I'm an almighty star

Chapter 76 You Are Still Willing To Post It Backwards

Chapter 76 You Are Still Willing To Post It Backwards
At 8 p.m., the Good Voice promotion competition was officially launched.

In fact, the good voice started broadcasting before they advanced to the competition. However, although the Harlem team was the first to record and broadcast, the order of broadcast on the TV station was the last.As for the reason, this is not because Mo Bai's performance is not good enough.On the contrary, it is precisely the Harlem team that is too exciting, so this is the finale.

Moreover, after the finale, the four groups of teams will conduct the first public vote through the students and conduct a student ranking.

Although this ranking does not represent the final ranking, it has a very strong reference.

Therefore, this time, except for the group of Harlem, it is about ranking, and the members of the other three groups have returned to Magic City TV.Be prepared to check your votes and rankings after the show is over.

"The last group, the Harlem team doesn't seem to be very strong."

"That Yang Zhihua is not bad."

"Compared to Zhang Can and the others, I can only say it's okay. But apart from this Yang Zhihua, there really isn't anyone else."

"No wonder it's in the last group."

"Haha, isn't there a guy named Mo Bai in the Harlem team?"

"Brother, are you kidding me? I believe that Mo Bai will definitely be eliminated."

"I also think that a good voice listens to the voice. What is this guy singing? He can't even sing the lyrics clearly, but the voice is good."

As the most popular variety show this year, as the most distinctive talent show.The good voice has been loved by many viewers as soon as it was broadcast. At this time, the show has just begun, and many viewers have commented from time to time.

"Okay, here's the first group of players, Yang Zhihua vs Mo Bai."

On the TV screen, the hosts Hua Major General Mo Bai and Yang Zhihua invited them out.

The first round of PK in the Harlem team started.

"Wow, the first group of PKs turned out to be Yang Zhihua and Mo Bai."

"Well, I already know who should be out."

"You have to tell me that, and I know that too."

Although the recording of the promotion game has already ended, but for the audience in front of the TV, how do they know?
For the situation of the first group of PK, they are still stuck in the first phase of the primary election.

"Sad autumn, so good to sing."

"This Yang Zhihua is amazing, to be able to sing a cover song to such an extent, it is considered a masterpiece."

"Yeah, there have been dozens of singers covering Sad Autumn for decades, but none of them can sing the flavor. Although this Yang Zhihua's cover is not as good as the original, it is really good that he can sing his own style."

A few minutes later, when Yang Zhihua finished singing, everyone nodded secretly.

For those who knew some inside information, when they watched Yang Zhihua's performance, they were puzzled.

"Dude, who said that Yang Zhihua was eliminated by Mo Bai?"

"Just kidding, today Yang Zhihua played better than the primary election, and he can be eliminated, so don't hold a good voice."

"I guess it's hype, I want something eye-catching."

"Yes, after all, many people like to watch the story of the dark horse's counterattack. That Mo Bai is a civilian singer at first glance, and there is a topic for a counterattack. But unfortunately, this kind of hype is really annoying."

However, just when they couldn't believe it, Mo Bai officially appeared.

【I will never forget seeing you for the first time, a pair of charming eyes... 】

Mo Bai just sang, and some listeners couldn't help but snort.

"This sound?"

"what happened?"

"Isn't this guy inarticulate?"

The contrast between the image of the primary election and the promotion match startled many viewers, and when they calmed down and listened to it, a beautiful rhythm had entered their minds.

[I am afraid that I will fall in love with you myself, and I dare not let myself get too close. 】

[I am afraid that I have nothing to give you, and it takes a lot of courage to love you. 】

At the end of the song, countless audiences were already boiling.

"Dark horse, this is an absolute dark horse."

"It turns out that this guy's voice is so nice, I blamed him before."

"Damn it, this guy just doesn't want to sing. It's amazing. It's amazing."

"To be honest, I was slapped in the face by this guy, but, to be honest, he sings really well."

"Yeah, the sound is nice, the song is original, and it's a very classic song. It's no worse than the songs written by some well-known music producers. I'm not surprised that such a student directly calls it a professional singer."

"Well, compared to Mo Bai, I just realized that what Yang Zhihua sang was really a piece of shit."

Mo Bai's blockbuster, the result is naturally not surprising.

Mo Bai counterattacked Yang Zhihua with a dark horse and eliminated him.


"Mom, didn't you say that your son scare away some of the little girls you raised, and even watched him sing."

Far away from the Mo family in "Xinfeng", Mo's father and Mo's mother turned on the Magic Capital TV station and watched the good voice.

"I said, old man Mo, how can you be a father? Your son's songs are not good, so you can't encourage him? Why is my son's singing ugly, and why did he pass the primary election?"

"I still blame me for being a dad. If you want me to say, don't sing if it's ugly. Don't think that encouraging him is good for him. Listen to me. This kid's writing is good. The three heroes and five meanings he wrote recently are really good. , it's a shame to not be a writer and run away to sing."

"What's the use of a writer? Can a writer make a living by writing? Don't you write all the time and earn a few dollars for manuscript fees?"

"I'm not the same, the times are not good."

"Don't blame the era if you can't write it yourself. Why is Mo Yan so powerful? You are from the same era as him."

"Okay, mom, you're right."

Mo's father was choked by Mo's mother, and he didn't know what to say. At this time, Mo Bai appeared on TV.

"Okay, I won't talk to you, my son is here."

Seeing Mo Bai appear, the two stopped arguing.

In any case, no matter how badly his son sings, this is his own son.

The son can be on TV, and the parents are still very supportive.

"How did your son's voice become so nice?"

After just listening to a few words, Mom Mo said suddenly.


Dad Mo is also strange.

Although the song "Love is a last resort" because of the relationship between the years, the two did not particularly like it.However, whether the voice is good or not, the two still know.Especially their son Mo Bai, they both knew better than anyone else.Usually speaking is fine, but when he sings, his broken voice is really life-threatening.However, hearing this now, not only is there no problem with his throat, but the two elders feel a shock after hearing it.

Don't say how the song is sung, but it sounds strangely comfortable.

This song should be pretty good.

However, after all, the song doesn't belong to their era. Although the second elder thinks it is good, he still doesn't think how the song is.It's just that the two elders didn't feel that the song was not very good, but when Mo Bai caused the audience to boil over with "A Last Minute", the two elders couldn't help themselves in a moment of excitement.

"My child's father, is this son's singing okay?"

Zhang Lan said somewhat uncertainly.

"It's okay what you call it, it looks great."

Although Moji didn't fully understand it, the excited look of the audience made him feel his son's extraordinary singing.

However, it doesn't matter if the two of them don't understand each other very well, as long as someone understands it.

No, just before the two were over with emotion, dozens of people rushed through the door of Mo's house.

"Ah, this isn't Aunt Zhang, it's so late, what's the matter?"

"Aunt Li, what are you talking about, Xiaobai's blind date?"

"As long as [-] gifts are enough."

"Ah, Uncle Liu, that girl in your family doesn't even want a betrothal gift, isn't that inappropriate."

"What, you are still willing to post back..."

Facing a dozen matchmakers who had rejected Mo Bai before, the second elder felt really busy.

(End of this chapter)

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