I'm an almighty star

Chapter 166 Crystal Slippers

Chapter 166 Crystal Slippers

[The little girl had a mother who loved her very much, but the mother was seriously ill.Later, the little girl's father married another wife, and the new wife brought her two daughters who had been born before.But the new wife and her two daughters hate the little girl very much. They make the little girl do housework every day and scold her every day.Even if the little girl gets up before dawn every day to carry water, light a fire, cook, and do laundry, she still has to endure the ignorance and torture of her sisters.In the evening, when the little girl was exhausted, she had no bed to sleep in, but had to sleep in the ashes beside the stove, so that she was covered with ashes, dirty and ugly, and for this reason the two sisters Just call her Cinderella...]

At the beginning of the story, the origin of Cinderella is explained.

Obviously, this is a heart-wrenching story to watch.

But if this is the case, this story is not enough to impress Yang Man.

But when he first saw this place, Yang Man's body trembled, and he couldn't help but recalled his childhood.

Yang Man, like the little girl, was born in an unfortunate family. His mother died early, and his father took over as a stepmother.Yang Man suffered a lot when he was young.If she wants to eat, she must finish all the work at home before she can eat.She needs clothes to wear, and she has to go outside with adults to earn money to buy them.Even so, the stepmother still hated Yang Man very much, and only let Yang Man live in a very dark and very damp room.

Fortunately, everything is in the past, and now Yang Man has long forgotten the past.

But Cinderella in the fairy tale just touched her heart as soon as she appeared.

Isn't she herself Cinderella in the fairy tale?

However, Yang Man did not let his emotions affect his rationality.

She knows that this is not the quality of a text review worker.

She can't treat this work differently because Cinderella has an experience that seems similar to her own. She should look at this fairy tale more rationally.At least, from now on, it's not a bad start.But, it's only good.

Resisting his own mood, Yang Man continued.

[One day, the king held a grand banquet and invited all the beautiful girls in the country to participate.Moreover, the prince will look for one of these beautiful girls to be his bride.Cinderella's two sisters were invited to participate, and Cinderella wanted to go too, but Cinderella looked at her dirty body and could only sit at home and cry silently.And at this moment, a fairy appeared.The fairy magically changed a set of very beautiful and luxurious clothes and put them on Cinderella. After wearing this set of clothes, Cinderella suddenly became extremely beautiful.But it's more than that.The fairy turned the mouse in the house into a groom, the pumpkin into a carriage, and gave Cinderella an incomparable glass slipper.In this way, the groom drove the carriage and took Cinderella to the banquet in the palace. 】

Heart of beauty in everyone.If it was just a dirty Cinderella before, now, with a change in the style of writing, Cinderella has transformed into an extremely beautiful princess.The stark contrast between the front and back shows the characteristics of this fairy tale at once.But at this time, Yang Man was looking forward to it, would the beautiful Cinderella meet the prince in the palace?
Just imagine.

What girl doesn't want to marry a prince charming.

Of course, the story didn't come as a surprise.

[When Cinderella wears noble clothes and walks down from the resplendent carriage, Cinderella becomes the focus of the whole banquet.Everyone looked at Cinderella and was overwhelmed by Cinderella's beauty and temperament.But the two older sisters who had attended the banquet earlier did not recognize Cinderella at all.The prince was also fascinated by Cinderella's temperament and invited her to dance together.It's a pity that the happy time always passes so quickly, when the time reaches 12 o'clock in the morning.Cinderella remembered what the fairy said to her when she was parting, you must come back at 12 midnight.Otherwise, if it exceeds 12 points, all the magic on you will be automatically dispelled, and you will still change back to the original Cinderella. 】

The story has slowly reached its climax.

What Yang Man didn't know was that she had long been attracted by the story of Cinderella.

"My God, why is this happening?"

"Why is the magic dispelled after 12 o'clock?"

"It's almost 12 o'clock now. What about Cinderella? Will she still stay in the palace? If she continues to stay, once the magic is lifted and the prince sees Cinderella returning to her original appearance, will the prince still like her? "

All of a sudden, Yang Man became anxious like Cinderella in the story.

[When remembering what the fairy said, Cinderella hurriedly left the palace.But because she left too hastily, one of Cinderella's crystal slippers remained.The prince was very sad, and he sent people to visit the whole country, hoping to find the heroine of the glass slipper.Many girls among high-ranking officials and aristocrats heard the news and said that this crystal slipper was left by her, but after every girl put on this crystal slipper, it was extremely unfit.Until, when the prince came to Cinderella's house.The prince was due to leave after the two sisters tried on the slipper.However, he had already found many, many girls, but unfortunately none of them could fit this crystal slipper.So the prince asked, do you have any other girls here?Cinderella's stepmother told the prince, yes, there are only two girls here, and besides that, there is only one dirty Cinderella.But she told the prince, this Cinderella is very dirty, it is best not to get close to her.Still, the prince decided to give it a try.When the prince finds Cinderella and asks Cinderella to wear this crystal slipper...]

A miracle happened.

After reading this, Yang Man's whole heart seemed to be about to jump out.

[Cinderella perfectly put on this crystal slipper.It turned out that no one could think of it.The girl the prince has been looking for for so long is the Cinderella in front of him. 】

"My God, this fairy tale is really well written."

For a few minutes, Yang Man could not calm down his excitement.

Not to mention this fairy tale to children, even some adults will be infected by this fairy tale after reading it.

This is Cinderella's adventure.

No, maybe, this is also a miracle that belongs to those ordinary girls.

Even if you are despised by everyone like Cinderella in the fairy tale, please don't feel inferior.

Perhaps, the prince in your mind has been waiting for you for a long time.

Look at the article "Cinderella".

Yang Man couldn't help picking up the Three Heroes and Five Righteousnesses in front of the desk.

Turning the pages of the book, there are a few words written on it: "Give someone a rose, and the hand will have a lingering fragrance".

This was Mo Bai's gift to Yang Man at that time.

"Where is the Prince Charming in my heart?"

Looking at the few words in the book, Yang Man muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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