I'm A Police Officer, Why Do I Have All These Abnormal Skills?

Chapter 119 Mobile Phone Is Surveillance

Why do you say you acted out of nowhere?

Xiao Yu originally wanted to act, pretending to be a thug, to scare the suspect Wei Xuezhen.

I wanted to find the killer organization through Wei Xuezhen, but it was a pity that the other party didn't know much.

It's not enough to just arrest and interrogate them.

Why still act?

No, this involves criminal psychology.

Bad people sometimes are not afraid of the police, but are afraid of people worse than them.

Because they know that as long as the police catch them, they will not kill them.

But people who are worse than them are different and will really kill them.

So they will tell the truth in front of worse people, in the face of threats to their lives.

When facing the police, they often do not tell the truth when there is no threat to their lives.

It's like facing a life-and-death crisis just now, facing the threat that his wife and children will be killed.

Wei Xuezhen explained everything.

If faced with the police in the first place.

Will he tell the truth?

Siheyuan living room.

"I'll give you a chance at life imprisonment."

Xiao Yu looked at Wei Xuezhen sitting on the sofa coldly, "If you can cooperate with the police, at least you won't have to die. When you are in prison, you can still see your family once a month. Maybe you can watch your children grow up. Adult. As for whether you want this opportunity or not, it's up to you."

"Yes, tell me how to do it?"

Wei Xuezhen's eyes were fixed on Xiao Yu.

That's how people are.

When you are in a desperate situation, even if you see a straw, you will cling to it.

The things Wei Xuezhen did in the past were worthy of the death penalty.

But if what he told is true, he can be exonerated and meritorious service.

What he did back then was also said to be an 'emergency escape'.

It's like when you're starving and there's a giant panda in front of you.

You killed it, ate it, and survived.

As long as it can be proven that you were indeed starving to death at the time, it is not a crime.

Although pandas are nationally protected animals, human lives are above all else.

This is emergency avoidance.

If you kill the panda without putting your life in danger.

Then you're done!

Wei Xuezhen was trying to survive.

Facing the threat of a killer, he stabbed a person to death.

At that time, he was trying to avoid danger.

After all, it was he who killed Keren.

At least life imprisonment, or a suspended death sentence.

Because he killed people, not pandas.

But it won't be a direct death penalty.

That's why Xiao Yu dared to promise Wei Xuezhen an indefinite life.

If Wei Xuezhen did not cooperate, he would not have performed meritorious service.

With the things he helped the killer organization do.

Then he is dead!

"Have you taken on a sale recently?"

Xiao Yu took out Wei Xuezhen's cell phone and handed it over, "Notify the killer organization."

Wei Xuezhen:......

He understood what the police were going to do.

Let him lure out the people from the killer organization.

But why didn't the police take him back to the case handling unit?

"Very doubtful, huh?"

Xiao Yu sneered, "That's because you don't know that when you open the software the killer gave you, your mobile phone camera and microphone should be turned on. Everything around you will be seen and heard by the other party. As long as they discover it If there is anything inappropriate, the other party will think that you have betrayed and will immediately cut off your line. Are you really a fool to be a killer, without any defense, not afraid of your betrayal? "

Wei Xuezhen turned pale with shock.

How could he have thought of such a thing?

But Xiao Yu was a policeman for two generations and knew the methods of criminals very well.

Some very powerful criminals can even use their mobile phones to connect to the WIFI of police units and directly hack into the police computer host.

I've said it before.

The IQ of criminals is generally higher than that of ordinary people.

Some crimes cannot be committed without IQ!

Since the killer gave Wei Xuezhen the communication software, how could he not be prepared for his betrayal?

The simplest way is to monitor Wei Xuezhen's mobile phone through software.

Therefore, when Xiao Yu is talking to Wei Xuezhen, his mobile phone dare not connect to the Internet.

Because it is impossible to confirm whether the killer will monitor Wei Xuezhen anytime and anywhere through his mobile phone.

As long as there is an Internet connection, the camera and microphone of the mobile phone are very likely to be hijacked and monitored by the other party.

It’s not just criminals who can monitor a person’s mobile phone.

All APP software companies are doing the same thing.

Even your mobile phone has been monitored by dozens or hundreds of APP companies.

As long as you authorize your camera, microphone, photo album, address book, etc. to others.

This is equivalent to letting others monitor you, and it is not illegal for others to monitor you.

These APP companies know all the secrets, accounts, and privacy on your phone.

People can even turn on your camera and microphone to see what you are doing.

Isn’t it scary?

The scariest thing is that it starts from the moment you use your smartphone.

Everything about you is already being monitored by the mobile phone company.

These are the most real, but ordinary people don’t know it!


Xiao Yucai did not take Wei Xuezhen back to the third brigade.

Let him contact the killer organization from his own home.

The purpose is to prevent the killer organization from using cameras to monitor Wei Xuezhen's 'environment'.

This is the so-called "investigation" and "counter-investigation", a battle of wits and courage between the police and criminals!

Wei Xuezhen, who was holding his mobile phone, kept changing his expression. Finally he gritted his teeth and started to connect to the Internet.

Xiao Yu sat on the ground and leaned against the sofa, avoiding the perspective of the front and rear cameras of the phone.

From bottom to top, he looked at Wei Xuezhen and the mobile phone.

After the mobile phone is connected to the Internet.

Wei Xuezhen opened a black cover on the desktop.

When the software opens, the screen goes black.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds... half a minute passed.

A line of white fonts suddenly appeared on the black screen.

at the same time.

A text input box also appears on the mobile phone.

【whats the matter? 】

Wei Xuezhen was shocked when he saw the white font.

Use the text input box to type quickly.

Wei Xuezhen: I took a business deal.

Opponent: What to do?

Wei Xuezhen: Kill.

Opponent: How much and who?

Wei Xuezhen: 3 million, from a rich family.

Opponent: Ordinary death? Accidental Death? Destroy corpses and eliminate traces?

Wei Xuezhen: Destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces!

The other party: You know the rules. You take 2.4 million and drive to Boot City, XX District, and under the cultural square stone statue. Remember, it has to be delivered at 0 o'clock tomorrow night. The time can't be fast or slow.

Wei Xuezhen: Okay.

The other party: Don’t turn off your phone, don’t disconnect from the Internet, and wait for my news at any time.

Wei Xuezhen: Yes!

Both parties end the conversation.

However, Wei Xuezhen did not dare to shut down his phone or disconnect from the Internet.

Because Xiao Yu just told him that the phone might be being monitored by the other party.

Everything around him, every move he makes, may be within the opponent's 'sight'.

Then he put the phone on the coffee table.

In this case, one side of the camera cannot be seen, and the other side can only look at the sky.

Wei Xuezhen breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xiao Yu aside.

Xiao Yu didn't speak and made a gesture to him.

Wei Xuezhen stood up and walked towards the bedroom.

Xiao Yu also slowly stood up.

Beast form: cat spirit.

He slowly raised his steps without making any sound, following Wei Xuezhen like a ghost.

Entering the bedroom...

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