I'm in Genshin, I'm really not innocent

Chapter 44 Attacker

"How, has the number of people been counted?"

"Yes, Lord Coral Palace, we can launch a general attack at any time."

At the headquarters of the Rebel Army, a pink-haired girl stood at the gate of the Coral Palace. Standing at the bottom of the steps in front of her was the main force of the Rebel Army. Eyes are no exception.

Some time ago, the Coral Palace received a group of funding from anonymous people. Apart from the most basic weapons and equipment, the largest number is this kind of evil eye that can drive elemental power.

Coral Palace Xinhai didn't know the side effects of this thing, and she also warned the soldiers not to use it frequently.

But who would refuse to have great power? Although Coral Palace Xinhai reminded everyone in the rebel army, after using the evil eye to repel the shogunate army again and again, they gradually sank into this feeling.

The God's Eye is a symbol of being watched by the gods. The reason why those who do not have the God's Eye are so eager to gain power is because they hope that they can be watched by the gods.

The fools took advantage of this psychology, so their plan came to fruition.

"Ask someone to tell Goro and the others. In two days, we will launch a general offensive."

Coral Palace Xinhai said, she looked at the excited people under the steps, and for some reason, she always felt a little uneasy in her heart.

She didn't want to do this at first, but she couldn't help it. Due to the situation, the overall strength of the shogunate army is much weaker than before, and the overall strength of their rebel army is also unprecedentedly strong.

This is the only chance. Once the shogunate army recovers, they will lose the best opportunity to attack.

Lead an army into the castle tower, confront General Raiden head-on, and ask her to abolish the eye-hunting order and the lock-up order.

No one knows what will happen after that, but for the faith in their hearts, even at the cost of their lives, they will make that Great Imperial Palace lord wake up.

In the distance, Suzumiya Yu watched all this silently. He originally thought that the general offensive of the rebel army would start after a while, but unexpectedly, there were only two days left.

This should be instigated by the fools. After all, the longer the time goes on, the side effects of the evil eye will become more and more obvious. When Coral Palace Xinhai and the others react, it will be bad.

"Tsk, it's troublesome."

The original plan was disrupted, Suzumiya You could only find another way out.

He can't let the plan of the fools succeed, it's still too early, and with his strength, he can't get involved in that level of battle.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to delay the time for the rebels to launch a general offensive as much as possible. As long as they discover the side effects of the evil eye, then Coral Palace Xinhai will definitely terminate the plan.

In fact, Suzumiya Yu also has a more direct method, which is to join the rebel army as a victim of the "Eye Hunting Order", and then directly tell them the disadvantages of the evil eye.

But he didn't want to do that, Suzumiya Yuu would rather remain as a collaborator with them than to become a member of the rebel army.

Leaving the spot, Suzumiya You found two rebel soldiers who were about to go to Yarui Island to send a message to General Goro, telling him that the general offensive would start in two days.

The rebel army led by Goro is the vanguard, and they will definitely act before the main force arrives.

That is to say, as long as the news is prevented from being transmitted to Yalong Island, the time for the rebels' general attack can be delayed.

This is the only way now. At that time, if Coral Palace Xinhai is determined to take action, then Suzumiya You can only take strong measures.

Fight the rebels single-handedly and force them to retreat behind the front lines.

With such thoughts in mind, Suzumiya Yu dealt with the two soldiers violently and hid their bodies to avoid being discovered.

In this way, only two days later, if Coral Palace Xinhai did not receive a reply from Goro, he would definitely feel suspicious.

At the same time, news also came from Udagawa. He found another team of fools, and learned from them where the factory for collecting crystallized bone marrow was.

The Fools also knew at Daozao's base camp that Suzumiya You would definitely pay a visit, but not now.

On the open plain, Suzumiya Yu walked aimlessly, because he had nothing to do for the time being, so he planned to find some wild monsters.

This is the first time he has come to Haiqi Island, so there are much more wild monsters here than Narugami Island.

In fact, there were a lot of wild monsters in Narugami Island at the beginning, but he almost killed them all.

This is also a point that needs attention. If the frequency of hunting wild monsters becomes higher and higher, their number will decrease accordingly, and the growth rate will be very slow, even if they all disappear in the end.

Suzumiya Yuu didn't realize that the danger was gradually approaching because she was getting distracted by thinking.

Suddenly something pierced his body from behind. Suzumiya looked back and found that it was actually a silk thread made of elemental force.

"Who is it?"

Suzumiya Yu has never seen such an attack method, that is to say, is the person who attacked him a character who did not appear in the game?

He didn't notice the opponent's aura at all, that is to say, the attacker's strength is not weak, at least not much worse than him.

"It's a bit troublesome"

Suzumiya You stretched out his hand to the saber at his waist, and when he was about to draw the saber to cut off the silk thread, he suddenly felt a little strange.

The body seems to be a little inflexible.

Before he could react to what was going on, a few more threads of the same kind shot out.

Suzumiya Yuu had already dodged quickly, but was still hit by a few of the silk threads.

As more and more threads were pierced, he felt his body becoming more and more uncontrollable. The current self is like becoming someone's marionette.

Suddenly, Suzumiya You pulled out the saber from his waist, and his movements were unusually slow.

Because this is not what he himself meant, but the attacker is controlling his body through those silk threads.

Suzumiya Yuu desperately wanted to resist this kind of control, but the effect was pitifully small.

Slowly, he put the knife on his neck. This is a very weird scene.

Obviously his body showed obvious fear, but it made people feel like he was going to commit suicide.

In the next second, a crisp sound spread in the air, Suzumiya Yuu chopped off his head with his own weapon.

Blood gushed out from the severed head immediately, and as the few threads on Suzumiya You's back broke, his body also fell powerlessly to the ground, motionless, seemingly lifeless.

The two updates have been delivered, and there will be two more updates around 6:00 in the afternoon. Everyone sees the little favorites here and votes. Don't keep books.

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