I’m Almost Losing to a Muggle

Chapter 1314 The service must be in place (two-in-one monthly ticket)

I... I haven't decided whether to shoot... Jia Lingda couldn't go home for the Chinese New Year. He was as busy as a dog. When he received a call from Lin Dong, his round face was in a daze.

On February 2, she served as the Ace Agent of Zhijiang Satellite TV's variety show Ace Season 3.

On February 15, she participated in the 2018 CTV Spring Festival Gala and performed the sketch True and False Teacher.

Looks like it's almost March.

She has to exercise recently, not to shape her body, but to take the route of a pretty girl.

Instead, we want to participate in the Green Waters and Green Mountains Ace Protection - Huaxia Ace Public Welfare Forest Environmental Protection Tree Planting activity in March to practice green public welfare and protect green waters and green mountains.

Planting trees takes physical strength.

She is not a delicate female star, if she puts on a pose to show off her coquettishness, a bunch of fans will lick the screen.

You have to show combat power.

This event is also sponsored by Pay Meow.

She is not as lucky as Lin Dong.

Don't look at Lin Dong is acting, director, and boss managing the company.

In fact, Lin Dong only acts in about two plays a year, which is far from dedicated, and the director's role is reduced to one play a year.

As a director, he left all the chores to others.

Just talk about the script with the actress, talk about acting with the actor, and get a grasp of the overall situation of the crew.

There is no comparison with ordinary directors who do their best.

As for the identity of the boss - it can be said that it would be the same with him or without him. Without him, the cat factory can even develop better.

He is like a child holding an adult's legs, affecting his progress.

It's been more than a month since I told you last time, haven't you fixed it yet? Lin Dong was very dissatisfied.

Is it because I, the wizard king, can no longer lift the knife, or is it because you, Jia Ling, lost weight successfully and started to drift away.

You are the first woman who dared to neglect me.

very good……

Ma De, the style of painting is a bit wrong.

Lin Dong shook off the goosebumps all over his body, and remembered those classic lines.

Like, great, woman, you managed to get my attention.


Did she know she was wrong?

President, she probably doesn't know, she exposed your chat records.

Sorry, sorry~ How dare Jia Ling neglect Lin Dong, unless she doesn't want to mess around anymore, her best project now is to participate in the Mountain and Sea series with Maochang.

Whether she can release her big independent movie in the future, and reach the pinnacle of life like Iron Man, depends entirely on the attitude of the cat factory.

If you offend Lin Dong, you will lose everything.

Why don't you find someone to calculate it now, forget it... Lin Dong suddenly remembered, and said, I'll send someone to find you to calculate it, and it can be calculated in two days. You won't be unable to spare time, right?

There is time, there is time...

Jia Ling was about to cry.

The boss is so kind, he was so eager to give her money.

But the pressure is also great.

If the movie is botched and loses money, how courteous you are now will be how angry you will be then.

She couldn't bear the anger of the owner of the cat factory.

Give me an address, and I'll send someone to find you. Lin Dong hung up the phone and arranged for someone to go to work.

The service must be in place.

Well, come to the door.

Before the arranger left, Lin Dong gave special instructions.

Don't lower people's budgets, give them as much as possible.

If you don't lower the price, you naturally want to lose a little money and be as affluent as possible, instead of adding money without thinking, because you are afraid that too much money will be given, and the quality will also soar. surplus.

Lin Dong finally decided to return to the capital from the northeast.

On the day he returned to the capital, the name of the cat factory was being chanted throughout the capital and even throughout China.

The first thing, Cat Factory announced a breakthrough in the new generation of EUV lithography machine technology.

At the same time, it also announced that the 12nm process will be taped out in the second quarter, fully entering the field of high-end chips.

Mass production of 12nm chips is possible.

As Xiaoguozi manages Miaoxin's wealth, and with the popularization of mobile Internet products such as short videos, ordinary people have also begun to pay attention to chips and lithography machines.

For a long time, in the high-end lithography machine market, ASML is the only one, and most of the semiconductor industry giants such as Intel, Samsung, Hynix, and Gulf Semiconductor have relied on it for their livelihood.

ASML is unwilling and not allowed to sell lithography machines to China.

In July 1996, the Warnasen Agreement was signed and came into effect in Vienna, Austria. The agreement is also known as the Warnersen Arrangement.

In short, it is to set up a wall to prohibit the sale of advanced technologies such as logistics and civilian use to developing countries.

And to this day, Huaxia is still not among the members of the Vanasen Arrangement.

According to Xiaoguozi's plan, it is naturally like Huaxia - not only Huaxia, it should be said that all competitors should not have access to core technologies.

Absorb the wealth of the world, and fatten your own body.

Xiaoguozi's blood-sucking relies on various core technologies.

Without these core things, who the hell uses US dollars as foreign exchange reserves.

However, the emergence of the cat factory broke this law.

First, cut into the 28nm process, and took down the most widely used position in the chip field.

Not long after that, 14nm was conquered again.

Xiaoguo really panicked.

They intensified the blockade and used heavy weapons such as money management.

The management of wealth lasted for a year, but it was of no use.

Now, the cat factory has achieved a 12nm breakthrough.

Xiaoguozi can indeed say that 12nm is not a new generation.

Many Chinese people say this kind of thing.

They used a very sensible tone to tell netizens not to get excited.

12nm still belongs to the category of 16/14. The real new generation is 10nm, which is currently only capable of production outside the pot.

We are very behind in this regard.

It's not terrible to be behind, but what's terrible is that if you don't admit your backwardness, you will know how to yell love pot slogans all day long.

These people are either stupid or bad.

Either they took the money, or they were angry for the sake of anger, and they couldn't see the development speed of the cat factory at all.

If it was before, there were still people who threatened China's semiconductor companies by cutting off the supply.

Now let's see if anyone else dares to say that.

One by one, they were all terrified, lest a customer come and say they wanted to cancel the order.

What else can I do.

In order to stabilize customers and compete with the cat factory for business, they can only give up part of the profits in the end.

The history of a domestic mobile phone with a net profit of 1,000 yuan and 800 yuan being taken away by the pot is gone forever.

The cat factory is only the progress of lithography machine technology, and it has not yet achieved mass production.

Several chip foundries over there have already started discussing price cuts with mainland suppliers.

Maochang does not object to the companies of the Chip Alliance continuing to cooperate with outsiders.

One is that our technology is not yet mature.

The second is that even if our technology is mature, we will not be able to handle so much production capacity for a while, and we will not be able to complete it even if we are exhausted.

Of course, sooner or later we have to do the real money-making work ourselves.

Only when technological profits appear on our side, will our per capita GDP rise and welfare benefits will get higher and higher.

This is true both for the industry and for Guo Jia.

Without considering other factors, let’s take a mobile phone with a net profit of 1,000 yuan as an example. If the profit of 800 yuan is outside, then the living standard of the same number of people is five times higher than ours.

If the amount of wealth is fixed, if we take more from outside, we will take less, and vice versa.

At the very least, in many chip application industries, profits are gradually returning.

These profits, or increase taxes, to improve infrastructure, to improve life, or increase investment in technology, research and develop higher-end technology, so as to strive for more profits...

In this way, it is the beginning of a virtuous circle.

In addition to the breakthrough in EUV lithography machine technology, there is another shocking thing.

That is, the cat factory announced that it has acquired more than a dozen human resources service companies that have been cooperating, that is, outsourcing companies, and jointly established a subsidiary of the cat factory-Meow Xingren Labor Service.

This subsidiary mainly includes auditing, customer service, delivery riders, express logistics...

Anyway, the positions that were outsourced before are not outsourced now.


Now, the number of employees in the cat factory can't be skyrocketed to hundreds of thousands.

No, over a million is possible.

There are already many people in the cat factory.

After all, in charity, they employ a large number of teachers and teaching staff.

That's not all.

The first regulation announced by this company is that no matter what kind of job they are working in, all employees of the company will help pay five social insurances and one housing fund.

Generally speaking, enterprises should pay at least three insurances.

The three insurances are the most basic social insurance, including pension insurance, medical insurance, and unemployment insurance.

A more formal one will pay five insurances.

The five insurances include basic endowment insurance, basic medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance, and maternity insurance.

There are also five insurances and one housing fund and five insurances and two housing funds.

Among them, one of the five insurances and one housing fund is the housing provident fund, and some of them also pay supplementary provident fund.

In the case of the second gold, the second gold refers to the enterprise annuity.

It can be regarded as a supplementary pension, and when you get old and retire, you can receive more money, and it is half of the enterprise and the individual.

The cat factory pays five insurances and one housing fund, which is very exaggerated.

This caused the whole society to discuss this matter.

In an interview, Han Feizi, the spokesperson of the public relations department of the cat factory, first affirmed the form of outsourcing, which is a form of human resource allocation.

Recognizing the value of outsourcing companies, there is no need to cancel outsourcing.

Outsourcing is not necessarily bad, on the contrary, it is an excellent solution to deploy social human resources.

For example, a company is very large and has many projects in progress, but some secondary or non-core projects.

If the company recruits its own staff, the cost will be high.

Employees' social security, provident fund, etc. have to be paid by the company itself. At this time, the company will think about whether it can outsource this part of the secondary projects to other companies and let others do it. In this case, it is enough to pay directly to the outsourcing company, and the project is over once it is completed.

Just imagine, if the company does not outsource, once the project is completed and over, it will still support these employees.

It is not cost-effective, and the project will be left idle after the project is completed, which is also a waste of human resources.

It's not good for society or for employees.

Outsourcing companies can deploy these human resources benignly, and send them to whoever needs them.

These people have been working all the time.

However, she also pointed out.

At present, there are many outsourcing companies, and even Mr. Huang Shiren is willing to bow down to the behavior of outsourced employees.

The law stipulates that as long as there is a labor relationship, labor protection must be carried out.

But they just have a way to exploit loopholes.

In addition, Maochang established this subsidiary mainly because this part of the business is actually very stable.

For example, customer service, Cat Factory has always maintained this huge manual customer service system.

Many senior outsourced employees have served the cat factory for four or five years, and they are no different from regular employees.

There are also delivery riders and so on, and the cat factory also has a stable demand.

There is no situation where these people will be idle when the work of a project is finished.

The integration of this subsidiary is also based on the consideration of putting forward higher requirements on the quality of personnel.

Temporary workers were originally just a neutral word.

Over the years, it has gradually evolved into a derogatory term.

Even if the cat factory puts various strict requirements on the outsourcing company, there is no way to guarantee that these outsourced personnel serving the cat factory have good quality.

If these people can be absorbed into full-time employees.

With the enrichment of work experience and a reasonable training mechanism, the professional ability of this group of people can definitely be improved to a higher level.

It's also good for cat factories.

When Concubine Han was asked whether the company's profits would be diluted, she said calmly:

Cat Factory does not expect much profit from this subsidiary.

As long as you don't lose money.

All profits will be used to support these original outsourced personnel.

We hope that through the establishment of such a company, we can tell the industry that there will be no disadvantages if some things are done.

People who think about making a fortune by sucking blood all day long will end up at the end of the road sooner or later.

The direct report of this company is Chen Xiaoman, and her position in the cat factory is the senior vice president of the group, in charge of administration, personnel, finance and so on.

The management method is basically to set up a management committee.

Self-determination for small matters, major matters reported to President Man for instructions.

No matter how reasonable the cat factory said, this matter still caused a huge shock in the society.

Outsourced personnel pay five social insurances and one housing fund.

This is just too absurd.

Take Tuanmei alone, they have 600,000 riders serving 400 million customers a year.

600,000 is the number of active people, and those who have quit working for a few days are not counted, otherwise there will be several million.

And these 600,000 riders are all outsourced employees.

Outsourcing companies—to be precise, labor intermediary companies, of course, it is impossible for them to buy insurance for these 600,000 riders.

The way Tuanmei handles it is to spend three yuan to buy insurance for the rider.

Otherwise, if something happens, who can I turn to? Where can Tuanmei get the money to pay for the poor life of the rider.

3 yuan per day, including death and disability insurance with an insured amount of 600,000 yuan, and medical expenses of 50,000 yuan.

However, the three dollars are also paid by the rider.

In addition to Tuanmei, many express companies also outsource.

Bring your own transportation and pay your own insurance. The platform provides nothing but the platform.

Most Internet companies are like this.

Those who really contribute, those who really provide products, on the contrary, earn less and less, and gradually become struggling to make ends meet.

The Internet platform, on the other hand, slowly grows by sucking blood, and then becomes a domineering power.

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