I’m in an Omniverse with Anime, While I Opened My Harem

First Meeting with Utaha Kasumigaoka

[For Adam. If you read this letter that I asked my friend Serafall to give you, then it means that you managed to survive against the Primordial Goddess. 

You should know that our meeting was already planned long before we met, but I can't reveal anything for your sake. I hope you are living a good life in this world protected by barriers that keep you safe from possible invaders or a being like the Primordial Goddess who killed you. 

But I hope you can become strong as soon as possible, for the sake of the people dear to you and also for me, or you will no longer be able to live with your 'girlfriends'. 

You must know that beyond the barrier that encloses and keeps safe the world you are living in, there is now a tough battle against enemies from other omniverses. 

Now we are able to stand up to them, but they are slowly destroying and wearing us out, because they have formidable fighters who are destroying our omniverse in which we inhabit planet by planet. 

Since there is the rule that the Primordial Gods cannot be fought except as a last resort, we are forced to die because we don't have enough capable fighters, and at this rate we will lose even if we manage to kill their Primordial God. 

I hope you can become strong as soon as possible, because I know you have the talent and the means to achieve this goal. 

Our Omniverse is called, Prime, because it is the center among the countless Omniverses that exist. You must also know that in the world you currently stand in, there is a Legacy of the past, before anything was born, even before the Primordial chaos. 

I want and hope that you are lucky and strong enough to get the inheritance, so we can win the battle and conquer other omniverses, because we must unite them into one regime, so as to end the senseless wars that only bring destruction and pain. 

Maybe by the time you read the letter, I will already be dead, but there is also a possibility that I am still alive if my plan was executed well, so I hope we can meet again. 

Ps: Educate our daughter on my behalf too, because I can imagine that by now she should have already signed her own conscience.]

Having finished reading the letter, Zennò S. Suzuki could only sigh at the multitudes of information it contained, especially when he learned that she might still be alive somewhere. 

He didn't care much about the war, but he also knew that if he didn't do something to stop it, then he would regret it in the future. 

Putting the letter away, he looked gratefully at Serafall Leviathan, and said "thank you for keeping it all this time."

"There's no problem, anyway now go away I have to do something" Serafall Leviathan said while looking slightly excited for some reason unknown to him

Realizing that this was not the time to talk to her, Zennò S. Suzuki left as requested, and decided to visit Ran Mouri, since he hadn't seen or heard from her for some time. 

Going to Teitan high school, I waited for her under the school gates while she saw various students leaving because it was already time to leave, so after a few minutes while being stared at by many passers-by, she saw the figure of Ran Mouri. 

As Ran Mouri was leaving school, she saw her boyfriend to her surprise, so she ran near him while asking him with happiness and doubt "Hi Zennò, why did you come to get me, do you happen to miss me?"

"yes, I miss you a lot and I can't wait to talk to your father to convince him to allow you to move to my house, so we can do many things" he said as he whispered towards the end, thus making her blush from shyness

As he spoke, you could see several students surprised by the scene, so they whispered "but isn't that Senpai Ran, Kudo Shinichi's childhood friend? I thought she was his girlfriend or something, but I really didn't expect that she already has a boyfriend who is also super handsome... Tsk! "

"I think I saw that little boy somewhere, but I don't remember where... ah! If I'm not mistaken, he's Sonoko Suzuki's little brother!" a boy said surprised

As the crowd of students began to increase, Zennò S. Suzuki decided to take Ran Mouri away immediately, and go to his house to settle the matter with his father-in-law. 

Seeing them leave, the many students left as they started spreading the news that Ran Mouri, already had a boyfriend who was super handsome. 

Mouri Agency, Kogoro Mouri was now sleeping relaxed while a child stared out the window while appearing to show anxiety. 

"When Ran gets home, I still have to convince her to let me stay at her house so I can use her father to investigate the organization that reduced me to this state!" he said while the child revealed himself to be Conan Edogawa, or rather known as Kudo Shinichi

While waiting for Ran Mouri to arrive, he saw a luxury limousine arrive and park under the Mouri agency, so I mistakenly think that it must be a rich client who wanted Kogoro Mouri's services, but I was very wrong. 

I watch with shock the figure of Ran Mouri exiting the limousine, while he was helped by Zennò S. Suzuki, but the thing that surprised him was their closeness and physical contact. 

He could see that the two were holding each other hand in hand, while his childhood sweetheart was also turning red with shyness. 

Almost spitting blood out of jealousy, she murmured in her mind as she couldn't believe what she had just seen 'it must be that Zennò is just helping her get off. Yes, it is, so I must not fantasize too much, or I will lose sight of the truth. 

As he says: It is a huge mistake to theorize in vain. Without realizing it, we begin to distort facts to fit theories, rather than vice versa. (from A Scandal in Bohemia)

So after having relaxed thinking that it was just his mind that was thinking too much, he went to welcome them while hoping that it wouldn't end up like the last time, i.e. arrested and escorted by the police to the central station. 

That time it was very difficult to leave, because Doctor Agasa had not yet faked a new identity for himself, so he remained there for many hours before he was finally cleared and could leave. 

Going up the stairs to finally enter Kogoro Mouri's office, Ran Mouri said in a rather loud voice, "I'm back, Dad!!! A friend of mine is here, so behave."

After saying those words, they both saw Conan Edogawa appear, and so Ran Mouri asked in surprise "Conan-kun, why are you at my house again? Did you happen to argue with your parents again and run away from home? "

"No sister Ran. This time I came at the request of my parents to entrust an errand to Uncle Mouri, while my parents are abroad" he replied with the behavior of an innocent and cute child

Ran Mouri was surprised and so she asked him as Kogoro Mouri started to wake up after his call "tell me what errand do they want to give my father?"

Seeing that she wouldn't call the police like last time, Conan Edogawa breathes a sigh of relief and tells a lie that he had prepared in advance "my parents are very very busy, so they never have time to be with me and much less take care of my lifedaily. 

But even Uncle Agasa who is a close friend of my parents can't take care of me, because he is a scientist and his experiments are very dangerous, not to mention he doesn't know how to take care of a child like me. 

So my parents wanted to ask Uncle Mouri to take care of me while they are gone."

Hearing these words, Kogoro Mouri who was still groggy from sleep, immediately woke up as he said without hesitation "no!! I can't take care of brats, let alone when I'm a private detective who's always busy!"

But Ran Mouri began to refute "Dad, you haven't worked since you failed to miraculously solve the case of the kidnapping of the little girl thanks to the dog that started running in search of its owner. 

Look, Sergeant Megure already told me everything, so I wouldn't say you're busy. For now listen to what Conan-kun has to say"

Seeing that his childhood friend was helping him, Conan Edogawa was touched and quickly directed knowing what it took to convince Kogoro Mouri "Uncle Mouri, my parents asked me to give you this monthly allowance and see if the price was satisfactory enough for accept thatI'll stay here at your house"

Then he gave a paper to Kogoro Mouri that seemed to undercut any price they wanted to offer him to keep him, but when he took a look, he almost had a heart attack with joy. 

"Ghahahaha!! I got rich!" he laughed while showing a maniacal expression and his mouth wide open while holding the check

Seeing his father's exaggerated behavior, Ran Mouri cleverly took the check, and saw to his surprise seven zeros and one one, that is, ten million Japanese yen

Looking with surprise at Conan Edogawa who seems more proud of the result, he asked him with concern "Conan-kun, by any chance did you steal this money from someone. In this case we must return it to the owner and apologize to him, then go to the policemen and undergo a trial . 

Since you are still a primary school child, no one will be able to put you in prison, if you want I can ask my mom to be your lawyer. She is known as the Queen of the Courtroom, or rather as the Undisputed Queen! "she said finally with unconcealed pride

Surprised that Ran Mouri had fantasized about where the money came from, Conan Edogawa quickly explained while seeming to expect this outcome "the money comes from the Kudo family. 

I'm a distant relative of older brother Shinichi, so his parents took out a loan and you can even see it from my mother's signature on that contract! "

Seeing that Yukiko Kudo's name was indeed there, Ran Mouri let out a sigh as she handed the check back to her father knowing that he had now agreed to let Conan Edogawa stay. 

"hahaha... you stinky brat, even if my eyes can't stand you, but I don't think it will be a problem to let you stay at my house, as long as you don't make a mess or anything" he finally said, warning sternly

Finding an agreement, Conan Edogawa smiled happy at his success, especially thinking that from now on he would live under the same roof as his dear Ran Mouri. 

Seeing his happiness, Ran Mouri smiled happily for him, but then she remembered something and said seriously to her father "Dad, I wanted to tell you that tomorrow I will start preparing to move to another house, and you will not be able to stop me, or I'm going to live with my mother!"

Hearing those words, both Conan Edogawa and Kogoro Mouri were surprised, especially the former who did not yet know that she wanted to live with Zennò S. Suzuki. 

Looking with enormous surprise at her childhood friend, she then hears Zennò S. Suzuki say to Kogoro Mouri "Uncle Mouri, you have to leave the decision to your daughter, and she has no right to intervene, except when she was still a child." , but now she's a 17" girl

Seeing his intervention, Ran Mouri felt more confident and said supporting her words "yes Dad, as Zennò said, I am now old enough to decide what to do, and then up to now I have always shown myself to be quite capable of managing my life and especially yours. 

I took care of your three meals, the family bill, the rent with the money that mom sends, and especially with your gambling where you lose more than one hundred thousand yen a month, even more if there is no it were me. 

But now I would like to try living in a house of my own and try to feel how to live without having to worry about you driving us under a bridge, just because you gambled the house or all the money! "

Clearly he always felt anxious about the family's financial situation, so he also decided to leave so he wouldn't have to worry about this situation anymore. 

Kogoro Mouri felt very depressed at being scolded by his daughter, especially when he knew that everything his daughter said was true. In a fit of anger because he felt humiliated by showing off his flaws in front of Conan Edogawa and Zennò S. Suzuki, I slap your daughter. 

" Slap!!! " But before he could touch his daughter's cheek, Zennò S. Suzuki was so quick that he gave him a slap that sent him straight into the wall, as he fell unconscious

"p-dad?!!..." Ran Mouri shouted in surprise and anger, especially because he never expected that his father would dare to put his hands on herself

(In the Detective Conan storyline, Kogoro Mouri would never do this, even if you threaten him with his life)

Conan Edogawa was still surprised by these unexpected events, but he reacted in time as he went to Kogoro Mouri to see if he was okay. Checking his body, I sigh in relief and finally look in surprise at this uncle who was usually always drunk or asleep. 

He never expected him to have such an aggressive side, but in the end it was also the tendency of those who drank a lot to be violent by nature, so I ignored him as he looked with concern at Ran Mouri who surprisingly ended up in the embrace of Zennò S. Suzuki . 

He could immediately understand that the two were certainly no longer just friends, but something more, so he said with a sigh of disappointment and regret "it's a shame I didn't make the move first, but it's better this way, at least I won't have to worry about her life is in dangerof the mysterious organization"

He gave up because even if he wanted to win back Ran Mouri's love, he would have no chance in this state as a child, so it was better to give up and perhaps hope that the two will break up in the future, after he dismantles the mysterious organization that the I made a child. 

Zennò S. Suzuki looked at Ran Mouri with concern as he held him in his arms, and asked him "are you okay?"

" yes, I'm fine. Thank you for saving me from my father. I never believed that he is a person who can attack his daughter if she doesn't agree... maybe mom made the right choice in divorcing him. .. "

But his sad face showed that he never wanted to find out that his father was also abusive, not to mention the factors of alcohol, gambling and unemployment. 

(In the Detective Conan plot, Kogoro Mouri's wife had only gone to live alone, and had not yet divorced, although by law a family is obliged to live under the same roof, or only in case of work or business commitments short term. But in the plot, the two are separated by 10 years)

Waving her, Zenno S. Suzuki told him "don't worry about him, I will send someone to take care of his meals and his bank accounts, so that he doesn't waste his money, so you won't have to worry about him anymore. 

Let's go away, because now it's not suitable to stay" he finally said as he greeted Conan Edogawa politely, knowing that he would be insured, on the other hand he didn't believe that Kogoro Mouri would dare to beat a child

Seeing them go away under his sight and above all impotence, Conan Edogawa sighed and then looked at Kogoro Mouri as he said disappointedly "poor Ran..." then he left the house to get his luggage and above all some gadgets for self defense in case of need

After they left, Zennò S. Suzuki took Ran Mouri back to her house, while he could hear and see that she was still depressed about what had happened previously, so she decided to ask her sister, who was also her best friend, for help. 

When they arrived at Villa Suzuki, Ran Mouri went to Sonoko Suzuki to vent her anger, after all there was no one better than a best friend. 

Since he now had free time, he went to inquire on a private site for rich people to buy a villa, and finally found a condominium that would be more interesting compared to a villa. 

This condo was quite new and above all luxurious and surprisingly well priced at 10 million yen, not too expensive for Tokyo. 

The thing that most attracted Zennò S. Suzuki of this condominium, was that there were only a few people, and the large part of the rooms were free, so he could create a connected passage between the rooms and the various floors, to create like a single super large extended apartment with many possibilities of change theme for each room. 

The cost was less compared to directly buying a villa which could be smaller in amount of space, so in the end he decided to buy it and open a passage to connect all the rooms on the top floors. 

The apartment building was made up of twenty floors, with five houses on each floor, so he decided to use the twentieth and nineteenth floors as his future home for himself and his girlfriends, while the rest he would rent to clients who had them. need, thus earning something. 

Determined, he went straight to visit the condominium and talk to its owner about buying it. After a quick goodbye to everyone, I left and arrived in about ten minutes, because the place was very close. 

Zennò S. Suzuki was surprised to see that the condominium was in a very quiet and above all well-kept area. As he approached the first house to ask about where he could find the owner, a girl asked him in a tone

"What are you doing in front of my house, are you one of those stalkers?" asked a girl wearing a school uniform from a school that Zennò S. Suzuki didn't know. 

The girl was tall and had a nice slim figure, with dark hair reaching down to her mid-back, while wearing a white headband and scarlet colored eyes. 

But the surprising thing that could attract anyone at first glance were her disinterested expression which gives the impression that she is an unapproachable person, but above all her black pantyhose which outlines her long and perfect legs. 

The girl noticed his gaze on her legs, so I looked at him with indifference and calm and said to him "so nowadays stalkers are also leg maniacs? 

Is that why you started following me to my house? If you want I'll give you what I'm wearing, only if you go away" she said bravely as she started to remove the pantyhose

Zennò S. Suzuki was surprised to see her start to lift her skirt to allow him to see her features and her underwear as she saw something that a normal girl wouldn't show so easily even if he were her boyfriend. 

Stopping immediately as he blocked her movements with his hand, he awkwardly told her, "Sorry if I looked too hard to make you mistakenly think I was a stalker, but I couldn't help it, you're beautiful. 

Anyway, I wanted to knock on the door of your house to ask you if you know who the owner of this condominium was?... let me introduce myself, my name is Zennò S. Suzuki" he said, remembering good manners

The girl looked at him for a moment, and in the end she returned to her usual calm expression but which conveyed a sense of mature and stable charm, and said, also introducing herself, "Utaa Kasumigaoka, the owner of this condominium you see" but hearing his words , Zennò S. Suzuki was very surprised

Seeing his astonished expression, Utaha Kasumigaoka was interested, so she asked him in a more gentle tone, "So, what do you need my help for? Maybe you want to move into my apartment building too?"

Sensing his change, Zennò S. Suzuki explained to him with more certainty, given how available he seemed to be: "in theory I wanted to compare the entire property of your condominium and then transform the top two floors into a connected house, but I changed my mind"

" oh… I didn't imagine anyone would be so interested in my property, but do you have enough money to do something like that? " asked Utaha Kasumigaoka, while with her left hand she moved her long hair back, because the wind suddenly blew on her

Seeing such an enchanting scene, Zennò S. Suzuki was fascinated by it, but I don't forget to say "I have the necessary money, but I don't have your permission to buy the whole condominium. 

But even the last two floors are enough for me, I'll buy even if I have to pay double the original price" I explain quickly, fearing that he didn't want to sell because the price was too low. 

But she laughed strangely and said "there's no problem, I needed new buyers anyway, but I can only rent the top two floors, because I'm very attached to this condominium, so if you don't mind, I can also give you a favorable price." ....ten thousand for each room"

Hearing the price, Zennò S. Suzuki immediately happily said "I accept!" But he didn't know that ten thousand for each room was a little too much, but being used to being rich, he didn't pay attention to it, especially because the other part was very beautiful, and gave him a unique charm. 

Utaha Kasumigaoka was surprised, especially because she said the price to make fun of him, but since the other party didn't seem to mind paying that much, she didn't have much trouble accepting either. 

After a quick signing of a document and calling their lawyers to see if there were any accidents, they successfully signed the contract and ultimately both were satisfied with the outcome. 

Zennò S. Suzuki then called a renovation company that owed his father a favor, and asked him to do the job he wanted within a day. At first they said it was impossible, but then he gave them a million, and so they accepted. 

Watching the trial from the sidelines, Utaha Kasumigaoka was surprised and interested by the mysterious boy who rented the top two floors of her apartment building, but eventually returned to her home to continue writing her novel, The Metronome in Love. A story she had just started writing. 

(The plot of Utaha Kasumigaoka's story is totally different from those who have seen the soul, because here the story will be totally different. Anime stories are not the plot of my fanfiction)

(Info: Utaha Kasumigaoka)

End of Episode 17

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