I’m Desperate To Make Money, You All Start A Business For Your Ex-Boyfriend?

Chapter 21

Chapter 20 Was Zhang Yan Testing Us Before?

However, Zhang Yan ignored it at all, walked out of the mall, took a car and went straight to Xueshan Venture Capital.

At the same time, Zhang Yan was also pondering in his heart. It seemed that he really had time to buy a car. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient to have to take a taxi every time.

After Zhang Yan left, Sun Min and Li Chuchu also came out of the mall.

Both of them looked in disbelief, especially Sun Min. After a long time, he stammered, “Daughter, why do I think that person just now wasn’t Zhang Yan?”

“How much did he spend today…”

“That must be Zhang Yan!” Li Chuchu didn’t doubt his eyes at all, “I just don’t know why he has so much money and bought so many things.”

Sun Min almost doubted his life: “Yeah, how could he be so rich?”

“Could it be that he always pretended to be poor with us before? I don’t think there are many TV dramas that have this scene. A rich boy pretends to be poor and white just to test whether his girlfriend is because of money. He was with…”

“Hey… Zhang Yan isn’t a rich boy, right? As a result, we didn’t pass his test, so he went straight back to the rich boy’s life before?”

In this kind of bridge, Sun Min had always felt mentally handicapped before.

But everything in front of her made her have to believe, as if Zhang Yan was just such a person.

It’s not that Li Chuchu hasn’t thought about this issue, but she has been with Zhang Yan for three years. If Zhang Yan is really a rich boy, he can’t have missed any clues for three years, right?

Obviously, Li Chuchu and Zhang Yan have also been to his hometown and his work unit. It is true that Zhang Yan is a poor boy from a township and a big city.

How did he suddenly transform into a tall, rich and handsome person in one day?

“No, no…” Li Chuchu shook her head again and again, and suddenly thought of another possibility, “Mom, do you think Zhang Yan knew we were here, so he did a play on purpose?”

“You mean, he didn’t buy those things, and he paid the clerk in the store to make us think he was a rich and handsome man?” Sun Min asked.

Li Chuchu nodded and said, “Besides this, I really can’t think of anything else possible.”

“Then why did he do this?” Sun Min felt a little unreliable.

Li Chuchu thought for a while and said, “Maybe it’s to save me?”

“He spent a lot of money to put on a play in front of us, just to make me think he was actually rich, and then make me regret what I did, go back and ask him to forgive me and continue to be with me…”

Speaking of the back, Li Chuchu’s voice became quieter.

Because she felt that her own idea was really ridiculous.

Looking at Zhang Yan’s decision to reject her before, you can know that even if everything is acting, Zhang Yan’s purpose is just to let her know that without her, Li Chuchu, I, Zhang Yan, will live better.

Li Chuchu and Sun Min have no way to tell whether Zhang Yan’s former poor and sour appearance was fake, or whether his current high, rich and handsome appearance was fake.

Suddenly, Li Chuchu had an idea: “By the way, I know what to do!”

“I’ve been to Zhang Yan’s company before. In the morning tomorrow, I’ll go to You Shrimp Game Company to see the situation. Isn’t it clear at a glance?”

Hearing this, Sun Min immediately nodded and said, “Yes! If this Zhang Yan is really tall, rich and handsome, then it is definitely impossible for him to work in the company, and he must be the boss of a big company, right?”

“Daughter, if you see Zhang Yan working as hard as his unit tomorrow, then go over and give him a slap and let him act as a joke in front of our mothers!”

“By the way, you can talk to the people in his unit about today’s affairs, and let him lose an adult in the unit. It’s best, you don’t have the face to continue to work in the company!”

Sun Min’s heart is really vicious. If she knew that Zhang Yan was lying to her today and made her feel uneasy this morning, she would definitely take revenge on Zhang Yan.

Li Chuchu didn’t have such a big desire for revenge, but she really wanted to figure out what happened to this Zhang Yan.


Soon, Zhang Yan arrived at Xueshan Venture Capital.

Xueshan Venture Capital is a very large-scale company. When he came, Zhang Yan also checked the information and found that this company is the largest venture capital company in Haicheng, specializing in the venture capital industry. Forex speculation, etc.

In short, it is a company that specializes in making money with money.

As the biggest limelight company in Haicheng, the market value of Xueshan Ventures is also as high as 30 billion.

Zhang Yan really did not expect that after Shen Qing graduated, he would be able to work in such a big company. No wonder when he saw himself, he was driving a Lamborghini/Ni.

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