I’m in an Omniverse with Anime, While I Opened My Harem

Shizuka Minamoto’s First Time (+18)

After a few minutes, Koneko Toujou entered the room While two girls were following her as she warned "Zennò, Mıo came with her younger sister"

"Thank you for telling me Koneko. Benevento my beautiful new home and yours too if you want to stay and live here" he said as he looked at the new girl who looked like a ten year old girl, with silver hair

"I won't allow Mıo-sama to stay in a place like that with a stranger who maybe just wants her body!" the little girl said immediately as she stepped between the two to protect her behind herself

Seeing his behavior, Zennò S. Suzuki smiled and politely explained "my name is Zennò S. Suzuki, and I am now the owner of all the apartments on the top two floors, and also the person who has entered into a loyalty contract. 

In return I gave him my power. As I get stronger, she will get stronger too, but at a slower pace than me but not too much slower. 

However I am not a sensual maniac who wants your sister's body, but I must admit that she is very beautiful. However, you can live in one of the apartments on the top two floors, and I will give you the key" she said as she took out many keys given to her by Utaha Kasumigaoka

The name of the little girl brought by Mıo Naruse, was Marıa Naruse, and she was also a Demon follower who protected her in case of danger and assisted her in normal days. 

Today when she learned that her lady had married someone without even informing her, she was very surprised but suspicious towards Zennò S. Suzuki, on the other hand she knew that inside Mıo Naruse, there was all the power of the previous Demon King . 

But in the end I agree to follow her also to see who the new ally was, but above all to see if she could trust him or not. So far she hasn't encountered any problems, except that it was super handsome and gave her a tingling sensation in her private parts, making her wary and look at him suspiciously. 

She being someone knowledgeable in that area, knew that perhaps the other party had used a strong pheromone or aphrodisiac against them to have this effect, so I mistakenly think he was not a good guy. 

But Zennò S. Suzuki seemed to notice his thoughts and immediately said "I don't even know the reason why every time I meet a girl, I end up feeling those effects, but I can only hypothetically think that it is due to my special physique and my bloodline of multiple races"

Hearing for the first time something Koneko Toujou didn't know about him, I pay attention as well as the other three girls. 

Seeing them so interested in knowing what race he was, Zennò S. Suzuki said without hiding anything "I am Adam and now also Zennò S. Suzuki. I was once the creation of a Primordial Goddess, but now I am born from two humans who are the My parents. 

My race is mixed, made up of 1/4 Human, 1/4 Primordial beings, 1/4 God and finally another race unknown to me. However this secret will have to remain between us, because I don't want it to be known around

Being shocked by the revelation, all the girls looked at him with curiosity and surprise, while Zennò S. Suzuki remembered to ask his new partner something "I didn't ask you first because the situation wasn't suitable, but how come your name is? "

"Yuki Nonaka, sir" he replied with respect knowing the true identity of Zennò S. Suzuki, on the other hand existence as a God were already the pinnacle of this world, so as not to imagine Primordial beings he had never heard of

Seeing her so humble and treating him in a way he didn't like, Zennò S. Suzuki said with a sigh "you can also stop calling me that, just call me Zennò. I don't like these types of titles, so in the future try not to call me that"

"I understand Zennò" she immediately replied with a nod while she was more surprised, given that she usually saw many boys who called themselves by more high-sounding names than him

Returning to the situation with Marıa Naruse, she said uncertainly "so you didn't want Mıo-sama's body???"

"Yes, I had no intention of doing so" he replied thinking that the other party had finally calmed down

But suddenly, she said in surprise "I didn't think there was a guy who wasn't attracted to Mıo-sama's sexy body, maybe you're attracted to males by chance- Ghaa!"

But just when he wanted to continue talking, Mıo Naruse grabbed his head as he looked apologetically at Zennò S. Suzuki, and told him "I'm sorry for not educating her, but now I'm going to punish her to make her understand!"

Finally, while Marıa Naruse pleaded for her safety, Mıo Naruse dragged her into another room as screaming could begin to be heard. 

" um... now I think... who's calling me?" he said as his cell phone rang, so he took it out and saw an unexpected name

"Shizuka, what happens if you call me after so long since we last saw each other? Did Nobita get into a fight with Gian again?" she asked knowing that the two often argued

"No, that's not why I wanted to call you. Are you free this afternoon to come to my house to eat the biscuits I just put in the oven?" he asked in a quiet but hopeful voice. 

Hearing her invitation, he felt happy and so he replied "okay, I'll come around three in the afternoon if that's okay with you"

"I'll see you later then, Zennò" he replied in a happier tone as he hung up the call

From Shizuka Minamoto, at her home. She was currently looking eagerly at a sub-species of a chubby dwarf with yellow skin and two ears that were supposed to be cat's. 

"Dorami I managed to invite him to my house! Thank you for helping me convince me to invite him, or I wouldn't have done it because I was too... shy" said Shizuka Minamoto as she began to blush from shyness

"Shizuka, I always told you to be brave, because Zennò is a good boy and you already know he will be your future husband, after all we even went into the future to make sure it was all true!" said Dorami, while giving a pat safety to make her feel better

Hearing his words, Shizuka Minamoto felt calmer as she thought about that day when Dorami made her appearance from her desk which was now connected to a time travel portal. 

At that time she told him that she had come from the future so that she could solve her love problem with Zennò S. Suzuki, especially because it was fundamental for the future peace of the world, but she did not tell this part to the little girl of At that time. 

Shizuka Minamoto realized that she had come to help her confess to her childhood love, Zenno S. Suzuki, the boy who had always been popular in school and good at every school subject. 

At first she only saw him as a friend who she found handsome, but slowly as time passed, she began to feel a spring feeling, so she discovered with the help of her mother, that she had fallen in love with him. 

But not knowing how to confess or for fear of being rejected, she never told Zennò S. Suzuki, thus spending more than five years watching him from afar or staying close to him only as a friend. 

But one day, Dorami appeared and was sent from the future to help her solve her problem, and so the two came up with many plans that went up in smoke due to various accidents or because Shizuka Minamoto was too shy to come forward. 

Even now, she bends all her courage to invite him to her house to eat some homemade biscuits with all her love. 

Sure when she wasn't in love yet, she wouldn't have had so much trouble inviting him, but now it was as if her entire perspective had completely changed. 

Happy for the success, Shizuka Minamoto said worriedly "it's better if I also start cooking some delicacies or some other dessert that he might like. I just hope he makes it in time"

"Shizuka, there's no need to be so sumptuous, your biscuits are enough to make him understand the love you put into making them, or if there are too many things he won't be able to understand it" Dorami said thus stopping her intention

"b-but, what if he doesn't like it? What if the cookies turned out bad? And... and" As Shizuka Minamoto began to worry about unfounded problems, Dorami sighed as she wondered how she could have changed so much since she fell in love

" then we will use the 'Sapore e Amore' gadget. Put a drop in each biscuit, so when Zennò eats it, he will feel the love you put into the preparation, the commitment and dedication behind the biscuits. 

This in the future is usually used to make husbands understand the effort they put into taking care of dinner, cleaning and other household chores" Dorami said as he took out a bottle with a measuring spoon

Selling the object she had just taken out, Shizuka Minamoto asked worriedly "are we sure that using these means is not dangerous? When Nobita and Doraemon tried to use the Imprint egg on me, in the end if it weren't for your intervention, maybe I would have fallen in love with Nobita"

Remembering the past and how Nobita used the Imprint Egg Gadget, which has the function of inserting a person inside the gadget, and after 15 minutes he will be in love with the first person he meets first. 

Luckily, Dorami arrived in time, thus stopping everything and scolding Doraemon for giving a Gadget that controls other people's love without even hesitating. 

Soon the hours passed and it was almost three in the afternoon, in the meantime Zennò S. Suzuki began to walk to Shizuka Minamoto's house, while he had told the others to stay at home or go wherever they wanted, on the other hand he didn't want to limit and so did he he had an obligation. 

While walking to Shizuka Minamoto's house, he saw some beautiful flowers in a shop, so he went to buy them thinking that she might like them. 

After buying it, he left and after a few minutes of walking, he finally arrived at the Minamoto house. 

There I meet Mrs. Michiko, Shizuka Minamoto's mother. When he saw her, she saw him too, so the two greeted each other while Zennò S. Suzuki clarified the reason for her coming "I came because Shizuka asked me to come to eat the biscuits that she made"

"Shizuka told me before. In the meantime, take a seat in the house while I ask Dorami where she went" said Michiko Minamoto, as she left to look for Dorami

Having permission, Zennò S. Suzuki entered the house without problems, while also feeling the need to go to the bathroom to empty his tank, so entering without knocking thinking that no one was there, he saw a breathtaking scene. 

In the bathroom there was Shizuka Minamoto who was sitting in front of a mirror while she was washing her medium-long and straight hair with shampoo, while the foam prevented her from opening her eyes. 

Noticing someone's arrival, she mistakenly thought it was her mother, so she asked, "Mom, hand me the hair razor," she said while rubbing her hair and keeping her eyes closed. 

But Zennò S. Suzuki did not respond fearing that he might be discovered, so she took the razor and placed it in front of her, then turning with the intention of leaving, you hear her ask again "mom, help me get the delicate skin soap which is close to me, but my eyes are closed and I struggle totake it"

Hearing her request, Zennò S. Suzuki calmed his nerves for fear that he couldn't hold back and jump on Shizuka Minamoto who was naked and wet, thus making her more beautiful. 

Finally he took the soap and opened it as he dropped it on Shizuka Minamoto's body, not forgetting to be careful not to let her touch him, and finally tried to leave just when he saw an outrageously intimate and erotic scene. 

He saw her start to open her legs wide while she washed her thighs with her hands and then slowly also her vagina which had little hair. 

While he was watching the scene spellbound, I noticed her start to take the razor and skilfully remove the hair from her armpits, which were few, while showing a position that stimulated him a lot. 

Then when she finished her job, she began to gently remove her pubic hair, while spreading her legs wide open to make the removal process smooth, showing the features of her vagina. 

As he began to swallow at such a provocative scene, he felt his blood rush as he couldn't help but raise his flag, so finally realizing that he would have to leave, or he couldn't hold back. 

He had to admit that if it had been before he lost his virginity, then he would have come out instantly when he saw that Shizuka Minamoto was there taking a bath, but now he had changed. 

Intending to leave, Shizuka Minamoto asked excitedly, "Mom, hasn't Zennò arrived yet? I can't wait for him to arrive. I hope he likes my cookies."

Hearing his words full of affection and hope, Zennò S. Suzuki realized that it was not good to stare like a pervert, so he immediately left while Shizuka Minamoto began to notice some anomaly. 

Opening his eyes with difficulty, he saw the boy he was in love with in the bathroom with her. Just as panic, shyness, confusion and other feelings were about to erupt in a scream, Zennò S. Suzuki noticed her and so he went on top of her while pushing her to the ground while covering her mouth with his hand. 

Their position was very ambiguous, because he was holding Shizuka Minamoto's mouth closed, while with his knee he pushed her vagina to block her every movement to get up, while with his free hand he deftly took both of the other's wrists part. 

Looking at her seriously as he understood that he no longer had the dignity of being called her friend and a man, he carefully said to her "I'm sorry if I entered the bathroom without knocking, but I didn't think you were here to wash yourself just a few minutes before our meeting. 

But please, stay silent while I let you go, or your parents will see me as they will think I'm trying to attack you, and I don't want to be misunderstood, much less have to leave you as a friend just because of this incident. If you understand, blink"

Batting her eyelashes, Shizuka Minamoto was released while still confused on how to react in this situation. Staring at the boy she was in love with, she felt even more shy when she thought about the various things and poses she had done in front of him. 

Zennò S. Suzuki sighed as he told her "I'm sorry for having wronged you, but I didn't think that a situation like this would happen again like when we were little. 

But now that you've gotten older, I have no more excuses and so I will have to take my responsibilities. What would you like in return? " she finally asked as she thought that such a wrong could be repaid

"I... I also want... I also want you... to be in the same situation as me!" he finally said while his face blushed from too much embarrassment, on the other hand he could never have imagined dreaming of ask such a thing, except in his dreams

Hearing her request, Zennò S. Suzuki immediately said "okay" then started to undress while thinking that there was no problem if it was her, on the other hand he also had to admit that now he was too excited to think about future consequences

Shizuka Minamoto covered her eyes when she saw him start to undress, but coincidentally she kept an opening through which she saw the whole process. 

As she saw him take off his clothes thus showing his bare chest which was without obvious traces of fat but only very firm and perfect muscles, neither too much nor too little, she felt embarrassed. 

While her head was fuzzy but full of emotions, she saw him start to take off his pants, thus showing his pits which had a very huge bulge. 

Almost surprised to death as she couldn't help but think of a man's penis that she had seen from the directions of her professor who taught human anatomy, she couldn't help but be stunned. 

Even if he had to admit that he had searched on the internet for the size of a normal penis and also that of the gifted ones, he would never have thought that Zennò S. Suzuki was also one of the gifted ones. 

Watching as he took off his boxes too, she saw that his penis seemed bigger and wider as she seemed to smell a scent that made her horny and wet. 

While she was absorbed in observing him, Zennò S. Suzuki told her as she went to take a full basin of water "clean your hair well from the shampoo, or you could hurt your eyes"

Then as he poured the water for her, he boldly approached her while moving her hair to show the other party's face well, and finally asking him "would you like to help me wash myself since I'm already in the bathroom?"

Hearing his words, Shizuka Minamoto responded without thinking too much because she was essentially absorbed in the "yes" moment

As he took some soap and then slowly spread it on Zennò S. Suzuki's body, he felt to his surprise that the muscles on the other side were really hard, as if it were made of steel, while he couldn't help but look at the penis every now and then still erect. 

Swallowing several times as he stared at his penis, you heard him ask, "Are you curious to see how it can stay so erect? If you want, I can let you touch it, but you'll have to take the responsibility of making it go into hibernation."

While his voice became enchanting and very suggestive for Shizuka Minamoto, Zennò S. Suzuki stood up while positioning his penis in front of her, thus hoping that she would take it with her hands. 

As she looked at the penis from the front, you swallowed once more as she reached out and unsurely took the penis, thus feeling the heat in it. 

As she held the penis in her hands, she felt like she wanted to rub it as she was curious what would come out of it at the end of the process, so as she started to move her hand up and down, she looked carefully at the penis. 

Hearing that she had begun, Zennò S. Suzuki felt happy as he looked at her with more passion and desire, especially now that all this had begun. 

For fear that someone would suddenly enter, he sealed off the place with his magical power, thus not allowing anyone to enter and feel what was here. 

While enjoying the blowjob, he asked her "since you are helping me to calm my penis, would you like me to try to calm your vagina which is releasing a lot of liquid?"

Hearing his words, Shizuka Minamoto realized that she was very wet, so she said shyly "it's okay Zennò, help me too calm my pussy"

So the two lay down on the bathroom floor which was spacious and above all clean, while Zennò S. Suzuki began to touch her wet pussy, as she began to give little kisses on her cheek, then on her mouth and even on her neck, while she was shyly doing her best to give him a blowjob. 

After a few minutes while they did all this, she could no longer hold back as she came thus releasing a lot of love liquid, while Zennò S. Suzuki also came on top of him, thus smearing his body. 

Seeing her dirty with his sperm, Zennò S. Suzuki took the water and began to clean her in a sensual way, while he could see her tremble with pleasure every time it passed in some places of her body, so after having removed all the sperm, he lifted her delicately. 

While he was making her lean on the edge of the bathtub, as if he wanted her to sit, Zennò S. Suzuki asked her "do you want to continue?"

" um..  " he replied with a shy demeanor, while his face was covered by his hands

Looking at her, Zennò S. Suzuki grabbed her two hands as she finally showed her innocent face but full of blushing from embarrassment, so she told him as she approached her earlobe, to finally bite gently "get ready, because you will no longer be able to return indirectly"

" Hiiaaa " Letting out a shudder as she let out a cute moan, Zennò S. Suzuki raised her legs, while his hand gripped her waist to keep her from falling

Positioning his penis at the entrance to her pussy, he told her with a happy but worried smile, "It's going to hurt, so shout as much as you want, because no one will be able to hear."

Realizing that his words sounded like those of a bad intent to rape a girl, he coughed as he began to rephrase his words "if it's going to hurt you, you can scream without worrying that your parents will hear, because I've cordoned off the place."

Not understanding how this could be possible, Shizuka Minamoto ignored the matter, while asking "be slow please."

Finally, Zennò S. Suzuki slowly and gently inserted it into her pussy, while she let out a loud squeal and started to cry, thus crying and showing a happy expression at the same time. 

"Are you okay? Do you want me to stop for a moment to let you rest and adjust?" he asked as he caressed her head, while he lifted her to lay her on a comfortable bed of Qi, which I create with his energy

As Shizuka Minamoto felt her stomach being filled to the hilt by his penis, she could also feel a strong tear at her hymen as blood leaked out and she felt a sense of joy mixed with pain in the moment. 

She was happy that even in this way, she got the love of the boy she was in love with, so while she endured the pain, she said "you can-you can continue...but be slow"

Sensing her consent, Zennò S. Suzuki began to move as he slowly but steadily pushed into her, thus making her jump from both pleasure and pain. 

While the two were having sex, ten minutes passed while Zennò S. Suzuki was still going slowly, but I notice that she was starting to get used to it, as she seemed to feel a lot of pleasure. 

" ahnn... ahnnn..." continuing to feel her pussy being perforated by Zennò S. Suzuki's penis, Shizuka Minamoto couldn't help but pronounce those erotic phrases, while with her legs she clung to the other's waist part, thus also trying to be penetrated more deeply

" Ahnnnnn " As a result, you feel that the penis has crossed a threshold and I begin to frantically slam into your uterus, while you can't help but let out a deep squeal of pleasure

While Zennò S. Suzuki could hear her squealing with pleasure, he was stimulated as she came inside him, thus quickly filling the entire uterus and ovaries, while the remaining sperm flowed out of the vagina. 

Logically he had already deactivated the pregnancy factor with his system, because he was not yet ready to have children. 

As he came inside her, Shizuka Minamoto felt the sperm inside her, while she could feel a sensation of pleasure priceless compared to all the experiences of masturbating alone or with a fake penis she had gotten from her mother. 

Letting out a pleasant sigh of relief while he could feel the tiredness, he felt to his surprise that Zennò S. Suzuki's penis had not yet been tamed, so he did not give up and wanted to continue. 

But just when she wanted to continue, Zennò S. Suzuki pulled out his penis while telling her "now it's better if we stop, or your mother might start to suspect something. 

We can do it after you come to my new house, so no one will disturb us" then while caressing her, I help her to wash herself again while treating her gently

After getting cleaned and dressed, they both left the bathroom while Zennò S. Suzuki didn't forget to relieve himself, since he hadn't done so yet. 

As soon as they left, it was heard by Dorami's suspicious face that he seemed to realize what had happened, as he uncertainly asked "are you okay Shizuka?"

"y-yes, I'm fine Dorami... now let's go eat the cookies I made earlier" he finally said as he could feel the panic in his heart, so I try to change the topic of the embarrassing situation

In the end while Dorami didn't ask anything so following the two who were gently holding hands as if nothing had happened, a message from the future came to him with a device connected to his mind. 

[Congratulations Dorami, you have managed to arrange for Emperor Zenno to be with one of his current wives, Empress Shizuka. He still remains there to observe and prevent anyone from interfering in their relationship]

Seeing the notification from the future, Dorami sighed as she said internally 'in the end there was no need for me to intervene in this whole story'

But she didn't know that if she hadn't convinced Shizuka Minamoto to invite Zennò S. Suzuki to eat cookies, then all of this wouldn't have happened at all. 

(Info: Shizuka Minamoto)

End of Episode 19

(It's my birthday today, so I committed to making two episodes, even though I was busy planni

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