I’m in Marvel: Just Become A God

Chapter 320

Chapter 163: The Mysterious And Unpredictable Alien Race. (210)

And such a mysterious group has a very strong possessiveness towards Terrigan crystals, with their elusive super abilities and unknown search abilities.

··For flowers …………………………..


This Ability was later used by Baron Strucker to look for possible Inhumans in the surrounding villages and small towns to carry with them. Once used, there is no need to worry about their information being exposed.

But this is the hope for Baron Strucker, who is in his hands to rise, how could he be willing.

Once he feels that he seems to be a little old, he only needs to catch two people and absorb the vitality of each other.

That way, while it might be possible to fight against the Ability, the Anti-Shock Ability won’t work.

And the inhuman organization of the mysterious hermit has been handed down from a long time ago. How many Inhumans they have, and what kind of chemical reactions can they produce when they match each other, these are things that Baron Strucker can’t imagine and fear. .

In his opinion, this Ability is obviously useless, and it can no longer be wasteful.

Although such an ability has no effect on combat, and it is unlikely that Whitehall’s strength will be able to capture people, but as a leader, it is still very hopeful to hook and survive.

But it doesn’t necessarily need the Anti-Shock Ability. If the metal was originally special, this problem could be completely omitted, right?

I just saw Tony Stark’s mecha, and he had some ideas. If the black technology in his hand is added together with the neural connection system, he seems to be able to create a huge amount of mecha.

And if they were to make a huge amount of mech out of that material, coupled with the neural connection technology and the energy they had now in their hands that had been sucked out of the Tesseract.

The best way to deal with it now is to seal the Terrigan Crystal in your hand….

After this is over, the other party will have no image of what happened in the 24 hours, and will not know what happened during this time.

And recently, it seems that some of that material has popped up on the black market.

Yes, the reason why Whitehall still looks like a young noble up to now, what is the reason, it is not a secret inside HYDRA, many people know that he once performed an autopsy on an alien, Replaced most of the wonders and blood on his body… This led to him being able to keep his youth forever.

At this moment, Baron Strucker only felt that the sky blue precious Terrigan crystal in his hand suddenly turned into a hot potato. He is different from S.H.I.E.L.D, such a positive official organization. Well, at least it looks like this on the surface. They have the Terrigan Obelisk, which is sacred to the Inhumans, and the Inhumans dare not do anything. He is just a small head of an underground organization. The Inhumans will definitely not give him face. There is a chance that conflict will break out between the two sides.

And the Inhumans who had been dissected by him didn’t die, and were later rescued by the Inhumans.


It is precisely because of this experience that Baron Strucker is a little more afraid of the Inhumans of the Inhumans.

Seeing Baron Strucker’s concern, Dr. List said with a mild smile.

· It doesn’t seem to even bother.

But these obviously don’t need to be rushed. Get a little research and then talk about it. As for this news and idea, it’s better to tell Baron Strucker back, so as not to make Strucker happy.

If this opponent is going to come out again, it must be Whitehall rather than him who must first look for him.

“Then if it’s all right, I’ll go back and continue my research!”

Dr. List felt confident he could handle it. It’s just that the demand for that metal is clearly high.

After all, although Terrigan crystals are precious, they are also some kind of metal resources on the earth. Although there are few, there are still quite a lot of them.

“Wolfgang, you don’t need to worry too much, I got news from Whitehall that the Inhumans have not been out there for a long time, so we can use this with confidence.

It can’t be more perfect, in the country of Millikin, residents don’t have such a thing as an ID card, and the driver’s license is their ID card, and this has also caused a lot of inconvenience… And in Millikin Hard suburbs, because the states don’t even have common laws, it’s just too normal for two people to disappear, and no one goes back to excessively pursue them—these.

How long until he got the Terrigan crystal.

Seeing that Baron Strucker was relieved, List said with a mild smile.

He remembered seeing in HYDRA’s internal data that there seemed to be a large amount of metal called Vibranium in a certain African country, which originally had excellent shock absorption.

“Ha, yes, if the Inhumans want to come out, then it shouldn’t be us who are looking for it.”

And the hatred of peeling the skin and pumping the scriptures, removing various organs in a living state, and conducting various researches cannot be replaced by a Terrigan crystal.

It’s like the ability of an Inhuman who he once thought was a waste in his hand. Well, the food he made can make people fall into a sluggish state for a second.

Dr. List has always been very interested in such special metals. After all, Captain America’s shield was made of such materials, and it was even more special.

This gave him some ideas for corpses.

Is it possible to create a powerful combat armor?

But when this Ability is cooperated with the Ability of other aliens, the effect can be expanded, and it can even make people fall into an unconscious state for 24 hours.

For that kind of metal, List still has a lot of ideas, but has not found a relative material before.

But a group with incredible abilities like the Inhumans is obviously not what Baron Strucker wants to provoke. After all, although the abilities of those Inhumans vary in strength and strength, all kinds of incredible abilities can be very useful if used well. Powerful surprises.

Hearing Dr. List’s words, Baron Strat was stunned for a while, then laughed, and laughed very happily.

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