I'm in Genshin, I'm really not innocent

Chapter 311 Sky Island, Outsiders

It is so surprising that Sky Island is actually a foreign thing. If this matter is revealed, the entire Tivat continent will be in turmoil.

You know, although people in Tivat Continent believe in the Seven Gods, they all know that there is a higher level of existence above the Seven Gods, and that is Sky Island.

Sky Island is mysterious and majestic, and the Seven Gods system was created by them. Even if they want this current Seventh World to be in power, it is just a matter of moving their mouths.

But now? The belief in people's hearts collapsed immediately, because Sky Island was an alien invader. They defeated the past rulers of this world, that is, the former seven dragon kings, and then ascended to the throne by themselves.

However, this is just the beginning. The history recorded in the previous events of the sun and the moon is more than that, and there will be more shocking content in the future.

After Phanes and their shadows created humans, an unknown amount of time passed, and a second throne appeared in the sky.

The appearance of the second throne means that the dominance of this world will be reselected, and a new round of war between Phanes and his shadows has begun.

It's just that it's different from last time. As the past rulers, they were not overthrown by the Second God Throne, but defeated and pushed into the abyss.

It is worth mentioning that the war between the first god seat and the second god seat affected a certain country. It was originally a proof of the heyday of mankind, but it was driven into the abyss by endless power.

It is not difficult to see from here that the country that was driven into the abyss was the former Baiye Kingdom. Yuanshang said that the Baiye Kingdom, which was originally on the ground, sank into the ground because of some great war. Come on, that battle is a battle between two gods.

And the reason why there is a second god seat in this world has a lot to do with the greed in human hearts.

[Four hundred years after the arrival of Yuanyuan, the dragons who lost their kingdom fled into the sea and ocean, and Yuanyuan and a shadow created birds, animals, flowers, plants and trees, and finally created humans, and made an agreement with their ancestors, A new year has begun. Among the shadows, we will naturally think of birth, because among the four shadows, birth has the closest relationship with creation. 】

The content of this passage is that four hundred years after the birth of Phanes, he and one of his shadows created birds, beasts, flowers, trees, and humans. That is to say, although this world was originally created by the seven dragon kings The ruler, but the one who really created everything, was the later Phanes.

【The original one had a divine plan for man. As long as people are happy, it will rejoice. People sow and reap for the first time. People excavated and harvested precious gold for the first time. People gather and write poetry for the first time. If there is famine, food and rain will fall from the sky. If there is barrenness, the earth will produce mineral deposits. If there is depression spreading, Gao Tian will respond with his voice. If there is famine, food and rain will fall from the sky. If there is barrenness, the earth will produce mineral deposits. If there is depression spreading, Gao Tian will respond with his voice. The only forbidden thing is to lose to temptation. But the channel of temptation has been blocked. 】

It is not difficult to see from this passage that Farnes has a complete and sacred system for human beings. As long as people want what they want, he will give them what they want. It can be described as a carefree life. The only forbidden thing is Is to lose to temptation.

However, with such a life like a disabled person in society, people at that time also thought that there was nothing to seduce them.

However, the good times didn't last long. For some reason, people couldn't stand the temptation, and their greed was magnified infinitely. Therefore, a second god was born in the sky, and they competed with Phanes, but finally lost.

It is not difficult to see from this that the Second God Seat was born because of people's greed. As one of the two great creators of mankind, Farnese, the power of the things he created can actually threaten him, which is a bit puzzling. .

After all, in front of the gods, the power of human beings is as insignificant as ants.

However, the most powerful part of human beings is not strength, but spirit, whether it is positive spirit or negative spirit, when these forces come together, unexpected things will happen.

Therefore, in order to prevent the existence of threats to himself, Farnes formulated a system that allows human beings to enjoy luxury. Unfortunately, desire is the nature of human beings. Born out of people's greed.

[The people of the seven great kings were accepted by the sea, and the dragon descendants of the deep sea once ruled here. Our ancestors fought against them. The ancestors used a thousand lights to drive them into the shadows, where they hunted humans. There is only darkness here, so nowhere is their hunting ground. The prayers of the people were lamented, and the original one and the other three luminous shadows could not hear them. 】

This passage is about Baiye Kingdom. At that time, Baiye Kingdom was called Haiyuan Kingdom, and it was the ancestor of the Coral Palace clan.

After the seven dragon kings were defeated by Phanes, the dragons who originally lived on land were driven underground, which is now the Yuanxia Palace.

The battle between the First Throne and the Second Throne led to Haiyuan Kingdom being driven into the ground, and the descendants of the Dragon King fought protractedly with the Haiyuan clan, but Farnes and his three shadows in the sky chose to turn a blind eye.

This is very strange. The Haiyuan clan is one of the ancestors of human beings. Logically speaking, in order to prevent the appearance of a third god seat, Farnes should provide them with good food and drink.

However, as Haiyuan Kingdom was driven into the ground, and the Haiyuan clan faced the threat of the descendants of the dragon clan, Fanes and his three shadows chose to turn a blind eye.

Is this angry because of the birth of the second throne? In order to punish these greedy humans, Farnes refused to save them, and he was not even willing to let them return to the ground.

Gods also have desires, but to be direct, wouldn't it be more direct to wipe out all human beings in the world? Why did Farnese go to such trouble and leave so many humans behind?

The answer to this question is not written in the previous events of the sun and the moon. If Suzumiya Yu has the opportunity to face Farnese in the future, maybe he can solve the mystery.

Of course, that is still too far away for him now. The original god Phanes, as the first god in this world, if he is not Tianli, then his strength must be more than one level stronger than Tianli.

With such a powerful existence, how should Suzumiya Yu deal with it now? He even began to wonder whether the existence that tried to obliterate his past self across time and space was actually Farnese.

If this is the case, it means that the future Suzumiya Yuu already has the power to threaten Phanes' status. Thinking about it this way, the probability of him successfully ruling the world is very high.

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