I’m In Konoha, Life Becomes a Game

Chapter 68

Chapter 68:

With a chuckle, he stopped hiding his whereabouts immediately, and rushed towards the entrance of the Shayin Anbu building with a single stride.

The buildings in Shayin Village are basically like upside-down wooden barrels. There are only a few small round windows on them. It is difficult to get in from there. In this case, Sen is too lazy to climb the windows.

“Let me see how capable Shayin’s Anbu is!”

Muttering to himself, Sen’s body was instantly covered by countless purple thunder lights, turned into a purple afterimage, and rushed directly into Shayin’s Anbu building!

At the moment when Senchakra broke out, the perception ninja in the Anbu building of Sandyin had noticed something was wrong, and was about to notify the other ninjas in the building, but Sen had already rushed directly into the building.

For a while, almost all the perceptual ninjas were dumbfounded.

In the last second, they just thought that Sen might be a spy from Konoha, and they were just about to command the ninjas of Anbu to arrest Sen, but they didn’t expect the other party to charge directly into the Anbu building from the front.

It almost made them feel like they were dreaming!

Frontal impact on the sand hidden part?

This is something I have never heard of since the establishment of Sandyin Village, it is like listening to a fairy tale!

It was because the perceptual ninja in the building was stunned for a moment that the entire Sand Hidden Department did not respond.

Enemy attack! ”

“Enemy attack!”

The next moment, two huge exclamations sounded in the Anbu Building.

– The four cadres on the floor haven’t reacted to what’s going on, and they just want to go forward to check.

A purple figure rushed in from the door instantly, flashed past them, and brought up several strange blood flowers at the same time!

The four members of the Sha Yinbu instantly widened their eyes, all with disbelief in their eyes, and then the figures fell to the ground with a bang, blood splashing everywhere!

Maybe they didn’t even know what was going on until they died!

How could someone enter the Anbu building!

Enter the Shayin Village, and next to the Fengying Building, the most heavily guarded Shayin Anbu!

The purple afterimage disappeared in a flash, and continued to dash into the depths of the hidden sand.

“The range is too big! You have to determine the specific location first!”

Sen moved quickly while pondering in his heart.


Sen holds the Sword of the Soul of Budu in his hand, and his figure is like a purple lightning that pierces the dawn. Wherever he passes, it is almost like destroying the tree and pulling the rot. Even the team leader or the squadron leader in the shadowy department of sand is not his. The enemy of unity.

All this happened too fast, in just a few breaths, Sen’s figure has disappeared in the depths of the Sand Hidden Ministry building, as if in a no-man’s land!

“What’s the matter? Where is the enemy?”

what happened? Did Konoha invade the village? ”

A large number of Sand Hidden Anbu ninjas rushed out with incredible expressions, looking at the countless corpses in the passage of the building with a bit of horror in their eyes. At this time, the perceptive ninjas finally passed the news of the invasion to the two Kazekage assistants, Chiyo and Eizo, and all Anbu members.

All of a sudden, everyone who heard the news felt their heads buzzing, and their first reaction was 170. This is impossible, absolutely impossible! ”

And just when the shadowy part of the sand began to gather rapidly, Mori also quickly completed his actions.

Sen, whose eyes were slightly closed, suddenly opened the next moment, and countless natural energies converged on him.

Fairy mode? On! ”

With a murmur, Sen’s figure was instantly haunted by the 9 phantom snakes formed by the immortal chakra, and the sharp tentacles instantly pierced the mask on his face and grew from his forehead.

“Immortal method’Leyline perception!”

Sen’s left hand slammed on the wall next to him, and countless immortal chakras instantly spread along the wall to the entire Anbu building.

This weak chakra reaction, almost the same as that on the red gem, is there! ”

With the powerful perception of the immortal mode, Sen just found out the location of Mie+ in the blink of an eye.

Continuing to maintain the state of immortal mode, Sen’s figure was a little faster than before, and the purple afterimage disappeared at the end of the corridor in a flash. This is the place where Shaanbu stores all kinds of ninja tools, and it is also the place where ninja tools are produced and manufactured, which is slightly similar to Konoha’s Anbu mechanism. An Anbu ninja in charge of the ninja gear was sitting there looking at the table.

The next moment, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of shock, and the urgent message from the perception ninja echoed in his mind.

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Chapter 107 Success!

Someone broke into the Anbu building? ”

There was an incredible look in his eyes, and the whole person was stunned in place. After a while, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and his face unconsciously showed a hint of mockery. “It’s really interesting, I don’t know which idiot from the village, was it forced to run into the Anbu building directly?”

This sand-hidden Anbu ninja didn’t care at all about someone breaking into Anbu.

Because when he looked at it, it was a joke at all!

Shayin’s Anbu Building is such a dragon pool and tiger’s den, even if it is the shadow of a village, it is not an easy thing to forcibly break into this place alone.

From his point of view, the guy who broke into the Anbu building is probably a spy or spy who has been seen through. During the pursuit, he tried to hide in the Anbu building to escape the search. But what is the difference between this behavior and direct self-injection!

Shaking his head, the Anbu ninja chuckled lightly and was ready to continue processing the form in his hand.

Just as he turned his head, the corner of his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of another person behind him.

This ninja from the Sand Hidden Ministry was stunned on the spot.

Because, the person standing behind him did not wear the uniform of Sand Hidden Department, and the mask on his face was not the mask of Sand Hidden Department.

“Wait. This animal pattern is from Konoha…”

For a moment, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and a look of horror suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Could it be that this person is the enemy who broke into the Anbu Building earlier in the emergency report? ”

“However, how did he come all the way here? It’s the deepest part of the long-standing Anbu building! What are those people outside doing?”

This name Sand Hidden Ministry has never understood, and of course he has no chance to understand!

Shit! ”

Quietly, a purple light flashed across his neck instantly, and he instantly felt as if he was flying, and then his eyes caught sight of his back.

At the moment before his death, his head finally became clearer, looking at the quaint sword in the figure’s hand, and the purple thunder that covered his whole body.


The head of the Sand Hidden Ninja slammed heavily on the ground, but the shock and awe in those eyes could not be concealed.

At the last moment when his consciousness was completely plunged into darkness, he finally recognized Sen’s identity.

Konoha Shura! ”

Konoha Shura, actually broke into their Anbu building in Shayin, what a boldness, what a willful act! ”

But, obviously all this has nothing to do with him, because he is dead.

After easily beheading the Shayin Anbu ninja, Mori held the Budo Soul Sword in his right hand and walked towards the room where Shayin Anbu kept his ninja tools without looking back. I ignored the dazzling variety of ninja tools along the way, and went all the way to the deepest part.

This is a row of cabinets against the wall, with a huge glass cover placed on it. Inside is a puppet with a rough shape and a mechanical glove with a metallic luster. Seeing this glove used by Sand Yin as an arm, Sen’s eyes flashed with joy and excitement.

The purple sword glow disappeared in a flash!

The huge glass cover in front of him was cut in half in an instant, and Sen Jiangxuan + took it into his hand and looked at it carefully.

Feeling the faint chakra with a slightly familiar attribute on it, Sen nodded with satisfaction.

Throwing all the ninja tools in his other bracer on the ground, Sen directly sealed the annihilation + in his bracer.

After doing all this, Sen glanced around slightly contentedly.

Seeing the mountains of ordinary ninja tools piled up around him, Sen shook his head disdainfully.

Just when he was about to leave directly with the Flying Thunder God Technique, he suddenly found that he could not perceive his own Flying Thunder God Mark.

“A special spell that interferes with time and space?”

Mori frowned slightly, and couldn’t help but think of the large-scale time-space ninjutsu that Sandyin had used before.

Although the practical value of that technique is not great, it shows that Sandyin has indeed developed time-space ninjutsu.

In this way, it is normal for the other party to master the technique of interfering with time and space.

Through the dual perception of Xianju Chakra and Lei Dun, Sen has already noticed that a large number of Sand Anbu and ordinary ninjas are gathering outside the Anbu Building.

It was as if he was about to lay a net of heaven and earth, vowing to kill him, the guy who dared to break into the shadow of the sand, here!

Perceiving the containment of almost half of the Shayin Village outside, Sen’s face showed a smile of indifference and disdain.

He violently shook the Budu Soul Sword, and the Lei Dun Chakra poured into it frantically.

“A flash of swordsmanship? Erlian!”

The next moment, a huge purple cross slash instantly bombarded the wall of the Sand Hidden Ministry building.


The purple slash, like cutting tofu, instantly penetrated all the walls in front of Sen.

The perceptive ninjas in the Anbu Sands have been sensing Sen’s movements, and they reacted the moment Sen shot.

However, when they noticed Sen’s movements, they were stunned for a moment, and then they showed a horrified expression.

々. Such a slash! ”

Such power! ”

“You can’t be wrong, the intruder is Konoha Shura!”

For a time, Sen’s true identity was instantly conveyed to the minds of all the besieged Sandyin.

However, the unexpected is.

After hearing about Sen’s identity, many people who were clamoring to skin the intruder and cramp instantly felt like a deflated ball, and their figure gradually retreated.

boom! ”

A huge purple awn penetrated from the Shayinbu building, and the next moment, a huge hole appeared on the outer wall of the building.

tread! ”


With the sound of footsteps, it sounded slowly, and a small figure with a mask on his face, holding a big sword, slowly emerged from the darkness.

After seeing Mori’s appearance, the ninjas from the Anbu Sands surrounding the building swallowed their saliva involuntarily.

The corner of his mouth under Sen’s mask couldn’t help but evoke a smile, and the next second, the tyrannical Chakra on his body was mixed with a strong suffocating aura, and he instantly oppressed everyone present. Quite a few, who have seen Sen’s crazy killings on the battlefield, start to retreat unconsciously at this moment.

“Damn it! Stop him!”

“Never let him leave alive!”

At this moment, a few terrifying Anbu ninjas who didn’t know Sen quickly rushed from behind Sen.

Sen chuckled lightly, and then his right hand fluttered a slash behind him.

Afterwards, a few dodges jumped onto the roof of the Fengying Building.

Glancing at the bottom lightly, Chiyo and Eizang, who were standing in front of the crowd, flashed and disappeared in place. allow.

Chapter 108

The Land of Wind, in Konoha Camp.

Sen is wielding a large sand iron giant sword, sweating profusely!

At this time, Minato and Sora Namikaze had already returned, and they were reporting to Sakumo Hatake what they had learned about Sagakushi.

After listening to the reports of the two, Hatake Sakumo who was sitting in the chair couldn’t help but nodded.

Combined with the information brought back by the three people, it can be basically confirmed that Sand Yin and Yun Yin had some contact.

In this way, the division of troops is inevitable, so let’s inform the village first…”

Hatake Sakumo frowned and sighed helplessly.

Konoha Village, Hokage Office.

Sarutobi Hizan was smoking a pipe and looking at the information just returned from the front line with a solemn expression.

Is even Yun Yin starting to feel restless? As soon as you gain a little advantage in the land of the land, are you trying to encroach on the land of fire? ”

There was a icy gleam in Sarutobi Hizan’s eyes.

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