I’m Desperate To Make Money, You All Start A Business For Your Ex-Boyfriend?

Chapter 285

Chapter 284 Revitalize The Benlei Car Company

The sales volume of more than 3,000 Benlei horses has brought the gross profit of the Benlei car company to 70 million.

The research and development funds, Zhang Yan has already allocated to Sun Ming, and the liquid battery research and development report given by the system, Zhang Yan also lied that it was written by a Swedish expert, and handed it to Sun Ming.

Originally, everyone was quite disgusted with the advertisement of Lei Ma, but as soon as this advertisement came out, everyone was suddenly not tired of Lei Ma, because Lei Ma really gave everyone a chance to own their own family car.

This slogan immediately resonated with many people.

As soon as the results were reviewed, almost all car reviewers were full of praise for this car.

Now that the orders in the factory are too many to be fulfilled, the workers naturally have no anxiety.

After calculating the cost and other expenses, Benlei car company has achieved a rare profit since its establishment.

With such a good reputation, Zhang Yan took advantage of the situation to let people from Benlei car company promote it, and came up with a publicity slogan – “Let everyone have a car of their own.”

Because the scale of Benlei car companies is too small, there are very few 4S stores. Most of them still purchase goods through car dealers and then sell them.

Just like Qin Yun, she is a powerful female artist herself, as long as Zhang Yan provides her with a little bit of resources, she will be able to build her reputation, and then more and more resources will come to her door to achieve a A virtuous circle.

As soon as the news of the salary increase came out in Benlei car company, Benlei car company cheered again, and the whole factory was full of vitality.

Such a car is not industrial waste, it is the light of a proper domestic product!

This report alone made Sun Ming feel at ease, and he immediately took his team to study deeply. It seems that the current situation is gratifying, and several problems have been overcome, and the production of liquid batteries is just around the corner.

However, recently, there have been a lot more car dealers looking for orders from Benlei car companies, and orders from Benlei car companies can almost be said to be soft.

As a result, many working-class people have moved their minds and began to look for ways to order the Thunder Horse.

Zhang Yan himself, on the other hand, has already started planning to be busy with the New Year’s work.

Sure enough, with the first time the sales of Ben Lei Ma appeared on the sales list of various car media apps, although it was only at the end, it also gave everyone a good understanding of this grocery shopping cart.

What Zhang Yan really counts on is the research and development of liquid batteries by Sun Mingjiao.

Indeed, at a price of more than 10,000 yuan, not much more than a fruit phone, you can have a worry-free and labor-saving transportation tool. Who wouldn’t be tempted?

It can be said that Zhang Yan did not care too much about the Benlei car company, and let such a car company be revitalized.

Of course, this liquid battery research and development report is not a completed report, but only some methods of overcoming research and development problems, as well as some research and development ideas.

It’s not just the reviews of the reviewers, some car owners have also started to leave comments on these apps after they bought the car. Basically, the car is quite good. For people who just want to have a means of transportation, it is not too much Suitable.

Zhang Wei had called Zhang Yan earlier to tell Zhang Yan that relatives from his hometown would come to the county town for the New Year this year, and it would be their turn to host guests.

Originally, the factory was crumbling, and every worker was worried about being laid off.

The Ben Lei Ma is different. It is a real civilian car, so that everyone can go to work without having to endure the wind, the sun and the rain.

This made the employees of the Benlei car company also amazed, saying that the Benlei car company was sold to Zhang Yan, which is really a good thing. After a few advertisements by Zhang Yan, they forcibly sold their Benlei car. The horse is alive.

If there is no Leima, a car will cost seven or eighty thousand yuan at least, plus insurance, maintenance, fuel costs, etc., where can the average family afford it?

As for the first- and second-tier cities, Zhang Yan didn’t care at all, because the audience of Benlei car companies is definitely not from the first- and second-tier cities.

In the third- and fourth-tier cities, it is the greenhouse of the Thunder Horse.

As long as Zhang Yan gives Ben Lei Ma a force, Ben Lei Ma can naturally jump up with hard power.

Zhang Yan thought that the family lived in the county seat, and that relatives were still very frequent, so it was inevitable to find a place to gather together during the Chinese New Year.

・・・0 flowers 0…

It can be said that if you just want to buy a scooter, commute to and from get off work, buy and sell vegetables, and the wind can’t blow, the wiper can’t blow, and the money is tight, this Thunder Horse is just perfect.

Zhang Yan gave the company’s employees a holiday early, and only needed to keep a few employees on duty in the company to take care of the server.

After he saw that the sales of Benlei horses skyrocketed, he immediately asked the senior leaders of the Benlei car company to increase the wages of the workers by 50%. In addition, he would pay for the workers every month and give bonuses to the workers.

Soon, another two months passed.

Although the profitability is not high, it is not easy for a crumbling car company.

This bonus is definitely not as much as the employees of Shrimp Games, but a bonus of one or two thousand can also greatly stimulate the enthusiasm of the workers.

Such a potential stock to make a fortune will soon make Zhang Yan soar into the sky.

Indeed, the driving experience of the car is quite general, and the shape and interior are even more general, but considering its price of less than 20,000 yuan, the price-performance ratio of this car is an explosion.

Moreover, Zhang Yan is of course not the boss who only lets the horses run and does not let the horses graze.

Zhang Yan also knew that the surge in sales of the Thunder Horse this time was actually just the beginning.

So Zhang Wei set a table in the big restaurant in the county town early in the morning, and was going to pick up his relatives to get together and have a meal. If Zhang Yan has nothing to do, it’s best to go to seven.

The unsound setup of the 4S store does have some impact on sales, because people in some cities want to buy a Leima, but there is no way.

Zhang Yan is quite confident in the quality control of Ben Lei Ma. Compared with some joint venture brands and self-owned brands, Ben Lei Ma can be said to use all the good steel on the blade, and the quality of the car is almost irrelevant.

Today, the Benlei car company no longer needs Zhang Yan to invest more energy, and in a month, it can provide Zhang Yan with a profit of 10 to 10,000 yuan, which is regarded as a lot of pocket money.

In the second month, the sales of Ben Lei Ma soared. The order from the car dealership alone has more than 6,000 units, which has doubled compared to the previous one.

Zhang Yan directly allocated 100 million yuan to let the people of Benlei car company do some work. First, set up 4S stores as much as possible in some third- and fourth-tier cities.

In the blink of an eye, the end of the year is approaching.

Some car reviewers also began to borrow this Mercedes-Benz for evaluation on their own initiative, to see whether it was only sold through advertising, or whether it was really of excellent quality.


The same is true for the Lei Ma. As long as everyone buys it and drives it, they will know how conscientious this “Old Man Le” is.

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