I’m in Konoha: Start with Mangekyo Self-Made Plug-In

Chapter 238

Chapter 238 The System And Analysis Of Favor To God?


The center of the wrong world, where countless gods gather, is also the best adventure place that countless people yearn for.

At this time, Uchiha Yue has quietly appeared in the city.

“Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, Amazons, little people, this is really a world with extremely rich racial categories! 35

“It’s a pity that although the races are rich, the strength of each one is a little worse, even the so-called Iv.

“Furthermore, it is a fantasy world with magic and even gods, so the development of magic technology is really not an ordinary one.

Walking on the street, Uchiha Yue kept looking at the various demi-human races around him that he had only seen in anime. He was extremely surprised, but he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

However, the overall environment and upper limit of the wrong world are very high.

Judging from the existence of a large number of gods in this world, this can be easily judged.

However, perhaps it is because the gods interfered too much with the lower realm, and even directly gave a system called grace, which can easily make people stronger.

The intelligent beings in this world have directly formed dependence, and have never thought about the Master who independently completed the extraordinary power in the past, thus becoming stronger.

Of course, this may also be the reason why it is very difficult to become a Master because the extraordinary energy of the world itself is too violent.

But if Uchiha Yue remembered correctly, there seems to be a world called innate magic, which can rely on oneself to cultivate the master’s technology.

And since there is such a technology, then as long as the in-depth research continues, continuous improvement and improvement.

Then it is not impossible to develop a splendid magical civilization.

On the contrary, the favor system, although it can also inspire acquired magic, and the process of casting it is extremely convenient and powerful.

But there are only three magic columns at most, and even if you have magic columns, you may not be able to directly enlighten the limitations of magic.

As a result, the development potential of this so-called acquired magic was directly castrated.

Under such circumstances, some very powerful magic might be born because of personal characteristics.

But after all, it belongs to the individual, there is no way to teach it, and it is not a system.

Therefore, the magic will disappear eventually.

It can be said that if you want to develop a magical civilization by virtue of the favor system, it is just a dream.

Totally impossible.

However, although the favor system’s blow to the magical civilization is absolute.

But as a system created by the gods, its own potential and value are beyond doubt.

Because the essence of grace is to tap the potential of life.

And after the potential of the current body has been tapped, new potentials can be added through the sublimation of the whole, so as to continue to become stronger.

That is to say, if a person’s initial potential is not too bad and he is willing to work hard, he can constantly break the limit of his own life through upgrading.

So that the level of their own life will continue to sublimate.

Even, according to the original setting known by Uchiha Yue, when the favor system rises to the level of Iv.10, it will be able to have a level of life close to the gods.

Enough to be called a demigod.

What’s more, if you can break the boundaries again and gain power, you can completely sublimate to become a god, and from then on, you will be immortal.

It can be said that the system of grace is a ladder to becoming a god.

Of course, the potential of the favor system is indeed there, and it is very fragrant to draw a pie.

But if you want to really walk this road, no one has really succeeded so far.

Even when Orari was at its most brilliant, under the rule of Zeus and Hera’s family, the strongest were only at the level of Iv.9.

This shows how difficult it is to truly rely on the favor system to become a god.

It can even be said that this is just a possibility.

Even the gods could not give the most accurate answer.

Mortals can really rely on its sublimation to become a god….

“I don’t know, with my current strength, is the favor system still useful to me?”||?

“But come to think of it, it should be useless!

“After all, in terms of strength alone, my strength may not necessarily be weaker than the gods in this world.

“In terms of the essence of life and the power of the Master’s rules, there may be differences.

“However, with the existence of an illusory world, my means cannot be underestimated, and even to a certain extent, I am even more almighty than these gods who are limited by their own powers.

“And mere favors are definitely of no use to gods, so how can there be an exception to me, a god-like being?”

Thinking about all kinds of favors in his heart, Uchiha Yue couldn’t help but feel some curiosity, but then he denied it himself.

Moreover, there is also an illusory world, and his own growth has not encountered a bottleneck until now, as if he can become stronger indefinitely.

Then it also proves that his weapon has already reached a terrifying level.

In other words, his utensils are already in the process of continuous sublimation, and there is absolutely no need to add extravagance.

Also, things like grace are also bound to gods.

If you want to continue to become stronger, you also need to manually update the gods, otherwise you can only stay still.

Even, once the god who bestowed grace dies and returns to the heaven, the grace will be directly sealed, making all the power instantly vanished.

In short, the connection between grace and gods is too deep, it is just tasteless to him.

‘What a pity! I used to like this anime very much. 35

“I also fantasize that if I can travel to this world, I will become a family member of the blue ribbon and meet countless beautiful girls. 35

“But now I’m too strong and my identity is too sensitive, but I can only take another route.”

“However, with the ability of the illusory world, can I analyze the essence of the gods, so as to sublimate me into a real god?”

Involuntarily, the figure of a blue-ribbon goddess flashed in his mind, and while Uchiha Yue showed pity, his eyes became a little hot again.

You must know that in the Hokage world, the ultimate goal of the Ōtsutsuki clan’s continuous planting of trees is to become a truly omnipotent god.

However, even with the help of a treasure like the Divine Tree that can absorb an entire planet, the Ōtsutsuki clan are far from their goal.

And (good money) now, Uchiha Yue, who came to this New World, was able to see the real god directly.

Even these gods here may only be able to be omniscient and omnipotent in the realm of their own power due to the limitations of their respective powers.

But it cannot be denied that they are indeed gods.

And as long as Uchiha Yue seizes the opportunity to analyze these gods, then he himself will complete the ultimate pursuit of the Ōtsutsuki clan.

Even, this world includes countless gods of various mythological systems, and has all kinds of powers.

Therefore, as long as the operations are done properly and all of them are analyzed and completed, it may not be impossible to reach the realm of true omniscience and omnipotence.

“Very good, then let me find a god and try to see if my illusory world can analyze the essence of the gods in this world!”

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, Uchiha Yue was not in the mood to continue wandering, but after quickly looking for a corner, the whole person’s figure had quietly disappeared.

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