I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 359 - 358: The Mystery of the Source Land!

Chapter 359: Chapter 358: The Mystery of the Source Land!

The ten teams of the reincarnated had basically made the same choice, each controlling a power, hoping to discover the whereabouts of the Emperor.

However, among these forces, not many actually knew the whereabouts of the Emperor, but there were quite a few who spoke the truth.

“The Emperor is in the thirty-sixth heaven, guarding the Origin!”

The people on the ground had no intention of hiding this. After all, the Emperor was using them as pawns, hoping to free himself through their bodies. They were naturally in a state of hostility.

“The Origin Land can only be entered by breaking through the three gates, proving the Emperorship.”

Moon Spirit sneered, “I do not sense the Original Way from you. Are you following the path of energy or spirit?”

Du Gang knew that this was a unique cultivation system in this world.

Each person could walk different paths. In general, there were paths like the blood and energy path, Origin path, Spirit path, Energy path, Life path, Beast path, Human Emperor path, and so on.

There were countless paths, but only a dozen or so could lead to the rank of the Emperor.

In this secret room, apart from Du Gang, only Zhang Xinyi was present. The other two were on Wangwu Mountain, inquiring others.

On Wangwu Mountain, Kou Yingwu was responsible for using the Dream Entry Technique to gather information, and Tao Xuanzhu was tasked with transmitting the information to Zhang Xinyi.

“Du Gang, breaking the three gates is a unique cultivation method in our world. No matter the path, there is ultimately a Triple Barrier Gate that must be broken to prove oneself as the Emperor…”

Zhang Xinyi communicated entirely via voice transmission.

“To break the gate, each breakthrough will perfect one path. Three gates for three paths. However, it does not exactly correspond to one’s cultivation. Some people can break two gates and still be among the Eight Heavenly Kings, but there are people who break one and becomes a Ninth Heaven King…”

“Furthermore, according to them, initial martial artists do not have the Triple Barrier Gate. They have a different cultivation method from others…”

Du Gang looked at Moon Spirit without showing any emotion, casually asking, “If there’s no way to break the three gates, how can one enter the Origin Land?”


Moon Spirit was taken aback, then quickly asked, “Are you all initial martial artists?”

Somehow surprised, she looked up and down, scrutinizing Du Gang and Zhang Xinyi in the distance.

Unfortunately, she was currently restrained, unable to utilize her powers and get a clear reading of the two men.

Moon Spirit’s expression kept changing. At first, she assumed the people who captured her were the forces nurtured by an Emperor.

But from what she was seeing, there was a high likelihood that these four were initial martial artists, especially considering that Du Gang had single-handedly broken her attack.

Initial martial artists regarded the Emperors as enemies and carried on a fight to the death with those who cultivated the Original Way. After all, every Emperor had to kill a powerful initial martial artist as a proof of their Emperorship.

Moon Spirit put away her arrogance and probed, “What do you want with the Emperor?”

Du Gang revealed a smile, “To kill him. Our mission is to kill an Emperor.”

He had long realized that this woman had mistaken them for initial martial artists.

Considering she only managed to get a brief understanding of the situation in the Chaotic Divine Kingdom before fleeing, only to be captured by Du Gang and his team not long after, it was a reasonable mistake.

In addition, being in the Sea of Death, news from the outside world didn’t reach her, so it was natural to assume the initial martial artists had left the Original Martial Continent and were passing through the Sea of Death, capturing her on the way.

Moon Spirit was not surprised by this answer. The initial martial artists had always wanted to kill the Emperor, and the years had not changed this. The fact it had yet to happen was simply due to a lack of power.

She frowned and asked, “Have you found another way?”

Before Du Gang could answer, she nodded to herself, “That must be it!”

“I didn’t look closely at the Chaotic Divine Kingdom at the time, but I sensed the presence of at least ten ninth-level practitioners – it was quite terrifying…”

“Plus the four of you, it seems the initial martial artists have been biding their time, accumulating power and achieving something remarkable!”

She sighed, “All these years, the followers of the Original Way are greatly weakened without making any progress. And to think the initial martial artists have been quietly developing so many powerful practitioners!”

“However, even with all of you, I’m afraid it’s impossible to kill the Emperor, isn’t it?!”

She squinted her eyes and said calmly.

Du Gang scoffed and asked dismissively, “Do you know how many ninth-level practitioners we have?”

“Twenty? Or thirty?”

Moon Spirit shook her head, “Just ninth-level practitioners. In this age, it seems there is not even one… No, that man is a ninth-level, but he’s the only one.”

“In the past, there were many ninth level practitioners. Each top-level practitioner was at the ninth level.”

“The Emperors who wanted to proclaim their divinity had to kill at least one, or even several, ninth-level practitioners. In those times, ninth-level practitioners were all over the place…”

“Everyone in the world practiced initial martial arts, but in the end, didn’t they still lose to the nine Emperors?”

Moon Spirit laughed, “The Original Way is the true path. The initial path has long been desolate, even if you have reached the ninth level, it is still impossible for you to defeat the Emperor…”

Again, Du Gang looked at her with contempt, “Twenty or thirty ninth level practitioners?”

“If we only had these numbers, we wouldn’t even bother coming out!”

He coldly sneered, then fervently said, “The Holy War God opened a new path, allowing those of us at the seventh and eighth levels to reach the ninth level…”


Moon Spirit shrieked, looking at him in shock, “Seventh and eighth levels can reach the ninth level? A new path?!”

She couldn’t help but be surprised. She was from that era, and even now, she was only a covert eighth-level practitioner in public and just a sixth level.

Even reaching the eighth level required her to use the crystal left by North Emperor to temper her body, and she had experienced ninety-nine hardships to perfect her golden body.

Du Gang showed a triumphant smile, “All these years, you followers of the Original Way have been infighting, enjoying all the resources of the Central Continent, but you have not made any progress…”

“Comparatively, even though we were driven to a barren land on the Original Martial Continent, the continent was united. Everyone was thriving and striving for better. In the end, we discovered the true path!”

“This time…we have a total of 184 ninth-level practitioners who have come forth. This time, the realm will return to initial martial arts!”

Zhang Xinyi was at a loss for words. She didn’t expect Du Gang to be such a good actor. As soon as she delivered some information, he immediately launched into his performance.

And, judging by the look on Moon Spirit’s face, she completely fell for it, completely convinced.

“184 people?!”

Even though Moon Spirit was somewhat prepared, she was still shocked by this number.

“Are you saying… that there are this many ninth-level practitioners?!”

Du Gang sneered again, playfully lifting her chin, “Do you think I’m messing with you?”

Moon Spirit shook her head to avoid his hand. Even though her face was still filled with shock, she accepted this claim deep down.

“The true path…”

She muttered a few times, and in her eyes, there was a hint of longing for power. She asked, “Can I cultivate it?”

Almost immediately, she shook her head, thinking she must have asked a stupid question.

The followers of Original Way and Initial Path did not tolerate each other. They had pledged to fight each other to the death.

Seeing her reaction, Du Gang swallowed whatever he was about to say.

He knew that more words would likely lead to mistakes, so he decided to play along with what he had already said.

And Moon Spirit, under Du Gang’s guidance, unwittingly spilled quite a bit of information.

“Even if you have over a hundred ninth-level practitioners, I’m afraid you still won’t be able to defeat the Emperor!”

“Each emperor is formidable enough to challenge ten, even a hundred adversaries, and cannot simply be defeated by breaking through the ninth realm!”

She shook her head, sighed, and said, “In the Original Way, after breaking the ninth realm, you must unlock the triple gate. Only after successfully breaking through the three gates can you reach the Source Land!”

“I heard from my father that upon reaching the Source Land, you would need to embed your great Dao into it, imprinting it so that you’re recognized as an emperor…”

“Throughout this imprinting process, the Source Land will nourish you in return, providing those who’ve broken the ninth realm and the three gates with significant boosts and reinforcements!”

Embed the great Dao in the Source Land and imprint it?!

Du Gang paused for a moment; his thoughts drifted to the Heavenly Court and the Heavenly Dao.

Weren’t the True Spirits of all of them also retained within the Heavenly Dao?

This small world… It’s more complex than he had envisioned!

Meanwhile, Zhang Xinyi conveyed more information.

“It’s strange, there are thousands of ways to walk on the path of the Original Way, but there are only three paths when it comes to the triple gate!”

“They are the paths of the physical body, the spirit, and energy.”

Du Gang was taken aback, his pupils constricting.

Didn’t these three paths coincide with the paths that Xiang Xinjian said were laid out for him by the Ancient City?

If the three paths combined, his achievements could potentially be greater than that of Supreme Pangu, which was an insight provided by the Ancient City.

Did the Ancient City manipulate his choice of mission world in the Heavenly Court?


The only explanation was that the Heavenly Court also wished him to enter this world.

Although this notion seemed narcissistic, as if he were very important, Du Gang knew that this guess was true. The vision the Ancient City demonstrated was to make him stronger than the Supreme, to solve the enemies of the Heavenly Dao, and to ensure everyone’s survival.

The Heavenly Court, even the Heavenly Dao behind it, must think in the same way, because they’re all in the same boat. If the ship capsized, no one would survive.

Therefore, interests align!

Du Gang took a deep breath.

Only now did he start to believe what Xiang Xinjian had said.

After all, the Heavenly Dao is too high above; it was unnecessary to put on a show with the Ancient City for his sake.

The only explanation was that the Heavenly Dao had high expectations for him!

So that’s how it is!

This time, Du Gang finally clearly acknowledged his identity as a savior.

“Scared now, aren’t you?!”

Just as his thoughts cleared, Moon Spirit, observing him lost in thoughts, sneered.

“It’s normal to be scared. You probably don’t know that above the emperors, there’s a Heavenly Emperor?!”

Du Gang sobered up instantly and said solemnly, “Heavenly Emperor…”

He didn’t use any particular tone, but used a flat tone to draw out the words.

Because Zhang Xinyi hadn’t mentioned the term ‘Heavenly Emperor’ in her message, so he was unaware of the specifics.

Moon Spirit took the bait, not realizing Du Gang was uninformed about the Heavenly Emperor, she laughed, “So many of you have broken the ninth realm, yet you might not even be able to defeat an emperor, let alone the Heavenly Emperor standing behind them!”

She shook her head and lamented, “What a pity. If you pursued the Original Way, we might be afraid. But you are from the Original Martial Continent, you can never become an emperor…”

“If it were the Original Way and suddenly over a hundred emperors emerged, it would indeed be terrifying. But coming from Original Martial Continent… Haha!”

Upon learning that Du Gang and his group were from the Original Martial Continent, she lost all hope of survival.

After all, the Original Way and Original Martial are sworn enemies in the Conflict of the Great Dao. They are irreconcilable and won’t stop until one is destroyed.

“Do you think we will lose?”

Du Gang snorted coldly, “Tell me the way to enter the Source Land and I’ll show you the fall of the emperors!”

Although his words sounded obstinate, Moon Spirit’s eyes lit up.

She detected a hint of vitality in Du Gang’s words. Her eyes flickered, she lightly mocked, “Do you really believe that you, who has broken through to the ninth realm, can defeat an emperor?”

“You don’t believe?!”

Du Gang was aware of her provocations and he willingly played along.

He gesticulated, “If you don’t believe, I’ll take you along to witness your father, North Emperor, meeting his end along with all the other emperors!”

Moon Spirit was ecstatically confident that the emperors were invincible, regardless of the Original Martial Continent’s hundred breakers of the ninth realm.

As long as she survived to reach the Source Land, she could survive, for her father, the North Emperor, was there.

Du Gang timely asked, “Are there any other ways to enter the Source Land?!”

Moon Spirit tried hard to suppress her excitement. She made a few more mocking gestures before saying indifferently:

“The Source Land can usually only be accessed by breaking the triple gate to prove the Dao…”

“This path is impossible for you, Original Martial warriors!”


She flashed a charming smile, “Since you’re so eager to face death, I’ll tell you another way!”

“Long Bian has a daughter named Wang Ruobing. She is an emperor’s pawn and has a dual origin space within her; one of them leads to the Source Land…”

“Also, Lin Zi, the niece of Spirit Emperor, has something special within her that can lead to the Source Land too!”

Du Gang frowned, asking, “Who else knows about this information?”

This information was not extracted from Kou Yingwu’s end, which meant it was information that only those of a certain rank would know. He wanted to know whether the other nine groups of reincarnators could master it.

Moon Spirit relaxed significantly when she knew she could survive. She shrugged nonchalantly, “A fair number of people possibly know. I only awoke a few years ago and learned the information recently…”

“Those who have been active on the mainland for a long time definitely know more than I do, also know it earlier. Some of those who have reawakened should have their own sources of information…”

She contemplated for a couple of seconds, then looked at Du Gang and asserted, “I don’t know how many precisely, but at least dozens of them know. If not both, they would at least know about one…”

Du Gang sighed.

It seemed that the other nine groups were most likely aware of this information as well.

Because, just like he could trick Moon Spirit into thinking they were Original Martial warriors, other reincarnators could do the same.

After all, a team that could participate in the final promotion mission and choose to advance from a True God to a Celestial God is no weak team; their intelligence won’t be lacking.

As it turned out, throughout the land, all the reincarnator teams were gradually learning about the status of this world through their various tactics, and also the methods to reach the Source Land.

On the same day, the whole world was stirred up again. Under the manipulations of the reincarnators, all forces began to collectively hunt for two persons.

Wang Ruobing and Lin Zi!

PS: New book will be uploaded on May 16th, it’s a mystery genre book. Hope you’ll support it then. (The plan to finish this book around June 30th is still unchanged, double releases are certain.)

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