I’m Desperate To Make Money, You All Start A Business For Your Ex-Boyfriend?

Chapter 374

Chapter 373 New Vr Technology

“VR technology to realize this kind of game?” At this moment, both Xu Hengxiu and Yang Tianhua grew up.

They are also people in the industry. They should have heard about the stage of the development of game technology without saying clearly.

If VR technology can really achieve the stage of making “Apocalypse World”, Zhang Yan doesn’t need to say, both of them have to study how to use this technology to make a shocking game.

But the point is, VR technology does not have this condition yet!

For example, the current TV is only black and white. Zhang Yan suddenly said that he should use the current TV to let everyone see the naked-eye 3D effect. Isn’t this nonsense?

The development of VR technology up to now has only made efforts in two aspects, one is somatosensory interaction, and the other is visual effects.

VR technology has only been developed for less than ten years, and if it can make breakthroughs in these two aspects, it is quite good to make games currently on the market.

The demand for VR technology in Zhang Yan’s “Apocalypse World” is terrifying.

It is not only necessary to have equipment that can store the volume of such a large game, but also to solve problems such as motion sensing.

First of all, let’s talk about the size of the game.

283 This is a VR game, not a PC game.

A PC-side game with a size of dozens of gigabytes or hundreds of gigabytes is already a super-large 3A masterpiece.

The memory required for VR games is even more terrifying. Just a video of a roller coaster is equivalent to a 3A masterpiece.

Let alone the mobile phone software, the VR scene under an APP used with a simple VR glasses is only a few dozen megabytes.

That thing is Tu Yile, if it really is a serious VR scene, how can it be downloaded so easily?

According to the game scene mentioned in Zhang Yan’s plan, it’s hard to say how big this game is, but it must be measured in T units.

The second is motion sensing.

“Apocalypse World” is a magical game that follows the original routine of fighting monsters and upgrading.

If players want to attack monsters, they need to make corresponding actions in the real world.

Moreover, Zhang Yan also requires that according to the player’s actions, the actions of the characters in the game should also have corresponding reactions, and they must be very (daah) accurate.

For example, the weakness of some monsters is in the eyes. If the player makes the action of slashing the monster’s eyes, then the error of the attacking point of the characters in the game should be within a few centimeters.

Otherwise, how would the player experience the game?

And this is not difficult to achieve for the current VR technology.

but cannot be achieved.

This requirement for action is not just to pick up the gun and face the screen.

If you can use a gun, then this game is very simple, you only need to work hard on the VR gun, and the current VR technology can achieve it.

However, Zhang Yan wants to make the characters in the game restore the real world one-to-one, which requires VR somatosensory to capture motion at all positions on the player, and then re-engrave them into the game information, so that the game characters can make corresponding actions. action.

This is simply a daydream.

Is it possible to make the characters in the game act exactly according to the people in the real world with the current VR technology?

Yes, yes, but this technology is used for special effects in large foreign film companies.

You want to use it as a game, no kidding?

That is to say, the plan of this game is Zhang Yan. If it was someone else, it is estimated that Xu Hengxiu and Yang Tianhua would have to think that the other party had read too many online game novels.

Do you really think that you can realize the game of virtual reality technology by wearing a game helmet? This thing will not be realized in another 20 years.

But now, Zhang Yan told them that he had the technology to implement this game, which made both of them think that their boss was being deceived.

Seeing that Xu Hengxiu and Yang Tianhua didn’t quite believe it, Zhang Yan could only lie, saying that this was also the latest technology from abroad, and he spent a lot of time to buy it out exclusively.

Although it is not mature yet, it doesn’t matter. After all, the game has not yet started to be produced. When the game framework is built, his VR technology can be put into use.

Zhang Yan even took his own liquid battery in Benlei as an example, saying that the previous liquid battery was not the same. At the beginning of its invention, no one believed it, but now?

Thunderbirds are all over the street, and liquid batteries are gradually accepted by everyone, and it is expected to become the mainstream of automotive energy in the future.

The latest VR technology this time is also researched by a research team that is familiar with the previous liquid battery technology research and development team, and it is quite reliable.

Of course, Yang Tianhua and Xu Hengxiu know about liquid batteries, and they also know that the reason why liquid batteries can be successfully developed seems to be because Zhang Yan recruited an advanced scientific team from abroad to help Benlei car company. Technology is mature.

If Zhang Yan really has the ability to recognize foreign scientific masters and invent this advanced VR technology, then this “Apocalypse World” is not necessarily impossible.

Seeing that Xu Hengxiu and Yang Tianhua were a little loose, Zhang Yan took the opportunity to briefly explain the VR technology the system had given him.

Zhang Yan has already researched the VR technology briefly. Although he still has a dark eye on the professional aspect and cannot understand it at all, Zhang Yan can still understand what this technology can achieve.

This technology can not only realize the interaction between reality and the game world, but also does not have too much requirements for the venue.

This set of equipment is similar to a private KTV in a shopping mall. It is a space capsule with a foot-feeling floor similar to a universal wheel, which can slide accordingly as the player walks and jumps.

In addition, there is a set of somatosensory equipment worn on the body, as well as a VR headset.

In such a game warehouse of about four square meters, players can play freely.

Here, you can run and jump at will, and the precise universal wheel floor will slide along with your walking, beating, and sliding in advance to ensure that whether you are walking, running, or jumping, you are always at the origin and will not hit the game compartment. warehouse wall.

Such a set of game equipment can be said to be cumbersome, but it is already the best equipment to realize virtual reality technology.

After all, playing games with a helmet or a game compartment can only be thought about in novels.

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