

"Suzu, you did the exact opposite of Rei. You attacked with only elemental ninjutsu, but I recall your Taijutsu was second only to his, don't forget about close combat or your skills will weaken" (Tango)

"...Yes" (Suzu)

"Tai..." (Tango)

{Here it comes...} (Tai)

"Well done" (Tango)

"Huh?" (Tai)

"Even though you started with Taijutsu, you opted for ninjutsu as well. All around, your skills have improved immensely. The only thing of note is why didn't you use your mist attacks?" (Tango)

"Ah, that's..." (Tai)

"I was wondering about that too. Your vaporized oil would've come in handy much earlier during the fight" (Rei)

During the entire session, Tai was fighting like a different person. His style completely changed, to the point Rei wondered if he was working with someone else

Tai rubbed his head awkwardly

"There's been some...issues at my home. Acquiring oils isn't as easy as it used to be anymore" (Tai)

"?" (Suzu)

"Issues? Like what?" (Rei)

"Just a little family drama is all" (Tai)

"..." (Tango)


Rei's stomach growled quite loudly

"Ah..." (Rei)

"..." (Suzu)

"Pfff!" (Tai)

"Heh! We'll leave at that for today, the training sessions for the rest of the week are cancelled" (Tango)

Tango took out a scroll from his pouch and opened it

"Huh?" (Rei)

"YES!!" (Tai)

"Something happen sensei?" (Suzu)

"No, no, I just have some business with a few colleagues of mine. Here, this is for you three" (Tango)


Emerging from the scroll were twelve metal bracelets with flat red bulbs on their exterior. Tango handed four to each Genin

"These are?" (Suzu)

"Put them on. Two on your arms, and two on your legs" (Tango)

"Wait, don't tell these are-" (Rei)

Tango had a wide grin on his face, affirming Rei's speculation

"These bracelets are made from unique metals found only in the 'Land of Iron'. When chakra is put through them, their weight increases. These devices have been modified to automatically take chakra from the wearer as soon as they're put on" (Tango)

"Training...figures" (Rei)

"The Land of Iron...isn't that the land of the Samurai?" (Tai)

"Yes. We don't see much of them because they're a true neutral country" (Suzu)

[So Tango's pulling a Dragonball on you now? Though I don't think it's fair to say Dragonball invented the idea of weighted training]

" the moment we put them on...we won't be able to get them off?!" (Tai)

"Relax. Just like releasing Genjutsu, all you have to do is quickly disrupt your chakra flow and they'll fall right off" (Tango)

"Oh, well that's a relief" (Tai)

"They also have different levels, six in particular" (Tango)

"Is that what the red bulbs on them represent?" (Suzu)

"You got it Suzu, by tapping the red dots, you can increase the amount of chakra they take. This isn't just muscle training, the more chakra consumed, the harder it is to control yours. I don't want you all to just go about your daily lives wearing them, but to practice Ninjutsu as well" (Tango)

"So if we can fight normally while wearing these, it'll mean our abilities have grown significantly? Works for me, I've been looking for better Chakra Control exercises. Thanks Sensei" (Rei)

"If you're giving these to us...can we assume you'll be gone for a while?" (Suzu)

"Eh?" (Tai)

Tango's mood turned melancholy, keeping the details to himself, he gave a response to Suzu's inquiry

"I'll be gone for a couple of weeks, so we won't have any missions. The only exception will be if another Jonin, with approval from the Raikage's office, summons you for one" (Tango)

"Things must be serious if you're gonna be gone that long" (Rei)

"Not...really. It's just something I've been working on for quite some time, and I need to get back to it" (Tango)

Rei, curious at Tango's refusal to share the details, tried to probe him for an answer but to no success

"Try to find some outdoor activities as well, their great for training with these things. Feel free to take them off whenever you like, but the level you're at will determine how much work I give you the next time we meet" (Tango)

"Ahhh! Homework?! I left the academy to get away from all that crap!" (Tai)

"Chill Tai, this is good for us" (Rei)

"I hate school" (Tai)

"Everybody hates's school" (Rei)

After chuckling at Tai's banter, Tango decided to take his leave

"I look forward to when you return those back to me!" (Tango)

"Aaaaand, he's what do we do?" (Tai)

"Exactly as he said, continue our daily lives. And find an activity to test these bracelets" (Suzu)

"Speaking of that, I'm hungry" (Rei)

"You're always hungry" (Suzu & Tai)

"Sucks that Akina decided to take the day off, and I don't have enough food at home...hey Tai! Lemme hang out at your place" (Rei)

"So my house is just another kitchen to you?!" (Tai)

Smugly responding "Maybe just for today" (Rei)

"It's no good man, I finally moved out of my temporary house yesterday. I'm now back at my clan home, and things are kind of hectic over there right now" (Tai)

Due to the internal conflict in his clan, Tai's parents had moved him away to an isolated home at an early age. But now that he was older, and a shinobi, he would no longer be treated as a helpless child

"Shame...guess I'll just find some random restaurant to eat and-" (Rei)

"How home?" (Suzu)

"?!" (Rei & Tai)

With much surprise, Suzu offered to treat them to lunch at her house. Something the usually quiet and lone wolf-like girl would never do

"I have plenty, if not too much food. The village supplies me with quite a bit, and I hate letting good food go bad" (Suzu)

{That's right, she's lived by herself for quite some time. Being a minor, the village pays for her food expenses} (Tai)

"Okay, I'll take you up on that offer. Let's all go" (Rei)

"If-if you say so" (Tai)

Making their way outside the training field, Rei and Tai missed the subtle smirk that appeared on Suzu's face









{ step at a time} (Suzu)


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