I’m In American Comics, My Wife Is Angel Yan

Chapter 76

076: Fight Against The Obsidian Order Alone! Liangbing Learned That Thanos Entered The Nine Realms?

076: Fight against the Obsidian Cult alone! Liangbing learned that Thanos entered the Nine Realms?


Vitti flashed in front of the stunned crowd, his pupils glowed with gold, his face was expressionless, until he swept across Yan who was besieged by the Black Demon Five generals, a trace of imperceptible anger flashed in his eyes

“Vitti,~you came just in time!”

Ebony Maw thinks that he is trapped by them and the chance of winning is already in his hands, so he is not afraid of Vitti who suddenly appeared.

“Let her go.”

Vitti spoke calmly, but the spear in his hand seemed to be unable to hold back the anger, bursts of golden energy ripples flashed, wrapping around the head of the spear like a dragon.

“Are you kidding me?”

Ebony Maw smiled and said: “You don’t even look at the current situation, your subordinates are in our hands, if you dare to do anything, the four of us will not be relentless, you just wait for the corpse to be collected, man!”

Yan, who was under siege, couldn’t break free at all. She looked at Vitti and shook her head secretly, indicating that now is not the time.

Except for Black Dwarf, the Black Dwarf generals surrounded Yan from four directions in the middle, and pointed their weapons at Yan’s vital parts, which might kill her at any time.

However, Vitti didn’t panic in the slightest. He dared to drag his words so naturally he had a trump card, otherwise he would have done it just now.

I saw that Wei shouted at the mouth of the holy place: “Thor, heart, bring the sterilization in.”

As soon as this remark came out, the five Hei Yao generals were taken aback for a moment, and looked over there one after another.

Not long after, Thor and Zhi Xin walked in with a guy covered in blood. There was hardly a piece of intact skin on the man’s body, as if he had been burned by high temperature, resulting in severe dermatological trauma, and his facial contours were distorted. If you look carefully, you can still recognize——

“Master Thanos!”

The five members of the Obsidian Order exclaimed in surprise.

They seemed to see some kind of incredible scene, their pupils constricted, but their eyelids almost burst open, and the bloody man was reflected in the muddy eyes!

Thor and Searing Heart lead Thanos to Vitti.

Afterwards, Zhi Xin kicked Thanos to the ground and said fiercely, “Hurry up and let Yan go, or your lord will die here!”

“What now?”

Vitti didn’t pay attention to the exaggerated reaction of General Obsidian. When he was thinking about how to deal with Thanos, Thor and Zhixin arrived with soldiers and horses, so they temporarily brought Thanos over to deter the Obsidian Cult. five members of the regiment.

The five members of the Obsidian Order, including Yan, saw how Thanos had become, and they couldn’t help but look at Vitti again.

What the hell did this young man do to the overlord of the universe?!

If it weren’t for the outline of the other party’s face, who would have recognized that this guy who fell to the ground, covered in wounds and beaten beyond recognition, was actually Thanos who had destroyed countless civilizations!

Seeing that the five members of the Obsidian Order were still silent, Vitti said slowly, “Can we talk now? You let my fiancée go, and I will put your lord back.”

The Obsidian Order is absolutely loyal to Thanos, but this absolute loyalty is only shown in the early stage, that is, before the war between Thanos and the Avengers alliance.

In the later stage, there is a high probability that someone felt that he was capable, suddenly rebelled and went out to do it alone.

Therefore, Vitti believes that the Obsidian Order will not reject his proposal, and definitely, it is impossible for him to let go of Thanos, nor will he let go of these five members of the Obsidian Order.

Black Yaowu looked at each other, and after a brief exchange of eyes, the leader Corvus Glaive said: “You send Lord Thanos here first, and we will return your people back.

“Do you still have a choice now?”

Vitti said: “Put the man back immediately, and then your Lord Thanos can go back.”

As he spoke, Vitti also lifted Thanos’s bloody head with his hands, and the other party’s sight blurred by blood swept across the members of the Obsidian Order, his lips moved [but he was unable to make a sound.

At this scene, Ebony Maw couldn’t stand it anymore, he rushed ahead of the leader Corvus Glaive, and said: “Okay, we will let you go, but you must admit to returning Lord Thanos to us!”

Who knows, this proposal has not been unanimous, and the opponents are Corvus Glaive and his wife Proxima Midnight. The former thinks that they cannot just succumb, and the latter thinks that Vitti will not let Thanos go so easily.


Corvus Glaive said: “You put the man back first, or we’ll kill your fiancée!”

After speaking, Corvus Glaive also signaled the other three to shrink their positions, and Black Dwarf also joined them.

Yan was surrounded by five people and couldn’t move her body. She looked at Vitti and said, “Don’t give Thanos to them, just kill him!”

As soon as the words fell, Vitti lifted Thanos’ head again, and Thor next to him kindly handed over a knife.

“Since you are unwilling, then I can only resort to other means to get you to agree.

While talking, Vitti took the knife and plunged it directly into Thanos’ chest!

The part that had been seriously injured had already turned into a horrible and frightening muddy place.


Ebony Maw swung his arm, and pushed Yan straight out through magic: “Your people, we will give you! Can you release Lord Thanos now?”

Seeing that Yan was pushed out by the magic, Vitti stepped forward to hold him in his arms, feeling the softness of the fragrance, and he was relieved.

Just now he could choose to kill the five generals to rescue Yan, but he couldn’t guarantee Yan’s safety, so he decided to use Thanos in exchange.

…… Ask for flowers………

“Are you all right?”

Vitti ignored the five generals who were still waiting anxiously, and whispered to Yan in his arms: “I shouldn’t have left you here alone.”

“I’m fine, they can’t hurt me, what happened just now was just an accident…”

Yan broke free from his arms, and said after his feet landed: “You have to explain to me in a while, how did you beat Thanos like this…”

Seeing the two people who seemed to be in love with each other as if no one else was there, Ebony Maw said anxiously: “Vitti, let Lord Thanos go quickly!”

Here, Vitti leaned closer to Yan’s ear and said, “Don’t wait a minute, I’ll show you now, how I made Thanos look like this.”

Yan met his eyes curiously, she felt that with Thanos’ strength, he was definitely not weaker than the Black Demon Five, and Vitti was able to beat Thanos like this, could it be that his strength is already above her?!


Or is it because Thor and Zhi Xin teamed up with him to subdue the regiment?

Regarding the former, Yan believes in the latter more, because the latter is more convincing.

The reason why she thinks so is that she feels that it is impossible for Vitti’s strength to improve so quickly, and it is normal to understand the true meaning of the divine body to be improved, but it is not so simple to improve the divine power.

She also doesn’t think that Vitti can surpass her in strength in just 13 years… It’s not that she doesn’t believe that Vitti can’t achieve it in the future, but looking at it now, he still needs some time.

His eyes suddenly darkened and he said, “What do you think?”

Noticing the misalignment in his eyes, Ebony Maw panicked and said, “You…what do you mean?”

“Means nothing.”

Vitti said with a gloomy tone: “I just want to bury the six of you Obsidian Sect together!”


The devil nebula, thunder in deep space.

Different from the restlessness of the thunder outside, the atmosphere inside the palace is very quiet.

In the palace, Liang Bing was bored watching the TV brought back from the earth, and the TV series she had watched countless times were playing on the screen, and these were the films directed by Vitti.

“Queen, there is a situation!”

At this time, A Tuo boldly passed into the palace.

“What’s going on?”

When I was interrupted while watching a drama, Liang Bing said impatiently: “My old lady said, when watching a drama, unless there is something serious, you don’t want to come in and disturb me, or mid

“Queen, this subordinate really wants to report something!”

Atto said.

Liang Bing frowned slightly, and said: “Okay, you can talk quickly.”

“According to the signal we intercepted, we found that Thanos has arrived in the Nine Realms!”

As soon as these words came out, Liang Shui couldn’t sit still.


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