I’m Almost Losing to a Muggle

Chapter 1321 I promise I won't regret it (seeking a monthly ticket)

【Warning, warning~】

[Warning you wool, don't interrupt when adults talk and children]

[Believe it or not, I will reward you tens of billions]

【Come, come, let's reason】

【Hehe, now you are willing to reason with me】

[I have always been willing to reason, and I have never been impulsive, so I also hope that you will learn from me, and don’t just talk about rewards of tens of billions. Is money so useful? If you are really rich, you will Take care of the poor in China】

【Shut up】

[All right, I don't care about you, why can't I give shares to employees as incentives]

[Last time you gave out 25%, so I won’t say anything, how much more do you want to share this time]

【Brothers are working so hard...】

【You didn't treat them badly】

[Can this be the same? I just need to control the control of Zhongyou, and it doesn’t matter if there are more or less of the others]

[Do you know how much 25% is worth, don't be sloppy]

[Actually, Zhongyou Media was given to us by Wang Huasen, not bought by us, so we should be able to dispose of it at will, and those of us who contribute will get some benefits]

【It's not unreasonable for you to say that...】

[Yes, yes, what I said makes sense, I think this should be counted as my personal property, not your money from the system]

【(Dish) pushes an inch, don't you want to live anymore】

[You...don't be...get angry, let it be yours, let it be yours]


[But it’s not too much for me to ask, I only get 51% from Zhongyou, and let them play with the rest]

【()σ, don't you regret it? 】

【Why should I regret it】

【No, (_) you will regret it, you will really regret it】

[I promise not to regret it, just tell me if you are 51% rich or not]

[60%, you are allowed to take out 40%, so it’s okay, you don’t regret what you said, ╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭One day in the future, you will pay the price for this year’s self-willedness]

【You don't know me too well, I never know what regret is】

After discussing with the system, Lin Dong immediately said, It's really unnecessary for the company to take 75%, just order 60%. As for how to distribute the other 40%, you can discuss it.

There is no need to worry about whether these people will divide the spoils unevenly.

And because of this, they are fighting all day long, and the management is fighting all kinds of intrigues in order to get more points.

If that's the case, wouldn't it be satisfying.

Fighting for power and profit all the time, there is no time to grow the company.

Cat Factory is just around the corner from bankruptcy.

It took a long time for all the executives to react.

Everyone felt that it was inappropriate for Mr. Lin to only take 60%, which was too little.

But the boss has already talked about this point, and it would be too petty to continue to hold on.

And, as you all discussed before.

For listed companies, it is difficult to say which one is bigger, 99% or 1%.

Neither Jack Horse nor Bonnie Horse owns more than 10% of their company.

But their wealth far exceeds that of all bosses who account for more than 90% of their companies.

How much is Zhongyou Media worth?

This is a proposition composition given by Mr. Lin to everyone.

In order to allow everyone to do it freely, he directly cut his share to 60%.

It didn't take long for everyone to accept this plan frankly.

The big deal is that everyone will work hard to make Zhongyou Media's market value reach 300-500 billion. By then, Mr. Lin's 60% share will be worth hundreds of billions.

It's not impossible.

For sand sculptures like the Wang brothers, they can make Zhongyou Media nearly 100 billion.

Cat factory took over, 300 billion is easy.

500 billion is a matter of spending a few more months.

Moreover, none of the companies in the cat factory have been listed. The leeks look forward to the stars and the moon, but they can't wait for the cat factory to go public.

They are already hungry for money.

The market value of those companies that cooperate with Maochang will soar. After the reorganization of Zhongyou Media, it will become a subsidiary of Maochang.

At that time, it will be hard to find.

Then, there is also the matter of Tongtong becoming the general manager of Zhongyou Media. I hope everyone can support her work. Tongtong, what do you plan to do after taking office? Lin Dong asked.

Eating does not delay work.

Meals and dishes are served here, while executives are still filling out documents over there.

Pei Qianlong should sign if Pei Qianlong should sign, and Shi Shanshan should sign if Shi Shanshan should sign, and some of them also need to be signed by Chen Xiaoman or Lin Dong himself.

Lin Dong continued to eat and talk while signing...

Can be very busy.

No time to carefully look at what he signed.

At the beginning, I still glance at it, and then sign wherever I need to sign.

Although he was stabbed by Jia Ling today.

But Zhongyou Media threw away a big package in this matter, which is much more valuable than the billions earned by Li Huanying.

The only pity is that I lost those initial funds.

Several executives expressed their support for Su Tong, Lin Dong's personal butler, and it was obvious that it was time to take charge of the overall situation.

Zhongyou Media is a good job.

listed company.

The only listed section of Cat Factory.

Regardless of whether the performance is poor or not, it will not affect the stock price to rise slowly.

Moreover, with the backing of the cat factory, Zhongyou's business is much better than before.

Several major sectors can borrow strength from Maochang.

If the Wang brothers had such resources in the past, and they still cut the hairy leeks, it would be better to make achievements and let the leeks be slaughtered.

Thank you! Su Tong stood up and thanked everyone.

Although she stood up, she didn't get taller—when she sat, her feet didn't touch the ground.

Tongtong, what do you most want to do after taking office? Lin Dong asked.

He had to figure this out.

So as to ensure that Su Tong is a half-manager, not a little genius who is buried as an assistant by his side.

Uh... After taking office, let's change the name of the company first. Su Tong thought for a while.

Finally, a worrying answer was given.

Girl, you have narrowed your path.

When the boss asks you such a question, you should say that you must first have a thorough understanding of Zhongyou Media, and then formulate business strategies based on the actual situation of Zhongyou Media.

Only Chen Xiaoman clapped his hands and praised: Tongtong, we want to go together.

Su Tong nodded reservedly.

Wanting to go with Man Zhuzi doesn't sound like a compliment.

I've always thought that the name Zhongyou Media didn't please my ears, but I've always forgotten to suggest that we change the name. Chen Xiaoman chirped.

He started to discuss with Su Tong what name Zhongyou Media would change.

There are 2.9 million words, and the book should be almost finished in the last few months. If you have any ideas, you may wish to share them. Finally, ask for a monthly ticket again~

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