I’m a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!

Chapter 250 - 186: Cui Xiabing’s Invitation! Another Bet?

Chapter 250: Chapter 186: Cui Xiabing’s Invitation! Another Bet?


Zheng Cheng was somewhat taken aback. Are girls nowadays so bold?

If he remembered correctly, the girl in front of him, Zhang Yingxin, was a seven-star Holy Light Priest.

If she were to grow to an epic or legendary level, she could master a heaven-defying skill like “Revival”.

Who would have thought, she’s so naive?

Behind her, four or five other girls were huddled together, looking excitedly in their direction and whispering something.

“Wow! Zhang Yingxin really went, she’s got guts!”

“Do you think she’ll succeed?”

“I guess so, Zhixue is so cute…”

“We’re not going to lose our bet, are we…?”

Hearing the whispers nearby, Zheng Cheng hesitated, “Isn’t this somewhat inappropriate…?”

As he spoke, he took out his phone.

“What’s there to be afraid of? We’re classmates, and we both have supportive professions. If we have any problems with our studies in the future, we can learn from each other…”


With a crisp sound, they both added each other as friends.

Zhang Yingxin turned around excitedly, raising an eyebrow triumphantly at the girls behind her.

After chatting with Zheng Cheng a bit more, Zhang Yingxin happily returned to her seat.


Zhuo Wen and Zhuo Wu came over excitedly, “Brother Cheng, you’re awesome, you’re so popular among the girls?”

“We’re classmates. There’s nothing wrong with adding each other as friends.”

“Then why didn’t she add us?”

“Don’t we have a class group?”

“The two of you…”

“Um, Zheng Cheng, can I also add you as a friend?”

Another pretty girl came over and whispered, her name seems to be… Zhang Jiajia?


Then, one after another, girls ran over to add Zheng Cheng as a friend. At the peak, more than a dozen girls huddled around Zheng Cheng, excitedly talking about something.

It was as if… he had entered the Cave of the Silken Web as the stripped-down Tang Monk.

Some were adding him as a friend, some were asking about Zheng Cheng’s hobbies, and others were asking if Zheng Cheng had a girlfriend, how many, whether he minded having one more, and so on.

And Zheng Cheng wouldn’t reject them, he added them all as friends, and won the girls’ laughter with a few jokes from his past life.

Zhuo Wen and Zhuo Wu were pushed aside, their faces full of envy and jealousy.

“Damn… Brother Cheng, how come you’re so popular!”

“I envy him so much, if only I had so many girls…”


Just when Zheng Cheng was enjoying the interaction, he heard a clear cough.

The dozen or so girls surrounding him quickly stopped their chattering and even left a path.

Zheng Cheng saw that it was Cui Xiabing, another student of the class who had S-level treatment and was a nine-star profession Tree Priest.

Behind Cui Xiabing, there were two other people.

Xu Duoyi and Hu Yali.

Xu Duoyi was the girl who claimed to prove that girls are stronger than boys, and Hu Yali had said similar things.

Cui Xiabing glanced at the surrounding girls and chuckled, “Zheng Cheng, you have quite the charm.”

Zheng Cheng coughed dryly, “We are all classmates. Isn’t it normal to talk to each other?”

“Ladies.” Cui Xiabing suddenly turned to the surrounding girls, “I have some matters to discuss with Zheng Cheng. Could you guys give us some chance to talk?”

“Sister Xia Bing, do as you please.”

“I need to go to the bathroom.”

“Me too.”

“Let’s go together…”

With that, the dozen or so girls all dispersed. Some sat on chairs pretending to read books, their ears perked up.

Some went out of the classroom, leaned excitedly against the windows, and peeked inside.

Cui Xiabing sat across from Zheng Cheng, with Xu Duoyi and Hu Yali standing behind her like two bodyguards. She started, “Zheng Cheng, I sincerely invite you to join my team.”

Zheng Cheng was puzzled, “Didn’t I already say? I’ll also participate in the Top Ten Hidden Dragon Challenge. What if…”

“What if you fail?” Cui Xiabing said confidently, “If you fail, my team will always welcome you.”

Zheng Cheng twitched his lips, “Why are you so confident? What if you’re the one who fails…”

“I will not fail!”

Cui Xiabing’s eyes gleamed, “Even if I, as a support Professionist, have to compete with those main combat professions, I won’t fail!”

“I will surely become one of the Top Ten Hidden Dragons, forming the strongest Professionist team of our generation.”

“That’s why I want to invite you to join our team, Zheng Cheng.”

“A strong support Professionist is a crucial core of any team. Only if the strongest support professionals from our Support Academy join forces, we can attract the strongest main combat professionals!”

“If we join forces, we can form the most powerful Professionist team. What do you say?”

Zheng Cheng was silent for a moment and then slightly nodded.

Indeed, as Cui Xiabing said, a support Professionist with strong supportive power and skills is indeed one of the two cores of any team.

Because only then can the entire team fight without worrying about what’s behind them.

The other core is the Main Tank (MT).

As long as a team has these two types of Professionists, sooner or later, they will become a powerful Professionist team!

Cui Xiabing’s eyes lit up, “You agreed?”

Zheng Cheng slowly shook his head, “What you say is indeed correct, but I don’t wish to be in a dependent position…”

His words made it clear. Cui Xiabing was the type of strong-willed woman; it could be seen from her words and actions.

As a person in a supporting profession, she actually wanted to participate in the competition among the Ten Hidden Dragons.

Even trying to form the strongest team.

There was never such a precedent in the history of Beijing National Higher Professional University.

No matter how strong the supporting abilities of support professionals were, they could never compete with main battle professionals.

This was even true among high-star professionals.

“Living off the fat of others?”

Cui Xiabing frowned slightly, she understood what Zheng Cheng meant.

He didn’t want to defer to anyone, especially women.

Behind Cui Xiabing, Xu Duoyi suddenly said: “Male Chauvinist, huh!”


Zheng Cheng frowned and looked at Xu Duoyi.

Xu Duoyi even stared back without showing weakness.


Cui Xiabing turned her head slightly and Xu Duoyi reluctantly lowered her head.

She then looked at Zheng Cheng and said, “Zheng Cheng, I’m sorry, Duoyi was just speaking thoughtlessly.”

“It’s okay.” Zheng Cheng said casually, “But since you want to form the strongest team, and with support professionals at its center, you better pay close attention to your people.”

“Sometimes careless remarks can greatly influence the opinions of the strong.”

Cui Xiabing considered deeply, while Xu Duoyi’s face turned pale.

The real strong ones wouldn’t rely on others.

Even if Cui Xiabing tried her best, even if she tried to charm people with her good looks, all she would get was an empty shell carrying the title of the strong.

Cui Xiabing took a deep breath and said, “Zheng Cheng, I still want to give it a try.”

“Try? How?”


“Again with gambling?” Zheng Cheng looked funny and asked, “How do you want to gamble?”

“It’s simple, the competition among the Ten Hidden Dragons.” Cui Xiabing said, “We are both competing in the Ten Hidden Dragons. If I succeed, you will join my team!”

“What if you fail?”

“If I lose…” Cui Xiabing grinded her teeth, “If I fail but you succeed, I will join your team!”

“What if both of us succeed?”

“If both succeed…” Cui Xiabing’s eyes flickered as she said: “Then we have nothing to do with each other, we will compete independently!”

Zheng Cheng nodded and laughed: “The stake is fair.”

“You agreed.”

“Of course… not!”


Cui Xiabing opened her eyes wide in disbelief. She had even set herself as the stake, why wouldn’t…

Zheng Cheng shook his head, “It’s not about you, it’s just that I don’t want to force anyone.”

“If you fail and I win, even if you join my team, it would only be physically. Your heart wouldn’t be in it, which would undoubtably bring instability to my team.”

“So, wouldn’t it be better for us to develop individually and compete with each other?”


“Let’s leave it at that.”

Zheng Cheng looked at Cui Xiabing, his eyes shining brightly.

Cui Xiabing could only reluctantly get up and say, “Alright then, I’ll be awaiting your good news…”

After the three had left, Xu Duoyi whispered, “Sister Xia Bing, are we just letting him off?”

Cui Xiabing spoke quietly, “What Zheng Cheng said made sense. A forced marriage won’t be happy, forcing him to join us won’t do any good for our team.”

Xu Duoyi said, “Sister Xia Bing, I think our team should still mainly consist of girls, wouldn’t it be great if it were all girls?”

Cui Xiabing looked as if she were staring at a moron. She said, “All girls… It’s okay for ordinary questing and secret realm exploration, but once we step into the Alien Battlefield, it would be a guaranteed defeat!”

“The strength of us support professionals lies in our ability to enhance the strength of the other main battle professionals, we must have powerful main battle professionals.”

“And in this respect, men are undoubtedly much stronger than women.”

“Who said so!” Xu Duoyi ground her teeth, “There are also powerful women among us! Zhang Meiyu from the War Academy, Yao Zhixue from the Mental Spirit Offensive Academy, aren’t they all women?”

“If we could pull them in, wouldn’t our team be even stronger!”

“Zhang Meiyu, Yao Zhixue…”

Cui Xiabing murmured with a thoughtful tone of voice, “It’s worth a try…”

“Brother Cheng, Brother Cheng!”

Zhuo Wen and Zhuo Wu gathered around again, excitedly saying, “What did Cui Xiabing want with you? Is she hopelessly pursuing you?”

“Get lost!”

Zheng Cheng said helplessly, “How could that be… She just wanted to invite me to join their team.”

“Cui Xiabing is really going to compete for the Ten Hidden Dragons?”

Zhuo Wen asked in surprise, “It seems like there’s never been a support professionist who became one of the Ten Hidden Dragons throughout history…”

Zhuo Wu said, “Brother Cheng! You’re also competing for the Ten Hidden Dragons, right? When that time comes, we brothers should join your team!”

Zhuo Wen was also excited, “Yeah, yeah…”

Zheng Cheng nodded, “That’s possible, but shouldn’t our priority be to pass the ‘Guarding Home’ Secret Realm?”

“According to the teacher, in a month’s time, it will be when we freshmen are assessed in the Secret Realm.”

“We still don’t have the specific intelligence on the ‘Guarding Home’ Secret Realm.”

Zhuo Wen patted his chest and said, “Don’t worry, Brother Cheng, I have a senior who’s also in the school. They’re all old second and third year students, I’ll ask them!”

“A senior?” Zheng Cheng nodded, “That’s also a good choice…”

“Students, your textbooks for this semester have arrived…”

Sun Wanqing, followed by a few staff members carrying stacks of books, walked into the classroom.

“Next, I’ll call out names according to the class roster, Zhang Yingxin.”


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