I’m at the Sea, Sword-Drawing Skill Level 999

Chapter 81

Chapter 80 Luo Yan: The Old Earthquake Thief, If You Stay, You Can Go (Please Subscribe)


The Heavenly Sword was inserted obliquely on the sea, causing dozens of huge waves.

Like a mountain, it stood in front of the Whitebeard Pirates, blocking his way.

Like a dividing line.

Completely separate the Whitebeard Pirates from Polsalino, and warn everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates that those who cross the line die!

call out

Luo Yan’s figure flashed.

The sword qi lingered around the whole body, as if the swords of the people were combined, and the sword qi merged with each other. In an instant, it fell from the top of the cloud and fell on the sword body of the Tianjian, which was so huge that it was impossible to see the whole picture with the eyes.

“Can you even cut Whitebeard’s shock wave?””

“Brother Luo Yan, you are really scary!”

“This time, I didn’t even draw the sword! 35

Polsalino flew over, looked up and down at the sword, and noticed that Luo Yan didn’t draw the sword, and he was shocked.

Has it grown again?

After the battle with the Golden Lion.

Swordsmanship has reached the point where such a slash can be unleashed without drawing a sword.

“It’s okay! 99

Luo Yan stepped on the Heavenly Sword and looked at Polsalino who was slowly floating beside him.

“The clothes are a little dirty.

Porusalino looked at his justice coat and said. 02

Don’t look at him like a fly just now, being swept away by Whitebeard’s big Kabuto, in fact he was unscathed from start to finish.

Even the justice coat was only slightly dusty.

“Brother Luo Yan, I just noticed something.

“On Edward Newgate’s boat, except for the two-knife warrior from a locked country, everyone else was a childish kid. 99

“He can become a dream pirate while pulling such a group of little devils in the New World, maybe even better than the Golden Lion. 99

Polsalino remembered what he noticed, and quickly lowered his voice to the point where only Luo Yan could hear it.

It’s just that when he said the latter, his expression seemed a little hesitant, as if he was worried about something.

“What’s wrong with you?”

When Luo Yan heard this, there was not much surprise on his face.

His knowledge of Whitebeard was even better than that of most Marines.

Chase Roger with full blood, fight redhead with half blood, abuse Akainu with blood, Teach describes Whitebeard’s combat power.

Although a little exaggerated and a little watery, it can also prove the power of Whitebeard at his peak.

A man who pulls a group of elementary school students into the top three fantasy pirates; a man who pulls a group of elementary school students to grow into captains, pulls the Whitebeard pirates into the world’s strongest pirates, and dominates an era.

It is normal to be stronger than Golden Lion.

Compared with the strength of Whitebeard mentioned by Porusalino, he is more concerned about Porusalino’s hesitation, or whether he is uncomfortable.

“Is there anything wrong?”

Noticing Polsalino’s hesitation.

Luo Yan frowned slightly, his eyes flashed with concern, and he was also a little puzzled.

The shock wave just now was indeed powerful, but it was actually the same thing.

Even if Polsalino is not the Kizaru Admiral who played with the legendary pirates in the future, but as a person with the ability of the shining fruit, he is too unique, and his fighting ability and advantages are too strong.

It’s hard to hurt him…

Not to mention injured, even if you want to take advantage of him in battle, it will be difficult.


Polsalino glanced at Luo Yan, then shook his head.

“Brother Luo Yan, you just killed the Flying Sky Pirates with your own power, do you really have enough energy to face another Dream Pirate?

After hesitating again and again, he swallowed the words back in his stomach.

He wasn’t sure if anyone in the Whitebeard Pirates, Observation Haki, could eavesdrop on his voice.

In the past, it was okay to be heard by the Whitebeard Pirates, but in the latter case, it would not work.

Conflict with the Whitebeard Pirates is imminent.

Polsalino can’t let anyone think about whether Luo Yan is in bad shape at this time.

Even if you just think in that direction, you can’t.

“Earthquake thief, people stay, you can go.””

Luo Yan saw that Polsalino didn’t say anything, and he didn’t ask, but stepped on the Heavenly Sword and glanced at Whitebeard.

In an instant, his eyes and tone have changed drastically.

Even more sharp-edged than the Heavenly Sword under his feet.

It’s almost like talking to Porusalino.

Facing the world’s strongest man at his peak, Edward Newgate, who supported the Whitebeard Pirates by himself, directly returned what Whitebeard had just said to Polsalino to the other party.

As before, when Golden Lion backstabbed Sakazuki’s sword, he immediately returned the sword and the six-destruction no-self sword twenty-three to Golden Lion.

In his opinion, what about Dream Pirates?

If he can kill the first Golden Lion, he can kill the second Whitebeard.


In Luo Yan’s view, this is just a matter of course. After it spread on the sea level and fell into the ears of the Whitebeard Pirates, after a brief silence, it instantly caused an uproar.

“Old… old thief?

“Bastard Marine, how dare you call Dad the Earthquake Thief.”

“Who do you think you are? 39

“Damn guy!

Joz and the others were stunned for a moment, apparently they had never encountered anyone who dared to speak to Whitebeard like this.

Be it Roger, the dead Golden Lion, or Garp, or Sengoku, when facing Whitebeard, they are all fearful, and they dare not be as reckless as Luo Yan.

But after being stunned for a moment, the crew members who reacted were furious.


Without Whitebeard’s order, all the crew members immediately showed their weapons.

Those who did not use weapons, such as Joz, showed a shining diamond directly.

“Luo Yan, don’t think that killing the Golden Lion will make you rude to Dad. 99

Margao was even more sturdy. After a loud shout, he ignited a blazing green flame on the spot, and then changed his voice into an undead bird and beast.

call out

With the shock of his wings, he was like a golden eagle that soared 90,000 miles. He rushed into the sky in an instant, leaped over the heavenly sword, soared above the sky, and then shot down like a cyan laser. .

“Margo… not good!”

At this time, Kozuki Oden woke up from his absence.

For Luo Yan’s words, he was also very angry in his heart.

After all, it’s not just Whitebeard who sees him as his brother, he also sees Whitebeard as his eldest brother.

In the face of Luo Yan’s rude remarks, he naturally would not remain indifferent.

As for what Whitebeard said to Polusalino not long ago, it was selectively forgotten by him.

“Come back!”9

Kozuki Oden took a few steps forward, trying to stop Margao, but when he got to the side of the boat, he realized that he couldn’t fly. In desperation, he could only shout to the sky, trying to call Margao back.

After all he was angry, but did not lose his strength.

After going to sea with Whitebeard, he is not the same Kozuki Oden he was in Wanokuni.

The more knowledge, the higher the vision, and the more mature his mind is.

Especially after witnessing Luo Yan cut off the shock wave with his Heavenly Sword, he knew even more how terrifying the Marine, who was younger than himself, was in front of him.

call out

In the face of Kozuki Oden’s cry, the fluttering Marco turned a deaf ear.

The pirate education he received since childhood did not allow him to remain indifferent after seeing someone rude to Whitebeard.

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