I’m In American Comics, My Wife Is Angel Yan

Chapter 70

070: Holy Kaisa, Angel Allied With The Devil?

070: Holy Kaisa, Angel allied with the devil?

Beyond the Nine Realms, after Vitti and others reached the edge of the world tree through Bifrost, they relied on Flight to move forward.

Soon after traveling through the vast stars, I came to the interstellar beacon of the Angel civilization, where a giant arch-shaped star gate stands, and there are two objects made of rock, with soft blue ripples shining in the middle.

The Interstellar Beacon, the shuttle tool of the Angel civilization, not only provides the shuttle function of creatures and objects, but also can be used to locate the interstellar position.

In this regard, Vitti felt that it was a little strange that the technology of the Angel civilization was so advanced that it could carry out long-distance interstellar travel through the use of insect elimination technology.

Seeing Vitti’s curious expression, Yan covered her mouth with a smile and said, “Okay, don’t look, let’s go there quickly.”

Afterwards, the three of them walked towards the star gate, and Zhi Xin squinted his eyes and smiled and teased: “Brother-in-law, is this device much more convenient than your Bifrost?”


Vitti has to admit that the technology of Angel civilization is much stronger than that of God’s Domain.

Yan smiled slightly.

The reason why the technology of their Angel civilization is powerful is mainly due to the maturity of computer technology. They have always focused on the technology of the Shenhe civilization of void technology, and the highest technological crystallization of the main research and development is the “big clock”.

The void computing engine carried by the “big clock” can easily realize the conversion of matter and mass-energy, and at the same time control the flow of entropy, and even create something out of nothing.

That’s why it is possible to create a black hole engine like Stargate, which can create cosmic wormholes by changing the space structure and mass-energy distribution, so as to achieve interstellar travel and a more powerful combat mode.

The place where the three of them arrived after passing through the star gate is the Angel Nebula—Mellot Heavenly Court.

When they came to the palace, the guards informed the holy Kaisa that At the moment was in the palace garden.

When the three of them came to the garden on foot, Vitti finally met the holy Kaisa that Yan often mentioned.

In the garden, the holy Kaisa was lazily lying on the bench, wearing a regular dress with shoulder pads, a light tulle jacket with complicated golden patterns, and a long satin skirt lining

Under the long skirt, Keisha was lying on her side, her crossed legs were slender and as white as jade. The long hair is casually scattered on the shoulders, under the sun bathing, the hair color is golden, and the temperament is noble and elegant.

Vitti couldn’t help being startled, Queen Angel’s temperament and beauty were indeed not inferior to Liang Bing, but compared with Yan, he still felt that she was inferior.

“Queen, Holy Left, Yan is back.”

Outside the garden, a guard reported.

Holy Kesha sat up and said: “Yan, come in.

Afterwards, Vitti followed Yan and Zhi Xin into the garden.

There are all kinds of flowers here, and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing and charming, as if the whole world is wrapped in the fragrance of flowers.

“Yan, the queen of ginseng”

“Broken heart, see the queen.”

Yan introduced to Kaisha again: “Queen, this is the eldest prince of the God Realm——

“This is Vitti, the eldest prince of God’s Domain, right?”

Before Yan could finish his introduction, Holy Kaisa spoke.

“Vitti, see the Queen.”

Vitti leaned slightly to show the most basic etiquette.

“There is no need for too much etiquette, just casual.”

Holy Keisha didn’t seem to be surprised by Vitti’s arrival.

Instead, he calmly pointed to the seat opposite her and said, “Come and sit here.

“Thank you Queen.”

Yan replied, and then the three sat down.

In the middle of the two rows of seats, there is a tea table with various pastries and a complete set of tea sets.

The queen of Angel civilization has the taste for tea.

Vitti was a little surprised. Compared with his fiancée, Yan didn’t even have any clothes, and all his thoughts were put on the war.

After the three sat down, Holy Kesha began to make tea.

The moment the tea leaves are soaked in boiling water, the whole room is instantly surrounded by the fragrance of tea.

Vitti, Yan, and Zhi Xin sat at the table, and their noses moved unconsciously.

Smelling the fragrance of tea, the fatigue brought about by the long-distance interstellar travel will not disappear much.

Zhi Xin couldn’t help but squeeze a piece of pastry on the table first.

Like a thief, he carefully put it in his mouth, and then he looked accepted.

“The eldest prince is coming to Angel Nebula in person this time. I’m afraid it’s not just a simple visit?”

After the tea was brewed, Holy Kesha asked straight to the point.

Seeing this, Yan first said: “Go back to the queen, God’s Domain has already decided to become an ally with us.”

” Vitti came here (bhda) this time to sign an alliance agreement with us, and asked the heroine to approve it.

“In addition, God’s Domain has already learned about the demon civilization going to the Nine Realms, and has already taken corresponding measures.”

“Let’s talk about the devil later.” Holy Kaisa turned her gaze to Vitti and said, “This alliance was first mentioned by our Angel civilization, so we have to thank the First Prince for persuading the God King, Accept our alliance request.”

Hearing this, Vitti looked surprised. No one in the room mentioned this agreement to form an alliance because he applied to Odin.

But think back to earlier.

Yan once said that Odin rejected Angel’s request for an alliance.

And this time he came here in person, and coupled with his relationship with Yan, it is not surprising that the Holy Kaisa can guess.

Vitti replied: “Yan talked to me about the reason for the alliance. Thanos ran rampant in the universe and slaughtered thousands of lives. This time he set his sights on the Nine Realms. God’s Domain can form an alliance with Angel.

Also to better fight Thanos. ”

After pouring the tea, Holy Caesar paused, took a sip of the tea, and said, “Then what suggestions does Prince Vitti have? Because according to the available information, Thanos has already gone to the Nine Realms. When we reach the territory of the Nine Realms, there will inevitably be another bloody battle.”

In this way, Vitti feels that the Angel civilization has a deep understanding of Thanos.

After thinking for a while, Vitti said: “Thanos has a lot of troops, and Chitauri’s troops alone are enough for him to consume. If we want to fight a protracted war, I think the current strength of God’s Domain is definitely not enough. In addition, it is said that Thanos He already has a few pieces of Infinite Gems in his hands, which undoubtedly enhanced his strength.

Vitti remembers that after Thanos went to the Nine Realms, he must first go to Earth to grab the Rubik’s Cube and Staff.

During this period, Thanos already had Infinite Gems in his hand, but he didn’t remember the exact amount clearly.

In fact, it can be seen from the opponent’s ability to manipulate the dark elves that Thanos At the moment already has a strong strategic awareness and a certain reserve of military power.

Otherwise, Malekith, the old monarch who has lived for thousands of years, would not choose to believe Ronan the accuser.

However, this time both Infinite Gems are in God’s Domain.

When Thanos comes to the Nine Realms, God’s Domain will definitely become a place where fire fighting power is concentrated.

In fact, this is not what Vitti is most worried about.

Thanos is still a minor character, which makes him even more worried about the Conqueror—Kang!

Holy Kaisa said, “Then you mean we need more allies?”

“Yes.” Vitti said.

“That’s unlikely.”

At this time, Yan interjected: “Now the entire universe is afraid of Thanos, because of his tyranny, countless civilizations have been destroyed, and no one dares to touch him.

“Vitti, when we made an alliance request with God’s Domain, we tried to seek alliances with civilizations from the Nine Realms and other star regions, but no one was willing to accept it.

“Yan is right, now we have no way to find other allies.” Xin echoed vaguely with something in his mouth.

Regarding Vitti’s fear of Thanos, Holy Kaisa said disapprovingly: “However, this king thinks that the power of our Angel, plus your God’s Domain, is enough to fight against Thanos.

“No, it’s not Thanos that I’m afraid of!”

Vitti simply opened up and said: “Thanos is not the most critical threat.”

“What do you mean by that?” Holy Kaisa asked in confusion.

Yan also looked at Vitti in astonishment, even Zhi Xin stopped chewing, bit his cheek and stared at him.

“Your Highness, have you understood the concept of multi-universe?” Vitti asked.

Holy Kaisa said: “Of course there are, but with the current level of technology of our Kamigawa civilization, it is still impossible to develop wormholes to the point of crossing the universe.”

Vitti continued: “Then what if I say that our universe is about to face a multi-universe crisis in the near future? At that time, we will not only face dangers like Thanos. Thanos just destroys civilization, and they may Destroy the entire monolithic universe.”

Vitti is not scaring Keisha, these words are not alarmist.

Kang the Conqueror had begun to invade every universe many years ago.

Maybe in the near future, an unknown crisis will come to their world!

The three Angels were silent.

Look at this matter with the technological level of Angel civilization.

They think such a thing is really possible.

“Then what can you do?” Holy Kaisa said: “If we want to seek allies, it is impossible to use what you just said as an excuse. Not everyone can understand it, so we want to use it It is almost impossible for them to fight against Thanos and prepare for the crisis they may face in the future.”

Vitti understood, so before coming, he had already thought about it.

So, Vitti spoke after taking a sip of tea.

“My solution is very simple, that is to form an alliance with the demon civilization, and unite the front between your two civilizations.”


For a moment, the atmosphere at the scene seemed to freeze.

Yan beside Vitti quietly poked his thigh with his finger, as if reminding him that this proposal is nonsense.

Because holy Kesha is impossible to say yes!

Sure enough, Holy Kaisa said decisively: “No, we Angels and demons will never be able to unite the front!”

Hearing this expected answer, Vitti still glanced helplessly, wanting his fiancée to help her with a word.

Holy Kaisa saw the small movements between the two, and said with a smile: “Prince, you don’t need to let Yan convince me, unless you can give me a reason to convince me, a reason that can make me completely trust the devil, and Reasons to cooperate with it, otherwise this proposal will not be discussed.”

Vitti has been unable to complain, the two sisters are virtuous, I am afraid that it will be difficult to persuade them to form an alliance with his words alone.

If you don’t agree, is it possible that you can only convince them?!

For a while, the holy Kesha could not be persuaded to form an alliance with the devil.

So, after a few simple conversations, Vitti and others came out of the garden.

“Vitti, you don’t have to speak for the demons, there is no possible alliance between us Angel and them.

Yan knows that the two civilizations have been fighting for thousands of years, and there is no such thing as the so-called “smiling and grievances”: “The devil has killed countless of our compatriots, and the Queen disagrees with your proposal, which is also a reasonable thing.

“how about you?”

Vitti asked suddenly, but Yan didn’t answer. Vitti already knew the answer from the hesitation that flashed in her beautiful eyes, and he continued: “Didn’t Angel also kill many demons? The struggle between you two lasted for thousands of years, in the final analysis There is still a problem with the concept. Where did these so-called deep hatred come from in the first place?

Big hate.

Vitti hoped that Angel and the devil would reconcile.

This will not only benefit future development, but also better deal with the multi-universe crisis.

In addition, he didn’t want another enemy in God’s Domain.

With the technology of the demonic civilization, in a short time, when Odin falls, in the whole of Asgard, apart from him, he seems to be the only one who can contend against the demon…

Just when Vitti was thinking, Yan hugged his left arm and said softly: “Since our two civilizations have formed an alliance, the rest of the things will be all right, don’t even think about it.”

There are so many, don’t you still have me to accompany you to face the crises you just mentioned in it?”

“Yes, brother-in-law, isn’t there a saying about the multi-universe crisis you’re talking about? There must be a way to reach the mountain, and it’s naturally straight from the bridge to the bow. We’re not

You must form an alliance with the devil, and when the crisis comes, maybe all the problems will be solved!”

Zhi Xin also echoed, and then said without hesitation: “Okay, brother-in-law, don’t think so much about what you have, Yan and I will take you to meet our friends first.

I often hear about you, and I look forward to seeing what you look like!”

Hearing the noise of the two of them in their ears, Vitti sighed softly.

It seems that not only the Holy Kaisa is unwilling to form an alliance with the devil, but the Angels of the entire Angel civilization are also like this.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Yan took Vitti’s arm and walked towards the city of Angel.

As soon as they entered Angel City, many Angels who were on duty saw Yan and Zhi Xin, and immediately saluted.

“Sister Yan, are you back?”

Angel chased over and saw Vitti next to Yan, and said with a deep smile on his brows: “This is the lover of your dreams, Vitti, right?”

Yan gave her a silent look, and then introduced to Vitti: “This is Angel chasing, my friend.

“It should be said to be a good comrade in arms!” Chase said, patting Yan on the shoulder.

“Hi.” Vitti greeted politely.

Afterwards, several Angels came.

Yan and Zhixin warmly introduced each of them, and Vitti responded politely with a smile.

at the same time.

In the Devil Nebula far away from the edge of the universe, in a palace with a deserted atmosphere.


ps: Originally there were three changes every day, but yesterday there were only two changes, and the author made it up today. .

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