I’m In American Comics, My Wife Is Angel Yan

Chapter 39

039: I Don’T Get On The Bus

039: I don’t get on the bus

“Where did this come from?”

The picture radiates an indescribable weirdness to Vitti all the time, like a weird breath that can cut open his chest and corrode his heart, and if he looks directly at it for too long, goosebumps will appear on his back unconsciously.

“Get it in a church,” Howarth replied.


Vitti frowned thoughtfully.

Does this painting actually come from a folk church?

It does look like a sacred object enshrined by a cult, or an object left over from a ceremony.

There are also cults in the Marvel world, but these are not cults pretending to be ghosts, but real cults, believing in demons or evil gods that really exist and hide in the dark.

After a moment of thought, Vitti looked away from the painting that made him uncomfortable, and then asked Howarth, “Can you take me to that church?”

“Definitely yes, I wish I could have a confidant like you.” Howarth agreed bluntly, with an embarrassed smile on his haggard face.

The two agreed to meet at Rodriguez at eight o’clock tomorrow evening. The church was located in the wilderness on the outskirts of the city. As far as Vitti knows, the whole area is very remote, and there is no gas station or motel within ten kilometers. It just happened to meet the conditions for a cult to appear. After all, the things that a cult does are all shady and dirty things.

Separated from Howarth, Vitti bid farewell to Tony, because the rest of the activities were boring projects, and because of the painting, he felt uncomfortable, so he decided to go home early.

When he walked out of the gate, Vitti was still thinking about the content of the painting, but unexpectedly, a soft and fragrant figure bumped into him, and he collapsed into his arms.

That person is Natasha Romanoff.

She pretended to be sprained, bit her red lips, put on a cute and pitiful look, and looked at Vitti with tears in her charming eyes.

Seeing this, Vitti frowned and pushed the woman in his arms away, who staggered back a few steps, almost sitting on the red carpet at the bottom of his feet.

Faced with Vitti’s abrupt movements, Natasha Romanoff was very confused, and said to Vitti who was about to leave with his legs up: “Sir, being so rude is not something a gentleman should do.”

“It’s disgusting that you’re Tony’s girlfriend and you’re hooking up with me here!”

Vitti said sarcastically in a cold tone.

Immediately, Natasha Romanoff felt a little embarrassed, bit her lip and continued: “Mr. Vitti may have misunderstood. He really sprained his ankle and accidentally bumped into him.”

Vitti ignored it and walked away. Now his mind is full of that painting, no matter what the other party’s purpose is, but he has no time to deal with a bus of S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, after Vitti drove away.

On the second floor of the hotel, a figure opened the heavy curtains and stared at the two fading car taillights, his eyes darkened instantly, exuding a chill.

Howarth closed the curtains again, and made a call, “The target has been hooked, and we can start to act tomorrow. You should get ready quickly. I don’t want to make any mistakes.”

The other end of the phone said disdainfully: “What are you panicking about? Although he is the eldest prince of Asgard, the Sun God, his divine power has been sealed by his father, and now he is an ordinary person with no power to restrain a chicken, so there is no need to be so worried. of.”

Hearing these words, Howarth still didn’t change his face and said: “Everything must be careful, and there must be no mistakes.”

“Don’t worry, I will.”

The next day, in the evening.

Vitti came to this suburb named Rodriguez as agreed. The woods are dense, and there is a sea of ​​forest as far as the eye can see. Being in it is like being shrouded in shadows. The sight cannot see the sun through the century-old trees, and the sun is the same. Can’t shine in.

After driving to the side of the road closest to the specific route, Vitti approached the church through the hiking road. After a short walk, a building with a pointed roof appeared in view.

For the painting he saw yesterday, Vitti thought of a certain character—Nightmare.

A creature that enhances itself by absorbing the power of others.

If the nightmare appeared in other cities, Vitti probably wouldn’t pay attention to it. After all, it had little to do with him, and besides, a fierce battle would break out in the near future. It was impossible for him to focus on these things.

But the nightmare happened to come out of the city he was in. If he didn’t stop it, this force would affect him sooner or later, causing other more troublesome troubles.

Therefore, this trip is a must.

In that church.

Scattered figures hid in the shadows, as if integrating with the darkness, through the colorful polygonal windows of the church, one of the figures was surprised: “How dare this kid come here alone?”

“That’s not right, it saves us a lot of effort.”

The other companion replied in a low voice, looking at Vitti who was getting closer, his Adam’s apple rolled back and forth, and he licked his chapped lips with the tip of his tongue lewdly.

Outside the gate, Howarth saw Vitti, stepped forward to shake hands with him enthusiastically, and said with excitement in his eyes: “Mr. Vitti, I didn’t expect you to come and share this rare joy with me!”


Vitti raised his eyebrows lightly. He really felt that the man in front of him had a brain problem. The weirdness of the painting could be felt by everyone, but the other party showed his yearning for the object in the painting.

“Yes, Joy!”

Howarth affirmed, and then quickly said: “Follow me in quickly, everyone is waiting for you in the church.”

Vitti remained silent and followed behind the man.

But when they pushed open the door of the church, no one was seen. The whole church was empty and dimly lit, only a few beams of light came in through the windows, and there was still dust visible to the naked eye.

“Where are people?”

Vitti asked calmly. At the same time, his gaze has already swept across the walls of the church with weird pictures and texts. Those are not like what Christianity should have, but more like footprints left by some unknown civilization, which further proves his previous thoughts.

“Wait a minute and they’ll be here.”

Howarth stepped back slowly, his eyes couldn’t help but dim light appeared, and his face gradually became disgusted.

“Mr. Howarth, I think it’s better not to wait.”

Vitti’s sharp eyes scanned the surrounding environment like a sharp knife, and he said in a calm and calm voice: “Tell them not to hide, let them come out quickly while it’s still early in the sky.”


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