I’m in an Omniverse with Anime, While I Opened My Harem

Childhood Sweetheart

After entering school, the teacher called Zennò S. Suzuki to warn her to wait outside the classroom together with other transfers, for the presence of new classmates. 

So he had to wait while I met the other transfer student, named Chitoge Kirisaki, an attractive, slender, light-skinned young girl with hip-length blonde hair, with pink tips at the ends, strikingly aqua blue eyes, stunning featuresand due to her natural figure, many people would associate her with a supermodel. 

Her most notable feature is the red ribbon in her hair which was given to her by her mother when she was quite young. 

He stepped forward as he politely introduced himself, "Nice to meet you, my name is Zenno S. Suzuki, and I'm a transfer student just like you. I'm looking forward to getting along with you... anyway, you seem familiar, for have we already seen each other somewhere in the past??"

When she saw this new classmate, I seemed to have seen her before, but maybe she was wrong. But he could notice a unique aroma in her, which only those who own weapons or who are in close contact possess. 

Hearing his introductions and his strange question, she replied with a certain kind and friendly tone "my name is Chitoge Kirisaki, and I don't think I know you at all. Anyway, nice to meet you"

Understanding that the other party did not seem to want to talk, Zennò S. Suzuki did not bother her, and so they both waited until the teacher called them to enter. 

Opening the door, he let Chitoge Kirisaki pass through first as he could hear the teacher say "these are your two new classmates, I hope you will get along well during the school year"

When they both entered, they heard various exclamations from all the students, while Ran Mouri and Sonoko Suzuki were greeting him with a smile and a wave. 

The first to introduce himself was Chitoge Kirisaki, who said "Nice to meet everyone, I'm Chitoge Kirisaki, and I just moved here from the United States. My mother is Japanese and my father is American, so I'm beer-racial. 

But as you can hear, I speak Japanese very well, so guys don't worry about speaking to me" and finally she smiled while many males applauded and happily said how pretty she was or happy to have a beautiful new partner

While she presented herself in such an elegant and kind way, Zennò S. Suzuki also did the same after she finished speaking "Hello everyone, my name is Zennò S. Suzuki, and I am the younger brother of your partner Sonoko Suzuki. 

Nice to meet everyone, I hope we will spend a harmonious year together, and that we can share a childhood full of emotions and adventure" then the same thing that happened after Chitoge Kirisaki's presentation happened to him too, but with all the females saying that it was theirsnew Male God

After the introductions, the two walked to two desks close to them, which were also the ones currently available. Standing in front of the two desks, Chitoge Kirisaki asked in a gentle tone, "You choose the desk you want, and I'll take the other one."

"Thank you classmate, then I won't have any problems" he said as he sits down at the one that was closest to Ran Mouri and her sister

So the lessons began which lasted until midday, then Sonoko Suzuki and Ran Mouri came to his side while the latter asked him without too many problems "Zennò, do you want to join the two of us to have lunch together?"

"ok, but since classmate Kirisaki doesn't seem to know anyone in this class, why don't we invite her too?! " he said finally inviting her too, since she seemed to be starting to have doubts about where to go to eat

Hearing his proposal, Chitoge Kirisaki was surprised but happy with his kindness, so she immediately said "thank you for inviting me. I gladly accept... and you can also call me by name if it doesn't bother you too much" she finally said while she seemed really shy in asking him

Since she was little she has always struggled to make friends, so Zennò S. Suzuki's kindness towards her moved her as she became closer to him and his group. 

So I decided, as they were about to go to the garden to have lunch since it was a nice place to admire the various flowers planted there, suddenly a male voice interrupted their harmonious conversation "Ohhh!... You are the violent woman this morning!"

Hearing her words, everyone present confusedly said "Violent?" as they looked at the girl who looked like an innocent and pure flower. 

But the boy I yelled at said in an angry and resentful tone "this morning in the school gate after everyone was almost gone, you appeared on top of me while you kneed me, almost knocking me unconscious! Don't you remember!"

Hearing the accusations posed by him, Chitoge Kirisaki said as her mood and tone alternated between surprise and annoyance, "Didn't I already apologize to you for that incident?! What's the point of brooding about it anymore. I only caused you a few small wounds, so spare yourself your exaggerated behavior! "

While the two spoke uncontrollably thus attracting a crowd of students, Zennò S. Suzuki stepped forward as he asked with curiosity and also wanting to resolve their dispute "classmate, try to calm down and then rephrase your words well with a tone calmer. 

Or do you want to give a show to all of them" he asked as he was pointing with his gaze at the approaching sea of ​​crowd who were curious about the commotion caused by the two

Looking around as the two realized what they had done, they both decided to remain silent as they followed Zennò S. Suzuki and his group into the garden, then start talking again. 

But Zennò S. Suzuki stopped them and asked with curiosity "what are you two arguing about? She accidentally hurt you, while he doesn't seem to have wronged you, other than bothering you right now. You can relax and explain the real cause behind your behavior?!"

Hearing her words, the boy said as he introduced himself "my name is Raku Ichijo, and this morning as I was about to go to my class while he is running because I was late, you suddenly came out of nowhere. 

It hit me full on as she ran away saying sorry as if nothing had happened, but when it hit me full on, I lost the photo of my childhood sweetheart! "

"I understand, then it was also your fault that all this happened. So then we have to help him find his photo of his childhood girlfriend, or he could continue to follow you to argue and annoy you" said Zennò S. Suzuki to Chitoge Kirisaki

Realizing that she had done something bad to Raku Ichijo while under the suggestion of her classmate she had started to calm down, she finally said in a fairly calm voice but with an apologetic tone "since you lost something precious because of me, then I will help you find it laterschool, so we'll be equal, ok! "

Seeing his cooperation after the words said by Zenno S. Suzuki, Raku Ichijo couldn't help but look at him with gratitude, as he said to Chitoge Kirisaki "ok, as long as you help me find her, then we will be even and we won't have any problems anymore "

After they settled in and decided to help him find his photo, they began eating their picnic lunch. Zennò S. Suzuki showed a very large container while the aroma of the food made everyone present swallow. 

In the end he was kind enough to give everyone a few pieces, thus getting their thanks and even a share of their lunch. 

As they did they finished lunch after a few minutes, returned to their classes respectively and decided to meet at the entrance of the school, after they had finished the lessons. 

But Ran Mouri and Sonoko Suzuki had their own club they had to go to, so they didn't have time to accompany them, but even so I don't change the schedule of Raku Ichijo, Zennò S. Suzuki and Chitoge Kirisaki. 

After school, they started looking for the photo which was lost early in the morning due to the kick thrown while she had climbed over the school gate which had been closed. 

During the research, Chitoge Kirisaki asked curiously while searching the lawn near the gate, "Who is in the photo, and what does it represent to you?"

"In the photo there is me and a little girl to whom we promised to get married when we grew up, but I haven't seen her for ten years, so that is the only memory of her, my first love" he said with an emotional sigh and memories of the past

Seeing him so affected by the photo she had made that he lost her, Chitoge Kirisaki felt even more guilty, while she couldn't help but tell him "I'm sorry for what I did this morning."

While the two talked and made peace, Zennò S. Suzuki who was happy for the two, found a photo not far from the gate, but which was hidden among the students' parked bikes. 

But just when he was about to pick it up and give it to Raku Ichijo, he saw that there were seven children in the photo including him, although at that time he was very different from his current appearance. 

But as he looked at the photo, he saw a little girl who looked a lot like Chitoge Kirisaki, and as he looked at her more closely, he began to remember that he seemed to have met her when he was around five years old. 

That's why she seemed so familiar to him, but I remember that he had only met Chitoge Kirisaki, while the other girls didn't seem to have anything to do with him, at least most of them. 

There were two boys and five girls in the photo. She could remember thanks to her powerful mind starting to reactivate memories of the past that had been buried over time. 

He could finally understand the identity of Chitoge Kirisaki and Raku Ichijo. Both were part of a powerful Yakuza family, one American and the other Japanese. 

The two groups were very strong, but Zennò S. Suzuki remembered that he had met Chitoge Kirisaki because his mother told her to go and meet the future heirs of these two groups, because she also wanted him to know the world of the underworld, even if her intent was more to find him a suitable girlfriend. 

Eventually he made friends with all the children in the photo, but only Chitoge Kirisaki and two other girls managed to impress Zennò S. Suzuki, thus having a clearer memory of them. 

He also remembered that somewhere in his room in the Suzuki mansion, there should be three lock pendants that both Chitoge Kirisaki and two other girls had given him, but now he didn't have the opportunity to visit him. 

Taking the photo, he went to Chitoge Kirisaki and Raku Ichijo, then said in an uncertain tone, "I found the photo..."

Hearing his words, Raku Ichijo immediately went to him as he fondly took the photo, and then tried to put it away safely, for fear that he might lose it again. 

But Zennò S. Suzuki said this, stopping his actions "in the photo there is me and Chitoge-san... apparently we have already met in the past"

Hearing his words, both Raku Ichijo and Chitoge Kirisaki were taken aback, so they both looked at the photo better as they could recognize the other party's appearance, but strangely, Zenno S. Suzuki seemed not to be there. 

Except there was a very cute little boy who looked similar but not very much with the actual Zennò S. Suzuki, so they both were surprised until he explained "when I was little, I used tricks to hide my I wait. 

I have always had a beautiful appearance, so for fear that someone will kidnap me again for this reason or even because I am the future heir from the Suzuki family, I have cleverly hidden my appearance in an uglier and different one"

Listening to his words, the two were very surprised that he was the handsome boy in the photo, but the thing that made them gnaw with anger was that he said that he had dressed up to look uglier. 

But they clearly saw that the child who was supposed to be Zenno S. Suzuki, literally looked like one of the most beautiful children they had seen, so it seemed more like an insult to their appearance when he said those words. 

"In any case, I never expected to remember this moment of childhood thanks to your strength, much less to meet again after so long. Anyway Raku-san, maybe I know who your childhood promise girl is, but you will have to be mentally prepared" he finally said seriously, because not even he could dare to imagine that it was that girl

▪︎[ Ding... You have activated the Mission: Win back your three childhood sweethearts. Information: when you were little you met three girls with whom you got along well. 

You liked each other and bonded a lot, going so far as to make the promise to get married together when you grow up, but in the end one had to return to her country, another had to carry out an important operation which is linked to her health, while the the other was too shy to come forward andto meet you. 

Your mission is to regain and reaffirm your relationship with them, thus making them your official girlfriends and finally keeping your promise. 

Reward: Obtain Three Vials of Awakening, which allows you to awaken one of your hidden abilities, which originally belonged to both Adam and also Apeiros Theos, i.e. your previous lives. ]▪︎

Having read the content of the mission while Zennò S. Suzuki himself also had the same intention, he also began to think of a way to get closer to the three girlfriends of his childhood sweetheart. 

As she thought internally, Chitoge Kirisaki also had almost the same problem, especially since she was still in love with the child she had declared her love for along with two others. 

But she never expected that thanks to Raku Ichijo's photo, she would discover that Zennò S. Suzuki was the boy she fell in love with as a child. She also has a photo with just him together with the three little girls of his childhood promise. 

Secretly looking at Zennò S. Suzuki, she immediately felt very shy and excited, not knowing what to say to him after discovering that he was the person of promise. 

But suddenly, Raku Ichijo asked interrupting his thoughts "Who is he?! Where is he now?"

Seeing his happiness as he couldn't wait to know where she was, Zennò S. Suzuki told him in a complex tone "it's not any of the little girls you see, because the girl you had a crush on as a child, was one of the little girls who were in the park. 

So if you want to find it, it will be very difficult and complex. But I think with your family, you shouldn't have any problems finding them. I only know that the park was near a river, and with the nickname of gorilla, with the name: Jaiko. 

I advise you to let it go, because it was really very unsuitable for your status, but if you want to keep looking for it, then maybe I know who to ask to help you find it."

Not wanting to give too much importance to his words, Raku Ichijo asked without hesitation "tell me how I can find her please. She is the girl of my dreams and also my future girlfriend!"

Seeing her insistence, Zennò S. Suzuki gave in and said "wait a minute while I call the person who perhaps knows her"

So he dialed the number and then made the call "Hi Zennò, I'm happy that you're calling me, but I have piano lessons now, so if you have to tell me something important, do it quickly"

Feeling the other party's slice, he quickly said as he could a question "Shizuka, sorry for interrupting you and thank you for answering me even though you are so busy. 

I wanted to ask you what the name of your friend's sister with the nickname Gian is, because now there is a schoolmate who says he wants to see her again because they have been in love since childhood"

"His name is Jaiko Takeshi. I'll send you his home address, but I have to go now, or the teacher will scold me" Shizuka said as she sent him an address

Then he ended the call and finally Zennò S. Suzuki gave the address to Raku Ichijo, who burst with happiness as he immediately went to look for her, thus leaving him and Chitoge Kirisaki alone. 

The two looked at each other and then after a moment of silence, Zennò S. Suzuki told him with a nostalgic smile "I didn't expect to remember you just after seeing that photo. 

Sorry if I forgot you Chitoge, but I promise I will never forget you again. I have to tell you something that will perhaps make you suffer and angry. I already have a girlfriend, and even more than one"

As Chitoge Kirisaki listened from start to finish, her mood jumped from happiness to Unhappiness, especially when she learned that he already had a girlfriend. 

Not knowing how to react to this revelation, he did the only thing he could think of. I ran away while he was crying, but Zennò S. Suzuki was faster and took her while telling her "I'm sorry if I make you suffer, but it's not my intention to cause you any more pain, so if you want we can just be friends and have nothing more to do with each other"

But she immediately said in a serious but sad tone "stupid! That's not why I'm sad, nor do I want to leave you after I finally found you, but... but it's just that I wanted to be your first girlfriend!"

Listening to her words, Zennò S. Suzuki was surprised to realize that he had been wrong in thinking that she did not accept that he had other girls, but thinking about the promise to marry three little girls made in the past, he finally understood his mistake. 

Reporting his thoughts, he told her earnestly, "Then I can just make sure that you are the first of the three girls I promised when we were little. I just hope they won't be jealous."

Hearing his proposal, Chitoge Kirisaki asked with undisguised happiness "really?"

Seeing her happy return, Zennò S. Suzuki said to her as he hugged her hips "this is a promise, so you will be the first girlfriend among the three. But now stop crying, or your eyes will turn red and it will only bother you" he said as he dried her tears with a handkerchief made of fine silk

"I'm crying because I'm happy" said Chitoge Kirisaki as she returned the hug, and thus remained in this position for a few moments before separating

Since school was now over, they decided to go out to go on a date for their meeting, and so they spent a happy afternoon together, and finally Zennò S. Suzuki accompanied her back to the villa where Chitoge Kirisaki currently lived. 

(Info: Chitoge Kirisaki

End of Episode 27

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