I’m In American Comics, My Wife Is Angel Yan

Chapter 53

053: Meet Hela! Unlock The Seal Of The God King! Hiko’S Question!

053: Meet Hela! Unlock the seal of the god king! Yan’s question!

However, just when the three of them thought they could see the real face of that person clearly.

it stopped!

The whole picture is stuck in a hazy texture, as if covered with a layer of tulle.

The silhouette of that figure was covered with a veil, making it impossible to discern its real appearance.

In the haze, the figure exuded a crimson energy zone.

Constantly impacting the surrounding things, just in an instant, the hill was annihilated on the spot!

The originally dense forest area was wiped out by energy fluctuations in an instant!

Moreover, a bottomless ravine was forcibly pulled out under that person’s feet, like an endless abyss!

Such a shocking scene made the three unconsciously worried.

Cold ice with a heart higher than the sky.

When she saw this scene, her eyes showed a bit of fear and she said: “It seems that he made that air current.

Immediately, he looked at the Sorcerer Supreme who was casting a spell and said, “I never thought that there is such a figure hidden on your earth.”

“Who is this person?”

Yan frowned and asked Sorcerer Supreme: “How can such a terrifying aura erupt?”

“As a person on Earth, you should know what you have heard

“Definitely, unless he’s not from Earth.”

How could Angelyan think.

Her original purpose of coming to Earth was to investigate the target of the demons here, and by the way, she had a long time with her fiancé…

As a result, this kind of thing happened.

Ancient One was silent, and she didn’t answer their questions.

Deep eyes fixed on the picture being manipulated.

Continue to try to gather magical energy, wanting to make that outline clearer.

However, the next second!


There is a powerful force bursting out!

Sorcerer Supreme suffered a strong backlash, almost shattering the original gathered mirror images!


There was blood on the corner of his mouth, and Ancient One didn’t bother to wipe it off.

She looked at the power in front of her in shock, which was constantly counterattacking her. It seemed to be contending with her, and it still had the upper hand!

How can this be?!

As the Asgardian of the Earth, the Sorcerer Supreme of the highest power.

I was actually suppressed by this force, and I couldn’t go back to the magic anymore!


Liang Bing noticed the abnormality of Sorcerer Supreme, but did not ask too much, but focused on the strange scene in the blurred picture.

Yan stared at the screen.

In that picture, 11 golden hurricanes formed around that figure, annihilating everything around him, and the surrounding space was violently distorted!

“He actually distorted the space!”

Yan said in shock.

Even Ancient One, who was concentrating on casting spells, couldn’t help but tremble when he saw this scene.

However, what shocked them even more was yet to come!

The power emanating from that figure is still distorting the space!

A crack was torn apart abruptly!

Immediately afterwards, that figure was involved in it!

“The space is torn apart!”

Yan was inevitably shocked.

After all, being able to distort space is enough to prove the strength of this person!

However, the tearing of the space at the back shows that she may have underestimated the strength of this person!

Not only is he stronger than himself, he may also be a hundred times stronger!


Compared to Yan’s shock, Liang Shui showed an interesting smile.

Unexpectedly, there is such a figure in a small place like the earth that can be called a “mountain corner” in the Nine Realms.


When the space rift heals, the entire hazy mirror image will be shattered!

Ancient One took a deep breath, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said in a calm tone: “No, I think this person might still be here a few minutes before we came.

“Did he escape through the space crack?” Yan asked.


Ancient One shook his head and said: “We don’t know whether he opened the space crack on purpose, or was swallowed by the crack because he couldn’t control the power in his body.”

Hearing this, Yan was thoughtful.

That might be what they should be thinking about.

If the other party can open the space crack at will, it means that this person’s strength has reached unimaginable to them, even enough to reach the ability to rule the star field.

And if this person was forced to open it because he couldn’t control the power, it means that the other party’s power has not reached perfection, at least he cannot fully control it to achieve the desired effect.

The difference between the former and the latter seems to be very small, but in fact it is very large, because active and passive, these two items are exactly opposite.

If this person cannot control his own strength.

Then he is just a carrier of power and cannot transform it into a weapon.

If you think about it this way, you will naturally deal with it more.

“Then if this person temporarily disappears through the space crack, will he appear here again when he returns?”

At this moment, Liang Bing, who also pondered for a moment, asked Ancient One.

Regarding the issue of space operation rules, she is naturally not as good as a magician.

But this has nothing to do with combat power.

“Probably not, if he took the initiative to escape through the crack, he may have gone to another place now, and he is not even on the earth.

Ancient One replied truthfully.

She wasn’t exaggerating, that person really had such control.

Now it is estimated that it has gone to another place, any place in the Nine Realms is possible!

“All right.…”

Wanting to come to a demon queen who is waiting for a rabbit is a bit disappointing.

Liang Bing is more curious about this kind of powerful guy, or rather appreciates it.

For example, it was the same as learning that God’s Domain had a Prince of War God.

She really wants to compete with the strong.

Seeing the two people holding their own thoughts, Ancient One suddenly asked: “You two, can you go to Kamar-Taj with me?”

“definitely can.”

Yan was a little curious about this powerful magician.

First, the other party knew that she was an outsider, but did not show hostility.

Secondly, she was very curious about the purpose of this magician inviting them.

“Then let’s go.”

Liang Bing also generously agreed: “We just chatted for a few minutes when we were in Kamar-Taj last time, and we didn’t even get to know each other.

The last time she was in the Himalayas, she saw the Sorcerer Supreme in front of her. According to the information reported by her subordinates, the legendary Infinite Gems should be in Kamar-Taj.

However, she couldn’t find it.

Since the other party took the initiative to invite this time, she naturally has no reason not to go.

Ancient One glanced over the two of them calmly.

Immediately, a circular golden circle was drawn.

When the edge flows light, there is a dojo ravaged by blizzard inside!

“Two, please.”

Ancient One was the first to lift his leg across the circle.

Yan and Liang Bing looked at each other and followed.

at the same time.

Earth Norway, a strange space.

Vitti, who was lying on an unknown ground, opened his eyes in a daze.

Surrounded by darkness and coldness!

As far as he could see, the environment was extremely dim, and the faint light came from nowhere, which was enough for him to see the outlines of the surrounding things and the soles of his feet.

It was a lake-like ground, Vitti could see it when he looked down, and as he moved his feet, the ground was rippling like a lake.

“What the hell kind of place is this?”

Vitti couldn’t help but wonder.

Could it be that the space rift sucked him into the warp?


Vitti feels the breath here, he can feel that he is still on the earth, but everything is not like the earth.

At this time, a beautiful figure came in front of him.

With the help of the faint light, Vitti could see the shape of the figure clearly.

A tall woman?!

Black hair is long and slender, covering half of the face, wearing a tight leather black battle suit, the body curve is perfect!

The exposed half of the fair face, the facial features are exquisite, not only has the three-dimensional appearance of Westerners, but also has the softness of Easterners, glamorous and glamorous, painted with dark purple eye shadow, full of mature and lazy temperament, just like a beautiful snake !

The walking posture is like a catwalk, showing the elegance of the Nordic nobles.

Vitti froze.

definitely, not because of beauty.

Instead, he recognized each other.

This woman is the goddess of death———— Hela!

He can’t remember wrong!

I don’t know when, but he saw Hela’s portrait in God’s Domain!

But just to make sure, Vitti said: “Are you Hela?”

Hela, who was walking towards him, stared at Vitti, her slender wrist supported her waist, she looked weak, and her voice was insignificant: “That’s right, it’s the deity, you are… 11

Before he could finish speaking, Hela’s complexion suddenly changed!

“You are Odin’s son?!”

“I can feel his breath on you!”

Hela’s glamorous face was a bit ferocious, and she could hear the extreme anger in her tone.

“That’s right.”

Vitti replied.

He was somewhat surprised by the elder sister who appeared in front of him.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally came to the place where Hela was sealed.

On the other side, Hela, who had adjusted her emotions, said coldly: “Why did you come here? Could it be that you also made Odin unhappy?”

“I just fell in by accident,” Vitti said.


Hela smiled, and then said: “I didn’t expect him to let you know my existence. I was really surprised. I thought Odin, that mediocre man, had erased me from Asgard history.”

Vitti was taken aback for a moment, and he replied: “No.”

Looking at the weak Hela in front of him and the name of Odin in the city-Yongjun.

He could see that Hela had hated Odin until now, as well, which eventually led to the War of the Gods.

Definitely can’t put all the blame on her, “Ragnarök” has too many explosive factors, it can only be said that she occupies a very crucial part.

And Odin naturally knows that the existence of Hela is a hidden danger in God’s Domain, but he can’t kill her, so he can only seal it temporarily.

Because Asgard is not popular, Hela can always exist!

Moreover, Hela’s strength should not be underestimated.

In its heyday, even Odin was afraid of it.

However, Vitti has an idea.

If it can eliminate Hela’s resentment towards God’s Domain, it may be a good choice.

After all, Hela is very strong, if God’s Domain has a powerful god sitting in charge.

In the future, if he goes to the Nine Realms, the Aesir Protoss will only become stronger!

So, Vitti continued: “Father did not erase your existence, he not only told me, but also mentioned you to me, Thor and Loki.”

“Thor, Loki…..?”

Hela pronounced these two unfamiliar names.

“They are my brothers.”

Vitti said: “Father told us many stories about you…”

Unexpectedly, Hela suddenly sneered and interrupted: “You are enough! I don’t believe your nonsense, that old bastard Odin wants me to die, let alone mention me in front of you!”

“If you don’t believe me, I can’t do anything about it.

Vitti said helplessly: “You will know when you go out someday.”

“I can’t get out, unless Odin is dead, otherwise this damn seal can trap me in this ghost place forever!” Hela said angrily.

Maybe it’s because he hasn’t spoken to anyone for too long, Vitti can see that Hela is struggling to express his emotions with his tone at the moment.

This is a normal reaction.

After all, when a person is locked up alone in a dark space for almost ten thousand years, without even a single person to speak, it will inevitably lead to emotional and even mental changes.

“If you say so, then the time is estimated to be long.”

Vitti said: “My father should not go to Soul castle so soon.”

Hearing this, Hela approached and said, “You can come in and take me out, right? Surely you have a way to break Odin’s seal.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do what you said. The seal of my father looks at the entire Nine Realms, and I’m afraid no one can destroy it.” Vitti shook his head and said.

Then, he ignored Hela,

Looking around the environment, wondering how to go back.

This place should be an independent space created by Odin for the purpose of sealing. He may try to break it. After all, the main body of Odin is not on the earth, but it will alarm Odin who is far away in the realm of God.

He can’t do that, can’t risk being found out…

“Oh I see.”

Hela hugged her chest, looked like she was watching a play, looked at her younger brother whom she met for the first time, and said with a sneer, “Hehe, so you can’t go out either.

Vitti didn’t answer, but began to wonder where he had come in.

It was the same ground as the nearby ones, it looked like the surface of a lake, but it was not the surface of a lake, and there were ripples of water when touched.

Vitti searched for 717 for half a day, but couldn’t find any loopholes.

So, in the end, it was decided to use some force.

He knelt down on one knee, concentrated divine power in his right palm, and a golden glow suddenly appeared between his five fingers.

Immediately, hit the ground violently!


The entire space trembled, but no cracks appeared.

Hela on the side was sitting, with her legs crossed, and said with a playful expression: “You can’t get out, the old guy is very strong, even I can’t break the seal he set.

Vitti ignored her taunt, but continued to gather power.


Another palm!

At this time, Vitti found that the ground had begun to crack!

Seeing this, he was overjoyed.

Then, he continued to gather his divine power and hit a few times in a row.

However, wait until the last time.


The moment his palm landed on the ground, the ground under Vitti’s body burst instantly, and the space shattered. He suddenly lost weight and was sucked in!

This situation made Hela, who was still laughing at him just now, immediately get up, looking at the crack that opened, she swooped towards it.

“Wait for me!”

However, when she landed, the space crack had already closed!

“Damn it!”

Hela touched the crack that disappeared on the ground, and cursed loudly.

Afterwards, she tried to use divine power to break through again, but to no avail.

Repeated several times, still the same.

Could it be that this younger brother of mine is actually more obedient than her?!

Can break Odin’s seal?!

But she didn’t know that Vitti didn’t break the seal, but that he was originally not the subject of the seal, and it was easier for him to get out than Hela.

Asgard, domain of the gods.

On the throne, Odin closed his eyes and meditated, and suddenly got up.

“What’s wrong?”

Facing the startled Odin, Frigga asked.

“Hela’s seal has fluctuations.”

Odin didn’t open his eyes, but felt the sealed space far away on Midgard Earth. After a moment of confirmation, he breathed a sigh of relief: “No…”

Frigga wondered: “Is it an illusion?”

“No, it’s not.”

Odin didn’t sit down, he said anxiously: “The fluctuation of the seal just now is real.”

Speaking of this, he couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

An ominous premonition enveloped him…

Midgard Earth.

Los Angeles, Marbury.

Vitti returned home.

Space Rift was very considerate and sent him back to the room directly.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to explain the sudden airborne drop to Yan.

When I looked at the bed, I saw that there was no one on the bed.


Vitti breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Yan is not here, otherwise it is really difficult to explain.

Smelling the sour smell of sweat on her body, Vitti decided to rush to the bathroom to take a shower.

However, just as Vitti was about to turn around.

Yan didn’t know when he appeared, but a faint voice came from behind: “Vitti, where did you go just now?”

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