I’m An S-Rank Behemoth Monster

Chapter 49

Chapter 49 : Storm of Jealousy and Melon Sandwich

「Ou? What is this smell!? It look sooo delicious!! 」

Aria and the others returned to their room after finishing their bath. Stella was wearing the clothes prepared by Vulcan and was surprised with the feeling of the fabric touching upon her skin.

Stella’s eyes wandered around the room as her nose picked a scent.

「This scent, it might be 〝Smoked Belly Meat〟. It’s evening already, let’s go for a dinner.」

「Smoked… Belly meat? Is that the origin of this aroma? What should I do, can I eat that meat too!? Or should I defeat that Smoked Belly Meat first!? 」

The source of the appetizing aroma, the scent of the special smoked meat being grilled on the first floor, was the bar room of the inn.

「It’s okay, nya~, Stella-chan. Since it’s not an enemy you have to defeat, just calm down, take your seat, and eat.」

「Fufufu, the smell makes me hungry..」

「Fufufu, Stella-chan is so cute.」

Stella probably had a survival-like lifestyle in the labyrinth before meeting Aria and co. With the loss of her memories, it was possible that, for Stella, Enemy = Food.

Vulcan, who guessed as much, patted Stella to calm her down and reassured her that there’s nothing like that here. By appearance, Aria looked older than Vulcan but, inside, she overflowed with motherly love for the infant-like Stella.

「You seem to be worried Stella-chan. But don’t worry, Vulcan-san will also eat dinner with us today, right♪? 」

「Nyaturally! The food here is so delicious, it’s nothing like the meal provided in the bar of the guild nya~! 」

Aria stood up while hugging Tama to her breast. When Vulcan heard her proposal, she decided to ride along with Aria’s idea.. As for Stella, she stared at Aria and co. with sparkling eyes while saying 「SO I can eat these delicious things as long as I follow you!? Yosh, let’s go!」.
Aria felt that she just got a naive yet lively little sister.


Pota, pota…

The group moved towards the bar of the inn. After sitting down for a while, droll trickled down on the table―― from Stella’s mouth. She couldn’t hold back her appetite anymore, thanks to the fragrance of the meat that drifted in the air.
Aria and Vulcan, who sat in front of her, had slightly worn out expressions on their faces thanks to the impossible scene they witnessed. Stella was suddenly rushing to other customers’ tables while shouting 「MY PREEEEEY!」. Vulcan and Aria went to calm her down but Stella resisted, so they ended up using quite a lot of power despite her following obediently in the end.
It seemed that Stella also forgot even the concept of waiting in line to eat in a restaurant.

Nevertheless, it’s still Aria and Vulcan’s carelessness, since such things should have been cleared as soon as they heard what she had said before in the second floor.

「This is a fork, you eat the meat dishes by piercing it like this.」

With one fork in her hand, the drooling Stella then stabbed the meat dish with it. While they waited for the dishes to be delivered to their table, Aria, who anticipated the fact that Stella forgot about how to use tablewares, gave her a short course in how to use the fork.

Though Stella said 「Why do we need to use this “fork” to eat even though we can eat without it?」 at first, when she was told 「Did you know men hate girls who don’t even know how to use tablewares?」

「WHAT!? That’s troublesome indeed! My aim is to make a lot of children with Powerful One, after all! I can’t make him hate me!! 」

Thought Stella refused to learn at first, when told that she’d be more attractive if she knew how to eat properly, she started to learn how to use a fork in hurry.

「Gufufufu. How’s that, Powerful One? I can use a fork now. I’m a splendid female, right? 」


She proudly proclaimed so while making a stabbing motion with her fork in front of Tama. Seeing her laughing in that way, Tama, who nested in between Aria’s melons, felt a bit of deja-vu.

「Where did I… See this familiar laughing way before?」

「Here you go! Extra large portion of smoked belly meat! The other food is going to come soon.」

The mistress of the inn carried a large platter with both of her hands to them. The smoked meat emitted a savory fragrance from its position on a huge plate.

「OOH! Oooh, such nice smelling meat! Can I start eating this!? 」

「Yes, and please eat as much as you want, Stella-chan.」


After Stella took one bite of the meat, the umami burst from the meat in her mouth. Her eyes widened, surprised, and she raised her voice in astonishment.


Looking from another perspective, she was innocent in that regard. She greedily devoured the meat on the huge platter.

「NYaaa~! That amnyazing way to eat! I wonder where did such a huge amount of meat vanish to in such a slender stomyaach? 」

Vulcan voiced her admiration to Stella’s eating style, amazed. Of the heaps of smoked meat that were piled on that huge platter, almost all of them had vanished into Stella stomach.

「Here you go, special salad and sausage pla-…- Eh, you’ve eaten all that meat already!? 」

When the mistress brought the other dishes that they ordered, she couldn’t hide her surprise in seeing that the huge platter of smoked meat had already vanished, despite not even a few minutes having passed since she delivered it to Aria and co’s table.

「OOH!That meat look delicious too! Can I eat those meat too!? 」

「Yes, Stella-chan. But, you mustn’t leave the vegetables, okay? 」

「Vege-… -table? Do you mean those leaves? Do humans eat leaves too? 」


Apparently the existence of vegetables had also been wiped from Stella’s memories. Ariaexplained the importance of eating vegetables to Stella, even showed her the delicious way of eating the vegetables with dressing.
「……UHN!! Vegetable! Even though you’re not on the same level as meat, you’re it’s strong contender! So, now, you are history! 」

After being brainwashed by Aria’s explanation, Stella began to devour the vegetable with gusto.

Aria felt relieved in knowing that Stella wasn’t a picky eater. She’s already looking at Stella like a guardian looking at the child under their wings.

「Shall we start to eat too, Tama? 」

「Nya~n! 」

While Stella busied herself in stuffing the salad and vegetables into her mouth, Aria was stabbing a sausage with her fork and giving it to Tama, who gave a delighted purr as he bit on it.


That crisp sound was heard the moment he bit onto the sausage. The rich, condensed, delicious flavor of the sausage spread into Tama’s mouth at once. From the preparation until the cooking, the meat dish of this inn was the specialty of the chef that cooked here. That’s why it kept the inn’s original flavor. Most of all, this sausage was Tama’s favourite food. The expression that he made as he stuffed his mouth with sausage was just too adorable.

「Ha~n…! Tama is just too cute after all ♡」

「Nya~! My heart is also fluttering seeing his cuteness nya~…! 」

Aria rubbed her thighs together as she looked admiringly at Tama’s cuteness. Even Vulcan agonized when she saw his cute face and flushed red cheeks.

「W-What is this! I never knew that you’re such a prince charming, Powerful One! Please accept my humble offering too! 」

Stella, cheeks stuffed with sausage, swallowed it down quickly and then offered the sausage on her fork to Tama.

Being offered such, Tama averted his face.

「WA——–H!? Why, Powerful One! Why are you avoiding me!? 」

Stella asked Tama with a shocked expression on her face.

Of course I am. I simply don’t trust you yet. And on top of that, you even want to rape me.

Tama couldn’t afford to let his guard down around Stella. Aside from the reasons above, he could smell a dangerous scent coming from Stella.

It was still a mystery whether it’s because of his wild instinct as a monster, or because of his instincts as a knight from his previous life…

「…? I wonder what happened here, it’s really rare for Tama to show such an attitude towards someone.」

Even Aria felt curious about Tama’s unusual rejection, because Tama was a friendly and kind cat. As long as the other party was someone close to Aria, he always showed his adorable side to them. And yet that Tama kept his guard up against Stella.

Keeping his guard up high was poison for his body. Aria, who pondered so, lifted Tama…


And stowed him right in between her twin melons’ valley.


The surrounding people ― mainly the male customers ― stood from their seats at once. Seeing the face of the kitten that popped out from her enormous twin melons… Such an overwhelming scene made quite a few of them offer a prayer in gratitude for the magnificent vision while the rest roared in envy.

「Thank you for the treat… Utopia does exist.」, and the rest of them roar 「YOU DAMNED KITTEN! CHANGE PLACES WITH MEEEEE! 」 with an envious look on their faces.

Fuaaa… Nothing can beat my dear master’s melons, so warm and smelling so good…

Even if Tama’s fur stood on it’s edge due to his vigilance, the tension finally left his body as he relaxed in Aria’s bosom, comforted by her warmth and scent.

「 I’m so envious of you, Aria-nya~n! I want to tempt Tama-chan with my breasts too, nya~n! 」

Vulcan, who descended from a tiger-eared race, was naturally attracted to a strong feline like Tama. Holding such a feeling toward a kitten wasn’t strange at all.

「Damn it!! Why don’t you want to eat!! 」

Stella was vexed about the fact that, despite running away from her, Tama easily clung to Aria.

In the end, the frustrated Stella ordered heaps of the combination of sausage and smoked belly meat.

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