I'm calling the wind and rain in the script

Chapter 63

Within half an hour, Zhou Junyan hurried over, "Mr. Tang!"

Tang Yu saw the person coming, and heard the shutdown sound in the phone, his brows were furrowed, "When can't I get in touch with him?"

"Just half an hour ago." Zhou Junyan was out of breath, with worry in his eyes.

As the person in charge of bidding today, Chu Yan must be prepared in terms of etiquette.

"The studio is nearby, and he said to go check it out for a while. Go back to school at ten o'clock, and then come to see you with me. But I waited and waited for him but he didn't come back. When I called, I found out that the phone was turned off!"

At first Zhou Junyan thought that Chu Yan had come to find Tang Yu first, but he thought of the young man's calm personality, and it was absolutely impossible to 'abandon' him without saying hello.That's why he contacted Xu Yi immediately.

As soon as he heard that the boy was not there, alarm bells rang out in his heart.After all, Chu Yan had told him a few days ago that he had to make double preparations in advance so as not to cause complications in this bidding.Unexpectedly, at this critical juncture, something really happened!

Tang Yu's eyes were deep, and he suppressed the worry between his brows, "He has never been to the studio at all."

In the past few days, both of them were busy with their respective affairs and had no time to meet each other.This styling studio was found by him according to the boy's intention, just to cope with today's bidding.

"Then where will he go? Did someone secretly tamper with it?" Zhou Junyan thought of the competitor that the boy had mentioned earlier, and guessed, "Could it be Qijingyi of Liss Technology?"

Tang Yu glanced at him, but didn't answer.In fact, he had anticipated this possibility from the start.

During the silence, Xu Yi knocked on the door and walked in.He looked at the two people in the office, and said bluntly, "Brother Yu, I sent someone to inquire about the situation, and they said that there seemed to be any abnormal behavior on Qi Jingyi's side, and they are rushing to finish the bidding meeting."

"Besides, I have entrusted my relationship to investigate and monitor." Xu Yi has been by Tang Yu's side for so long.Some things, even if he doesn't say anything, can be arranged quickly and properly.

"Brother Yu, Shao Yan is not here now, we have to revise the bid as soon as possible! If we miss the time to submit the bid, this bid will be void!" It's not that Xu Yi doesn't care about Chu Yan, but he understands as a bystander that Chu Yan has spent a lot of effort for this project.

As soon as the words were finished, Zhou Junyan on the side replied, "Chu Yan has already ordered me to bring two bids. He said that if something unexpected happens, I will directly go on top."

The two looked slightly relieved when they heard this.The boy is always like this, with a delicate mind, he will be prepared for everything, and he will never let the enemy take advantage of it.

"We can't delay any longer. Xu Yi, arrange someone to come and bring Zhou Junyan to the venue first." Tang Yu rubbed his brows and said decisively.He glanced at Zhou Junyan with a solemn expression, "Chu Yan trusts you very much, now that the incident happened suddenly, can you do it well?"

"Yes." Zhou Junyan answered firmly.

This project was also grasped by him.If Chu Yan was not around, he would naturally have to shoulder this burden, and not let his friends and company members down.

Xu Yi and Zhou Junyan walked out of the office together, Tang Yu's brows and eyes relaxed for a moment, and in an instant, deep worry and anxiety were revealed in his eyes.The young man's weight in his heart has already surpassed everything else. At this moment, his reason is being worn away bit by bit, and he is about to collapse.

Suddenly, the screen of the mobile phone on the table lit up, and it was a text message from a random number.

Tang Yu's eyes changed suddenly, and he opened the text message with a flick of his hand.A video is attached inside, and there is a text and address underneath.In the video, the light is dim, and only a small scene can be seen.

The boy was thrown in a corner, his eyes were closed tightly, his face was pale, as if he had suffered some kind of torture.His hands were bound with thick ropes, and the red marks from his strangulation were faintly visible.There were men around laughing, and they harbored malicious intentions when they heard it.

The video was interrupted suddenly, and Tang Yu's tense nerves were instantly broken.He couldn't bear such a scene, couldn't look at the young man so pale and weak!

Tang Yu's face was extremely gloomy, and even murderous intent flickered in it.Regardless of his coat, he pushed the door open and walked out.Xu Yi walked towards him, and when he saw the man's appearance, he was shocked, "Brother Yu, where are you going?"

"Contact the bank to withdraw money." Tang Yu said decisively, without any further delay.

Xu Yi saw the video on his mobile phone and quickly finished the call according to his intention.He followed Tang Yu to stay, but still couldn't hide the doubt in his heart, "Brother Yu, do you want to wait any longer? The other party deliberately used less banquets, which seems to be blackmailing money, but in fact it was just to lure you over?"

"Will their target be you?"

You know, Tang Yu's adoptive father, Mr. Zheng, used to hang out in the aisle in the early years.Later, Jinpen washed his hands and turned into a serious business. Later, he also assisted the police and incurred a lot of debts!Over the years, Tang Yu has also suffered such storms of revenge.Therefore, Xu Yi has reason to be suspicious, and needs to remind the man to ensure the safety of the other party.

In the past, Tang Yu definitely didn't need his reminder.But now, the youth is his weakness, the source of his inability to calm down.No matter what the reason is, he has to confirm it himself!He must not let the boy fall into crisis alone!

"Xu Yi, you stay here, and the monitoring side continues to check. I brought a locator, and you are always watched." Tang Yu took the suitcase from the secretary and quickly ordered, "Let that team separate from me. Keeping the distance, if the situation changes, you must arrive within 10 minutes."

"Brother Yu." Knowing that he couldn't stop the man from taking risks, Xu Yi could only respond, "Okay, I got it!"

Tang Yu said no more, just got into the car and drove away.


When Chu Yan woke up, she felt dizzy and uncomfortable.He felt the cold and hard wall behind him, and his mind gradually became clear.He heard the talking and laughing of strange men around him, he didn't open his eyes directly, and just kept his original coma appearance.He narrowed his eyes slightly to observe the surrounding situation.

The place where he is now seems to be an abandoned construction plant.The light is dim, and when you distinguish carefully, you can also see countless fine dust floating nearby.When these sundries fell on the nose, they all turned into an unpleasant musty smell.

Out of the corner of the eye of Chu Yan, he could see the distance, and four burly men sat around, speaking indiscriminately.They wore thick military overcoats, hats and masks, hiding their appearance completely.And at a person's feet, a black electric rod was placed, reflecting a cold light.

Chu Yan restrained his expression and closed his eyes.And in his mind, everything before the incident had already appeared.

After packing up, he set off to the styling studio, but he suddenly met a little girl on the way, who hugged his thigh and cried, saying that he was lost.Chu Yan wasn't overwhelmed with love, but she couldn't just watch a little girl left on the street.

However, Chu Yan took all precautions and just waited with the little girl.In just a short while, two people rushed up, saying that the little girl belonged to their family and wanted to take her away.The little girl was so frightened that she cried loudly. Chu Yan realized that something was wrong, and immediately stretched out her hand to stop her, thinking she was a daring person.

Chu Yan was already on guard, but the two opponents didn't want to drink, so they took the opportunity to restrain Chu Yan.No matter how powerful Chu Yan is, it will take some time to break free from the two burly men.Immediately afterwards, someone hit him with something from behind.The electric current passed through the body, and Chu Yan immediately lost consciousness...


Chu Yan knew it well, all of this was deliberately arranged by them!

—distracting themselves with little girls, and tricking themselves into thinking they were targeting little girls.Forcible kidnapping and fighting may attract passers-by.Then simply stun yourself and take it away.

Just as Chu Yan closed his eyes and thought, the phone rang suddenly.The leader signaled the others to be quiet, Chu Yan was vigilant and immediately listened.

"I was stunned, and I haven't woken up yet."

"Now? Well, I'll have someone wake him up."

"By the way, the money agreed before must not be less at all. This is a desperate business."


The leading man hung up the phone neatly, and said to the others, "It's almost time, hurry up, find a way to wake him up!"

"Okay." Someone replied.

The sound of footsteps approached slowly, Chu Yan 'woke up' in time, and pretended to be confused to face the person who came up.The opponent's face was completely covered, only a pair of narrow eyes were exposed.

"Yo, boss, this kid is awake." The man approached, and directly pulled Chu Yan up roughly.

Chu Yan hadn't fully recovered yet, only felt dizzy for a while.The fierceness in his eyes flashed, but a dazed look appeared on his face.The other party pulled him onto a chair, pressed him down hard, and said fiercely, "Sit down for me."

The other three people all leaned over.They are all dressed in the same dress, covering their appearance tightly.Only the leading man had a deep scar at the corner of his eye, which only added to the eerie feeling.

Under the gaze of the four people, the young man was very nervous, "...you, what are you going to do?"

But when he spoke, the trembling voice still betrayed him.Someone sneered and said contemptuously, "You thought it was some kind of powerful thing? So it's just a bastard pretending to be calm?"

"Third brother, shut up." The leader, Dao Scar, said, and the three of them fell silent immediately.

"Turn on the computer and show him." Dao Scar looked at the boy silently, and gestured with his head.Someone responded to his order, picked up the computer on the table, opened it, and placed it flat in front of Chu Yan's eyes, "Look."

Chu Yan raised her eyes and looked over, with obvious surprise in her eyes.

He never expected that the person in the video surveillance was actually Zhou Wenqing, whom he hadn't seen for a few days?The other party was tied to a chair, and just looking at the situation, it was unspeakably bad.

This is a real-time monitoring camera, while the other monitoring screen is facing a closed door.

Dao Scar looked at the young man, his slightly narrowed eyes revealing a gleam of light. He followed his previous instructions and said word by word, "I heard that both of you have a close relationship with Tang Yu?"

"Guess, who will he save in the case of choosing one of the two? If he comes here, then I will send the two of you on the road together."

"If he goes to the other side, then on Huangquan Road, you can go by yourself."

Chu Yan's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, but he restrained his coldness in an instant.The surprise in his heart disappeared long ago, and he couldn't help but sneer.I have to say that Scar's acting skills are too clumsy, and the words he speaks do not have a trace of ups and downs, as if he was reading from a script.

Chu Yan noticed something strange.

He didn't open his mouth, just stared at the screen tightly.Within a minute, the monitoring screen changed.The closed door was opened, and an all-too-familiar figure of Chu Yan appeared on the screen.

Scar chuckled, turned off the computer, and said regretfully, "It looks like you're going on the road alone?"


Young Master Yan: I've already seen through :)

President Tang: Me too.

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