I’m in an Omniverse with Anime, While I Opened My Harem

Eriri Spencer Sawamura

First I finished having breakfast and then I kissed goodbye to the two sisters who decided to take a day off from school because they wanted to spend their well-deserved reunion. 

Going down until he reached the first floor of the apartment building, he saw Utaha Kasumigaoka who was dressed in a school uniform, so he approached her and said "are you going to school at this time too?"

Noticing his arrival and hearing his question, she turned and looked him in the eyes and replied, "Yes, especially now that I have finished writing my manuscript, which I have titled The Metronome in Love. 

I hope you will be my first reader and I would really like to know your opinion after you have read it " he finally said while showing a strangely shy expression

Understanding the seriousness of her request which was very much about his feelings, he said seriously while showing a smile and giving him a thumbs up "ok, don't worry, because I will be the first to read it and tell you what I think!"

Hearing what she wanted from him, he turned and walked away with a smile that I didn't show him. Zenno S. Suzuki was surprised by his behavior, so he could only say "Utaha-san... I just will never understand how we could become friends with our two different personalities."

But when he said those words, he showed a happy smile. Also going to school with the plan of also going to Ran Mouri to invite her on a date after many days of not seeing the two of them alone, he first wanted to go to a bank to deposit some money he had obtained from the system. 

Since he heard that someone had stolen a billion yen from his family's affiliated bank, he decided to deposit ten billion to see if the thieves who robbed earlier will do anything. 

Upon entering the bank in question, she walked up to an employee who wore glasses and who also looked the prettiest of all the bent I's so he said to her as he placed a huge stack of money on the counter "Miss, I would like to deposit ten billion yen in this bank "

The young lady, twenty years old, was astonished like the others who saw this scene, so she said with clear difficulty "um... I ask the manager if it is possible to transfer such a large sum of money"

But just as he was about to call the manager, a loud voice interrupted the quote: "This is a robbery, so all of you get down on the ground! Or we'll shoot you!"

Then more than ten people entered while holding military machine guns, which were impossible to own in Japan because there was a law prohibiting gun ownership. 

Obviously this was planned from the beginning, but Zennò S. Suzuki didn't know if they were the culprits behind the billion yen robbery, so he didn't want to act and decided to watch what they would do, until they dared to attack an innocent. 

"The young people stand on my right, while the middle-aged or old ones stand on my left! Move or I'll kill you!" said one of the armed men while aiming at those who didn't want to move

While everyone followed his directions, Zennò S. Suzuki discovered to his surprise that he, the lady employee and finally a beautiful and petite girl with long straight blonde hair, which is tied in two tails, tied with two blue ribbons. 

His eyes are blue and he has very light skin, probably inherited from his father. The unique thing about her appearance was that she could see a small fang, which gave her the feeling of being more wild, at least in a cute way. 

Her facial features and build closely resemble that of Koneko Toujou, even though she was taller. she now she was next to the two of them while she was trembling with fear and said in a confused and fearful tone "w-why is all this happening to me! 

If I knew this would happen, I would never have come to collect the money to buy new drawing tools! "Eventually while she was talking incessantly, she was discovered by one of the ten armed men

He immediately said with malice and annoyance "you! Shut up or you will be the first to die!"

Hearing his unconcealed threat, the girl trembled in fear as her face began to turn pale, while she remained silent for fear that she was truly killed. 

The leader of the group of armed robbers hurriedly said, "Put in all the money that boy took out earlier, and move! If you dare to play any pranks, you won't need to consume air for the rest of your life!"

The other hostages looked at the mountain of money and then at Zennò S. Suzuki, and they all said "boy, you shouldn't have brought so much money."

So they started taking  all the money while he didn't stop them and watched them with curiosity, while he thought who was the instigator behind this group of armed robbers. 

As he thought, the sound of police sirens surprisingly came, and he couldn't help but say with annoyance and confusion, "They couldn't come without making so much noise, or do they want to tell the criminals that they're coming?"

Clearly the police were too confident to keep their sirens on, thus instantly letting the criminals know they had arrived. According to him, they could arrive without making so much sound, so as to catch the criminals by surprise. 

"Take those three and use them as hostages, while the others must put all the money in the bags as soon as possible, or you will die before we are arrested!" said one of the armed men

So while three men were taking Zennò S. Suzuki, the girl and the employee, the voice of the police was heard: "whoever you are, put an end to all resistance, or you will suffer the consequences! 

It's better to go to prison for ten years than twenty years, so put down your guns and come out with your hands up! "

When they heard his words, the leader of the gang of armed men said ferociously "if you even dare to enter or do anything suspicious, you will pay the price with the lives of this little girl and this boy" then he took the girl who was now pale beyond the level of a corpse, whileZennò S. Suzuki seems intent on reacting

Not wanting them to do anything dangerous to the innocent, he was about to take action when he heard the police ask "what do you want to release the hostages! Money? A means of escape? Or both?"

"We don't want anything like that, but just for you veins to go instantly, or we will start killing them!" said the leader of the armed men, but by mistake one of his men pulled the trigger out of nervousness

" Bang...! " with the sound of the shot which was aimed at the girl who thought she had no more chances, while quickly thinking 'mom, dad, sorry for not being able to live with you. I love you- '

But suddenly, Zennò S. Suzuki who was also surprised but still aware of the man's actions, reacted quickly as he stood in front of the girl, thus getting hit in his place. 

Getting hit in the chest, he fell to the ground as he decided not to move and see what the criminals would do. 

The girl was surprised that the handsome boy she didn't know had just saved her life for her, so she looked down as she took him with concern and asked him as she cried moved by everything that was happening "y-you, why did you save me in place of your life! 

Did you want to be a hero?! W-what should I do... I must immediately find a doctor who can heal me..." As he spoke, his mood was affected and he began to worry a lot about his health as his savior

"Shut up, or you'll end up like him!" one of the armed men immediately said, but I didn't seem too affected by his companion's gesture, on the contrary, I seemed disappointed. 

Finally Sennò S. Suzuki understood their true goal with his bought ability, Detective. From the beginning it seemed very strange to him that such armed men were able to appear in Japan, so he easily understood that they were a group of hitmen sent by someone to kill someone. 

But he didn't understand what their goal was, and at first I think he was their target, but seeing their actions as well as the words they said up until that moment, he also understood that they didn't even seem to know him. 

So it was even more confusing, at least until I noticed that the partner of the man who had shot, seemed disappointed that the girl was not dead. Realizing that their target was the girl, he got up as if nothing had happened, while under the surprised eyes of everyone present, he gently said to the girl "thank you for your concern, but I'm wearing a bulletproof vest. 

Stand by me, because these men want to kill you for some reason, but I can imagine it's connected to your family, because you don't look at all like a girl who did something illegal to antagonize someone."

The girl was taken by surprise as she could see the boy getting up from her arms, and especially when she heard his words, so she asked with concern "why do they want to kill me?"

Hearing the question, Zennò S. Suzuki again said “they want to kill you because they have some enmity with your parents, you probably must be a girl from a fairly rich family. 

These things happened to me too when I was little. They tried to take me to use me against my parents, but in the end they never succeeded. 

Now calm down, I'll help you deal with these dangerous men," he said finally as he saw the girl's unhidden concern, as well as her surprise at seeing him so calm. 

Hearing his words, the ten gunmen all pointed their guns at him while angrily saying “how dare you be so haughty to us, the mercenaries of death. 

Recognized as a group that completes 99% of the required mission, even if our target were the President of the United States! "

But while he boasted of his origins, he returned to seriousness as he and his men placed themselves in an encircling formation, thus preventing him from escaping let alone dodging the bullets if he were ever able to do so. 

The girl almost didn't faint from worry, but she saw Zennò S. Suzuki being calm and protecting her and the employee who had remained strangely silent all the time. 

"I won't say anything worth saying to you criminals, so you can relax knowing that I won't kill you" then Zennò S. Suzuki used his Manipulation of Everything ability, and made their weapons turn to dust that you shoot

Seeing such a scene, the girl said in surprise "a superhero?! " While the other hostages also thought the same thing, after all only superheroes in cartoons, anime, manga and so on in TV series have super powers

But the ten criminals who were astonished, immediately stood shoulder to shoulder while their leader said "the mission has failed, we must escape as soon as possible!"

While they were trying to escape as soon as possible, Zennò S. Suzuki said while pinning them down "you came with arrogance, but you leave like cowards. You don't even take into account what you have caused, let alone your attempt on the life of a girl sweet and cute like her. 

Since you are criminals, you should end up in a cage like criminals! "I then create a cage around the ten men, and finally clap my hands to pretend to clean the dust from my hands

And finally he turned to look at the girl who had stars in her eyes, and it was clear that he began to feel admiration for himself, but pretending not to see it, he asked him in a normal tone "are you okay? You weren't scared by what I did, after all it's the first time you've seen something like this."

But she immediately said with excitement "n-no, I wasn't scared! In fact, I'm happy that I was here to see your heroic rescue. From now on you are my hero, and also the person who saved my life." !"

Finally, under the actions of Zennò S. Suzuki, everyone calmly left the bank, while he took back all the money, which after all had been created by his system which made him pay one million System points. 

Then he also went out while the girl followed him like a fan, and finally asked him "what's your name? I'm Eriri Spencer Sawamura"

Hearing his presentation, he also introduces himself: "My name is Zennò S. Suzuki. You are the daughter of the diplomat Mr. Spencer, that's why those guys wanted your life, now it all makes more sense. 

Now I have to go since I wasn't able to deposit my money, and I really don't think it can still be done given what happened" then as he was about to leave, he saw the employee from before looking at him with doubt

So he saw her approach him and ask him "can you talk about a matter like me later, and it's very important!"

Her request surprised Zennò S. Suzuki a lot, because he didn't know her but he could see her seriousness in her tone and expression, so he said "okay. Where do you want to meet?"

"It's fine even after you finish doing your things, as long as you come around seven in the evening to this address" he replied as he wrote down the information

Receiving the paper, Zennò S. Suzuki greeted Eriri Spencer Sawamura and the employee, then went to her school, arriving a few minutes late from the scheduled time. 

When he arrived in class, he was greeted by the teacher who seemed annoyed by his lateness, so he told the truth: "I went to the bank to deposit some money I had, but then some thieves arrived who wanted to rob the bank. 

In the end I could only get there now" after I spoke, the class fell into silence, while the teacher didn't know whether to believe his words or not, and in the end he just decided to give him a failing grade. 

But soon when the hours passed and it was time for lunch, the whole class who had access to their cell phones, immediately discovered the news of the robbery attack on the largest bank in Tokyo, and how Zennò S. Suzuki managed to foil the robbery. 

After the news spread like wildfire, the teacher apologized and removed the failure, while all the students in the school looked at him with admiration and respect. 

On the roof of the school, he, Ran Mouri, Sonoko Suzuki and Chitoge Kirisaki were eating while talking about this topic, and they looked very surprised and happy about his safety. 

"I almost thought you were joking, but I didn't expect my little brother to be so good as to foil a robbery with ten armed men as the enemy. I didn't think you had the ability, but I'm very happy you didn't get hurt" Sonoko Suzuki said as she couldn't help but worry

Sensing his sister's strong concern, he quickly said to reassure, "I have learned and acquired many skills that can protect me from even a bomb, not to mention ordinary bullets. 

But I have to admit that it was very dangerous for the ordinary people who were there, because if I hadn't been there, then I can't imagine what could have happened to them."

Chitoge Kirisaki nodded and immediately said "luckily you were there. However, I didn't think that that thing you told me about your strength last time was really true. 

So can you make me stronger too? " she asked uncertainly as the idea of ​​getting stronger didn't seem like a bad thing to her

"Yes, I can and I want to do it with all my girlfriends, because I'm worried that if something ever happens while I'm not there with you, then I might regret it for the rest of my life" he replied showing a serious and decisive expression

Hearing her words, both Ran Mouri and Chitoge Kirisaki felt moved, but Sonoko Suzuki looked like she had just eaten dog shit, so she couldn't help but said in a displeased tone "so it's I'll come you have more than one girlfriend besides Ran . 

That's no good! Can't you let Ran be your only girlfriend? Or are you like one of those bad boys who chase more than one girl? "

Seeing her insistence while she seemed angry about Ran Mouri, Zennò S. Suzuki immediately said "but sister, Ran already knows that I date other girls besides her, but she also knows that I will never let her be inferior to others! 

By the way, Chitoge is my childhood sweetheart, who our mother asked me to befriend her. I didn't have time to tell you that she's my girlfriend too, so I hope you can get along get along well her"

Hearing this revelation, Ran Mouri immediately said with a gentle smile "nice to have you as a new teammate, I hope we will get along well"

Chitoge Kirisaki looked surprised as she thought that she would not be accepted by her, but since she seemed so kind to herself, she also kindly said "thank you, and I also hope that we will get along in the future"

Seeing them getting along so well while for some reason her sister seemed annoyed, the four stayed on the roof of the school talking, until class started again and thus spent the whole afternoon hanging out after school. 

Meanwhile, Spencer villa. In Eriri Spencer Sawamura's room, she was currently obsessively drawing the image of Zenno S. Suzuki, while she could be heard incessantly muttering "Hero! Hero! Hero!"

While she seemed truly engrossed in drawing the scene where he would save her from the bullet that was about to kill her, outside her room were her mother and father who looked seriously worried. 

"Darling, maybe we should ask your childhood friend to see if he can find a way to get her back to normal, because if she continues like this... I just hope he doesn't commit any crime, or as a father I will be very worried" said Mr. Spencer, Eriri Spencer Sawamura's father, as he could see his daughter in that state

Since he returned this morning without even going to school, he saw her in this condition with no signs of recovery, while he also learned of what had happened. 

At first I think she was just shaken by the accident, but soon she realized that she was very fine, but now she seemed to be in awe of her hero saving her life from the bad man. 

Sayuri Sawamura, the mother, said after careful deliberation, "I will have to talk to my friend Suzuki about the situation, and see if her son can help us resolve the situation. 

I just hope that my daughter doesn't do anything that could be dangerous to herself or others..."

So she went to call Tomoko Suzuki, to ask her to borrow her son and see if she could help her daughter recover from this situation. 

(Info: Eriri Spencer Sawamura)

End of Episode 30

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