I’m in Marvel: Just Become A God

Chapter 215

Chapter 58: Tempered Old Men And Old Ladies. (710)

“Well, young gentlemen and ladies!”

“I’m glad you came to my inaugural speech. Let me introduce myself. My name is Barney Chad. I graduated from Harvard School of Political Science and worked in the White House Strategy Department.”

Seeing that he had achieved the effect of being in a relaxed state, Barnica smiled, pressed his hand down slightly, and his face became serious and introduced himself.

Barney’s words instantly silenced the scene.

Many of the town names here, when they were young, also walked through the White House, the way of nature, from the south to the north, and also knew how outstanding the young people in Maple Leaf Town are.

Now, the mayor is a former member of the White House’s strategy department, which inexplicably makes them respect Barnica a little more.

At least this young man is much more reliable than Li Yiguo’s wife-afraid bastard, isn’t it?

“The reason for my return, I think everyone knows, Maple Leaf Town was once threatened by a nuclear bomb, and now it has been resolved. Once again, as the new mayor of Maple Leaf Town, I would like to express my gratitude to the few people who solved this problem!”

Barney Chad said, walked out from behind the microphone, and bowed deeply to the nine people sitting in the first row below, bending his body to ninety degrees!

Many Maple Leaf town names now know that the nuclear bomb threat has been resolved.

Some surprised, more incredible.

Their three views were formed very early on.

In the later period, because I didn’t have such an idea at all, my father seldom rewarded them with super-brain time, except for necessary work.

But they are more of a variety of places, drinking tea and chatting.

Although they don’t have much knowledge, they know what the nuclear bomb is.

Many are even true witnesses to the fact that Milliken dropped two atomic bombs on a certain country.

Suddenly, they realized that the children of Maple Leaf Town had really grown up.

The nuclear bomb, they didn’t even dare to think about it, and they couldn’t even think of how to solve the problem. At this moment, it was solved by a group of children under the age of 30.

“Clap” ||!”

I don’t know who took the lead, and then the whole venue was full of applause.

This actually made Li Shisen and the others a little embarrassed.

Some helpless glances at Barney Chad.

They stood up and hurriedly bowed to these old people, motioning them to be quiet, and finally calmed down the emotions of the excited old people.

Even if they look like middle-aged and handsome uncles, aunties

Barney Chad’s approach was successful.

The achievements of several peers show that young people can be trusted.

Just like now, everyone no longer has the slightest suspicion when they look at him.

Because, these young people have proved with their actual ability that they have grown up and can be entrusted with important responsibilities.

Forcing the old man to leave and letting the residents of Maple Leaf Town go out to relax, such threats were solved by these young people.

“However, although the problem is solved, it does not mean that we can sit back and relax.

Barney Chad continued after everyone was quiet.

His voice fell, and the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became the same…

“I used to work in the White House, so I know very well how shameless those politicians are!

“And our Maple Leaf Town is nothing more than a huge amount of treasure for them. Here, because of our father, we can become countless times stronger than ordinary people, have super brain time, have Maple Leaf system, and have fast and convenient. various living facilities.”

“And they don’t have any of that, and I have no doubts they’re greedy for it, and once they know there’s so much good stuff out there, trust me, the politicians will do whatever they can.”35

“Nuclear bombs have no way to threaten us, they can use missiles, use the army, or even direct large-scale frontal attacks!

Barney’s words made the atmosphere of the whole venue suddenly become depressed.

The little girl wriggled uncomfortably on her father’s lap.

The same goes for the other three thousand children.

Although they had just arrived in Maple Leaf Town, it was less than a day away.

But the treatment they felt here, the closeness and kindness they felt, was something they had never felt in another place for so long.

Here, no one does weird things to their brains, injects them with various things to draw their blood.

Ask them to cooperate in various experiments that are either dangerous or painful.

Here they can play freely, run on the ground, and don’t have to worry about being punished or even killed for breaking the rules…

In a short period of time, they felt a sense of belonging to the place.

And this kind of news seemed so harsh to their ears.

“.. this is obviously not acceptable to me so I’m back!”

“My faith is here, my home is here, even if I can be alone, I’m back!

“Folks, sometimes force is not the most terrifying thing!”

“If they use force, I am not afraid of the strong people here. If I take it out, only them will be afraid. 35

“But, apart from force, what if they use demonization, isolation?

“We can be self-sufficient, but our kids always have to go out, right?

“What about being isolated by them like black people?”

Barney Chad spoke seriously, even a little sad.

“Then we’ll hit them until they dare not isolate us!””

Grumpy Toth roared from below.

“Yes, if they dare not accept it, I will beat them to accept it!” (It’s good)

“Yes, the old lady can also go! 35

“We old fellows still have the power to fight!

Barney’s words made the following old men and women roar with righteous indignation.

Even those little guys, their eyes started to turn red…

That’s a sign that they’re going mad…

Obviously, Barney’s words made all the old people and children in the whole venue angry.

Li Shimiao and the others were very calm and obviously knew that this was Barney’s routine.

Not to mention dad.

But I have to say that Barney’s method really works.

Depends on how he turns around.

Otherwise, the anger of these old men and women is not so easy to dissipate.

Dad knows very well that these old men and old ladies don’t look at self-cultivation now, they used to be violent.

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