I'm an almighty star

Chapter 56 The most terrifying live broadcast room in history

Chapter 56 The most terrifying live broadcast room in history

"Damn it, it's true or false."

"Hey, hey, big brother, are you really practicing magic?"

"By the way, what is the name of this kung fu, Bihai Chaosheng, oh my god, I won't be tricked."

Zhuang Buping almost screamed.

The sound of thunder and waves was emanating from Mo Bai.

However, this is strange.

Obviously Mo Bai is reading the news, but where did this stormy voice come from?
At the beginning, Zhuang Buping thought that Mo Bai was playing the recording, but after a closer look, it was not.Until, when Zhuang Buping discovered that the sound of shocking waves, wind and thunder fluctuated with the momentum of Mo Bainian's news, Zhuang Buping was completely frightened.

"Is this guy human?"

After wiping his eyes, Zhuang Buping thought he was distracted.Until it was confirmed again, Zhuang Buping hurriedly shouted in the group: "Brothers, go online, get on Douyu, there is a guy who is practicing peerless magic."

"Brother Buping, why are you so excited, what kind of magic do you practice, do you want to do JJ magic?"

"Qie your sister, is practicing a peerless magic called Bihai Chaoshengqu. When he speaks, he can make a sound of shocking waves hitting the shore. It's really a dick."

"Bihai Chaosheng song, I rely on it, it's the same as the truth. I guess it's a recording for you to listen to. I've seen this kind of thing a lot, you don't know, now the magic stick is also on the live broadcast circle."

"Come on, it's not a recording, it's definitely not a recording, I swear, this is the address, hurry up and go online."

Although many netizens in the TT group did not believe it, they also wanted to see the excitement after seeing the link sent by Zhuang Buping.

Suddenly, more than a dozen people in the group entered Mo Baikai's live broadcast room.

"Damn it, Brother Buping, are you saying that he is cultivating peerless magic?"


"I said, I'm cheating on Laozi again. It's obviously reading the news, and I'm still practicing magic, practicing a hammer."

"Hey, but, why does this guy look familiar."

Looking at Mo Bai who was reading the news, a group of netizens said on the public channel.

When Mo Bai heard it, he remembered something, and then picked up a mask on the table.

It's good to catch myself on TV, so I should keep a low profile.

"Hey, why is this guy still wearing a mask?"

"However, buddy, your live broadcast is too spoofed, isn't it just reading the news, and you lied to my brother that you are practicing magic. Believe it or not, I will report you for feudal superstition."

"Yeah, there are so many magic sticks now. Before, a friend of mine was fooled by those magic sticks. What counts as eight characters, measuring Ziwei, and looking at the bones and so on... But, buddy, what are you doing? Where did it come from?"

Needless to say, these netizens naturally didn't believe that Mo Bai was practicing magic.

However, this does not look like engaging in feudal superstition.

However, the words of the netizens made "Zhuang Buping" anxious: "Don't make trouble, listen carefully, listen carefully."

"Didn't you hear the tidal wave when he was reading the news?"

"The voice of the tide, Brother Injustice, are you hallucinating?"

"Yes, brother injustice, where is it?"

"Listen carefully."

Zhuang Buping continued to ask everyone to listen carefully.

At this time, Mo Bai read the news faster and faster.

The momentum of the whole body also reached the highest point.

A thunderbolt rumbled, and a huge wave hit instantly.

Shoot, shoot, shoot...

The entire screen seemed to be shaken by this swallowing momentum.

Those netizens who didn't believe it at first were clever, but stood up as if they had seen a ghost.

Then, I don't know why.

They only felt the thunder in their ears, and after a while, they fainted.

I don't know how long it took, and a group of netizens who fainted woke up.

"Uh, brothers, what happened just now, I passed out just looking at it."

"Damn it, you fainted too, I thought I was the only one who passed out."

"Mom, I'm dizzy too, this guy can't really be a magician, right?"

"This, this, everyone, quickly exit the live broadcast room, the voice is coming again."

Seeing Mo Bai reading the news in the live broadcast room, the netizens who had just entered the channel were so frightened that they quickly quit.

"Mom, you scared me to death."

"Yes, brother injustice, brother injustice, come out quickly, who is this guy."

"Is it the leader of the Tianlong Sect, or is it a big stick, I'm grass, this guy is considered acceptable to me."

"Wouldn't he be a hypnotist who hypnotized us?"

"Whether it's a hypnotist or not, I don't dare to enter his channel anymore."

A lot of netizens were afraid, they quit the channel and said in the TT group.

"Damn it, is it possible that after practicing this kung fu, your voice is still not good?"

Seeing that a group of netizens fainted and exited the channel, Mo Bai stopped the live broadcast.

However, after reading these netizens' messages, Mo Bai seemed to understand something.

Turning on the system, Mo Bai checked the explanation of Bi Hai Chao Sheng Qu again.

Bihai Chaosheng Song: On the surface, this song simulates the sound of the tides and waves of the ocean, but in fact, it uses the sound of the waves to mobilize the vocal organs of the whole body to cultivate internal skills.This skill can completely repair the vocal cords. Once it is successful, the sound is like a turbulent wave, inspiring the heart, and it is like the ding dong of spring water, and it is gentle like a holy sound.

The current level is level 1, and the proficiency is 300/1000. Because the level is too low and the skill is unstable, using this skill has a certain lethality to others.Only by upgrading to level 2 can you turn from rigid to soft and become a holy sound that fascinates others.

Looking at the system's explanation of "Bihai Chaosheng Song", Mo Bai suddenly understood.

No wonder.

I just watched it for the first time before, but I didn't expect this Bihai Chaosheng Song to have lethal power.

Dare the people who watched the live broadcast just now were all stunned by the Bihai Chaosheng song?

This seems likely.

Nodding his head, Mo Bai continued to start the live broadcast.

Level 1 "Bihai Chaosheng Song" is too domineering, so let's hurry up to level 2.

However, considering that Bihai Chaosheng Qu has a certain lethality, Mo Bai changed the name of the live channel to "I am practicing magic here. Friends who enter this place by mistake leave within 10 minutes, otherwise there will be disasters, remember to remember ".

The title is well written. As for whether the netizens will stay on this channel for more than 10 minutes, it is not a matter of Mo Bai.

Of course, after reading the explanation of the system, Mo Bai also knew that the level 1 Bihai Chaosheng Song had limited lethality. Even if it was on the channel for more than 10 minutes, it would only stun them, and would not cause any harm to the human body, nor would it have too much influence on them.And if it goes up to level 3... tsk tsk... let's not talk about it, hurry up and recite the scriptures.No, read the news.

Still wearing a mask, Mo Bai opened the TT network and read the news on the TT network one by one.

One day passed, and about 20 people were stunned by Mo Bai's live channel.

Two days later, Mo Bai's live channel shocked 100 people.

Three days later, Mo Bai's live channel shocked 1000 people.

Day [-]: Mo Bai's live broadcast channel appeared on the Douyu official forum, which was called the most terrifying live broadcast room in history.

(End of this chapter)

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