I’m Almost Losing to a Muggle

Chapter 1367 Isn't he nice to be a good person

In addition, if the box office exceeds one billion, I will give you five million; if the box office exceeds two billion, I will give you ten million; if the box office exceeds three billion, I will give you twenty million...

Lin Dong succumbed to System Ji helplessly.

He could let the little assistant go back to work, but he couldn't ignore the threat of the system and let the system hang up.

The little assistant was no threat to him.

They can't threaten him with anything, at most they can sneak a photo of him, or make a fuss about his listed company.

The system is different.

He can be rewarded with billions of dollars easily.

Therefore, in order to use the beast of the motor, he had no choice but to compromise with the system.

Momo wiped the sweat from his brow.

Slightly relieved.

This is right, this is the logic of normal people.

What kind of operation is it to give money based on points alone, it is simply not human.

Your boss is a normal person, which is easier to deal with. If your boss is not human, it will be really troublesome.

There are many directors with high ratings.

The more literary and artistic it is, the more it can reflect social issues, and the more it can scratch the itch of these film critics.

Many of Jia Kechang's films have more than eight points.

Last year's Four Springs also scored 9 points on the ticket sales of Meow Claw. That movie had almost no box office and the cost was very low.

But according to the boss's logic, this is directly 10 million errand fees.

The documentaries Twenty-Two and Big Cat, and the literary films The Piano of Steel, The Labyrinth of the Mind and Arrow and Arrow all scored above eight.

In the past, there were more high-scoring movies.

In recent years, the general trend of capital has been chasing commercial value, which is why Maochang occasionally favors literary films and maintains the number of literary and artistic films in its theaters.

The motor is confident of discovering a few more than eight points.

Even nine points.

Can meet but not ask for.

As for movies with a box office of one billion, this is somewhat difficult.

The motor may not be able to be photographed.

But it was too easy for him to choose.

On the one hand, it is the cat factory investment that everyone in the industry wants (the overseas box office belongs to the main creator), and on the other hand, it is the motor's 30-year-old eyes. It is really not easy to make money.

If there was such an opportunity before, who the hell would still cut leeks.

He doesn't like being a good person.

Does Director Ma have any plans for filming recently? Before Ma Da said anything, Lin Dong said first: Forget about Mobile Phone 2, this project should be discontinued.

Xiao Cui was taken as a gun by Maochang.

Whether intentional or not, he has been a great help.

It doesn't matter whether he is a good guy or a bad guy, what kind of stains he has, what bad deeds he has.

Because of emotion and reason, Maochang had to return his favor.

If Xiao Cui risked his life to expose the entire entertainment industry for the cat factory, not only would the cat factory achieve its industry prestige, but it would also successfully acquire Zhongyou Media, and eventually it would end up being whipped to death by the corpse club.

Then he was too miserable.

Ma Ma was about to cry.

What about Mobile Phone 2, if it is not too floating, I have to restart this project to make money.

Xiao Cui will not jump the wall in a hurry.

It's too late.

Although he has gradually stabilized now, the new boss has also arranged tasks for him, as if he wants to reuse him.

But he is so sophisticated, how could he not understand his status.

I'm old, I'm sixty years old, and I want to shoot what I want to shoot, things like gambling... Ma Da sighed, a little bit broken.

The money paid for the failure of the bet, the big deal is to help the boss find a project to earn money.

There is no need to mention the gambling! Lin Dong quickly stopped, and he said affectionately: Director Ma has made many good films over the years, which have contributed to the entire Chinese film industry, so Chinese We don’t care about the things in the period of You Media, now I just hope that you will give some extra heat to China’s film industry and let young people know what film art is...

blah blah blah~

In a word, don't send me any more money.

And the reason he found was very lofty.

You bet against Zhongyou Media at the beginning, but now that Zhongyou Media is gone, naturally it doesn't count.

But this can only be said by Boss Lin.

Ma Da couldn't say that, because if he really thought so, the legal department of Maochang would definitely teach him to be a man every minute.

To be honest, the motor was really touched.

This was the first time he had such mood swings after Zhongyou was gone.

When people go to cool off the tea, the wall falls and everyone pushes it.

Before people left, the tea was cold.

In the past, he felt that he made friends all over the world, and his circle was definitely strong enough. Even if he broke the sky, everyone would protect him.

This is a world of capital.

And he and his friends represent capital, and no one can shake their interests.

However, reality hits the face too quickly.

When he and Zhongyou Media were knocked into the dust, no one dared to speak out.

not even one.

Capital is a pile of shit, and it's still overnight.

However, the cat factory has its own rules. Director Ma and the factory should have dealt with each other a few times. I won't say anything redundant. I hope that Director Ma and his team can understand clearly. Lin Dong gave After the sweet dates, don't forget to dry a stick.

But he also means love.

If Ma Da and his team took what they shouldn't have—this should be commonplace in the original Zhongyou—Lin Dong would have no choice but to kill Ma Su with tears.

The system stipulates that the enterprises and projects under the Cat Factory shall not break the law.

The focus of this rule is to enrich one's own pockets.

No matter how much it is, it must be punished on Lin Dong's head, so as long as Lin Dong finds something similar, he will deal with it directly without any hesitation.

In recent years, many have been dismissed.

There are more projects outside. In almost every film project, many individuals have been expelled from the crew, and the serious ones have been sent directly to the legal department.

Motor has received investment from Cat Factory.

So be very clear about that.

Hearing this, he immediately stated: Mr. Lin, don't worry, this matter is on me. As long as one person has a problem, you can deal with me directly.

He is an old fritter who has been in the circle for decades, if he is willing to put an end to such behavior.

Then really no one can turn out his palm.

Lin Dong communicated with Ma Da cordially on one side, while Su Tong was driven back to work on the other.

The little assistant summoned several executives of Miaoyu.

These executives are all new to Miaoyu, and the group of people from Zhongyou Media were fired directly.

Everyone sit down, I just came back from Mr. Lin's side. Su Tong had a small face and scattered eyes, as if she didn't even have a focal length.

Of course, most people may think that she was woken up and woke up, and she is now in a state of anger and daze.

Anyway, unhappy is certain.

Executives sit tight.

The boss is dissatisfied with our business and thinks we are too slow, Su Tong looked at one of them: For film and television production, have you decided which one to do?

The former middle-level executive who was transferred from the cat factory, the current head of film and television production quickly replied: It has been confirmed. We have chosen Everything is Good and Xiao Huanxi. We will focus on urban dramas.

Okay, now that you've chosen it, let's hurry up and push forward the project process. I'll contact the marketing department of the cat factory to discuss with the TV station. Su Tong is very good at using resources.

The original team on Meowyu's side has been abolished in large numbers, and the newcomers are still unable to form a force.

It is a wise choice to use the cat factory.

The heavy rain in Henan makes it worrying to watch. Book friends over there and nearby must pay attention to safety, and pay attention to the weather in other places~

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