I'm in Genshin, I'm really not innocent

Chapter 121 [Young Master] Dadalia

Suzumiya Yuu is quite satisfied with Taki Qi's performance. After all, the other party is not the holder of the God's Eye. Even if he has learned to breathe water, he has only held the knife for less than half a year.

It took less than half a year to show such strength, and Takiaki's achievements in the future are immeasurable, and maybe even surpassed the Kujo Saura in the human period.

Before Kujo Sara became a ghost, her strength was considered top-notch among humans, but it was a pity that she met Suzumiya Yuu, and her combat power at the ceiling level of humans could not be displayed at all.

"You performed well. Remember your state of mind during the battle. No matter what difficulties you face, you can remain absolutely calm. If you can do it, then you have met my requirements."

After praising Long Qi a little, the two continued to move towards the depths of He Guan.

Suzumiya remembers that there seems to be an altar dedicated to Kapaqili in Crane View, and the name of that place is Mount Suga, which seems to be located in the central area of ​​Crane View.

But just relying on the memory in the game, Suzumiya Yuu would never be able to find it there.

However, if the Fools want to awaken Kapaqili's remaining power, they must gather all five feathers, but one feather was swallowed by Suzumiya Yusuke, so they couldn't complete the plan at all.

Not only that, they won't leave until they find the last feather, so Suzumiya Yuu has enough time to find Suga Nayama.

Moreover, Mt. Sugana is easy to identify. As long as you can find the Maozhi Sacrificial Ground, then the mountain next to it is Mt. Sugna. If the terrain in the game and the terrain in reality are not surprising.

At the same time, on the other side of Crane View.

It looks like a huge and strong mountain, but in fact there is nothing inside. This is the Kana mountain that Suzumiya Yuu and the others are looking for.

At this moment, a young man was standing in front of Capaccili's altar, holding in his hands the three feathers that the fools had finally found after a lot of effort.

It's just that he was puzzled, why couldn't the last two feathers be found? Obviously, he has searched the entire Crane Temple, and even the adventurers who came here to investigate something not long ago were arrested by him.

It's a pity that he didn't find the remaining two feathers from those adventurers, and those guys didn't know anything about Kapaqili at all.

This is not surprising, the Crane Temple has been deserted thousands of years ago, no one lives there, and few people come back. There are even a group of twisted monsters that have traveled from other worlds.

Those are the monster beasts that can only appear in Heguan. I heard that they come from the abyss, so they will attack humans indiscriminately, just like the abyss mages.

In order to deal with those monsters, the fools lost a lot of companions, because the attacks of those monsters are very strange.

As long as a wound can be left on the body, it will continue to cause damage to the human body until eventually death, and only a small number of people can survive.

But to this young man, those monsters are just ordinary monsters that are not even worthy of making him want to fight.

Because he is none other than the last of the executive officers of the Fools—[Prince] Dadalia.

The son's real name is Ajax, and he is the youngest executive officer. The other executive officers are either experts with rich combat experience, or old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years.

But the young master is an exception. His real age is only about twenty years old, and he studied under a mysterious swordsman from the abyss named Silk Keke.

Regarding Silk's information, the game only mentions it briefly in the son's background story, and the only thing that can show her strength is that she can easily defeat the son without using her hands.

Silk Kirk is a remnant of the ancient country Kanria. Even so, there is no information showing that Silk Kirk is loyal to the Abyss Cult.

The currently known remnants of Kanria: Daiinsreb, [Gold] Rhinedot, [Harlequin], the Chief Executive Officer of the Fools, and Silk Kirk just mentioned.

Among the first three, none of them are loyal to the Abyssal Order, and Daiinsreb even made destroying them his lifelong goal.

Of course, this is just a guess. After all, there is too little information about Silk, so it is too early to make a conclusion.

"My lord." At this time, the advance troops of the Fools who were sent out to find the remaining two feathers returned.

They knelt down on one knee first, and then began to report.

"I'm very sorry, we searched the Crane Temple again, but... still haven't found the last two feathers."

Hearing this, the young master was not angry, because this was the expected result.

On the surface, Crane View looks only this big, but in fact, there are various ancient relics inside it. According to his guess, the remaining two feathers should be hidden in these ancient relics.

However, these ruins are very dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will trigger the mechanism and die.

The young master has been to similar places before, so he knows very well how difficult it will be to find the last two feathers, even if it takes the lives of all the fools' troops, it may not be successful.

But if some despicable means are used, such as using all human and financial resources, to lure those greedy guys from Naruto Island to Crane View, and force them to go to the ancient ruins for themselves.

From the young master's point of view, it doesn't matter even if such a guy dies, he is a pest who will not contribute to society anyway.

Not only that, but the Treasure Thieves Group and Ye Fuzhong are also very suitable to be the unlucky ones who complete this task. As long as they have treasures, they will fight hard even if they risk their lives.

There are many ways to successfully complete the plan, even without a single soldier. It's just that the fools are now wanted in the entire Daozuma territory, and they have no way to go to Naruto Island.

The waters around Narugami Island are patrolled by fleets 24 hours a day, so the success rate of smuggling to other places is not high.

Maybe he can let the adventurers who were captured not long ago spread the news for them, but the question is, what method can he use to make them do things for him?

Just when the young master felt helpless, his keen perception suddenly noticed something strange.

There was a burst of noisy noises outside the cave, which were the screams of the troops of fools.

"What's going on? Could it be that group of monsters again?" The advance troops of the Fools who heard the movement in the cave immediately became vigilant with their weapons in hand.

But the powerful perception accumulated from years of fighting made the young master feel that things are not that simple.

If it was a monster, why could he only hear the screams of the fools, but not the roar of the monster? There must be something weird!

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