I’m in an Omniverse with Anime, While I Opened My Harem

The beginning

"Primordial God, why do you leave me on this planet after you created me?! " a Peerless-looking naked boy said regretfully to a beautiful woman who was floating in the air, while showing an expression of indifference

She looked at the boy and said to him "don't take it too badly son, even though I'm glad that you care about me and don't want to leave me, but take into account the difference between our identities. 

I am a Primordial God, while you are simply my creation made for pastime, so don't get too many illusions, or I might even kill you instantly! "

Once she finished saying those words, the woman who was one of the Primordial Gods of the Omniverse, left, leaving the boy on a planet with only plants, but no signs of life. 

The boy remained frozen in place, as he regretfully and indignantly thought his creator's words, over and over, until he sighed in disappointment. 

Looking around, the boy said "I was created just a week ago, but I have a lot of skills and power to survive on an uninhabited planet, so I should be able to survive even without his help. 

Ok, think positively and in the future I will have my longed-for revenge!. First I have to give myself a name since she didn't give me one, maybe I should be called Michael, or Lucifer... no, better Adam! 

In the future I will be Adam, the being who will be able to defeat a Primordial God for the first time in all time! "

Having decided on his name, Adam began to hum a few symphonies and then began to explore his surroundings, thus spending several minutes before making sure there was a source of food and drink, even though he knew he didn't need them. 

As one of the most powerful creations of a Primordial God ruling over the omniverse, he himself was at least strong enough to defeat a universal-level power. 

Strength was classified into the following categories: Mortal (strength equal to or greater than a person) - Heroic (strength equal to destroy a city) - Saint (strength enough to destroy a nation) - Semi-Divine (strength enough to conquer the entire world) - Divine (strength sufficient toconquer various planets) - Planetarium (you are able to destroy an entire planet) - Gallactic (you are able to destroy a galaxy) - Universe (you are able to destroy a Universe) - Multiverse (you are able to destroy a Multiverse) - Omniverse (you are able to destroyan Omniverse). 

Being anatomically self-sufficient to survive without any difficulty on a planet, Adam however did not know how to become strong enough to make his creator, whose name is Sophie White, pay. 

Now that he thought about it carefully, since Sophie's last name was White, then since he was a kind of son, would he get her last name too? 

While he was having an internal dilemma about whether to agree to use the surname or not, suddenly you hear a melodic sound of a girl. 

"la, la, la la!" While singing a tune, the girl who appeared in front of Adam stopped surprised at seeing a living being besides herself, then approached with curiosity and asked him

"Who are you? What is your name? And why are you similar to me?" asked the girl with a fairytale and incomparable appearance in an innocent and tender voice. 

Adam immediately felt a heartbeat which made him very nervous, so he replied with a certain shyness which I however try to hide " um... my name is Adam, and I think we are similar because perhaps we come from the same origins?... at least perhaps I believe. "

Looking at the girl in front of her, Adam thought that she was also the creation of a Primordial God, but he wasn't entirely sure, he was somewhat perplexed when he saw her. 

" Adam... Adam, so that's your name. Nice name. My name is Eve, and I'm... I'm... I don't remember who I am, however since I don't remember, I don't think it's that important! Ehehehe.. ."

Hearing and seeing Eve's seemingly innocent and stupid behavior, Adam was somehow attracted to her, so he watched her laugh with gusto and pleasure as he thought about how beautiful she was. 

The two talked about various things and in the end they decided to be together since there was no one besides them. 

The time passes very quickly, and soon a month passes. Now Adam and Eve had moved beyond their normal friendship, thus confirming their mutual love which was based on their special affinity. 

The two lived their days happily and carefree, while cuddling each other, thus enjoying every single moment of the time spent. But Adam soon realized that he still had to take revenge on Sophie, so he began to create an object with Eve's help. 

The item had many features that could help both of them become stronger, so they named it System. They discovered one day that if they united their Yang and Yin, an unknown energy would come out which would then merge into their body, to finally create a consciousness and a mysterious power that would make them stronger. 

This consciousness they called System, because it possessed many features that a system should have, such as: Statistics, Inventory, Missions and rewards. 

Both of them did not fully understand why they could create a System that only a Primordial God could do, but Adam who had seen the process of Sophie's creation of a System, had hypothetically thought that her powers plus those of Eve which were equal to theirs, they would havereached the level of a Primordial God. 

But he didn't know that it was actually only by pure coincidence that the two could have the ability to create a System with their essences, and it had nothing to do with the Primordial God. 

Returning to Adam and Eve, the two were now close to completing the creation of a system, so they were excited to find out what would happen. 

" ah... Adam, we finally completed the last step! " Eva said happily as she stood next to him

Hearing his words, Adam nodded happily and said to him while holding a pure and transparent white orb "now all that remains is to decide which of us absorbs the system"

"...you take it, I have no need for it. If I'm not mistaken, you still have to take revenge against your creator, so if you get the system's help, you will become stronger in no time. 

While I don't have any enemy that I want to defeat, so use it you who need it most" Eva said with sincerity and love

Hearing the sweet words of his dear Eva, Adam was deeply moved, so I hugged her as I began to cuddle him as she told him "thank you for your kindness. I promise you that from now on, I will make you the happiest girl who will ever exist! " then he gave her a kiss

Being kissed and happy to hear Adam's words, Eve tenderly said after being kissed "come on don't be cheesy with me, because you won't get anything" but even though she said that, her actions said the opposite, because she took the initiative to kiss him

As the two expressed their feelings, suddenly thunder fell nearby, thus interrupting the happiness of the moment. 

Adam was immediately alert, and he put Eve behind him who was worried. As you watched the smoke appear after the lightning strike, you heard a familiar voice, "So now you're living with a girl who was created by another Primordial God?"

Hearing the tone full of sourness and jealousy, Adam was taken aback as he realized who the voice was, so he said with curiosity and uncertainty "Sophie, why did you come to earth after you decided to abandon me?"

But Sophie who heard Adam's unhumble tone, got even more annoyed, so she used her powers that could destroy an omniverse with a sneeze, to catch him while she said maliciously "how dare a simple and miserable creature call its creator by name! 

These days since I left you alone on this small and insipid planet, has your attitude become more arrogant?. Maybe it's time to teach you a lesson you'll remember for the rest of your life! "

Finally, Sophie blocked Adam's every movement while with his other hand he took hold of Eve's hand, who was now struggling to free himself from her. 

Adam who saw all this while he was helpless to save his dear woman, screamed full of anger towards Sophie "I swear I will kill you if you hurt her even a little, even if you make even a single hair fall out!"

Hearing his fierce and threatening words, Sophie felt very angry, so she also said angrily "How dare you threaten me, a Primordial Goddess! 

I came with the intention of bringing you back to my side to be one of my possible and future candidates for the position of possible lover, since you looked much more beautiful than anyone I have ever seen, but since you treat me like this, then I don't you need to exist more! "

Finishing speaking, Sophie uses her power of Destruction to finally kill him, but just as she was about to succeed while Adam was immersed in fear of leaving Eve in Sophie's hands, he saw a scene that he will never forget in his life. 

"No, Eve!!!" Adam shouted in immense pain as he saw Eve tear off her arm with a sword made of energy condensed into a solid form, then fall in front of him and suffer Sophie's attack

As the powerful and massive energy of Destruction released by Sophie corrodes and annihilates Eve's body, she reluctantly looked at Adam as she sadly said as she began to cry, "I'm so sorry I can't spend time with you anymore, but I feel like than our dayshappy they're over. 

Adam, I will never forget my feelings for you, so don't forget that I will be there forever in your heart, and for this reason you must be able to bear the pain you will feel in the most difficult moments, like in this moment. Promise it Adam"

Hearing her words slowly growing fainter, as he could see Eve's body showing a clear sign of decay, Adam forced himself to remain calm as he could feel the immense pain that was worse than any physical torture, and then said with difficulty " yes, youI promise "

Just as he finished saying those sentences, he saw Sophie throw another blow at Eva who was already half dead, thus making her suffer more. Then you hear her say "get out of my sight, you filthy little girl!"

Finally, under Adam's sight, he saw Eve shrink into micro particles of black energy that slowly dispersed into nothingness. 

Adam desperately tried to move and free himself from Sophie's grip, but everything was in vain while he could only witness Eve's death. Screaming full of anger, sadness, wrath, and above all lookout, he said in a deep tone full of a chilling chill "Ahh! ... Sophie, I never knew what it felt like to hate someone, but now I know thanks to you! 

I swear that if I am ever able to survive, I will look for you to make you suffer a hundred times more what you made Eva and me feel!!! "

When he finished speaking, Adam saw that Sophie did not take him too seriously, in fact, she laughed and said to him lightly "I could become the richest woman if they paid me ten cents for every person who swore to kill me or take revenge against me, but it's a shame there isn't anyone who iswilling to give them to me. 

Remember in your next life not to cross my path, or I will make you suffer one hundred and twenty times more than what you felt today... no, I was joking, I will kill you and make sure that you can't even be reincarnated!!! "

Then with a cruel smile, Sophie definitively killed Adam, while she did not notice that the orb that had been created by the union of the Yang and Yin of Adam and Eve, secretly merged into Adam's body shortly before being physically and mentally annihilated ( also applies to the soul). 

Sophie who was the only one left on the desolate land, felt a little sad as she said "too bad that little boy dared to go against his creator, or I would have liked to make him one of my faithful little dogs. 

Anyway who was that little girl I just killed a few moments ago??? Really strange, I don't think I've ever seen her in this omniverse... well, never mind since they're both dead now."

Finally, Sophie disappeared from the earth while unbeknownst to her or anyone else, another figure that looked exactly like Eve but was hundreds of times more beautiful, appeared while holding a small Multicolored flame. 

The girl who looked like Eve said as she looked at the small flame in her hand, "my dear Adam, I'm sorry to make you suffer so much, but I do all this for our future. 

For now I will send you to my Omniverse in the hope that it will awaken your true memories and above all your powers that can save us from the invaders who are trying to conquer every single omniverse in existence. 

I hope you make it in time, or we won't be able to see each other again. In the hope that your future path runs smoothly, I have decided to enhance the system that was born thanks to our essence, so it is considered as a subspecies of son or daughter. 

Goodbye Adam" Finally, Eve took the little Multicolored flame that was Adam's remaining soul, and finally put it into a wormhole that would lead him into a new omniverse

(Info: World of Detective Conan)

(Info: Alternative site with the same story)

End of Episode 1

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