I’m a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!

Chapter 252 - 188 Protecting Home Information! Someone is pursuing Yao Zhixue?

Chapter 252: Chapter 188 Protecting Home Information! Someone is pursuing Yao Zhixue?

After having some chat with the novice, Zheng Cheng switched on his computer and opened the file about the “Defend Home” game, which was sent by sister Zhao Zhemei.

The file was sizeable, nearly 1G worth of videos.

It contained not only written contents but also images and even combat video footage.

“Guarding the Homeland is situated in Beijing University’s auxiliary school. It is a special secret realm born in 2289 AD and has a history of over sixty years.”

“The secret realm follows a particular kind of rule; it contains a special set of heavenly principles, and any professional who enters must abide by these special rules.”

“Rule 1: Only auxiliary professionals can enter this secret realm. Main combat professionals or life professionals cannot. Level Limit: LV19-LV59.”

“Rule 2: All damaging skills of auxiliary professionals who enter will be temporarily sealed, which will automatically recovered upon leaving the secret realm.”

“Rule 3: Auxiliary professionals entering the secret realm will be randomly assigned to a ‘Homeland’, where they can summon human soldiers.”

“Rule 4: There’s a certain probability to summon a ‘Hero’ unit while summoning human soldiers; they have exceptionally high attributes, skills, and growth potential.”

“Rule 5: Auxiliary professionals who entered must use the soldiers they summon to resist the attacks of the Alien Beasts; if the homeland is destroyed, the mission fails.”

“Rule 6: Soldiers can absorb soul power from killing Alien Beasts to level up; different levels of soldiers have different maximum levels and cannot continue to level up after reaching the limit.”

“Rule 7: Hero units have no level cap; killing Alien Beast BOSS can yield hero crystals, which can be used to summon hero units.”

“Rule 8: …”

The rules that belong solely to the secret realm of Guarding the Homeland appeared in front of Zheng Cheng’s eyes, straightforward and restricting auxiliary professionals greatly.

“Hero units… normal soldiers have a level cap?”

Zheng Cheng muttered, “Doesn’t that mean if someone summoned a hero unit at the beginning, it’s a big advantage?”

“I can focus on cultivating hero units. Also, getting hero crystals from killing Alien Beast Bosses can be used to summon heroes.”

“Let’s see…”

He continued to scroll down, the next section contained information collected by the students from the auxiliary academy.

“The initial unit summon can summon ten units? Ordinary Alien Beasts can drop ordinary crystals, which can be used to summon ordinary soldiers?”

“They can also drop special buildings? Once built, it gives a special bonus?”

“The initial summoned units are one-star, including ordinary militia, coolie, peasants, and serfs, etc. Different units have different special skills.”

“Higher star units include Shield Bearers, Archers, Spear Soldiers, Heavy Knights, Forbidden Guards, Grifon Knights, Dragon Knights, etc…”

“There are Hero units, such as grand Mage, Assassin, Swordsmen, etc. These hero units have a minimum of six stars, with diverse skills, high attributes, and all carry different titles and names.”

Only about thirty different hero units were recorded, all of which are six-star units.

There were males and females, each with different appearances.

According to the document, these heroes could level up by killing Alien Beasts and absorbing life essence from them.

Even special items dropped from the Alien Beasts, life essence crystals, could raise the star level of heroes!

Zheng Cheng kept all this information about the heroes in mind. If he could summon a hero unit right after entering, wouldn’t that be a huge profit?

Next, was the data on Alien Beasts.

“One-star Black Skin Worm?”

In the data, there appeared a creature the size of a seven or eight-year-old child, covered in black skin.

It had sharp teeth and protruding eyes, looking like a big black worm.

“Two-star Black Shell Worm?”

“Three-star Stripe Spider, Giant Mosquito?”

“Four-star Red Centipede, Three-headed Snake?”

“Five-star Wind Mantis! Tank class Earth Dragon?”

“Six-star Flying Thunder Dragon!”

As Zheng Cheng scrolled, beasts with completely different looks appeared before his eyes.

There were spiders that are larger than a normal human, gigantic mosquitos with colorful wings, a red centipede, a giant python with three fierce heads.

There was a gigantic mantis with forelimbs as large and sharp as a door, and a giant beetle covered in thick armor.

What caught Zheng Cheng’s eye was the six-star Flying Thunder Dragon.

It was a creature with fleshy wings, full of thorns, and a sinister skull. It even had deep blue stripes on its body.

Below that, some information about this beast was provided.

Flying Thunder Dragon, a six-star creature.

Ten meters tall, wing span of approximately twenty meters, a flying creature, proficient in venom and lightning attacks, with a level of LV60 – LV69.

Only two Flying Thunder Dragons appear at a time. After killing them consecutively, two more will appear within half an hour.

After killing the Flying Thunder Dragon, there is a high probability that a Hero’s Crystal will drop.

After carefully observing the Flying Thunder Dragon and its attributes, Zheng Cheng calculated its actual strength.

“LV60-LV69, this level already overwhelms all students of the auxiliary academy.”

“After all, up to now, the new students in the auxiliary academy are only about LV29.”

“Unfortunately, there are no specific attributes, otherwise…”

He continued to scroll down, wanting to see more data on powerful Alien Beasts.

“Seven-star… hmm? No seven-star?”

He was surprised to see a note at the end of the Flying Thunder Dragon’s file.

“Because each time an auxiliary professional enters the ‘Guarding the Homeland’ secret realm it only opens for a month, over sixty years, the school has only pushed the secret realm process to the six-star Alien Beast, the Flying Thunder Dragon.”

“As for seven-star, eight-star, and even the most powerful nine-star Alien Beasts, no students have been able to conquer them so far.”

Looking at this note, Zheng Cheng suddenly came to a realization, “No wonder… so up until now, no auxiliary professional could last until the arrival of a seven-star Alien Beast in the Guarding the Homeland secret realm.”

He continued to read. The next part of the data recorded some special architectural blueprints, dropped equipment, and some tips for clearing the realm, etc.

“I see…”

“In the Homestead Defense Secret Realm, you can also collect minerals, timber, and building blueprints to construct different buildings, upgrade the level of your homestead, summon stronger troops, and resist the Alien Beasts.”

“These buildings do not require you to construct them by hand. All you need are sufficient materials and minerals to build them successfully!”

“You can obtain the needed timber by logging trees in the surrounding forest, and the minerals come from… killing Alien Beasts?”

“There are minerals contained within Alien Beasts, you just need to kill them to drop the minerals.”

“Let me see what kind of buildings there are…”

Upon further examination, there were several videos at the end.

They were all combat videos between different types of Alien Beasts and soldiers, very intense scenes.

According to the videos, one hour after the Professionists enter the Secret Realm, Alien Beasts within the dark fog will launch an attack.

Each attack occurs two hours apart and the Professionists must kill all the attacking Alien Beasts within an hour.

Otherwise, another wave of attacks will come two hours later, and so on.

Each level of Alien Beast attack will have ten waves, and after ten waves, the Professionists will be given ten hours of rest.

In other words, you must fight continuously for twenty hours before you can rest.

As for the strength of the Alien Beasts, the one-star Black Skin Worm and two-star Black Armor Worm are the easiest to deal with, the difficulty spikes with the three-star Spotted Spider and the Blood-sucking Giant Mosquito.

Most of the weaker Professionists will fail this wave.

As for the four-star and five-star Alien Beasts, only a few Professionists can withstand them.

And the six-star Flying Thunder Dragon, no one has yet been able to withstand its ten wave attack!

“This Homestead Defense Secret Realm is… quite familiar!”

That’s right!

In Zheng Cheng’s view, the setting and rules of this Homestead Defense are very similar to a type of game he played in his past life.

It was a tower defense game.

Defenders of the Sword Pavilion, Defenders of Athena, Defenders of the Goddess, Carrot Defenders and so on.

What the players had to do was build different buildings, recruit different types of soldiers to defend their homeland, and resist the attacks of the Alien Beasts.

The only difference is in some of the details.

The most important thing is that this Homestead Defense Secret Realm involves real participation, people can die!

Over the years, there have always been some Professionists who were unable to escape in time, or died for other reasons within the Secret Realm.

There have been at least several hundreds so far.

I wonder if more people will die this time that the Secret Realm is opened?

Zheng Cheng closed the file, closed his eyes, and recalled all the information in the file. He quickly went through it once.

“I think I’ve got it, now I just have to wait for the Secret Realm to open in a month…”

“Ding ding ding…”

His phone suddenly rang, Zheng Cheng opened it to see a call from senior Zhao Zhemei.

“Hello Zheng Cheng, are you ready?” Zhao Zhemei’s voice came through the phone, “It’s about time, the trading event has already started, we should get going.”


Zheng Cheng stood up, called for Rouji, and met up with Zhao Zhemei.

Rouji curiously asked, “Hey, where’s Yao Zhixue? I haven’t seen her all day.”

Zheng Cheng replied, “She was kept behind by a teacher from the academy, they said she had other things to do.”

“She sent me a message in the afternoon.”

“Well alright, let’s go then.”

Under Zhao Zhemei’s lead, they quickly arrived at the school’s event venue.

Even though it was already nighttime, it was still very noisy inside with many people shouting, clearly still in a state of excitement.

There were people coming and going, all seeming very excited.

Zhao Zhemei led the two of them around the venue and into the nearby sports field.

As they walked, she explained, “Not many people publicize this trading event here, everyone just assumes it’s for freshmen with influential backgrounds or those with real strength.”

“Like you, a freshman with S-class treatment, you’re certainly welcome.”

“But for freshmen with ordinary identities, they don’t know about this place.”

Zheng Cheng nodded, understanding the situation.

The three of them headed towards a corner of the sports field, where indeed there were noticeably less people.

A group of obviously senior students were sitting or squatting on the ground, in front of them were tables with various goods laid out.

Weapons, equipment, talismans, bottles of medicine, etc., and other items that Zheng Cheng was not very familiar with.

Those coming and going were obviously newcomers, some were wandering around while others were whispering at different stalls, obviously trading.

The three of them also joined the crowd and started looking at the items on the stalls.

Among them were indeed many fine products, unfortunately none of them seemed suitable for him.

After all, equipment for support Professionists especially healers, are incredibly expensive, only slightly cheaper than MT equipment.

After about half an hour, the three of them had looked at most things, and Zheng Cheng saw a few items that caught his eye. Just when he was about to inquire about them, his phone rang again.

Upon checking, he found a message from Yao Zhixue.

“Zhixue is here too, let’s go to the entrance and look.”

When the three of them reached the entrance, they saw several figures not far away walking towards them.

The leader was Yao Zhixue.

And beside her was another figure.

“Yao Zhixue, give me a chance. We make such a great pair, and if we join forces, won’t we easily complete the Secret Realm challenge in a month?”

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