I’m In American Comics, My Wife Is Angel Yan

Chapter 20

020: The Shock Of Ancient One!

020: The Shock of Ancient One!

Come to the suburbs.

This is a forest area, away from the downtown area, where many pine trees are planted. The timber is reserved for the state, so officials are happy to see someone come forward to contract it.

In the early years, Vitti had already purchased a piece of surrounding area as the main supply chain of raw materials for the project, saving raw material expenses.

Security personnel were also specially arranged to patrol at all times, and a fence was built around it.

The main reason is that if this kind of forest area is not managed properly, the residents of the nearby suburbs will come to cut down trees privately, and even in the hunting season, some villagers with strong folk customs will come in to shoot birds with guns on their shoulders.

It’s not uncommon for these guys to mistake loggers for elk or merle.

Therefore, in order not to cause economic losses to the company, and the occurrence of such things as the latter, the company had to arrange for security personnel to guard 24 hours a day to prevent outsiders from breaking in.

Entering the forest area, Vitti first ordered the security personnel not to allow anyone to enter and not to disturb him.

To prevent his divine power from leaking out, although such “super abilities” are common in the earth society of the Marvel universe, he is still not sure whether this will be judged as exposing the system.

As for Odin’s Raven, judging from his years of experience, this period of time will definitely not appear. After all, compared to him, the riots in the Nine Realms deserve Odin’s attention.

Later, Vitti came to a hill in the forest area. It was still bare and there were not many trees planted here. It should be the newly planned area. There were only a few dwarf saplings stuck in the soil.

With no worries, Vitti completely let go.

Standing in front of the mountain, he adjusted his posture and exerted force on his feet suddenly.

Turn your body slightly!

A powerful force burst out from the side of the waist, and it was transmitted continuously to the arm in an instant.

Immediately, a surge of divine power came!

His fist, at this moment, is like an arrow shot from a full moon bow, with an afterimage!

With a “bang”, there was a dazzling light!

Rumble! ! !

The entire space seemed to be distorted at this moment!

The ground around him cracked, and even the sky was slightly shattered in the shape of glass cracks!

But it quickly returned to its original state, as if the distortion just now was just a temporary illusion of nature.

However, that hill suffered real damage!

At this moment, the entire hill has already been blasted out with a ferocious mouth!

Those dwarf saplings were annihilated and turned into ashes!

“So strong!”

Even Vitti was overwhelmed by his strength.

The moment he punched just now, he only felt an indescribable force roaring in his body.

Break through the limit of his body and burst out!

Fortunately, he tightened his strength and controlled it within the forest area.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

Moreover, it will cause a lot of trouble.

In addition, with the vigilance of S.H.I.E.L.D, it is estimated that it will take a long time to bring a team to arrive.

Then, Vitti tried several times in a row, and each time the effect achieved was far stronger than the previous one.

In the end, he didn’t dare to try it casually, worried that he couldn’t hold back any time, so he directly destroyed the entire forest area.

Before leaving, in order not to be discovered.

Vitti restored the hill to its original state. As the great prince of Asgard, he was lucky to have a necromancer mother.

Naturally, I learned some skills similar to restoration techniques.

Subsequently, Vitti left.

However, right after he left, spatial fluctuations appeared in the original area.

A golden circle door emerged, and a bald woman in a yellow robe came out.

If Vitti was still here, he would definitely recognize him as the Asgardian Sorcerer Supreme of Earth!

Ancient One walked to the top of the hill, bent down and stroked the soil of the mountain, feeling the remaining ray of divine power.

Her pupils suddenly constricted, very surprised.

“Who was here just now?”

“An outsider?”

Ancient One guesses.

Because she felt a powerful force on it!

It is very similar to the aura of the people of God’s Domain far away in Asgard, but this divine power is far more pure than that of the people of God’s Domain, even purer than Odin’s divine power!

Continuing to feel it, Ancient One found that the surrounding space was still fluctuating, indicating that the force just now shattered the space!

With such a powerful force, she would not be surprised if God King Odin came to Earth in person!

But this is not it.

Because, this power is far more pure than Odin!

“Who will it be?”

The Ancient One trembles, as Earth’s Asgardians.

But at the moment, a mysterious strongman descended on the surface, but she didn’t know it.

This fear of the unknown is far more unsettling than facing it directly.

After a while, she tried to restore the scene of what happened here just now through backtracking magic.

The arm drew a circle in mid-air, just as the mirror surface was condensed, it was immediately backlashed by a powerful force!

“how come?!”

Ancient One looked at the shattered mirror in surprise, then tried again.

In the end, he was still backlashed by some kind of force!

Who is that person?

Ancient One looked at the mirror withered like flower petals, and muttered to himself: “If it’s really a god, I hope he won’t attack the earth…”


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