I’m Almost Losing to a Muggle

Chapter 1373 Where's My Confidence?

Brother, you are amazing. Pei Qinhu admired.

His brother doesn't look too surprising, he's not as handsome as he is, and he can't even play chess.

Why can you come up with so many crooked ideas?

Are there some people who are not born to be good people?

I know. Pei Qianlong smiled.

There are too many people who praise him, but he only wants to hear one person praise him.

You are so good at fishing, why can't you catch Mr. Na? Pei Qinhu couldn't get used to it, and said without fear of death.

Then there was a beating.

Negotiations cannot be concluded in a day or two. Even if Maochang, Softbank, and all parties behind the scenes hope to speed up the progress, this must be a long-term process.

After Lin Dong paid attention to it for a few days, he was impatient to continue to pay attention.

This time, Xiao Guozi stood in the same camp as him.

Lin Dong and Xiao Guozi reached an agreement without any discussion—one word, they agreed.

The cat factory must spend a lot of money to win ARM.

Boss Lin is quite at ease with Xiaoguozi.

Four hundred and two billion dollars.

Equivalent to 285.6 billion Huaxia coins.

Even if it is five years of real estate settlement, he is not afraid anymore.

Hey, why did you think of the second five-year settlement?

The wizard master was startled.

Wucao, when did my self-confidence get shaken?

He also said before that he would escape before the settlement of the second five years.

Now actually start planning for the next five years.

Life is so difficult.

Wu Sheng is no exception.

Two other big things happened at the end of April.

One is that kiwifruit was blocked from going on the market in small fruits—it would have been available in March.

The reason for the blockage is also quite miserable.

Completely killed by mistake.

Maochang has exposed the problems of big data security. There is no Internet company that does not involve user privacy.

In Huaxia, user information is a kind of wealth.

When kiwifruit goes on the market, it must submit review materials, so is there any problem with the materials it submits?


And there are quite a few, but everyone has never taken user privacy as a matter of course.

This review is not a bad thing.

Listing failed.

A hammer fell from the sky, and it directly smashed the kiwi fruit.

The Internet companies in April revealed an atmosphere of despair throughout the industry, because most of them were losing money-it is obvious that there is no way to mix A shares.

Hong Kong stocks are actually not doing well.

Only Xiaoguozi is lenient towards this kind of thing that loses money and burns money at the same time.

Another thing is also related to this.

Pei Qianlong went to chat with his friends—not being talked about by Yue as everyone imagined.

His main target is his younger brother traveling.

If it is said that the user data submitted by Kiwifruit will involve privacy, then the user data submitted by the younger brother for listing will involve Guo Jia’s security.

That's not bad.

The younger brother was subjected to various scrutiny after he traveled.

It's just that everyone thinks that Eunuch Pei was talked about because his cat factory strategy hindered the development of lithography machines.

No one connected it with him.

So I don't know that he actually became a twenty-five boy.

It's nothing if my younger brother is censored when he travels, and it's nothing if he can't get listed.

It does not affect its continued operation.

Is it really?

of course not.

Brother Chuxing raised two financings last year, one for US$4.5 billion and one for US$5 billion.

The list of shareholders cannot be finished on a single A4 paper.

Before 2015, his younger brother's surname was Ma in Chuxing, but because of the merger, the shares of Ali and Goose were diluted to less than 20%.

When it came to the C round, Xinzhong Industry Fund and Global Tiger Fund took over the offer, and a certain Goose Ali pursued the investment.

During the D round, Ari and a certain goose dragged their investors Softbank, DST, and Temasek into the market.

Then there was a big round of Guojia teams from all walks of life. Anping, Xingzhao, Hangmin, Xinzhong, Zhongjia Jinzi, Beiqi Group, and Sailing Capital with the background of Shencheng Guobao Investment Committee entered the arena one after another. Take a share.

After this round, Goose, the largest external shareholder, has been diluted to more than 10% in this round.

The three giants of BAT in the pot, various pot teams, cross-pot capital brokers, Apple with the highest market value of a listed company in Xiaoguozi, Uber with the highest valuation of an unlisted company, and thousands of local tyrants have all become shareholders of the younger brother’s taxi

It is precisely because of the support of such a group of big bosses that my younger brother can really be no dick—yes, I am talking about you—Traffic cloth.

However, when data security rises to Guo Jia's point of view.

These big guys are not enough.

No one dared to speak out with their noses up and their faces up, and they all behaved like quails.

The younger brother is traveling and cannot be listed.

In particular, small fruits cannot be listed.

The travel information of Huaxia people and the road information of Huaxia must not be handed over to Xiaoguozi.

That was not a commercial error.

That's a traitor!

The internal news made people despair, and broke the psychological defense of these bigwigs at once.

Therefore, the new round of financing originally planned by the younger brother to travel in the second quarter was directly stranded.

Brother Chuxing raised US$9.5 billion last year, but it is still short of money.

Because it burns too much money, my brother can be said to be one of the most money-burning companies in the history of the Internet industry.

Anyone who wants to get involved in the industry will be attacked by them for throwing money.

For the same distance, you charge passengers 20 yuan, but my younger brother can do it with 5 yuan and 5 yuan after using the coupon.

Just ask what you use to compete with your brother.

This is also the magic weapon that my younger brother has always been invincible.

Last year, Xiaomao’s travel and Miaotu, sword pointing to the field of travel, and the strong strength of the cat factory as a backing, brought tremendous pressure on the younger brother’s travel.

They have to spend a lot of money to maintain the market.

This year, there are not only small cats traveling, but also Tuanmei. The money is like running water, and soon it will not be enough.

At least, if you want to use old methods to kill Tuanmei, you don't have enough money.

In order to meet the goal of listing Xiaoguozi at the end of 2018, Brother Chuxing proposed a new financing plan.

This is not difficult.

Others are begging grandpa to sue grandma for financing, and the financing for younger brother's travel is based on strength.

You just have money.

You have to be able to contribute to my brother's policy and play a role in promoting my brother's listing.

Thousands of calculations have been made, but Guo Jia suddenly paid attention to data security.

Plans to raise $6 billion...

No one came out to claim it!

It is impossible to go public, and it would be a waste of time to invest in it.

What the hell is this? The more no one comes out to claim it, the more capitalistic it can be. These big bosses don't claim it, and those outside who wanted to come in after cutting their heads have begun to hesitate.

In April, plans to launch kiwifruit were shelved.

In April, the younger brother's travel strategy financing failed.

It's just that they are too insignificant compared to things like Maochang's acquisition of ARM and the start of negotiations.

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